Disclaimer: I don't own Winx club, camp rock or any songs that are featured on this story. They all belong to their rightful owners

Camp star…

Sky had just entered the Music Room, a place where the Specialists frequently spent most of their time at.

"Hey Riven, you finished that song yet?" asked Sky

"Almost, i still have to finish the third verse'' replied Riven

"You mind giving it to me for a second?" asked Sky

"Kinda busy right now" Riven quickly replied back with a bored expression

"You're lying on the sofa eating pizza" Helia countered

"What exactly are you implying?" Riven said as he ate another bite of the pizza

"Moron" Sky mumbled as he went in search of the song sheet

"Heard that!" Riven said

"I'm glad" yelled Sky as he came back who had finally found the song

The specialists were supposed to be teaching a group of kids to sing but the specialists ditched them, this was a process that they were familiar with. This was the third time this week. The guys were relaxing in the practice room and were about to start practicing their new song. At the moment Helia, Brandon, and Sky were playing a game of cards while Riven was watching them as he continued to eat his pizza. Nabu and Timmy were watching TV, a new episode of Game of Thrones was on and it was a difficult task to remove their eyes from the screen.

"Seriously?" asked Helia

"Yeah, you should have seen the look on their faces when I won" said Nabu, a grin on his face

"Won what?" asked Brandon curiously

"A song battle, Nabu confronted some losers from camp rock and challenged them to a battle and Nabu totally smashed them'' explained Helia

"Smashed is a bit of an understatement, i more like destroyed them" Nabu boasted causing Brandon to roll his eyes

"Alright Nabu! Wada show those losers whose boss" said Sky who high fived Nabu

Eventually, everyone joined into the conversation

"I can't wait to totally dominate those camp rock wannabes" said Timmy

"Couldn't have said it better myself" said Riven, his signature smirk plastered on his face

"Yeah, hey I think we shou-" but Brandon was interrupted by the door slamming open and a middle aged man in his late 30's storming in and standing right in front of the boys with a stern and angry expression on his face.

"What do you think you boys are doing!" yelled the man

"What do think we're doing, were chilling in the practice room'' said Sky as he gestured around the room

"Don't give me that attitude; you're supposed to be teaching those kids! They've been waiting for over 30 minutes" yelled the man not pleased with Sky's attitude

"Relax Seal, we'll be there in five" said Helia

"No! You will go there right now, we need to be at the top of our game this year and I will not tolerate this unacceptable behavior for much longer" said the man who was known as Seal

"What's your problem; we can beat Camp rock with our eyes closed" said Nabu

"Yeah, why so serious Seal, I've never seen you like this before" said Timmy as he adjusted his glasses

Seal had calmed down now

"Because tomorrow Camp rock will have six new members" said Seal

"So!, they've had new members before, and they have never been better than decent" said Helia

"They aren't any ordinary members; they are the winx and are incredibly talented in more ways than one. Camp rock could actually win this year's final jam with the winx" Said Seal stressed

"Well what's so special about the Winx" said Nabu as he used his fingers to quote "winx"

"Yeah what makes them sooo special?" said Helia in a sarcastic tone

"You're telling me that you don't know who the winx are" said Seal in a surprised tone

"Yeah, that a problem?" said Brandon and the rest of the specialists also agreed that they had never heard of the winx before.

"Wow, and I thought I was living underneath a rock" said Seal as he sighed and the specialists were getting annoyed.

"Look I don't have time to tell you who they are or what they do so, look it up on the internet or something, okay" said Seal

"Yeah, well get to it soon" said Riven as he continued watching TV completely ignoring anything else Seal had to say.

Seal took the TV remote and switched the TV off and continued talking much to the specialist's dismay.

"I don't have time for this, look.. you all are my best singers but unfortunately the final jam has to involve the entire school in the first round so I need you boys to get your heads in the game and help get this camp into shape and you can start by getting back to class and teaching those kids" said Seal as he started to walk out of the practice room.

"And I highly suggest you find out who the winx are and how big of a threat they can be" said Seal as he slammed the door.

"Sheesh!, who peed on his pancakes" said Nabu

"I know right, what's gotten into him?" said Timmy

"Yeah I don't get what's the big hype about them, they're probably snobs who can't even sing" said Sky

"Well let's find out" said Timmy as he pulled out his laptop