I wasn't planning to do a sequel to this. It was supposed to be a fluffy oneshot that ended where, well, the first part ended. But here's the thing. I have a really bad habit of coming up with ideas that literally fit in none of my current (or upcoming) universes. So, you have this. This story line is something I've toyed with for awhile and I'm satisfied with how it came out. Once again, for Sofia and Lauren, for their endless enthusiasm and inspiration (and for telling me the ending isn't as crappy or rushed as I think it is). I'm attempting to get back to Superman now. Hopefully I'll see you soon for an update for that (if I can stop hitting the delete button, that is.).

Reach For Me Part 2

Finn Hudson was a lucky man. He whistled to himself as he hoisted his duffle bag onto his shoulder, his steps quick as he headed up to the porch. He stepped over the outdoor toys that littered the front walkway, leading up the porch and all over the cement surface. He shook his head happily at the mess, before reaching for the screen door and laughing all the same at the fingerprints all over the glass portions. He barely stepped into the house before the echo of laughter bounced off the tiled floor of the foyer.

If he was honest, Finn never would have imagined a life this...good. He'd made Lieutenant in the last year, and with that came more responsibilities and one hell of a pay raise. He loved what he did, he loved saving people and helping them at their most vulnerable. He loved being able to go home and tell his son and his wife just how much good he had done that day. He didn't tell them the bad. Well, he didn't tell Eli the bad. At five years old (almost 6, on Friday, as he so aptly reminded him before he left for his 72 hour shift on Monday), Eli was still innocent. Every time he brought up that his birthday was coming up, Rachel got a pouty look on her face that mimicked the words he knew were on the tip of her tongue, so vividly that he could hear her voice echoing 'my baby' - even if she was currently 7.5 months pregnant with their second (and final, she would argue once she started to show), child. Eli had a tough exterior, he loved being rough and tumble, tossing the football around in the backyard or giving Rachel heart attacks, mild ones, as he ran down the diving board and flew into the water. But he was also a Mama's boy at heart. He loved to read stories cuddled up next to her, reading from A Wrinkle In Time or some other novel him and Rachel had picked out at the library that week. Eli had taken after Rachel, in that regard. He had learned to love books and reading from the time he was small, and at 5...err almost 6, was reading right along with Rachel right before bed. He loved to stand next to her at the center island of their large kitchen and bake alongside Rachel. His messy, and usually chocolate covered items were usually the best - and his favourite.

"Daddy!" his thoughts were broken in that moment, as the boy in question, the boy in his thoughts came speeding towards him, all long limbs and curly wild hair. Another element he had inherited from his beautiful mother. "Daddy you're home!" he shouted.

"Eli Christopher, inside voice please!" Finn heard the exasperated voice of his wife, followed by the sound of her flip flops slapping against the tiles of their kitchen. She appeared in the doorway that led into their kitchen. She looked pretty exasperated, her long wavy brown hair piled on top of her head, exposing her long neck to the deep heat of August. She looked so pretty, albeit exhausted, but pretty none the less. Her dress, that at the beginning of the summer had been a little loose, but now pulled pretty tight around her large bump. Her hands rested on her hips, and if she hadn't had the large bump in front of her she might have been menacing. Might.

"But Mommy, Daddy's home!" Eli grinned as he latched himself around Finn's khaki coloured leg. "And if Daddy's home that means it's pool time!" He trained his big whisky coloured eyes up at Finn. "Mama says..."

"I said when Daddy got home, you could ask him if MAYBE he would like to go swimming with you. Maybe, Eli. Not pounce on him the moment he walks in the door," she sighed. "I haven't even gotten to say hi to him, let alone anything else..." she rolled her eyes as her hands moved to the small of her back. "Now go back to the kitchen and finish your puzzle. If you're done, roll it away and put it up where Titus won't get it..." she explained. Finn chuckled slightly under his breath as he watched her blow out a breath, the one piece of hair that had fallen from her ponytail fluttering away.

Eli sighed in defeat, walking away and towards the kitchen with his head down.

"He giving you trouble today?" Rachel narrowed her eyes. "A lot of trouble?"

"He's a 5 and a half year old boy who is beyond excited for his birthday, coupled with the fact that his mother can't keep up with him as well because she's so fat..."

It was like he blinked and a switch had been turned. Gone was the tough, exasperated tone - replaced with a soft, weepy thick sound to her voice. He dropped his bag to the floor and opened his arms, crossing the few steps it took for him to get to her. He chuckled a little as she fell into his arms as much as she could, her bump colliding with his stomach as she wrapped her arms around him in return.

"Rough day sweetheart?" he asked quietly, his left hand coming to span her hip. She mumbled something he couldn't understand, her lips and voice muffled by the cotton of his FDNY issued t-shirt. He rubbed his hand over her hip as she lifted her head.

"Been a long week so far," she grumbled, leaning up enough so that she could draw her finger over the letters on his shirt. "But yeah, you could say it's been a long day. He's been wanting to go swimming all day and I told him to ask you when you came home. I thought that would calm him down. It did the opposite."

"I'm sorry sweetheart," he murmured as he dropped a kiss to her forehead. "But I'm home now, you've got me for a whole three days..." he lifted his hands in mock celebration. She rolled her eyes and lifted her own hands to wipe at her eyes.

"Not long enough," she whispered.

"Well guess what, soon enough you'll have me until you're sick of me," he grinned as he pulled her into his arms again. "Soon it'll just be me, you, crazy man in there and our tiny little girl..." he smiled.

"She isn't that tiny," she blushed as she looked down at her bump.

"She's ours," he laughed.

"Daddy! Can we pleaseeeeeeeee go swimming now?" both of them turned their attention to where Eli was standing at the door to the kitchen. He had stripped off his t-shirt, and stood there with his hands on his hips, his ninja turtle bathing suit proudly on display.

"Alright, alright, let me get my suit on..." Finn groaned. Rachel smacked his chest gently before he tugged at her chin, pulling her mouth up for a kiss.

Winter fires were the worst. Finn shook his hands once he got back to the firehouse, his hands cold despite the gloves he had been wearing. He was just thankful there wasn't snow on the ground yet, what had fallen two nights ago before he came on shift had melted away as fast as it hit the ground. He loved snow, loved making snowmen and forts with Eli - but to fight fires in it? It soaked through his gear and made it heavier. It just made things complicated, in his mind, and he was thankful that it hadn't been a problem today. The flames had been massive, the building destroyed - but he had saved the elderly woman who lived on the top floor of the triplex and for that he was thankful.

"Hudson," he spun around to face the voice who had called his name. He came face to face with Captain Rolley, an older man with whitening hair. "There's a call for you on line 4."

Finn froze. It was his last 72 hour shift before he went on paternal leave and he was barely 24 hours in. He might have been counting the hours until the end, until he got a few weeks off to spend with Rachel and the kids...his blood froze as Rachel's name passed through his mind. He jogged quickly to a small area where the phone extension was. He collapsed into the chair beside it, paying no mind that he was still half dressed in his gear.

"Hello?" he heaved into the phone , using his free hand to run through his messy and sweaty hair.

"Finn," Rachel's breathless voice came from the other side of the phone. He immediately sat up straighter in his chair.

"Rach? You okay sweetheart?" he felt his body tense, as he waited for her to say something.

"No," she whimpered. Her voice came out shaky, and he could hear her suck in a breath sharply. "I need you to come home Finn," she sighed. "I think she's coming..." her voice trailed off then and he heard her breathe heavily into the phone.

"I'm on my way sweetheart. I'll call Sam, get him to come stay with Eli and ..."

"I already called him," she groaned. Her voice turned mean in an instant. "Just get the fuck here..."

"I'm on my way..." he stammered. "I love you!"

She hung up the phone before she could return the sentiment and Finn tried not to pay it any mind. Instead, he bolted from his seat and went to find Captain Rolley to explain the situation.

It hadn't been like this with Eli. Because he had measured big for most of the pregnancy, their obstetrician had suggested with a few weeks to go that they plan for a c-section. It had worked for them, being their first child and all. Rachel had been nervous from the moment the stick had turned pink, and knowing that they had everything planned had given her great relief.

But not this time. She wanted a natural birth, and while Finn supported her completely he worried that this would be exactly what happened. He stripped off his gear quickly, throwing them on his bunk and stuffing himself into khakis and a long sleeved shirt before dashing out the door, only his keys and wallet in hand. She wasn't due for another week, but little Elise Carolyn didn't seem to get the memo, if he could tell as much from the brief conversation with his wife. Lucky for him Captain was sentimental, and had gotten to know Rachel quite well over the past few years. So as soon as he was ready, he was out the door and running for his truck. He just wanted to get to his wife and children - he was about to be a dad again!

"Just breathe sweetheart," Finn offered as he brushed a cool cloth across her forehead.

"I am breathing," she grimaced. "This fucking hurts. You have no idea," she cried as she turned her head away from him for a moment.

Finn's heart broke as he watched her. He sighed as he put the cloth down. She turned her head back to face him, tears in her eyes as she looked at him. She sucked in a breath, and he watched as she tried to push it into her lungs before letting go.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered as she reached her hand out to him. He took it gently and pressed a kiss to every knuckle individually. "I just..."

"It's okay sweetheart," he whispered before leaning over to press a kiss to her lips.

"It just hurts so much," she whispered. "I didn't think it would hurt this much..."

"Do you want me to call the Doctor? Maybe we can get you some..."

She sucked in a breath as she shook her head. Her hands rubbed comforting circles on her stomach, avoiding the monitor as she went. "No, I don't want meds Finn...I just want her here," she whispered.

"I know. And she'll be here before we know it," he smiled, placing his hand on her bump between hers. What he didn't miss, was the grimace that crossed her face.

He flinched when she groaned, something he should be used to by now and he backed his hand away. He reached for her hand, expecting a contraction to start - but when he looked at the monitor it was evident that nothing was happening. Yet Rachel still squeezed his hand tightly.

"Rach?" he questioned quietly.

"It hurts Finn," she whimpered. She squeezed his hand tightly as she clenched her eyes shut. She was trying to breathe through the feeling she was having, he could tell. He felt helpless as he watched her, trying to think of how to comfort her.

"How can I help sweetheart?" he asked quietly, as she rolled her head to look at him. Her eyes were glassy, fresh with tears, as she stared at him. Her breath quickened as she tried to work through the pain. He thought it was over when she gasped, but as her back arched - this time he knew she was being overwhelmed by the power of a contraction, he felt himself losing his strength. He hoped this passed quickly for her.

But what he hadn't expected to see was the blood that littered the pale blue sheet below her. He felt his heart stop in that moment.

His eyes widened as the monitor around her bump started to beat wildly out of control, the sound high pitched and so alarming he felt his own heart speed up. She clawed for his hand, his arm anything as her face paled and the door swung open - a group of nurses and the doctor on call, Dr. Fletcher, flooded into the room.

He tried to make himself as small as he could as he watched the scene unfold. Rachel cried as she curled her fingers around his hand tightly, as the machine continued to beep wildly. His heart pounded in his chest as he watched a nurse help Rachel roll over onto her left side, and another helped her put a oxygen mask over her face. He felt helpless and terrified all at once, and his blood ran cold as he listened to the machine beep. Why hadn't they stopped it? Why won't it stop on its own?

Then in a blink things changed. Rachel's hand slipped from his, and before he could do anything to change it, the breaks were lifted on her bed and two orderlies took her running from the room, the nurses beside her.

Finn felt all the breath leave his body, and the blood drain from his face. His heart pounded in his ears, the sound more urgent and painful than before. Dr. Fletcher touched his arm briefly, bringing his attention to him.

"What's happening?" he questioned. His fists clenched as tears piqued his eyes. "I need to go with..."

"Son, listen," Dr. Fletcher started calmly. "Rachel's uterus is rupturing, and the baby isn't dealing with that well..." Finn flinched at the words. "We have to get the baby out, so we can help Rachel. It's just safer this way - for everyone involved..."

"Can I...?" his voice was trapped in his throat, as he felt the swell of emotion start there. He started to hyperventilate and he felt like he was going to be sick.

"Son, to help your wife and baby we need you to wait..." Dr. Fletcher said with a hint of authority. He started for the door just as a nurse came through. "Madeline is going to take you to where you can wait, and see your wife and child after were finished."

He could only nod in response. He felt numb against emotion, like everything had drained from him. He didn't miss how Dr. Fletcher dashed out the door, running down the same hallway he presumed that they had taken Rachel. He turned away in that instant, ignoring the nurse as he looked at the room. He let out a shuddered, uneven breath as he took in his surroundings. It was eerily quiet, and the stillness of the room rocked him to his core. He felt himself losing control as he blinked back tears.

"Mr. Hudson, if you'd like I can show you to the post-op area where you can wait..."

He turned around in that moment, swallowing hard . "I just... I just need to get my..."

"You can't have your phone in Post-Op, Mr. Hudson. It's a cell free area," Madeline replied quietly. "There is a complimentary phone in the waiting room just outside of post-op if you'd like..."

He nodded numbly, before following her to the door.

His palms were sweaty. He was nervous but he didn't want to admit it to himself, or anyone. It was his wedding day. A day he had been waiting for, forever it seemed. He took a deep breath as he rubbed his hands on the sides of his pants. A slap on the back drew his attention away from the rose petal covered aisle.

"You doin' okay there bro?" Sam asked quietly. "Need a shot, I know a guy," he gestured to the rows of people in front of them. Finn had no idea who he was talking about, and good naturedly rolled his eyes regardless.

"I don't need a shot," he mumbled. "I just need Rachel."

"Good things come to those who wait," Sam chuckled, moving back to his position behind him. "Or so they say..."

Finn didn't have time to send a retort Sam's way, because as soon as he was back in position the soft music that had been playing suddenly stopped, and changed into the instrumental piece Rachel had chosen for her party to walk out to. Finn blew out a breath and wiped his hands one more time on his pants as the doors at the back of the church opened, and the bridal party started to slowly make their way down. He smiled as he watched Sloane, the Schuster's 3rd and youngest child, marched down the aisle beside Bryson, the son of one of his buddies from the station. He smiled at the two of them, Sloane with her look of fierce determination and Bryson with his look of pure boredom. He chuckled a bit when they both came to stand where they were supposed to. Something that had worried Rachel endlessly the last few nights.

Then came the bridesmaids. Rachel had picked a mix of women from her life. There was Tina, her best friend and ally from high school, Marcelle who had been a friend from NYADA, and Jenny, her makeup artist from Funny Girl. He had it easier. He'd selected his three closest friends, Sam, Kurt and Mike. It helped that Mike was with Tina and Sam lived in the same building as them. And Kurt was...well he was Kurt. Rachel had agonized for days over who to chose. Finn had decided on the spot.

But then the music changed. He stood up a little straighter, nodded his head to some invisible question or beat in his mind and waited with baited breath for the door at the back of the church to open once more.

And then it did.

Every breath left his body in that moment. His chin actually trembled as he forced himself not to blink, despite the tears that were welling in his eyes.

There she was. She smiled at him, a dainty smile, from down the aisle. She looked beautiful and graceful as she slowly glided down the aisle on the arms of her fathers. Her strapless dress clung to her body and fit her like a glove, the white material highlighted her olive toned skin that boasted a summers worth of tan. The lace overlay was delicate, and so her. His breath came out in spurts as his heart sped up. He couldn't believe this woman had said yes. He couldn't believe she was his.

She smelled heavenly when she reached the altar. Finn sucked in a breath as he stepped down and her fathers' presented him her hand. He felt her hand tremble was it was placed in his, and he shook both of her father's hands with his free one. He gave her a gentle squeeze to let her know he was there before pulling her forward in front of the minister.

He found himself smiling broadly, with tears in his eyes, as the minister began talking. He held Rachel's hand in his the whole time, never letting go. It wasn't in the carefully laid out plan for the ceremony, he knew, but he just needed to touch her. Needed that reassurance that she was there - she was his anchor. Always had been, always will be. She had said yes, those months ago, she had chosen him. He smiled at the thought.

Before he knew it, it was time for the vows. He must have spaced out or something, because he hadn't heard a word the minister had said. But his smile widened when he turned to face Rachel. She was so beautiful. Their eyes connected and he felt himself pulled into her, as was always the way. He could lose himself in her forever, and he was so happy that he had the chance.

"Finn, your vows?" the minister urged.

"Oh, right," he chuckled softly. "I get to go first." The crowd that had gathered chuckled at his rambling. He took a deep breath and shook her hand that he was holding a little, before using his other one to take her free hand. "Rachel," he breathed. "I don't know how to put into words just what you mean to me, and how much I love you," he started. "You've been my biggest rock, my biggest supporter and my biggest champion from the moment I laid eyes on you. You challenge me to be a better man, better son, better fireman, and best yet - a better boyfriend. Everything I've learned about life, and love has been from you. You have made me the man I am today. And I can only hope that I've made you proud. I love you, more than I love breathing, or nachos," he winked. "Everything I've done and will do in this world and this life is for you. You are my reason to get up in the morning, my reason to come home after every shift. You are my world. I promise to continue to try my best, try my hardest to be the best I can be because you deserve nothing less. And hey, one day I'll remember to keep the toilet seat down, alright?" he joked. "I love you Rachel Barbra Berry, forever..." he trailed off. He chuckled a little when she mouthed 'Hudson', when he referred to her maiden name. He reached his hand forward and slowly wiped at the tears that had piqued in her eyes while he was speaking.

There was a quiet moment then, as he looked deep into Rachel's eyes. His finger lingered on her cheek, using the pad of his thumb to follow the path a tear had taken down to her chin. Her chin trembled at his touch and he smiled softly. He wanted to kiss her so badly, but he knew that there was a time for that - the ceremony had an order he had to follow. So he settled for dragging his thumb along her rose coloured lip (he had overheard the debating phone call with Kurt three nights ago) before pulling away. He chuckled lightly at the pout that formed on her lips before the minister drew their attention back to the task at hand. Their wedding ceremony.

He cleared his throat. "Rachel? Your vows."

She nodded softly, in that dainty way Finn recognized from when she was running her lines through her head. He smiled tenderly. He knew his girl.

Rachel cocked her head to the side a little, her curled hair falling behind her with the motion. She was quiet, lost in her thoughts he could tell as she stared back at him. He squeezed her hand gently, the tremble in her chin starting to become more prominent in a way that he knew she was trying to hold back her tears. She gave him a weak smile.

"Finn," she started quietly. He could barely hear her, so he doubted anyone further back from the front row could hear her as well. He had never seen her so nervous. "I'm not the kind of girl..." she paused to collect her thoughts. He could see the wheels going faster in her mind. "I wasn't the kind of girl, who was easy to get along with, to be friends with, let alone fall in love with," she paused. "I was the kind of girl who was looked over, teased, forgotten about and easily pushed aside because I had my ambition and my drive. But it was you, Finn Hudson, who changed all of that. You showed me from the moment our eyes met, that there was more to life. 16 year old me has never been more thankful. You've showed me the world, Finn. You've shown me what it's like to have friends, to have fun, to have love. You are the love of my life. You have given me everything in our years together, and I can only hope t hat I've given you the same," her lip trembled a little more prominently than moments before. "Thank you, for being you. For being just what I needed then and for always being what I need now. You are my life, and I am forever yours," she sighed. "You are the best part of my every morning, and my favourite part of every night. I cannot wait to see where life takes us. I know it's going to be great, because it's going to be with you. I love you."

"I love you too," he answered back, much to the minister's chagrin. To hell with it. If he wanted to tell his girl, his almost wife that he loved her, he would.

He couldn't sit still. He had followed Madeline down the hallway, and she had led him to a room that he felt was too small. Finn felt his heart start to race, as he paced the entire perimeter of the room. He felt something building in the pit of his stomach - he didn't know if it was anger, or sadness, or what. But something was gnawing at him, and he felt like he was going to be sick. He clenched his fists in that moment, curling them so much that he felt the edge of his wedding ring cutting into his skin. He uncurled his fist as quickly as he had curled it and instead raised his hands to press his palms into his eyes. The pressure burned, his tears stinging in the corners of his eyes.

He didn't know how much time had passed. It felt like everything was blurring together and suddenly he just couldn't breathe. The thought that somewhere, down the hall or something the love of his life was suffering and he wasn't there - he wasn't there to hold her hand and tell her everything was going to be okay. He felt like he was going to be sick as he thought about it, his hands shaking against as everything swirled in his mind.

The baby.

He heaved as he bent at the waist, his hands falling to his knees to support himself. His little girl. She had to be okay too. His thoughts flashed to Eli at home, he was so excited to have a little sister. He had come to most of the ultrasounds with him and Rachel and had excitedly helped pick out her bedding when they went shopping. He felt his head spin and his heart race at the thought of his son at home. Who might not have a mother or sister anymore. He dropped to the floor and hit himself repeatedly on the head as tears began to fall from his eyes. His bottom hit the floor and he curled his arms into himself, pulling his legs with them. He buried his head in his knees as he started to sob in earnest. His heart pounded against his ears as his tears soaked the material of the khaki pants he was wearing. He hadn't had time to change, when he got home. Rachel had been ready to go, Sam had Eli under control...he breathed heavily as he rubbed his forehead against his pants.

His thoughts were halted as the door to the small waiting room slowly creaked open. He tried not to react to quickly for fear that he would finally lose his resolve and throw up all over the sterile floor. He slowly looked up and his breath hitched when a different nurse that he didn't know crept into the room, a small pink bundle in her arms.

"Mr. Hudson, I have someone here who would really like to meet you," the nurses voice was soft and quiet.

He felt his heart start to beat wildly in his chest as he picked himself up off the floor. "Is that?" he felt himself questioning, so quietly the words barely met his own ears. The nurse nodded slowly as her own face turned down to look at the baby in her arms. He took careful, quick steps towards the nurse and he sucked in a breath when he was close enough.

"Someone wants to say hi to her Daddy," the nurse smiled as she slowly started to hand the bundle over to him. His hands shook as he gently slid his hands under the soft, pink blanket the nurse had been carrying. His breath hitched in his throat as the nurse pulled her hands out from underneath the blanket once it was secure in Finn's arms. Only it didn't feel secure at all. Finn's hands shook as he cuddled the small bundle to him. He gently shifted the small baby in his arms, using the fingers of his right arm to gently pull the soft blanket so he could study her face. His breath hitched as he looked down at the small baby. She was gorgeous. He felt his eyes well as he looked at her, studying her tiny features intently as the newborn shifted in the blanket.

She was perfect. He pushed the tiny cap on her head slightly back so he could see if she had hair, and felt his tears swell. A head full of brown hair, just like her Mama.

He looked away from her for just a brief second to look over at the nurse.

Before he could ask the questions that were on the tip of his tongue, the nurse smiled broadly. "She's absolutely perfect. 6 pounds, 9 ounces of gorgeous little girl. Came through like a champion," the nurse noted. "She was not impressed when she was pulled out..." she chuckled a bit.

"Just like her Mama," he whispered. He looked back down at the baby in his arms, just in time to find her opening her eyes. He smiled amongst his tears as she yawned a big yawn and flailed her fist around. "Well hey there little bit," he gave a watery chuckle. He cuddled her closer to him and pulled her close enough so that he could press a kiss to her warm forehead.

He got lost in her for a moment. She jerked in his arms and he gently swayed her for a moment as she settled. He stared down at her, studied her features and just committed every part of her to memory. He smiled briefly as he watched her eyes flutter closed, her lips pursing in a way that was distinctly Rachel.


Finn looked over at the nurse. "Um," he stuttered. He slowly took a step back towards the chairs he had ignored the entire time he had been in the room. "I...If she's...if she's fine..." His words stumbled out of his mouth in an awkward form of word vomit. He hadn't had a bout of this since, he couldn't even remember. He ran over his words in his head and his heart raced even further. "My...my..."

The nurse placed a warm hand on his bicep.

"She's still in surgery," she placated softly. "They'll come let us know when you can see her..."

"They'll come let us know," he repeated. His head sunk and returned to looking down at the baby. She had gone back to sleep in is arms, a contented sigh blowing across her lips. She was perfect. Her perfect, long fingers had come to rest at the edge of her blanket and Finn gently used his pinky to run along her tiny little fingers. He lost himself in her, in the simple features of her face.

"Have you guys settled on a name for this little one?" the kind nurse asked.

Finn ran his finger over her little cheek. Without looking away from the baby, he answered her question quietly. "Elise. My wife wants to name her Elise. Elise Carolyn," he finished quietly.

"That's a beautiful name."

He didn't let go of the baby. She continued to sleep in his arms, almost like she knew he needed her to just be. She was his anchor to the world, the only thing that made him feel like he needed to do anything but fall apart at the seams.

They came to get him later than he had wanted. He had stayed still in the chair he had planted himself, and he had no concept of how much time had passed. But before he knew it, Dr. Fletcher appeared in the door way dressed in fresh scrubs. The look on his face didn't match the fresh scrubs on his body and Finn felt his own extremities start to shake. The nurse that had sat with him and Elise (he had signed off on her birth certificate, with one marked change that he hoped Rachel wouldn't mind), reached for the baby on instinct. Instead of handing her over, he snuggled her closer.

Dr. Fletcher pulled the chair across from Finn closer to him, sitting down in front of him. The older man clasped his hands on his lap as he looked across at both Finn and the baby.

"We need to talk about your wife," Dr. Fletcher started. Finn pressed a kiss to Elise's forehead before he finally took a moment to glance up at the doctor before him. The seriousness on the doctors face did nothing to quell the storm of emotions that were building in his stomach. He clutched her a little tighter to him and she didn't seem to mind. "Maybe, you should let Madeline hold the baby..."

Finn shook his head vehemently. He almost recoiled at the suggestion, and unintentionally jostled Elise ever so slightly. She whimpered in his arms and her small arm flailed about for a moment in a disturbed protest. Finn gently took her hand in his and she immediately clutched her tiny fist around his larger finger. He didn't need a sign, but that was enough to tell him she didn't want him to let her go. He swallowed hard and turned his head to look at Dr. Fletcher once more.

"I'll hold her, thank you," he whispered. "But please...my wife? How's...how's Rachel?" he stumbled and tripped over his words. "Is she okay?" he shifted Elise in his hands once more and she grunted softly in her sleep and smacked her lips.

Dr. Fletcher shifted in his seat. "Your wife, as you know, during labor suffered a uterine rupture. What that means, is the wall of her uterus tore around the scar from her previous c-section. We delivered the baby quickly once we got your wife into the operating room. But during that time she lost a lot of blood while the baby was delivered. She lost consciousness during that time, and while we tried to clot her blood using medication and surgical techniques, the rupture itself became too large..."

Finn felt himself suck in a breath. He ducked his head as the words swam around in his mind - rupture, clot, blood...his heart pounded hard against his chest as tears flooded his eyes as he thought about Rachel.

"We had to act quickly, and in turn we had to remove her uterus in order to save her life."

Save her life.
Save her life.
Save her life.

The hyperventilating started in that moment. He squeezed his eyes shut and he felt himself sliding in his seat. He felt himself slipping towards the ground and he suddenly felt the baby lifted from his arms, just before he fell to the floor. He felt his knees hit the floor with a thunk and he steeled himself against the pain.

Rachel almost died.

He felt bile rise in his throat as thoughts reeled. Elise squawked at the change of hold, and he felt his arms tremble from holding his body up. Someone knelt beside him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder as the tears reared their eager heads.

"Rachel is stable. But because she lost so much blood she's been placed in the ICU. During surgery we put her under anesthetic and had to intubate her. We will try to wake her up in a few hours. She's out of the woods Mr. Hudson. Everything is just up to her now." Dr. Fletcher's words should have been assuring, relieving but as the final word died on his lips Elise seemed to come to life, starting with a whimper that quickly escalated into a full blown scream. It pierced Finn's heart immediately, and he pulled himself off the floor without so much as another word. He scooped Elise up in his arms and moved swiftly away from the two nurses and Dr. Fletcher, choosing a corner away from everyone else as he attempted to soothe the newborn.

"It's okay Little Bit," he whispered. "It's okay," he tried to shush her but it seemed in that moment to further frustrate her. He tried to run his fingers over her cheek and she seemed to stop for a moment, but started again once she realized nothing was coming from his finger when he ran it over her lips. His hands shook as her squawks continued and for a moment he lifted his head to look helplessly at the nurses.

"She's probably hungry," Madeline, the nurse who had stayed with him this entire afternoon offered. "We'll get her a bottle..."

"Rachel wants to breastfeed," he stopped her. "She did with Eli and she wants to..."

"We can figure that out when she wakes up," she comforted. "But she's hungry now so we can take her..."

He shook his head. "I need her here..." he whispered. His voice broke, trembling as the words came out of his mouth. "She's..." he stammered.

"Son, let the nurses take her so you can go see your wife. You'll be able to be with Elise again after..."

He swallowed sharply, his hands shaking as he handed over his crying newborn. Her shrill sound was something he would never forget. His hands continued to shake for a few moments afterwards, as he dropped his head into his hands to grasp at his hair. The nurse walked away and out of the room, Elise's tireless cry continuing to bounce off the walls.

Finn stepped out onto the deck of the beach house and took a deep breath. He felt his entire body relax as the peacefulness of the morning overcame him. He took a few steps forward and leaned his hands against the railing that lined the edge of the deck. His muscles relaxed as he let the warm sun beat down on his face. He had found himself alone in bed only a few minutes ago, and for a moment disorientation had over taken him. As worry crept through his features in the moments that had followed, he noticed the breeze gently blowing at the gauzy curtains that covered the sliding door off their bedroom. Intuition caused him to follow the path, and as he looked down at the sandy beach, he smiled when he found Rachel's profile, her towel spread on the white sand. He smiled and stretched his arms above his head, shaking out his muscles before grabbing a towel that they had hung off the railing before heading for the stairs to meet her.

He stopped a few steps away, a small smile coming to his lips as he just watched her for a moment. She was leaning back on her arms as she turned her face to the sun, her large sunglasses covering her face. Her long brown hair was cascading down her back as she leaned on her arms, her bump on full display. He loved that she was embracing her body as it changed, had been since she had started to show prominently. He had watched her unpack when they got here, piling a drawer full of bikinis not unlike the ones she had worn in what she called her 'pre-baby' days.

She was gorgeous every day to him, but now...hurdling towards the end of her pregnancy with their first child - she was the most beautiful.

He decided then to join in her peaceful moment, taking a few steps quietly before laying out his towel beside her. He dropped to the sand beside her, in the gym shorts he had slept in last night.

"I was wondering when you were going to move closer," she murmured without turning towards him. Instead she adjusted her face to be at a more comfortable angle towards the sun.

"You knew I was there?" he questioned as he turned to look at her.

"Your thoughts are loud, Finn Hudson," she laughed. He watched as she slowly pushed herself up so she wasn't leaning back on her arms anymore. She brushed the sands off her hands on the towel she was sitting on.

He shuffled over on his bum and gently reached over to push her hair over her right shoulder while she placed her hands on her bump.

"They're loud, are they? What was I thinking?" he whispered as he pressed a kiss on her cheek. She chuckled when his scruff tickled her cheek.

"You were thinking, God I would love to give my beautiful wife a kiss," she laughed as she dropped her head back a little. He didn't have to see her eyes to know that they were twinkling the way they always did when she laughed, the corners of her eyes crinkling in a way that only truly showed when she was at her happiest.

"Is that your way of asking for a kiss?" he mumbled as he dropped another one on her cheek.

"Mm hm," she sighed as his nose brushed hers. He leaned in a little closer and gently pressed his lips to hers. In a blink he pulled away as she softly sighed in content. Her face turned quickly to another laugh, this one more joyful as the baby kicked heartily inside her.

"Eli says good morning," she sighed as Finn wrapped his arm around her. He reached his arm around and pressed his hand beside hers, chuckling into her ear when Eli pushed against his hand as well.

"I think he's saying, enough sun Mom, time to eat..."

Rachel pouted, her lips pushed out dramatically. Finn laughed and pressed a kiss to her cheek again. "Come on, if we hurry and go get dressed we can go get crepes at that little breakfast place down the street that we saw on the way in..." When her pout disappeared he knew he had peaked her interest. Anything sweet had been her vice this entire pregnancy.

"You had me at crepes, but hurry I cannot...your son is huge," she chuckled. He stood up first and helped her to her feet before grabbing their towels and following her back to the house. She made it up to the porch first, and stood at the top with her hands on her hips.

"You said hurry, so I hurried. Now you're being slow," she teased. "Your son and baby Mama are hungry," she chuckled.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," he laughed as he ran up the stairs to meet up with her and follow her back into the house.

Nothing could have prepared Finn for the scene that unfolded before him. Dr. Fletcher led him around to the ICU where they had taken Rachel after her surgery. He wasn't one to get nervous, in his profession he didn't have time to be nervous. But the health and wellness of his family was the one thing that truly made him scared. Especially right now.

He felt his knees shake the moment she came in to his view. Dr. Fletcher pressed a supportive hand to his shoulder, and Finn wished he could tell the man to back off. His breath came out in a shuddered gasp as his eyes focused in on Rachel. His tiny Rachel. If it was possible she looked even smaller in that moment, surrounded by tubes and wires that were keeping her going while she slept on, oblivious to all of the trauma that had occurred around her. He fisted his hands at his sides, trying hard not to collapse against the weight of the emotions he was feeling at that very moment.

"It's all up to her, Mr. Hudson," Dr. Fletcher repeated his words from only a few moments ago - ones that had felt like an eternity ago already. Finn's breath shuddered once more, fighting against the floods of tears that were rising in his eyes and the thickness in his throat that was starting all over. "You have no reason to be anything but optimistic. Sit with her, talk to her, tell her all about the beautiful baby girl that she hasn't got to meet just yet..."

That was his breaking point. Rachel hadn't met Elise yet. He rushed forward in that moment and slid into the sterile chair that was at her bedside. Breath pushed from his lips in rapid spurts as his hands shook and he reached for her hand.

"Rachel," he breathed tearfully. He brought her cool fingers up to his trembling lips. The feel of her cool skin against his was almost too much. "I got you baby, just come back to me...alright? Just come back and meet our girl. She's gorgeous sweetheart. She's...she looks just like you! She needs her Mom, babe. She needs her Mom to hold her...and Eli needs to know you're okay...and I...I just need you...I can't do any of this without you. We're in this together, remember?" his voice cracked. "We're supposed to be in this together."

They both stared down at the carrier, a look of exhilaration mixed with bewilderment on both their faces.

"We made it," she breathed. "We're home."

Finn could only nod, his vision distinctly focused on the newborn nestled safely in the bright green carrier he had just hoisted up onto the coffee table.

He did however blindly reach his arm out to her and carefully pulled her close into him. She nestled into his side, her right hand coming to rest square in the middle of his chest. He turned into her hair and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head as the baby gurgled in his seat, stretching his long (for a newborn) limbs before returning to the squashed position he had been in previously.

"He's perfect, isn't he?" she whispered as she curled into the crook of his arm.

"If there was a word beyond perfect, that would be it..." Finn chuckled. "How is that comfortable though?" He gestured with his free hand to the way the baby was scrunched in his seat.

"That's how he was in here," Rachel gently patted her stomach, tender to the touch after her c-section 48 hours ago. "Remember the ultrasounds?"

Finn nodded, remembering the few ultrasounds they had had.

Their peaceful moment was broken as Eli startled himself awake with a sudden jerk. Rachel went to jerk forward, but Finn's gentle hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"You're going to hurt yourself, Ray," he pampered as he gently maneuvered her over to the couch. He got her settled on the couch, just before Eli got really worked up and started to cry. He made quick work of the straps on the carrier as Eli started to work himself up into a tizzy. Finn quickly got him out and shushed him as Rachel got herself ready to feed the baby. She reached out to take the baby when she was all set, a pillow on her lap.

"Thanks," she smiled as she cuddled the baby in her arms. He watched with a smile on his face as she got the baby settled - she was a natural, just like he knew she would be. "You're starring again, babe..." she joked. "Come sit."

He nodded and slid onto the couch beside her. He reached around and rested his arm on the back of the couch. A perfect day.

In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. Rachel's chest rose and fell with every assisted breath she took. It sounded laboured, to him at least. He clutched her hand in his, continuously running his thumb over her knuckles. He watched her, his eyes unblinking as much as they could stand. He felt like his nerves were on high alert, watching and waiting for any change. Waiting for anything to happen that showed Rachel was on her way back.

A nurse had come by, a different one that he didn't recognize, to tell him they had Elise settled in the nursery and that she was sleeping. He nodded at the news, an invisible feeling of guilt lifted off his shoulders that he hadn't had the strength to admit. He'd felt torn, sitting here beside Rachel, keeping vigil and watching desperately while Elise sat in the nursery, alone during the first few hours of her life. He promised himself at that moment that he would go see her in an hour. He made a mental note of the time from a clock on the wall.

She also told him his family was waiting. He blinked against the lights in the room when she told him there was a room full of people, waiting with balloons and stuffed animals out in the waiting room. Even a little boy, who clung to an older man's hand, a big brother ball cap on his head.

Finn's heart sunk. He knew he should go out and see his family. He hadn't even thought about them possibly being out there. They had a plan - the moment she had gone into labor she had called his parents in Ohio and they had the job of alerting her divorced parents. They must have gotten here...sometime...he wasn't even sure how long everything had taken. He rubbed his face with his free hand.

"So everyone is here, apparently...guess that phone tree you laid out and activated when you went into labor worked..." he chuckled a little, albeit a little watery. "Eli's wearing the cap you bought him, I guess...Nurse said that's how she knew he belonged to us...I don't know what that could even mean," he swallowed to think about what he was going to say next. It was hard, talking to her and not having her respond back. She was the talker in their relationship. Always had been, from the moment she had looked at him with a tilted head and pronounced, 'I'm your girlfriend,' with a bat of her eyelashes. She always talked his ear off, to the point where he couldn't really keep up some days - especially after long shifts. And when she wasn't talking, she was singing. So this...this silence? This to him was the worst situation right now. He needed, and wanted to hear her voice. He needed her to just...say anything...bore him with details about the merits of vegetarianism versus carnivorous ways - an argument they replayed over and over through their years together. He just wanted to hear her say anything...anything at all.

"I'm going to go see them soon, I guess. I want to check on Elise too. The nurse said she's sleeping..." he paused. "She's gorgeous Ray. You really need to see her with your own eyes babe. She's beautiful." he paused once more as he looked away from her for the briefest of moments. His throat swelled as he looked over at her again. "She really needs her Mom Ray."

He stepped out into the hallway 1 minute passed the hour he had promised himself. Finn rubbed his eyes hard as he stepped away from the outer doors that led into the ICU. The noise in the area brought him back to life and for a moment he just stood. He felt so torn. If he went one way, he could see his family - hug Eli - wrap his arms around his strong boy - breathe in everything pure and great and good. On another hand - he would have to answer questions. Questions that he wasn't ready to answer. He couldn't take Eli to see Rachel. He could, and maybe has seen Elise...but...he knew he would want to see Rachel. Another way, and he could go peek in on Elise. Hold her. Soak in everything that was innocent and new. Or he could turn around, take a few long strides and end up back right where he just was. He was torn as he bit his lip.

And before he knew it, the decision was made for him.

"Finn," his head shot up when he heard his name being called. He turned his head in time to see his Mom, and Hiram walking down the hallway toward him. He turned so his body was facing them as they came closer. He swallowed hard as they approached, and he took a moment to reach his hands over his head and link his fingers behind his head. "There you are!" Carole smiled as she approached him. "We're been waiting to see you...when we hadn't heard anything we scooped Eli up and headed here..."

Finn allowed his mother to wrap her arms around him, and in return folded his long ones around her. "How's Rachel? Can we see her? We're dying..." Carole grinned when she pulled away. "Or is she sleeping..."

When he didn't say anything, Carole tugged at his arm. "Finn?"

"Did you see the baby?" he swallowed. "I was just going to go see her and then come find you guys..." he tried to deflect. "She's...she's perfect..."

"Son, what's going on?" Hiram asked quietly, sensing what Finn felt his Mom was missing.

"There's..." he paused, and swallowed. His voice shook as he tried to gather the courage to tell them what was going on. He hadn't texted, hadn't called - his whole world in the last few hours had been Rachel, and Elise. Nothing else existed beyond them...a fact that was nagging at him and tore at his heart because he knew Eli was missing all of them, for sure. But he had Sam. And now their entire family. Elise and Rachel only had him...until this moment. "There's been a complication and...Rachel's not okay." The dam broke then, his knees weakening as his mother wrapped her arms around him again as Hiram stood stoic. "Rachel's...Rachel's...she hasn't woken up yet..."

Finn and Carole left Hiram to go see Rachel, with Finn giving him directions to get to her small room. He walked beside his Mom with his hands in his pockets, directionless. He thought he would take her to see Elise, but part of him wanted at least Eli to be the first one of their family to meet her.

"It's going to be okay, Finn," Carole sighed as she led him back to the double doors that led to the waiting area the family was in.

Finn stayed quiet, as they walked. "It sure doesn't feel like it Mom," he sighed. He went to reach for the door to pull it open.

"Finn, stop for a minute," Carole urged, grabbing his wrist.

"I need to go see Eli...take him to see Elise...so I can get back to Rachel and wait...I need to..." he rambled, trying to shake her hand off. But Carole pressed her hand tighter around his wrist.

"Finn," she pulled him back with a bit of force. He spun back on his heels, turning to look at her directly.

"Mom, I can't right now..." he stammered. He shook her off and brought his hands out of his pockets enough to bring them up to press to his eyes. "I need..."

"To breathe," Carole soothed as she ran her hand over his arm. "Take a breath with me," she demonstrated and tried to get him to follow. "Take a breath Finn..."

He stared down at his mother for a good long minute. He tried hard to fight against the emotions that seemed to be swelling like a wave at the moment as he forced air into his lungs and pushed it out. He repeated the action several times, trying to avoid the swelling of tears in his eyes.

"It's going to be okay," Carole whispered. She reached up and pushed his hair back from his hairline.

"She's really sick Mom," he whispered. "She..." his voice dropped off. "She just needs to wake up and it'll be fine but..."

"She's going to wake up, just like you did," Carole reminded. "Remember? The car accident? You and Rachel have always been ones for dramatics but you always come back to us. Rachel will do the same..."

"I hope so. God, I hope..."

"She will," Carole assured firmly. "She will. I can promise you that. She's got a hell of a team fighting for her out here," she smiled.

Finn took a breath and reached down to hug his Mom.

"I love you Mom," he whispered. "I'm so glad you're here..."

"Where else would I be?" she questioned as she ran her fingers through his hair. When she pulled away she pulled at the long sleeved shirt he was wearing. "Now, how about you go see Eli? He's dying to find out all about his baby sister..."

A tight smile broke on Finn's face at that moment. "She's so pretty Mom...just you wait."

Eli ran for him the moment he pushed through the doors to the waiting room. Finn's face broke out into a large smile at the sight of the 6 year old. When he felt the solid force of the child hit his chest he felt like his heart was going to explode and like pieces of an unknown puzzle were coming back together.

"Daddy!" he squealed. He jumped in his arms and Finn winced when he barely missed his chin. "Daddy, is she here? Did Mommy have sister?!" he squealed in his arms. "Can I see them?"

Finn couldn't help it, he clutched Eli a little tighter to him as the little boy squealed and squirmed in his arms. "Daddy! I can't see!" He let him go as Eli squirmed away, but still within his grasp. "Daddy, I want to see baby sister! And Mommy! Are they still sleeping? Silly Mommy and baby," Eli chuckled.

Finn looked over his head and caught his Mom's attention. If he only knew.

Finn held Eli's hand tightly in his as he walked down the hallway. His Mother had promised to escort Leroy to Rachel's room, and update the rest of their family who had looked on quizzically as he had embraced Eli in the waiting room.

"Will I get to hold her Daddy?" Eli bounced on his toes a little as they walked down the hallway. "Is she pretty, like Mommy?" The questions flooded from the little boys mouth a mile a minute. Finn's brain could barely keep up with what he had to answer. "I bet she's just as pretty as Mommy. Mommy is so pretty. When can I go see Mommy? Why are you sad Daddy?" Eli stopped talking in that moment, tugging on Finn's hand. "Daddy, I want to see Mommy."

"Eli," he sighed as he continued to tug on his hand.

"Daddy, I want to see Mommy," he repeated with a strong pull.

"Eli, don't do that!" His voice came out sharper than he wanted it to, and he cracked when he saw Eli's expression change. Tears welled in the little boys eyes, and Finn immediately felt crushed. Eli tore his hand away from him, curling his long arms around his middle.

"Buddy, I'm sorry," Finn reached his hand out to touch him, grab his hand, anything but Eli backed away. Finn blew out a breath and tried to remain strong. "Eli, buddy,"

"I want to see Mommy," he mumbled. Finn inched his way closer and kneeled down in front of him.

"I know buddy," he swallowed hard for a minute. Internally he battled whether to tell the six year old what was really going on. "Listen, we'll go see sister and then...then I'll see if you can see Mommy okay?"

"Why do you have to see..."

"Eli," he swallowed again. "Mommy's...Mommy's had a hard day, and she's sleeping because she's in a lot of pain. "

He wasn't sure if Eli got it, his eyes widened when he finished the most simple explanation he could muster. He watched him bite his lip, in the way Rachel did and he reached out and touched his shoulder. His arm was shaking, and an ache pulled at Finn's heart.

"Is she going to get better?"

Finn could only nod his head. "I think so."

Eli looked up at him with watery eyes. "Promise?"

Finn blew out a breath, and tried to think of how to answer. "I promise, that I'm going to do everything I can to make sure Mommy gets better."

Eli seemed to accept the answer, and unwound his arms from around his middle. Finn blew out a breath and stood upright again, stretching his back as he did so. Eli reached for his hand and Finn took it, squeezing the little boys fingers reassuringly.

"I want to see sister now," he nodded. Finn stared at him for a moment. He always wondered what was going on in Eli's head.

"Well let's go," Finn pushed a smile on to his lips as he looked down at him, before starting off down the hall once more.

He found the family back in the waiting room, minus Rachel's fathers. Eli was brimming with excitement from seeing Elise, even thought it was just through the glass. Finn had thought about it as they walked, and in his heart knew Rachel would want to be there...want to see the first time Eli got to hold Elise. It burned to think about it, but it gave him something to hold on to...to hope for. He knew she would wake up, Dr. Fletcher even seemed positive that she would too. He just needed to remind himself of that.

"Nana, she's so pretttty," Eli squealed as he bounced on his toes again. "She's little like Mommy. We couldn't go in because she was being a sleepy girl! But she's so cute!" Eli squealed. He jumped up a little, and Carole caught his flailing hand in his.

With Eli distracted, he snuck away quickly after letting Burt know he was heading back to see Rachel. Burt promised him he would distract Eli with dinner in the cafeteria, and would let him know before they took him home for the night. With one final look at his son, he turned on his heel and headed down the hallway towards the doors that would lead back to Rachel.

"Eli saw Elise, just now," he whispered, his voice in sync with the rise and fall of her chest. He squeezed her fingers. "He couldn't believe how beautiful she was. He kept saying how much she looked like you, even though he could only see her through the glass," his head dipped. "I want you to be there when he meets her for the first time. Just like we planned. We planned a lot, huh? Look what good that did us. We've never been good at following even the best laid plans," he cleared his throat as he squeezed her fingers. "Just come back me baby...come back to all of us. Cause we're no good without you."

His stomach grumbled, but he couldn't bring himself to care even the slightest. He sat, holding her hand and staring at the walls of her isolation room, going over every thought, every prayer, every name of every deity he ever knew. He played with her fingers gently, running the pads of his own over and over each digit, as if he was in a trance. Over and over he rubbed, the repetitive action calmed him as he continued.

He changed position a few times, leaning his body inwards and outwards, his head on the pillow beside her or just off on the mattress.

When it happened, he almost thought he was dreaming. He didn't know what time it was, all he knew was that he had fallen asleep as he had started to sing to her. But what had shaken him awake was the slight movement on the bed, the twitch of the slender fingers he had been grasping for what felt like hours. A shocked gasp met his ears and he raised his head to find Rachel's eyes open, slightly at first but when he lifted his head he saw the lids of her eyes start up higher. She gasped against the tube in her throat and he felt tears burn in his eyes just as he saw them burning in the corners of hers and in that moment he had never, ever felt relief like this.

"Fffff," she tried against the tube in her throat. "Finnnnnn," her voice was garbled and Finn stood up, bending over her slightly and running his thumb over her cheek.

"Shhhh, shhhhh," he soothed. "It's okay, it's okay...I'm here and..." he swallowed hard. "It's okay. I got you."

Her eyes widened when they met his and a shaky hand lifted from the mattress, going immediately for her stomach. He watched the panic storm her eyes just as the sounds of footsteps came down the hallway at an alarming speed.

"Elise," she garbled around the tube as the door flew open. He watched helplessly as she started to become increasingly scared.

"It's okay..." he tried to soothe as Dr. Fletcher raced in, followed by a nurse. "She's okay, Rach! She's okay!" he called as the storm of people crowded the room.

Watching everything happen was like an out of body experience. They backed him into the furthest corner of the tiny sterile room and he watched as Dr. Fletcher and the nurses attended to her. His heart clenched as she sputtered as the breathing tube was pulled from her throat. Her voice sounded gravelly, and for the briefest of moments he wondered if the tube would affect her vocal chords. He pushed the thought away as instantly as it came, taking a moment to breathe in deeply.

"Finn," she croaked through the small crowd of people. "Finn," she whimpered. He didn't care about procedure, or what anyone said - he pushed his way through and was at her side before she could even say anything else. Her hand grabbed for his and weakly curled her fingers around his. He felt like life was coming back into his body, that his muscles were waking up and his blood was circulating again. He faced her and felt tears finally fall from his eyes when her eyes looked back at him, intently.

"Finn," she whimpered.

"I'm here baby, I've been right here the whole time..." he leaned over in that moment, not caring about their surroundings. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and closed his eyes at the feeling. It was different, kissing her cheek now that she was awake. He leaned in to her gently, his forehead meeting the side of her head and his nose accepting the imprint of the tube running over her cheek and through her nose. Tears fell from his eyes faster as she reached slowly around and pressed her hand to his cheek.

He didn't know what he expected for when Dr. Fletcher filled in the blanks for Rachel. In normal circumstances he knew she would have screamed. But the tube, he knew from training probably made her throat ache, and as Dr. Fletcher went over what had happened in the last few hours Rachel reacted much more stoically. It was him who panicked against the words, listening in detail to what had happened. He squeezed her hand as Dr. Fletcher talked about blood transfusions and the hysterectomy she had undergone. But she didn't cry. He expected her to cry. They didn't want to have more children, had decided two was enough but had always said he would be the one to...get fixed. But he didn't expect her to just sit there.

Dr. Fletcher and the nurses left after a few minutes and Finn felt relief flush his bones.

"I heard you," she whispered, her voice a shallow figment of what it usually was. "You were talking to me, and I heard you..."

"I just wanted you to come back sweetheart," he didn't mean for his voice to come out so thick.

"I was so scared Finn," she whimpered. "When..."

Her lip trembled then, and Finn reached for her hand. "I know sweetheart," he whispered softly. "But that parts over now, okay?" he wiped her tears with his knuckle. "You're here, I'm here...the kids are safe.."

She chuckled a little, not the usual boisterous laugh that usually filled any room they were in. "The kids..." she breathed.

Finn smiled, an action that felt so good to do in her presence. "Our kids...we have two, beautiful, wonderful children..." his own voice cracked with a laugh.

"Tell me about Elise?" she asked quietly.

A knock interrupted them then. Finn felt his smile widen when he heard the sound of wheels against the floor.

"I have someone here who would really like to meet her Mommy," the friendly nurse smiled. Finn watched Rachel intently, only breaking his concentration when the cot was rolled close enough to them that Elise was in his direct vision. She was wide awake, fidgeting in the blanket as the nurse picked up the bundle.

Rachel squeezed his hand tightly before letting go and shakily lifting her arms so take the baby.

She cried then. He saw the tears peak in the corners of her eyes and hurriedly run down her cheeks as she looked down at the baby. Elise, sensing this was her moment let out a grunt as the nurse backed away once she was secure in Rachel's arms. "I'll be back a little later to take her back to the nursery. She's been fed and changed, so she should be content for awhile. We'll try feeding in a little bit," were her parting words.

Rachel didn't say anything beyond the quiet sobs that accompanied the tears running down her cheeks.

"You're so beautiful," she murmured. Rachel's eyes remained focused on Elise, while Finn's remained on the moment in front of him. "I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to meet you..." she whispered as she ducked her head to press a kiss to Elise's warm cheek.

He didn't want to leave them, but Rachel begged him to go get Eli. A nurse had okayed the exception but only for a little bit, and the moment Rachel had trained her teary eyes on him he ran for the door. A nurse was on standby but Finn promised he would only be a minute. He ran through the halls, not caring about how stupid he looked in that moment. He ran for the doors that would lead him to his family. He skidded to a stop when he burst through the doors, a happy watery chuckle leaving his lips as he took in the scene in front of him - her father's sitting on opposite ends of the area, reading a newspaper - Eli spread out with his head on his mother's lap - Burt with his head buried in his phone.

"She's awake!" he released. Another happy chuckle left his lips. "She's awake!" he rushed over to where Eli was laying with Carole and pulled the little boy up into his arms. He was half asleep, it was past his bedtime and should probably go home to bed - but Rachel wanted both her kids by her side for even just a moment and he wasn't going to deny her anything. Ever.

"Mommy?" he mumbled sleepily. Finn pushed his fingers through Eli's messy hair, the cap long forgotten on the floor somewhere. "Elise?"

"Mommy's awake!" Finn exclaimed as he pressed a kiss to Eli's forehead, his tears falling on the little boys olive skin. "Mommy's awake and she's asking for her special little guy..."

Eli curled himself into him, his long legs wrapped around his waist and his long arms around his neck. Finn laughed as he tightened his hold around him, pressing endless kisses into his hair. Eli whined a little and swatted his hand away.

"Daddy..." he whined. He sleepily pressed his hands to his eyes. "Mommy? Now? Please?"

Finn chuckled again. "Okay buddy, let's go see Mommy..."

Finn never realized how much he was looking forward to this moment. He took the camera back from the kind nurse who had offered to take the picture, and smiled wide when he looked at the image. The four of them, together on the bed, three of them with peaceful, excited smiles. Elise couldn't be bothered with what was going on around her. Wrapped in Eli's arms and supported by Rachel, she looked content to just snooze.

"Daddy, stop looking at the picture and come join us," Rachel coughed slowly. His head snapped up from the screen and smiled gently at his family. His family.

He placed the camera down and walked over to the bed. He reached over Eli's head and pressed a kiss to Rachel's cheek, his nose brushing against the tube that still ran through her nose. The feel of her cheek was warming up, her body temperature rising the longer she was awake. He pressed a second kiss to her cheek before pulling away. Eli leaned into Rachel's side a little more, as Finn reached over and gently tugged Elise from his tired arms. Finn smiled as he watched Rachel slowly move to drop a kiss to Eli's unruly hair.

"It's okay if you fall asleep baby," she murmured against his head. "Mommy's got you now."

"Promise?"his tired voice came out in hushed tones.

"I promise baby..." she whispered.

"I don't like when you sleep long Mommy," he murmured as he gently toyed with the blanket that was wrapped at her waist. "I missed you much."

Finn saw Rachel swallow hard. He unravelled an arm from around Elise, keeping her steady in the crook of his left, while reaching out for Rachel with his right. She turned to look at him, her eyes swollen with tears.

"I didn't do it on purpose, Eli," she whispered as she stared directly at Finn, her lip trembling. "I missed you so much too baby..."

Eli didn't say anything else, just snuggled into Rachel's side carefully and fell asleep.

The room went quiet as Eli fell into a deep sleep. Finn knew he should probably move him, knew a nurse would come soon to break up the party they were having. He stared down at Elise as she squirmed in his arms. She puckered her lips before settling again, almost like she was having a dream. He used his thumb to run over the crease that had formed at the bridge of her nose.

"Everything is perfect now, sweet girl," he whispered.

He looked up when he heard Rachel gently sniffling.

"Hey, hey, don't cry," he murmured as he moved closer. It was hard to get to her, with Eli in between them and Elise in his arms.

"I'm sorry," she murmured. She kept her eyes averted, kept them focused on Eli. She brushed her fingers back and forth through his hair as she fought back a yawn.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Ray," he whispered.

"I'm really tired," she murmured. "Can you..."

Finn nodded, and slowly stood up . He slipped Elise into her cot, before standing up right. He gently bent to slide his hands under Eli's torso.

"No Daddy," he mumbled in his sleep. "Don't wanna go."

He didn't say anything as he picked him up, holding his tired dead weight against his chest. Eli didn't say anything else but murmured incomprehensible words against his shoulder.

"I'll be right back Ray," he promised as he walked out of the room with Eli.

When Finn returned, he found Rachel blinking tiredly on the bed, her attention held directly by Elise in her cot. He watched quietly for a few moments, as she stared at the baby. Her eyes drooped slower and slower as time ticked by.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" he found himself asking quietly. Rachel slowly nodded, without taking her eyes off of the baby.

"She's gorgeous," Rachel murmured. Finn walked into the room and slid into the chair he had vacated before, to take Eli out to the waiting room.

"She looks just like you," he smiled, reaching for the baby in the cot and pulling her out. He held her close, but turned her so she was facing Rachel even in her sleep. "See? She has your hair, and your nose and..." he looked up to see that Rachel was crying again. "Hey, what's..."

"I'm fine," she slowly brought her hand up to her face. "I'm fine, really...I just..."

"Ray," he sighed.

"I'm just...never going to get those first moments with her...like I did with Eli and I..."

Finn felt himself weaken.

"Ray," he whispered. He put Elise back down for a moment and brought himself closer to Rachel. He sat on the edge of her mattress and gently pulled her closer. "Bu we have you now," he whispered as he pressed a line of kisses to her head, leading down her cheek and eventually coming closer to her mouth. "And that is the most important. You're here, we have you, you have us..." She curled into his body as much as she could without hurting herself. She whimpered into the side of his shoulder. He closed his eyes as she curled into him, breathing in the feel of her and touching her, just like he had itched to do for the last several hours.

He almost lost her. He swallowed hard as she let out a shuddered breath. He could tell by the way her body slumped against his that she was headed for sleep. The thought of her falling asleep scared him, if he was being honest. He didn't want to lose her, he couldn't bear the thought of losing her - and he had come so close today - on a day that was supposed to be the second coming of the happiest day of their lives.

"I love you," he whispered against her head. "I love you so much Ray. I feel like I don't tell you enough, or show you enough or..." his voice shook as Elise cooed in his cot. "The last few hours have been the scariest of my life, and I just..." he swallowed hard. "...I just love you, okay? You're my life...you and those kids."

1 year, 3 months, 5 days and some hours later...

Finn Hudson was a proud man. He had a lot to be proud of, the course of his life had led him down quite a few roads, some bumpy, some smooth - others with twists and turns and forks that forced him to chose between left and right. But he wouldn't change any of it for the world.

Well, maybe if he could do it over - he would change all the trouble spots. All the worry, all the loss, all the things that led to the few grey hairs he was starting to sport at his temples. Rachel told him it made him look distinguished. His mother told him it made her think of his father. Eli told him it made him look like Santa Clause, the one relation he really didn't understand. Elise just laughed. She laughed a lot. He liked that one the best, he thought.

But now, he stood in front of a large group of people. The room was full to the brim, with family, friends, other members of the FDNY and distinguished members of the community. He stood up straighter, at the podium as he looked around the room, meeting eyes of the men in his company, the higher ups he was familiar with before finally, landing on his beautiful wife. She had tears in her eyes, her hair piled tightly on the top of her head with a bright smile on her face. She used her free hand to point at her cheek, the dimple that appeared there, trying to get him to smile as well. He was too nervous to smile. He looked beside her, to Eli who Rachel had dressed in a suit - a deep blue suit to match his dress uniform. He smiled proudly at him from where he stood and Eli returned the look. But the squeal that came from Elise's mouth brought his attention back to Rachel. She was perched on her lap, a navy blue dress on her tiny form, a bright blue flower in her pretty curly brown hair. Her deep brown eyes were bright, boring into his and waiting, just like everyone else, for him to speak. His family.

He didn't like the spotlight. He preferred, much rather, to let other people relish in it. He liked it most when it was his own family - Rachel with her Tony's and various Broadway accolades, even Eli with had collected a few - soccer trophies from the two seasons he'd played, photos from the kindergarten talent show he was in. Even Elise, with her certificate from Mommy and Me swimming. He had a family who was destined for greatness and he liked showing them off. He was right there with them, he guessed - he just didn't feel like he needed the spotlight shown on him.

But here he was, thrust in the spotlight. He swallowed hard as his eyes met Rachel's, taking her strength and silent advice on how to deal, how to act.

A week ago he had done the unthinkable. A fire had broken out in a daycare center, one not too far from where his own children attended. It had been unknown at the time how the fire had broken out - later discovered to be a faulty wire in the kitchen that hadn't been discovered in the latest structure inspection, missed in recent renovations. When the gas stove was started, the wire shorted and the rest, as they say, was history.

But history could have been a lot worse. Finn's company had been the first to respond, and he hadn't even waited for his captain to usher orders. He had taken one look at the school in front of him, his own children racing to his mind before throwing on his helmet and trying to determine how to save as many people as possible - as many children as possible.

And he had.

He had heard it when he got home, about how unsafe what he had done - word travelled fast between firefighter wives, especially when things such as Finn's heroism made the news. But as soon as she had finished whisper yelling as the kids were asleep, she had thrown herself at him and praised him with tears streaming down her face.

The Mayor of New York wanted to recognize his bravery with a press conference. Eli thought Finn was going to get a big fat cheque. Finn just hoped it would end quickly. Then they had asked he make a speech. He hated public speaking. Rachel was the public speaker in the family.

So here he stood. In front of everyone. With words that he had planned out with Rachel, but he couldn't speak. Rachel mouthed to him to start. The Mayor had introduced him, told the story, relished him with praise. He had even presented him with a medal, something that weighted down on his chest right now. But the words were dying on his tongue.

"Lieutenant Hudson is a man of few words," Captain Rolley laughed. "But he does have something to say, we may just have to give him a minute..."

Finn finally took a deep breath, swallowing the nerves that he felt but continued to maintain the hold he had with Rachel.

"I don't have a lot to say," he started. "I was just doing my job, that day, at the daycare. What I did do, was risky - but as we pulled up - all I could think about was my own children at home. Eli Christopher and Elise Rachel," he sputtered. He offered Rachel a small smile. "I thought about the children and adults inside, and how they all have families who would want them to come home at the end of the day. That's why I do what I do. I don't need medals, or big press conferences," he chuckled along with the crowd. "I was just doing my job so I could do what I wanted for each of the children and adults that I helped that day." Rachel had wanted him to say saved. He didn't want to label what he did that way. He wasn't Batman. He was Finn Hudson, firefighter. "I have an amazing family who help me strive to be the best firefighter I can be, and as I ran into that daycare all I could think about was getting back to them. And the faster I found every child, every teacher, every aide, the faster I could run back and take my son tobogganing or watch my daughter dance with a bucket on her head. Or hear my beautiful wife sing," he paused to look around the room. "I just wanted everyone that day to be able to go home and experience everything I get to." he paused. "Something you might not know, is a year ago I came close to losing my wife. The birth of our daughter was marred by a catastrophe that could have changed the landscape for not only me, but my son and daughter at the time. But we got through it, and I have lived every day since like I am the luckiest man in the world. My family is the best thing to ever happen to me, and the reason I get to do what I do every day - the reason I get to save others from the pain that I almost had to endure. Some days we aren't so lucky, but I'm just glad we got to be lucky that day. I don't need medals for doing a job well done," he paused before finishing. "All I need is my family."