++++++ I can't even help myself. I really can't.

This is a gift for the lovely heartless241 and honestly my first male pairing fic. Go gentle on me.

This will have certain elements from The Vampire Diaries in it but it is NOT a crossover.

I hope you enjoy.

I do not own Teen Wolf ++++++

Full Description:

Lucian Blackwell is a vampire-werewolf hybrid with a short history regarding the supernatural but a large body count. Forced away from his family and his friends by his parent's choices, the teenage hybrid comes to Beacon Hills to atone for his sins but gets more than he bargained for. He never expected to meet his mate let alone find something else to fight for that means more to him than anything he's ever cared for.

MalexMale pairing


The worst day in the overly weird and complicated life of Stiles Stilinski had finally arrived.

As if life in Beacon Hills couldn't get any worse.

He had werewolves and hunters and kanimas to deal with and to add to the giant mess that made up his life, Stiles' cousin was coming to live with them. John Stilinski sat his son down before school was due to go back and told him that his sister and her husband were having trouble with their son. The friends he was hanging out with weren't good for him and after the numerous unexplained deaths in the small town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, some of which he may or may not have been involved with, Lucian Blackwell was coming to finish his senior year in Beacon Hills.

Stiles was already living a double life with his father and now he'd have to with his cousin as well! A cousin he hadn't seen since he was four and he was five.

According to his father, Lucian didn't want to come, he was comfortable in Mystic Falls, which was fine by him but his parents had the final say. They wanted him safe and running around at all hours of the night with troublemakers wasn't safe. The Sheriff didn't know much other than the fact that it had something to do with two brothers and a girl.

The moment that the brothers came to town, he started keeping secrets and running around at all hours of the night, messing up at school and missing out on important events or exams, he'd even disappeared for days and weeks on end before coming home like nothing happened. The last time he'd vanished was for seven weeks. More than once he'd been arrested for breaking and entering, after the last time, his parents had decided that enough was enough. Their son with his perfect grades and his respectful attitude was gone and Aloyius had had enough. Estella had managed to talk her husband down from military school instead convincing him to send him to her brother in Beacon Hills.

Which was just what Stiles needed, a cousin with a criminal record that stuck his nose in other people's business.

After dealing with another issue regarding his best friend/werewolf Scott McCall, Stiles came home to find his father sitting at the kitchen table with an unfamiliar guy with messy black hair. He stiffened as soon as Stiles came into the kitchen and his father stopped speaking. "Ah, Stiles, take a seat," John told his son, pointing to the chair opposite him and beside Lucian.

Stiles dumped his keys on the table and slouched down beside him with a quick glance sideways. "Hey cousin Lucian," he grinned. He shot him a death glare through a pair of blue-grey eyes before turning to stare back his father. Sure it had been a while since Stiles had seen his cousin but they used to play a lot as kids and so far, he'd done nothing yet to make him hate him. From what he remembered of his cousin, Lucian Blackwell was certainly different than what his memories reminded him of.

"I was just explaining the rules to Lucian," Papa Stilinski told his son. "We're pretty lax around here at the Stilinski household but Stiles knows to stay out of police business and trouble. Even if is a handful himself. Whilst you're under my roof, Lucian, I will expect you to abide by my rules." He checked his watch with a sigh. "I've got an early shift in the morning, I trust you two will get yourselves off to bed. Stiles, you'll take Lucian to school in the morning, he'll enrol and get his classes sorted. This weekend I want you to take Lucian and introduce him to your friends. He'll need some new friends to get him off to a good start."

Stiles frowned, it didn't even appear to him that his cousin was breathing, he was stiff as a board. "Sure thing, dad."

"Lucian I expect you to keep your grades up," John warned the stiff teenager. "We'll have none of this breaking the rules. You've only got a year so don't make it full of bad memories." He stood up and patted her on the shoulder. "You're a good kid, don't let me down. You might wanna call you parents and let them know that you made it okay."

"I'd rather not," Lucian growled, keeping his gaze on the table and not on anyone else. "He sends me into exile so the cold shoulder is the least I can do!"

Lucian didn't move when John left the kitchen. Stiles leant over towards his cousin and grinned. "You'll be fine, Lucy. New school is nothing to be ashamed about. We'll keep your criminal record quiet." He grinned and his eyes trailed down to the horrible scar on his left wrist. "Hey where'd you get that!" he asked.

"You smell like a dog," were the first words out of Lucian's mouth. "Call me Lucy again and I'll teach everyone how to pronounce your real name." He stood up and practically fled the room he was staying in.

Stiles frowned at the comment about him smelling like a dog and groaned. How the hell was he supposed to bring him along to anything regarding Scott and the various supernatural problems they were dealing with in Beacon Hills? He'd been expecting a lot when it came to his cousin, not a six-foot-tall mini Derek Hale with anger management issues. He seemed like a very angry person to Stiles. God how was he gonna explain all this to Derek? Stiles let his head slump down on the table, maybe they'd get along? Both brooding sourwolves?

He stood up and sent Scott a text to let him know that his cousin was here and that his dad was demanding that he introduce him to some of his friends. As he trudged up the stairs into his room, he paused when he heard Lucian talking on the phone. He sounded a little angry and afraid at the same time, almost shouting a name he couldn't really make out like it was a swearword.

He paced the room and finally slumped down on the bed. "I don't know if I can do it. Being like this! My cousin smells like a freaking dog for god's sake. Like a wet dog but worse."

Stiles frowned. There was no way in hell Lucian could have picked out anything yet? No freaking way. He shook his head, Stiles was in so much trouble.

"It's bad enough I have to compel the hospital staff by myself, I don't know if I'm strong enough to do it. I should just switch to the bunny diet and be done with it. Less tempting," he sighed.


"Any problems with dumb and dumber?"

Stiles scratched his head. The conversation was bordering on weird and he really didn't want Lucian to try and kill him in his sleep-he seemed like the kind of person who would probably try.

He shrugged and stripped off, getting ready for bed.

Tomorrow was a new school day, they were juniors now and nothing bad was going to happen this year.
