Hiiiiii I'm starting another Law/Luffy story. Cause they're my fav. This one is AU, and I apologize if the characters are slightly OC. Anyways, important details:
1. Ace is Sabo and Luffy's brother too, but he died a couple years ago just like in the real OP world.
2. "Ariel" is pronounced "ah-REE-el"
3. I love Law and Luffy
Disclaimer: I dunnot own One Piece
"Oh c'mon what the HELL is this guy doing? This is a highway not a fucking parking ramp, go a little faster dickhead! What the fuck!" Nami screeched through her car's windshield, her knuckles turning white on the wheel. Luffy laughed, throwing his head back into the headrest of the seat. He knew his friend had anger issues occasionally, but her road rage was on another level.
Nami was letting Luffy stay at her place while he was in the process of getting his own apartment, and right now they were on their way home from a dinner with Robin and Usopp.
Finally an opening appeared on their left, and Nami sped into it in an attempt to get ahead of the slow driver. As she was passing them, she didnt bother to look over and see who it was but instead just flicked them off with a scowl on her face.
The driver saw a middle finger flipped up in her direction. Her head not being totally clear, she rolled down the window and flicked them off right back. Normally she wasn't one to get road rage, but seeing as her emotions were heightened and her judgement was clouded, she started shouting and making obscene hand gestures at the car to her left.
In the passenger seat, Luffy looked over and saw a raging woman leaning out her window towards them. He couldn't hear or decipher what she was saying but seeing her face flying with all those expressions, Luffy could barely hold back his laughter.
The woman screaming at them started swerving. Her car made its way to the far left side of her lane, and started pulling into Nami and Luffy's. "Oi what the fuck, lady?!" Name shouted as their cars came close to colliding. The woman realized she was getting close and suddenly panicked, she had promised herself that she could drive safely even after she had had a couple drinks. Yanking the wheel to the right, the last thing she saw was the boulder off the side of the road that spun her car out of control.
And, just as her car came barreling into them, his life flashing before his eyes...
Luffy woke up with a gasp, panting in his seat and gripping the arm rests with white knuckles. He looked around and saw the blue seat covers all around him, the overhead bins, and the magazines in the seat pockets. He sighed in relief, realizing that he was still on the plane on his way home.
"Oi, you alright dude?" the young man next to him asked with a raised eyebrow and a look of slight concern.
Luffy looked at him and gave a quick awkward laugh "Aha, yeah, I'm fine. Sorry if I scared you or something."
"Nah it's good." The younger teen turned away and returned to looking at his phone.
Luffy relaxed his hands in his lap and looked out the window. He studied every detail of the sky surrounding him, watching the clouds and letting the aerial landscape calm him down. This was going to be a long flight.
Luffy looked in the direction his name had been called from as he walked down to baggage claim, and before he could even see who had called him, he was being suffocated in a bear hug by his older brother Sabo.
Luffy laughed "Haha hey Sabo!"
Sabo released his brother and held him by his shoulders. "I'm so glad you're okay! We were so worried when we heard about the crash, I was ready to drive out there just to see you and make sure you were safe, but your friends assured us that you weren't badly hurt."
A third voice came from behind the brothers "Which is miraculous considering the condition that little car was in. We were lucky that you got out as healthy as you did, brat."
"Old man!" Luffy's face lit up and a toothy grin appeared. Sabo let go of his shoulders and smiled up at the man.
Garp laughed and patted his youngest grandson on the shoulder. "Of course, a tough kid like you couldn't get taken down by some drunk little lady in a Camry."
Luffy laughed, and wrapped the two of them in a hug. "Let's not talk about it right now, how 'bout? I missed you guys!"
Garp smiled and hugged his grandchildren "Ah you know we love you, but we definitely didn't miss all your troublemaking back at home." He laughed, "Speaking of, let's get going. I'm sick of this airport, we've been waiting here for almost an hour just to pick you up!"
Luffy nodded and ran to grab his luggage. He was more than eager to get home after many long months away at college.
"Dinner's here!" Sabo shouted from the door, bringing in the chinese takeout that they had ordered.
Luffy was seated on the couch next to his grandpa, and jumped up when he heard Sabo call. Immediately a sharp pain struck his spine. "Ah!" He bent forward and gripped his back in pain.
"Hahaha! And I thought I was old!" Garp laughed and stood up "Need some help, grandpa?" He joked at the much younger boy.
Luffy gave him a death glare and promptly cracked his back, sending pops all the way up his spine. He rolled his neck around and heard it pop multiple times too.
"Well I'll be damned, you've got more cracks in your neck than I've got in my entire body!" Garp laughed again.
Luffy scowled "I messed up my back in the crash. What excuse do you have for having a bad back, old man?" He teased, and darted off into the kitchen, narrowling dodging a 'fist of love'.
Sabo sat at the table with all their food spread out in little white boxes. "Sorry we couldn't have some fancy dinner on your first night home, Lu. We didn't exactly have time."
Luffy laughed "Don't worry about it. I'm not sure I would trust you two to make something 'fancy' anyways, shishishi!"
Sabo rolled his eyes and laughed "Hey, I've gotten better since you left! I'll show you sometime and maybe you'll get to try my amazing cuisine." He brought his fingertips together to a point and kissed them in a mocking action of a chef.
Luffy laughed again and sat down in his seat. Garp joined them shortly and they started dishing up.
After moments of silent eating, Sabo piped up "So, Luffy, did ya meet anyone special at university?" he asked teasingly.
Luffy pouted "I told you I'm not interested in dating! And the old man thinks I get distracted enough on my own that I would end up dropping out if I started seeing someone."
Luffy really hadn't met someone special. He had, however, become more 'experienced' in the field of romance, you could say. He wouldn't ever admit it to his family obviously, but he was introduced to a fair share of fun in college. Hey, it was a bunch of young people, hitting the peak of their hormones, without parental supervision for the first time in their lives. Just do the math.
"Speaking of dropping out, how are those grades of yours?" Garp questioned.
Luffy gulped down a spoonful of fried rice and paused. He stared straight down at his food and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Uhh, pretty good. Passing."
Garp burst out in laughter at Luffy's hesitancy, and pat him hard on the back "Ahh, as long as you're staying out of trouble and doing your best!"
Luffy winced at the sudden harsh contact with his back, but sighed in relief at his grandfather's laid-back attitude towards school.
"And for that spine of yours! We've gotta get you going to a chiropractor on a regular basis while you're here. I can't have my grandson walking around with a cane at only 19!"
Luffy buried his face in his hands and shook his head. He looked up at his grandpa and furrowed his brow in complaint "Really? The chiropractor? I used to go there with you when I was little and it didn't seem to do anything to help you. It just seems like a waste of money."
"Ahh, that chiropractor gave me some extra years of mobility, it was well worth my time and money. We'll get you in for an appointment tomorrow, then you'll see!" Garp pounded his fist on the table, sending some food jumping off the plates.
Luffy sighed and returned to eating his food. As long as he wasn't paying for it, he guessed a trip to the chiropractor couldn't hurt.
The next day, Luffy woke up at a solid 12:30 PM. Sleeping in was easier in college than it was in high school, but he would still use every hour of sleep he could get while he was home.
A loud pounding on his door brought him fully to his senses and he rolled out of bed, wearing nothing but boxers.
"Luffy! Get up! You've got your appointment in thirty minutes!" Sabo shouted from behind the door.
Luffy whipped the door open "What?" he questioned.
Sabo sighed "The chiropractor. The old man told me to remind you."
Luffy sank "Agghhh fineee. Do we have any breakfast?"
Sabo scoffed "Breakfast? I've had lunch already, Lu. It's past 12:30."
Luffy sighed "Alright, whatever, I'll pick something up or find something in the kitchen." He shut the door and went to pull a t-shirt and shorts out of his suitcase. He put on some deodorant and a tiny bit of cologne and went to the bathroom to wash his face.
One thing that college taught him was personal hygeine. Obviously he showered every day and brushed his teeth and all the basic stuff, but seriously, there were so many grooming tactics that he was missing out on in high school. He even tried styling his hair once or twice, but that didn't go so well and in the end he decided to stick with the natural look.
After splashing his face and brushing his teeth he ran down the stairs to greet Garp and look for food. "Morning, old man."
"Morning, brat." The man said from the kitchen table. "Ready for your appointment?"
Luffy shrugged "What's there to get ready for?"
Garp shrugged back "You can take Sabo's car. The address is on the notepad there on the counter. You oughta leave soon, so you can be a little early."
Luffy moaned "Fineeee, but I'm so hungry!"
"Eat when you get home! Go now or you'll be late!"
"Alright, I'm going! Geez, old man." Luffy tore the top sheet off the notepad with the address and headed for the door.
"Oh, by the way! There's a new doctor there now. Never heard of him before, some Trafalgar Law guy. Dadan tells me he's great, but I think she was being biased, if you know what I mean. I fear that she's turning into a cougar after all these years. So, you've gotta let me know how he is, I need an unbiased opinion!"
Luffy rolled his eyes internally at how his grandpa always seemed to forget that he was just as attracted to men as a straight woman was, no matter how many times he reminded him. Luffy sighed "Yeah, whatever. I'll be back soon." and he headed out the door.
A gentle beep as the door opened caused the young secretary to look up.
She smiled at the new arrival "Hello, welcome to King's Chiropractic. Do you have a scheduled appointment?"
Luffy looked around at his surroundings. The place had a superficial calm and relaxed vibe, created by warm lighting and dark coloring on the walls and furniture.
"Uhh, I'm not sure. My old man might've called the other day, Monkey D. Garp?"
The young woman typed the name into her computer and made a couple clicks "Ah, yes. And you are...?"
"The grandson, Luffy."
*Click, click*
"Yep! He scheduled you for a 1 o'clock with Dr. Law, does that sound right?"
Luffy nodded.
"Great, have a seat and he'll be right with you." She motioned at the comfy looking chairs around the room, and Luffy followed her suggestion.
He sat and looked around, noticing more details of the room. The glass table, with health magazines and pamphlets sprawled out in a perfect arch. A bowl of mints on another table, next to a bonzai tree. A miniature fountain with running water created an artificial soundscape throughout the room. A light aroma filled the waiting room as well, adding to the mood.
He leaned across and grabbed a mint to pop into his mouth. He sucked on it for a little while, but got impatient and just chewed it to pieces, letting it crunch in his mouth. Just as the last chunk of mint was disintegrating, he heard his name called by a calm and cool voice from somewhere above him.
He looked up from twiddling his thumbs and was met by a pair of steel grey orbs.
A man stood across the room, beside the front desk, and looked at Luffy when his head snapped up. "Follow me and we'll get started."
Luffy nodded and stood up, walking towards the man who he assumed was the chiropractor.
His features were dark and calm, black hair and a sharp jaw giving him a kind of intense look. His body was tall and lean, and he wore tight black dress pants and a white button-up, with the sleeves rolled back to expose tattooed forearms and hands. Not your average chiropractor look, Luffy guessed. Luffy now completely understood why Dadan had given him such a great review. I mean, even a straight guy could admit that the dude was hot.
He spoke as he led Luffy down a short hallway. "I'm Dr. Trafalgar Law, and you must be Monkey D. Luffy?"
Luffy nodded and his eyes snapped up to meet the other man's. "Yeah, nice to meet you."
Law slipped a smile, "Likewise."
Hopefully this is a good start and you enjoyed it! I am super excited to write this story, and I'll probably take it slower than I am with Look But Don't Touch. Which, btw, check it out if you haven't. I'm actually gonna put it under construction soon just to add details and fix it up a lil, the mess that it is. Hope you continue to read this story in the meantime! Fav, Follow, Review! I love it when you do ;)