For the best experience it is recommend that you first watch the episode CopyCat (until the moment Ladybug enters Theo's studio) because this is an alternate ending made by me.
This is the first episode of my first fan fiction ever. I hope you like it. I'm sorry for typo's and other faults but English isn't my mother tongue. Please comment my mistakes so I can improve my writing.
I hope you like it I have no clue how many chapters it is going to be. Because this is my first Fanfiction ever I'm just going to go with the flow. I'll upload the next chapter as soon as I finish it.
The story in short:
While battling Copycat Ladybug learns that Chat Noir is actually her crush Adrien. Will she be able to trust herself and him again? Will she tell him her secret identity? Will they partner up again? This story will include Reveal, post-reveal, and other akuma attacks (maybe). Alternate ending to copycat. [In progress]
- Miraculous Potterhead
Disclaimer: this alternate ending was my idea. I don't own any of these characters.
Ladybug enters Theo's studio and sees that there are two Cat Noir's and that one of them is tied up by the other.
When she comes closer to the two chat's she says "Chat noir, he really looks like you!"
"That's because I am me!" Ladybug ignores the tied up Chat because Chat told her he had captured the imposter.
"Where is his akuma?" she asks.
Copy Cat answers: "Inside his ring of course, grab it."
Chat Noir's ring is beeping.
"He even has the same powers as you." Ladybug says amazed.
"Simply amazing isn't it."
There little chat is interrupted by Chat noir pleading to his lady that he is the real one.
"Ladybug, please listen, I'm the real chat, can't you tell?"
Ladybug hesitates.
"ENOUGH!" Copy Cat screams.
"Ladybug, take his akuma"
*flits* Chat Noir detransforms into Adrien.
Copy Cat laughs evil. "Now Ladybug, I didn't think you would fall for my trick that easily! Hahaha! Now give me Chat Noir's and you're miraculous."
Ladybug froze. "Huh, you're not chat noir! But that means..." (O. No no no no, this can't be happening. Adrien is Chat Noir. That means... All this time he has been flirting with me! And I've been denying him all the time. If he finds out I'm Ladybug he is going to hate me forever and he will never talk to me again because I've messed up so badly right now. And he doesn't want to work together with me ever again and he will be mad because I didn't believe him. My live is over now. And this is...)
"Ladybug, watch out!" Adrien calls. Ladybugs dodges Copycat's baton at the last second and starts attacking him with her yo-yo. She throws her yo-yo at CopyCat again after her first attempt failed and she dodges his baton at the same time.
Then she throws her yo-yo at CopyCat's baton, trying to snatch it away. However, he dodges again and starts attacking even more furious than before.
The sound of fighting is broken when Adrien screams, "the akuma is in his left pocket. It's a picture of you, My la- ehh, Ladybug."
Ladybug froze because she didn't expect that Adrien/Chat would know what the akuma was and she didn't suspect him talking to her ever again. Because of that, she couldn't dodge CopyCat's baton on time. She is hit on her left shoulder. She collapses because of the pain in her shoulder. Now she is sitting on the ground and she doesn't have the strength to stand up. CopyCat starts walking towards Ladybug.
"It's over ladybug." He laughs. "Hand over you're and Chat Noir's miraculous!"
"NO, never" Ladybug is standing on her feet again but she isn't standing really steady.
"Lucky Charm!" She screams with the last of her energy. She almost collapses again. But with use of the table besides her, she keeps standing upright.
When she catches her lucky charm she is quite surprise when she sees she is holding a fishhook. "Hmm" what can I do with this she thinks.
After looking around her yo-yo starts blinking. Just like the tape on the table she is holding on to and the zipper of CopyCat's pocket.
"Got it," she mumbles while reaching out for the tape. She is taping the fishing hook to her yo-yo and throws it to attack CopyCat. But because she is quite hurt she doesn't have enough power and CopyCat dodges her quite easily.
When he walks closer with a self-confident grin on his face ladybugs yo-yo soars through the sky and the hook attaches to CopyCat's zipper and the zipper opens. CopyCat makes a strange jumping move to try getting rid of Ladybugs yo-yo. While making this strange move the picture slips out of his pocket and land in front of ladybugs feet. Who rips the paper in two pieces and a little black butterfly comes out of it.
"Time to de-evilize!" "Bye, bye, little butterfly." "Miraculous Ladybug" All the damage to the building repairs itself and the chains around Adrien's wrist disappear as well.
Theo (the guy who was akumatized) sits on the ground. "Where-, where am I?"
Adrien is walking outside and waiting by door.
Ladybug walks to Theo, "I'm sorry I couldn't make it this morning Theo."
When Ladybug walks outside and she sees Adrien standing against the wall. She freezes.
"So," he started "I'm sorry I couldn't help you out My Lady. I was stupid trying to do this on my own. I was a jealous fool and I didn't think. Can you please forgive me?"
Ladybug remains frozen in the doorpost
After an awkward silence she says "got to go
"WAIT!" Adrien says while grabbing her left wrist. "Can I at least know who you are?"
Ladybug cringes when he grabs her wrist. And she shakes her head not able to talk.
"But Bugaboo, I'm so curious,"
"Can I get a hint then?"
"No, I-, I can't." Ladybug answers when she zips away with a hurt face
I've rated this story as K+ because I have no Idea where I'm going with this story.
At last, I hope you enjoyed and I will see you guys in my next chapter when it is published.
- Miraculous Potterhead