Victor Fries, better known now as Mr Freeze, was in his lair developing the cure for his wife. He had taken advantage of this rampage, Batman distracted which allowed him to collect more materials for the cure. However himself had no interest in taking on the Batman right now. His interest was on reviving his wife from her condition. He hears the door to his lab burst open and two Joker goons step in, Joker walking in next. He shoos them off then makes his way to Victor.

Victor stops what he's doing and looks over at the Joker. "Victor, old pal, I have a favor to ask you." Joker explains his presence.

"What do want from me?"

"Your a pretty smart guy right?"

"Depends what my intelligence provides you."

"I'm working on a new weapon and I could use some brains to lend a hand."

"What kind of weapon?"

"A bomb."

"No, absolutely not, out of the question." Victor shut him down quickly.

"Wait, wait, wait. Come on and consider the possibilities. With this we can kill Batman and he won't bother you anymore. You can work in peace."

"And sacrifice the lives of plenty? I don't have a problem with killing but this is beyond what i'm comfortable with."

"Not many will get hurt. Maybe a few. Trust me."

"Trust you?" Victor scoffs. "Leave my presence."

"Freeze, you should reconsider.."

"I have made up my mind. Leave!"

"You made a mistake."

Joker pulls a gun on Freeze and fires, breaking his glass dome. Joker then backhand Freeze hard and onto the floor. "May you and your wife dine in hell!" Joker cackles, leaving the dieing Victor on the floor. Joker and his goons walk out of the laboratory then got into a truck and drove off. Nightwing was nearby and saw them escape. "He's on the move Bruce, nearing Crime Alley." Nightwing contacted Batman.

"I'm on it. Continue slowing down the riot of criminals will you?"

"Of course. Nightwing out."

Nightwing jumped down from the roof then entered the lab to see if anything went down. He saw Freeze, who was on the verge of death, and ran to him. "C-Cabinet…" Victor rasps. Nightwing goes over and opens a silver cabinet, pulling out another dome. He carefully attached it back onto his suit. Victor gasps and breaths heavily, calming down soon. "What did he want?" Nightwing asked.

"He's making a weapon, a bomb."

"A bomb?! I need to tell Batman immediately."

"Go, go. I'll stay back here and continue my work. Thank you, for saving my life."

"It was nothing."

Nightwing leaves the scene and informs Batman of the bomb. Batman was already on hot pursuit of Joker, right behind his truck in the Batmobile. A sewer lid flew open and Orca burst out, leaping onto the batmobile and sending Batman spiraling out of control and stopping suddenly, allowing Joker to escape. Batman did a spin with the batmobile and knocked Orca off, lunging out and landing near her. "Another one to show up. How many villains have been organized into this ensemble?"

"Enough to take you down."

"If you knew his true intentions you'd fight with me."

Orca wasn't having it and trotted towards Batman, lashing out and punching him to the floor. Batman latched on an explosive batarang to her chest then slide between her legs. It went off and she fell back, tripping over Batman's leg. He took her out with some smoke pellets, sending the beast unconscious. Batman rolls his shoulders and gets back into the batmobile. "I lost him Dick, I was caught off guard."

"He couldn't have gone far."

"I know. He won't be hidden for long. Batman out."

Batman drove off and searched for Joker. Nightwing continued to fight off criminals on the street. Nightwing was driving down the street on his cycle when a truck stops out of nowhere and pauses, causing Dick to nearly crash. Two men in containment suits haul off a crate and pop the lid, looking once at Nightwing then getting back in and driving off before he could asks questions. "What was that about?" He wonders.

A figure arises from the box, the figure being Amazo. He looked more mangled than normal. "But how? You were locked away after the last battle. I guess Joker has many connections.." Nightwing gave a cautious look to Amazo. Amazo grins and fires his lasers at him. Nightwing rolls aside and threw some batarangs, jabbing into the andriod. He was not phased and brushed them off, approaching Nightwing as he continued to fire lasers at him. "Batman, gonna need a hand down here.." Nightwing contacts.

"What is it? I'm following a lead."

"Your buddy Amazon got out of his cage and is out free."

"I'll call for the others. Try to distract him for now."

"I'll do my best."

Amazo chased Nightwing around but a few arrows were fired and struck him. Amazo turns and sees Huntress along with Batwoman standing there. "Backup has arrived!" Huntress announces and the two split up. Amazo variantes from the three, Nightwing throwing out ideas as they fought. "Physically we can't beat him. We'll have to put him out some other way. Perhaps the way he crumbled in the first place." That gave Nightwing an idea...