Batman: Arkham Asylum

It was a quiet night in Gotham City, surprisingly no crime in sight. Bruce Wayne was out on a date with Gotham reporter Vicki Vale. It was a rather nice evening Bruce was having, enjoying his date with Vicki. Bruce's phone started to ring in his pocket. "Excuse me I have to take this." Bruce got up and answered the phone. "Mr Wayne it seems the clown is out again" Alfred spoke. Bruce looked back at Vicki then turned his head. "I'll be there."

The Joker and his girlfriend Harley Quinn were driving down the street in his purple lamborghini. "I love spending quality time with you puddin" Harley giggled, grinning. "It's always exciting when i'm with you dear." Joker replied with a grin of his own. Harley checked her rear view window and saw the batmobile driving behind them. "Look's like we have company." Joker looked at his window. "The Batman is here! Oh this'll be fun. Harley could you be a peach and hand me my machine gun?"

Harley didn't hesitate and grabbed his gun, handing it to him. Joker rolled down the window and aimed it at the batmobile. He opened fire at the batmobile with his left hand, using his right to stir. The bullets bounced off the durable windshield of the batmobile as Batman sped up. "Always ruining our plans!" Harley clenched her fists. The hood of the batmobile opened up and a grappling hook fired itself at the lamborghini's wheels, stopping the car.

"I'll give Batsy a piece of my mind!" Harley retrieved her baseball bat and got out while Joker loaded his machine gun. Batman climbed out of the batmobile and approached Harley. Harley ran towards him and started swinging her bat at him. Batman moved side to side as she swung her bat towards him. Shooting out his hand he caught the bat and kicked Harley's chest, knocking her back. Joker got out and opened fire at Batman. Batman ducked down behind the car as the bullets flew past.

Harley slowly grabbed her bat and struck Batman in the head when he wasn't looking. She swung at his head again but Batman blocked the bat and swung his free hand at Harley's chest, striking her. "Hands off my Harley!" Joker walked over and kept firing at Batman. Batman swung a batarang at Joker and it slashed his hand, making him drop the gun. "Stand down Joker and we can settle this peacefully." Batman said calmly to his foe. "Where's the fun in that?" Joker grinned and pulled out a knife from his pocket.

Joker charged at Batman and swung the knife repeatedly at him. Batman was quicker and avoided his swings. Batman then grabbed his arm and twisted it around to his back, pinning him to the floor. "Alright i'm down, i'm down." The Joker muttered. The GCPD showed up at the scene and took the two in there cars. "We'll get you back for this! Just you wait!" Harley snapped at Batman as the cars drove away. "I apprehended the two Alfred." Batman told his butler through the phone once he picked up. "Well it seems you just can't get a break tonight. There's a fire going down at Blackgate sir."

"I'll get to it now Alfred." Batman hung up. Tonight was going to be a long night...