The Prince's Bodyguard

Disclaimer: I own nothing

A/N: I'm sorry, for whatever reason I didn't realize I had updated the last chapter of this until just now. That being said, I give you the tale's ending. I hope you enjoy it and find it an appropriate finish. It's not a big one, it's not a "cutesy" one, but I believe it is a perfect end. Enjoy

Chapter 73 (A Warrior's End)

With his mother victorious in the race for the newfound presidency, she found herself with several daunting tasks and responsibilities; and some might even say they were more difficult than when she was just the queen.

Now that Cat and the Black Star mercenaries were no longer a threat, Pamela could rule in peace. Though Trina hung up her weapons and traded them for a life as Jason's wife in a quiet town far from the hustle and bustle of politics, she would never truly stop sleeping with an eye open. Being a protector was her job, and one of the few jobs she did remarkably well. Hell, she couldn't help if her skills also made for some kinky roleplay in the bedsheets at night.

Motherhood was her next big task, and over her children she'd keep a stronger watch on; but no one dared to try anything on the person responsible for tearing down one of the most lethal assassin families alive.

Hell, even she believed the only other person capable of taking out all the members of the Black Star would have been Cat herself.

For Trina had come to respect Cat as the years went by, learning from the woman's ways and in awe of how strong she'd become.

For Tori, a statue had been built in place in her honor, so her memory would never be forgotten. Ian raised his child to be strong and brave, just like her mother and her aunt. It was a joy to watch the young one grow, and it seemed she coped well despite the lack of having her mother physically there aside here.

In the end, peace did reign in the country as Pamela built it to stand strong. The country flourished both politically and economically, as Pamela proved to be one of the strongest presidents. Jason would eventually travel to his homeland, along with Trina, but he always felt best to stay out of politics as much as he could. His various scrapes with death at the hands of political assassins was more than enough to keep him away when he'd already wanted nothing to do with it.

Granted, Trina's uncle did get him to join the Spanish military; and eventually Jason would prove to become one of the strongest generals in recent history.

With the help of her sister, Jade raised up all the young children of the Black Star mercenaries, eventually finding them permanent homes. They grew up to live normal lives away from the influence and violence of their family members. As they grew older and learned about who their relatives had been, many of them disavowed them and opted never to speak of them again; it seemed that Jade had done a fair job steering them down the proper paths.

Trina's own children would grow up and join in similar careers as their parents, whether it be law enforcement or military. Their first born, Rachel, seemed to take after her the most and became one of the fiercest and strongest military police Officers out there.

Their second daughter, whom they named Victoria, was the only one of five children that didn't grow up into one of those career paths. She went the route of Trina's sister, looking more into seeing the world and travelling with a sense of adventure. She would always send letters and pictures from wherever her travels took her, something that Trina cherished for a good portion of the time.

One of the greatest things for her to achieve was what she wanted when she was younger, a large and thriving family. Trina and Jason lived long lives, watching as each of their children grew up and started families of their own, each with at least two or more kids. Then those children grew up and had their own families.

As the world went on and Pamela's country flourished more, their legacy would be enshrined in history books. People would move past them, move past President Pam as they did George Washington and others, but they would never truly forget them. Certainly, nobody dared to forget how close to destruction they came at the hands of the Black Star.

Then, turning to Tori's grave, it was enshrined with the statue of Virgin Mary cradling baby Jesus. She'd been placed in the same family plot as Trina's family, per request. Her death never truly left her sister's mind, for years Trina wondered if she could have saved Tori; but she didn't let it haunt her. Tori would never have wanted that. No, Trina did what Tori would have asked her to, to protect her baby and Ian. Nothing more, nothing less.

While it did take some time for her to understand and accept this, she knew Tori was out there somewhere looking down with pride at them.

The air around Tori's grave was crisp, the letters on the headstone had grown faded and weathered with time; but her grave was still well-kept. Flowers adorned it. It stood in front of her parents', and alongside her husband's and daughter's. Next to theirs was a plaque type grave for two people, and a statue of a warrior. One grave was fresh while the other remained empty.

The sky was a clear blue that day, no clouds remained on the horizon. Birds sang as they always did, the grass flowed with the wind just as time continued to beat on. Amid the mass of family graves, seated on a marble stone bench in front of Tori's grave was an old woman in a purple robe.

She had wrinkles adorning her soft face, and ancient eyes that spoke of otherworldly experience. Her hands trembled on her knees as she looked over the grave and glanced slowly at the fresh grave nearby.

"I never thought I'd live this long," spoke the old woman, "I don't think I ever wanted to." She was one hundred and eight years on this day. Her children had long since passed, all but the youngest child whom was now in his late seventies. Most of her descendants grew up and moved on to other areas of life.

The woman had seen several generations pass by her, all the way to the third great grandchildren. She had a look of longing as she studied the fresh grave, that of her husband, who passed away only a month prior.

She kept to herself most days, having kept her strong sense of pride and independence even through her older years. She remained healthy, and never let her grandchildren talk about putting her into a home, though now that her husband was gone, they were talking more about it.

Everyone she had left to protect was gone, the only one left was herself. For her children and grandchildren were able to look after their young. When her husband passed, she was no longer needed.

"You'd be proud, Tori." Her voice trembled as she folded her hands in her lap. "The age of heroes has long since passed us by, our children have grown and our families have grown. Time moves on a little slower now, the world no longer needs us."

She took a breath of air. "I've never stopped missing you, Victoria. Never have I stopped thinking about you. I pray, whenever our story is told that whomever tells our tale remembers you."

She was ready to join her sister and her husband in the sky above, to forever watch over her family from the stars. "We've lived our lives, served our time and fulfilled our purpose."

With a heavy sigh, her hands grew firm over her knees and her head slowly bowed. Her body was tired, all the energy left in her was gone. This once fierce warrior needn't stand anymore.

"There's no one left. Your daughter and lover have joined you long ago. Mom and Dad have joined you up there somewhere, and now my prince has gone from this world. All that remains of our time are our footprints left in the sand…it seems so near, though so long ago…"

She closed her eyes, recalling the vibrant fight with Cat, and remembering every act of war against the Black Star family. It seemed to draw on forever before they were defeated, but now, that period of time seemed to be so short as though passing by like the scenery outside of a moving vehicle.

"It seems so inconsequential now, all of it. I remember some of the greatest generals of all time, Tori. Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Saladin, hell even Genghis Khan or General Patton." A smile cracked on her face. "Dare I suggest, even Catherine Valentine? These are all but names enshrined in history, ask someone today what these people are famous for and they would not be able to tell you. A historian might, someone whose studied these people could, but that remains it. What is left of their legacy?"

Her shoulders rose and sank. "It matters not, because they died as they lived, powerful. They accomplished their task, they completed their duty or fought to their final breath. Some built cities, some were accomplished at war, they didn't need monuments or memorials that would make put their name on every tongue throughout time…They did what they had to do in order to survive, and they could reach the end of their life with pride, with glory, and with honor. They all left a large carbon footprint, but at the end of their lives, their actions mattered little to them as the pride in their own duties."

"For me, I am ready to join you, my daughter, my husband and everyone that has gone before. I am fulfilled, I am proud and I am accomplished. Others may see the life I've lived, the actions I've taken as a small part of history…which is what it is, and that is perfectly fine with me."

Her muscles started to relax, and she started to lean forward. Her eyes closed tight and she could see Jason standing before her with Tori and their families, each with open arms.

With a smile, Trina willed herself to let go, her spirit seeming to slip away with the rush of the wind which kissed her.

"My duty is complete…"

There is beauty in simplicity. I hope you've enjoyed this, and thank you for all those who have read and commented on this tale.