Ballroom Blitz

Chapter 47 - Sequel Update

Hello, everyone! I know this story's marked as concluded, but I just wanted to post this update in particular to ask… would you all still want to see a sequel to this story? I know it's been about three whole years since this story ended, yet I still find myself reading it every once in a while… and this is still a story I'm proud of writing because of the positive response it got during the time I was writing and publishing the chapters.

Now, I did have an actual written sequel on here, but I recently deleted it because I felt like readers had lost interest in it, and I am sorry to say that I found myself unable to find the right amount of time to continue it. So, if you're all still interested, I do plan to a 'remake' version of the sequel, and hopefully I can get inspiration from the Birds of Prey movie that comes out next February.