Kuroko sat in his room holding a knife to his wrist. Today they had a practice match against Touou and Seirin lost again because of him. There was an opening where he could have passed to Kagami, but he was too slow and Aomine had managed to intercept it which ultimately led to Seirins defeat by one point. Although none of his team had said anything, he knew that it was his fault they had lost.

"I-I need to punish myself for making my team lose," Kuroko whispered.

He dug his knife into his wrist and slashed across; watching in awe as the blood flowed up to the heavily scarred surface. The blue haired boy allowed it to flow down his arm before getting up to get a washcloth. As he pressed the washcloth against the cut, his door bell rang.

Frowning, Kuroko got up to go see who was at the door at this hour after bandaging his wrist and pulling on his wristbands so that no one would see his cuts. He pulled open the door and stared up at Touou's ace.

"Aomine-kun? Is everything okay?" Testu asked Aomine, questions swimming in his eyes.

"Tetsu. Everything is fine with me, don't worry about it. Can I come in? I want to talk to you about something." Aomine replied slouching in the doorway.

"Oh sure come on in." Kuroko tried to hide his pang of fear when he heard the words "I want to talk..."

Kuroko brought Aomine some tea and they both settled on the couch.

"So, Aomine-kun, what did you want to talk to me about?" Kuroko asked, masking his slight panic.

"Oh. You haven't changed out of your basketball uniform yet? Will you take off your wristbands for me Tetsu?" Aomine asked seriously leaning forwards and looking into Kuroko's eyes.

"Um...no offense, but why Aomine-kun?" Kuroko's palms began sweating nervously.

"Hm. I'll be blunt. When you were playing today, your wristbands rose up and exposed several deep cuts and scars. What is that about Tetsu?" Aomine frowned at him.

Kuroko was shaking by now and was finding it extremely difficult to get words out of his mouth.

"Aomine-kun...I think you should leave." Kuroko muttered standing up

A dark expression covered Aomine's face. "No Tetsu. I'm not going to leave. I already left you once before in middle school when I shouldn't have, and that was one of the worst decisions I made in my life. I won't leave you alone this time. Please let me help you."

Kuroko stared at Aomine for a second before slowly reaching to remove his wristband. He pulled it off to reveal the bandage he had just applied, which was now stained red. Aomine didn't show any surprise on his face, but his eyes softened as he reached over and slowly unraveled the bandage. As Aomine studied Kuroko's scarred and bleeding wrist, he noticed several deep cuts that hadn't healed yet.

"Did you do all of this to yourself?" Aomine asked without looking up.

The only response he got was a nod.

"Tetsu, you need to get stitches on these wounds. We have to go to the hospital." Aomine stated.

"NO. I don't-I won't go to a hospital, they'll lock me up. I'm sorry Aomine-kun..." Kuroko trailed off as tears slowly began sliding down his face.

Aomine frowned sympathetically and said "Hey, what if we call Shintaro? He can stitch up your cuts and you wouldn't have to visit the hospital."

"Um-alright, but wouldn't he be mad at me for doing this to myself?" Kuroko asked nervously

"No one is going to be mad at you Tetsu. We just want to make you better." Aomine replied. "And even if Shintaro is mad at you, I'll ask him to bring Takao so he'll calm down a bit. Maybe they'll even get in some tongue action," Aomine laughed wiggling his eyebrows.

Kuroko smiled softly at his friend's antics wiping away his tears. Aomine then got up and walked to the other room to make a phone call to Midorima.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading the first chapter. Reviews and suggestions are always appreciated! If you like my story let me know! It always makes me more motivated to update sooner XD.
