Author's Note: Before we begin, I'd like to apologize for getting this final chapter up so late in the day. Little did I know I'd get over 12 hours to chat on Facebook Messenger with one of my really good friends and fellow Fan Fiction authors, but it was worth it, since school starts up for this particular user in a couple of weeks, thus, limiting our ability to chat the day away. Therefore, I took the opportunity while I had it, not to mention, it's been extremely hot today, nearly 90 degrees outside, with it being extremely humid, thus, prompting me to lie in front of a fan most of the day. However, while I had planned on getting several other pieces of work released today, this is all you're getting, as I think it would be better to spread out the 25 year anniversary celebration throughout the rest of the month, similar to what The Splat is doing for the remaining three weekends of the month. However, this was the main story I had in mind for the commemoration of this milestone, and so, to reach the last chapter of this story on the big day itself, is what I wanted, and looks like that's going to happen. Also, please forgive me if I sadly, get the Ren and Stimpy characters, who make their cameo appearance in this chapter, out of character, as I'm sadly, not a fan of that show, but needed to give them a moment or two of glory, since like Doug and Rugrats, they premiered on this beautiful Sunday morning so many years ago too. With that out of the way, let's move on, to the final chapter of this story!

Chapter 9, The Concert

Doug, Skeeter and the Rugrats all traveled down a long hallway until they reached a set of large wooden double doors at the end of the hall. They pushed them open to find they were in a massively large theater, and by chance, the most fancy theater they had ever seen in their entire lives! There was a glass dome making up the ceiling, and rows and rows of leather seats, all of which were nearly filled at this point. Before they could get too far, a green skinned usher approached the gang.

"Tickets please." The usher said.

Doug and Skeeter handed the usher their tickets, when it suddenly occurred to them, they didn't have tickets for the kids they were babysitting. Seeing the worried looks on Doug and Skeeter's faces, the usher smiled.

"How old is the oldest child you have here with you?" The usher asked.

"Uh, three." Skeeter replied.

"Well, lucky for you, all children under the age of five are admitted free of charge." The usher confirmed.

"All right!" Doug and Skeeter cried in unison, giving one another a high-five, as they handed the usher their tickets.

"You are free to enter, enjoy the concert!" The usher said.

"Thank you sir." Doug replied, as they headed into the rather large theater, glancing around hoping to spot the kids' parents.

After scanning the isles of nearly filled seats, Skeeter spotted Betty Deville a few rows in from the back.

"Quick! Over there Doug, there's Mrs. Deville!" Skeeter cried, heading in that direction, with Doug, Angelica, Kimi and Chuckie following behind Skeeter, who was pushing the two strollers at this point with Tommy, Dil, Phil and Lil.

No sooner did they approach the seats when Betty scooted to the edge of her seat, making a farting noise as she rubbed against the leather seat. Overhearing this sound, Phil turned to his sister.

"Did you hear that Lillian? Mommy just made a poopy! I didn't know she could do that! I thought she was potty trained!" Phil cried.

Lil took a wiff of the air before responding.

"I don't know Phillip, I don't smell nothing." Lil replied.

Before the twins could continue their conversation, their mommy approached the front of their stroller.

"There you are pups, did you have fun?" Betty asked.

"Oh they had a great time, right Doug?" Skeeter asked, turning towards Doug.

"Uh, yes, they did." Doug replied.

Just then, Howard, Stu, Didi, Drew, Charlotte, Chas, Kira and Taffy all got up from their seats, all making farting noises as they rubbed against the leather seats in the process, and made their way over to their kids.

"Thank you so much for watching the kids Doug and Skeeter." Didi said, taking Tommy and Dil's diaper bag from Skeeter, while the other parents did the same, and collected their kids.

"It was no problem, we were happy to do it." Doug replied with a smile.

Just then, Drew approached Angelica.

"And how was my angel, did you have a good time?" Drew asked.

Angelica smiled innocently up at her daddy.

"Oh yes daddy, I had the bestest time." Angelica said.

Drew then turned to Doug and Skeeter, a more serious expression now on his face.

"How was she?" Drew asked.

I knew I should have told Angelica's father the truth, about how she was a brat the entire time, after all, she broke one of Mr. Dink's machines, she kicked my leg on the Beets Bus, and she more or less, made this whole ordeal a living nightmare. However, it was thanks to her singing that she saved us thirty bucks for a cab fare that we didn't have, thus, while I'll never appreciate nearly ninety percent of the things she did while in my care, I decided I'd let her off this time, since she did manage to save us from that cab fare.

"Uh, just great Mr. Pickles." Doug said.

Drew smiled, taking Angelica's hand and leading her over to the seat they had saved for her in the isle where they were sitting. The rest of the parents did the same, asking how their kids were as they collected them and took them to their seats. However, before Stu returned to his seat, he handed a white envelope to both, Skeeter and Doug. They opened them up to find fifty dollar bils in each.

"Wow! Thank you Mr. Pickles." Skeeter said.

"No, thank you. We had a much easier time getting our RV fixed without having to worry about our kids getting away and going off on some crazy adventure and getting into trouble, thanks to you." Stu said.

Doug and Skeeter nodded and smiled, placing their envelopes into their pockets for safe keeping, then went off to look for seats, when they heard another familiar voice call their names.

"Doug! Skeeter! Don't run off, here." They heard Taffy's voice say from behind them.

They turned around to find Taffy, motioning them towards two seats she had been saving for them.

"Wow! Thank you!" Doug said, taking the seat next to Taffy, while Skeeter took the remaining empty seat next to Doug.

No sooner had they all sat down, when a stage manager walked out on to the stage.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We ask at this time that you silence all cell phones, pagers, and wrist watch alarms. Also, please no video taping or flash photography. Thank you. And now, opening up for the Beets, who are on their way here now as we speak, to anybody who didn't hear, they were involved in a bit of an accident earlier today, please welcome their opening act, the dynamic duo, Ren and Stimpy!" The stage manager announced, as a cat carrying a guitar and a chihuahua came out on stage.

Several people in the audience clapped and cheered, while several just stared, confused by their presence.

"Good evening Bloatsberg!" Stimpy cried into the microphone in front of him on the stage.

The entire room went silent, as a few people shifted around in their seats, causing the chairs to make farting noises, causing several of the younger audience members, Phil, Lil, Kimi and Dil of the Rugrats gang to crack up laughing. Once the laughter died down, as even Ren and Stimpy were laughing at this point, Stimpy strummed a few chords on his guitar and began his song.

"Hello boys and girls, this is your old pal Stimpy. This is a song about a whale! No! This is a song about being happy!" Stimpy exclaimed, continuing to play the chords on his guitar.

"That's right, it's the Happy Happy Joy Joy song!" Ren added.

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy joy.

At this point, Stimpy stops playing to notice the audience quietly staring, most of them looking down at their laps, not making any sort of eye contact.

"I don't think you're happy enough. That's right. I'll teach you to be happy. I'll teach you till your grandmother suckers. Now boys and girls, let's try it again!" Stimpy cried, as he and Ren broke into song again.

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy joy.

This time while they sang through the song, the audience started to sing along, and the Rugrats toddlers got up and started dancing to the music, all except for Angelica, who remained in her seat, looking down at Cynthia in her lap with her arms crossed. And Dil, while he couldn't get up and dance, he smiled wide, giggling and kicking his legs.

"If you ain't the grand daddy of all liars. Even the little critters of nature. They don't know that they're ugly. A fly marrying a bumblebee? That's very funny! I told you aaahhh chew, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?" Ren asked the audience, as Stimpy continued to strum his guitar.

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy joy joy,

Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy joy joy joy.

This time while Ren and Stimpy sang through the song for the last and final time, the entire audience was on their feet, singing right along with them. As soon as the song ended, they all clapped and cheered for the dynamic duo.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Stimpy cried over the roaring crowd.

Before he and Ren could take their bows and exit the stage to allow the Beets to come on, a crowd of audience members started chanting.

"Kiltad Yaksman! Kiltad Yaksman!" Several audience members chanted repeatedly, until it became a chain reaction, and everybody in the theater was chanting the same thing.

"Oh, I see, a request, you want us to perform the Kiltad Yaksman Anthem?" Ren asked the audience.

"Yes!" Several audience members shouted, including Skeeter.

"Okay everybody, stand up tall, and place your left hand on your butt." Stimpy instructed.

Everybody stood up tall and did as they were instructed.

Remember the royal anthem of the Kilted Yaksmen

Our country reeks of trees

Our yaks are really large

And they smell like rotting beef carcasses

And we have to clean up after them

And our saddle sores are the best

We proudly wear women's clothing

And searing sand blows up our skirts

And the buzzards, they soar overhead

And poisonous snakes will devour us whole

And our bones will bleach in the sun

That's it

And we will probably go to

And that is our great reward

For being the Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen

C'mon everybody

Our country reeks of trees

Our yaks are really large

And they smell like rotting beef carcasses

And we have to clean up after them

And our saddle sores are the best

We proudly wear women's clothing

And searing sand blows up our skirts

And the buzzards, they soar overhead

And poisonous snakes will devour us whole

Our bones will bleach in the sun

And we will probably go to

And that is our great reward

For being the Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksme

No sooner had their performance ended, when instruments started to be drug on to stage, and soon after, the Beets walked out. The crowd went wild as they saw Chap Lipman come on stage, but everybody gasp at the sight of Monroe Yota, who had a cast on his left arm. The entire audience stared in utter silence at this point, worried expressions on their faces, as Ren and Stimpy took their bows and went down into the audience. Taking notice of this, Chap Lipman approached the microphone to make an announcement.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and hello Bloatsberg. While it's a pleasure to be here tonight, I'm afraid we're gonna need some help, and it's not exactly having an audience member come up on stage to help us sing. Are there by chance, any guitar players in our audience tonight that could fill in for Monroe Yota?" Chap Lipman asked.

At that moment, Taffy raised her hand and smiled.

"I'd be happy to help." Taffy cried.

"To the lady towards the back wearing a white and yellow shirt, I do believe I recognize her from Taffy and the Saltwaters, is it, oh my gosh! It is! Taffy! Please, come on up!" Chap Lipman continued to call into the microphone, as Taffy left her seat and came up on stage, where Monroe Yota handed her his guitar.

"Wow, thank you!" Taffy cried.

"No, thank you!" Monroe Yota cried, standing up next to her so he could still sing, even though he couldn't play this evening.

"Before we begin, I'd like to give a bit of history about the song we're about to perform for all of you. This song was inspired by the Bluffington Yoldlers, who were our opening act when we performed last year at the Bluffington School, after being informed by their student chair person that we had a huge group of loyal fans there. By any chance, is that person with us tonight?" Monroe Yota asked.

I gasp. I couldn't believe it that Monroe Yota remembered me and that free concert they gave us at school last year. No matter, I went up on stage, nearly speechless, and too excited for words.

"Wow! He is here tonight." Monroe Yota said as Doug approached him on stage.

"He also babysat my minis today." Taffy added.

"Is that so. Well, before we begin, how would you and a guest of your choosing like to be the first to sign my cast?" Monroe Yota asked, extending his broken arm towards Doug.

He couldn't believe it, as he waved to Skeeter down in the audience, who joined him on stage. At that moment, Chap Lipman handed Doug a pen and he signed his initials on to Monroe's cast, DF, just as he did on Patti's beat ball caddy he had made for her as a birthday present last year. Then Skeeter did the same, by signing his initials, SV on Monroe Yota's cast. Once this was done, Monroe gave some instructions to the audience.

"Thank you. You two may stay up here with us, as we'd like for you to perform our opening song with us, but to all of you audience members out there, do any of you know how to yoldle?" Monroe asked.

"Yoldle Yoldle Lay Hee Ho!" Several audience members said loudly, while others, hesitated.

"Oh come on now, you guys can do better than that." Chap Lipman said.

This time, a huge yoldle was heard from the audience.

"Yoldle Lay Hee Hoo!" Several audience members chanted loudly, with others following them, in particular, the parents of the Rugrats, who had never heard of the Beets before, let alone this song.

"All right, when I point to you out there in the audience, you do your part okay." Monroe Yota shouted into his microphone.

"Okay!" The audience cried.

"Taffy give me a D chord and let's get ready to rock!" Monroe Yota cried, as Taffy did what she was instructed, and their first song began.

I need more allowance Yoldle lay hee hoo.

I need more allowance yoldle lay hee hoo.

I need more allowance yoldle lay hee hoo.

Why? Because I do!

I need to buy some CD's I need to buy some gum,

I mow the yard I clean the house I think I deserve some,

Some more allowance!

I need more allowance yoldle lay hee hoo.

I need more allowance yoldle lay hee hoo.

I need more allowance yoldle lay hee hoo.

Yo! I'm talkin' to you!

Yoldle lay hee, hoo.

Yoldle lay hee, hoo.

I need more allowance!

"Thank you, thank you very much! And thanks to our students from the Bluffington School who were with us tonight for helping us out." Monroe Yota said into the microphone, as the audience clapped for them post concluding the song.

"Well actually, we're Bluffington School alumni." Doug corrected, shaking Monroe's hand, then Chap Lipman's, and Skeeter did the same before they got off stage and headed back to their seats.

The rest of the concert went great, and Taffy did a beautiful job filling in for Monroe Yota.

After the concert, Doug and Skeeter followed the Rugrats and their parents out to the parking lot, where by this time, Phil and Lil were in their mother's arms, Tommy was in his daddy's arms, Dil was in his mommy's arms, Kimi was in her mom's arms, and Chuckie was in his dad's arms, and all of them had fallen asleep. Angelica, while she was holding her daddy's hand, was dragging her feet and appeared to be exhausted, with Taffy bringing up the rear of the line, dragging the two empty double strollers behind her.

"Thanks again Doug and Skeeter." Taffy said as they left the parking lot to head towards their RV.

"No problem." Doug said, waving good bye as he and Skeeter watched them head off into the distance.

Shortly afterwards, the Beets Bus pulled up and everybody heading back to Bluffington piled on to the bus and took seats.

I don't recall the trip home, as no sooner had I gotten on the bus when I passed out, not awakening until we returned to Bluffington. I'll admit, while I was happy to babysit for those kids, I don't think I'd ever want seven kids of my own, as that was exhausting. And I certainly hope if I ever have any daughters, they're much nicer than Angelica. We did see the Beets though, and it was awesome getting to perform with them on stage, and sign Monroe Yota's cast. And well, Journal, I do believe this ends another fantastic adventure in the life of Doug Funnie.

No sooner had Doug put his pen down from writing in his journal, when he heard an all too familiar scream outside his bedroom door.

"AAAHHH! Douglas Yancy Funnie! Get this furry mutan monster out of my room!" Judie screamed from outside the room.

Doug sprang up from his desk and ran out into the hall to see what was the matter.

"What's the matter Judie?" Doug asked.

Judie, looking angry, pointed in the direction of her room, which looked just as messy as it did when the toddlers had made a mess of her stuff, only this time, standing in the middle of the floor was Porkchop, dressed in the same brown wig and baseball shirt previously worn by Tommy, with a hula skirt on top. He stood there in the middle of the floor, completely littered in costumes and props, with the trunk that once held those items, wide open behind him, doing a hula dance and thinking nothing of it. Doug and Judie just stared in awe, as Porkchop continued to do his hula dance, until he tipped his head back too far, causing the wig to fall on to the floor.

The End

Author's Note: And well, there you have it, the last and final chapter of my story written to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary since the birth of Nicktoons, that being Doug, Rugrats, and Ren and Stimpy. And yes, as you can see, I found a way to include Ren and Stimpy, having them perform two songs that are featured on the Nicktoons, Volume One CD, those being their most famous one, 'The Happy Happy Joy Joy Song,' and 'The Kiltad Yaksman Anthem,' and having that one be performed by request was an idea given to me a while back by Boris Yeltsin. The same goes for the leather seats making farting noises when people scooted around in them, that too, was an idea contributed a while back by Boris Yeltsin. I also made a reference to two other Doug episodes in this chapter, those being 'Doug's Got No Gift,' and 'Doug Meets Robobone,' which is one of my favorite episodes, and in fact, the song I have the Beets open up with for their concert, is in fact, the same song they perform at the very end of that episode, and in fact, my favorite song by them, despite their most popular song being, 'Killer Tofu.' Also, it's obvious that this story takes place the year post Doug graduating, as he remarks that he and Skeeter are now Bluffington School alumni, which proves that this story takes place post the events of the second to last episode of the Nickelodeon series, 'Doug Graduates.' And, as you saw at the end, I had to end this story in traditional Doug style, where we see him writing in his journal, and Porkchop repeating something we saw earlier, or showing off some funny move, in this case, it was playing with Judie's costumes and props, just as the Rugrats had done earlier, and if you want to count his hula dance as a tiny reference to the season 1 episode, 'Doug Gets Busted,' well, I guess you could say that in a way, it is. To all who read this story all the way through, thank you so very much, you guys are the greatest! And finally, in closing, a salute to Nickelodeon, or rather, to Nick Animation, happy twenty-fifth anniversary, and many more! Thank you for making my childhood, and as far as I'm concerned, my life worth being entertained by the TV, and inspiring all of these great Fan Fic stories! Speaking of which, be looking for more stories, coming soon!