They do not end up making it home until it's the girl's bedtime, Martha having given them the rest of the afternoon and evening to devote to each other.

"Alright," Kate says walking away from the front door that just closed are Martha's departure. "I think that you should go put Alexis to bed and I will put Emily to bed and we tell the girls then. No better time like the present, right?!"

"Right, and then we meet back in our bedroom where we can have some private celebrating of our own. After all, the doctor gave you the all-clear today for all normal activity." With a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows he presses a breathtaking kiss to her lips and begins up the stairs, it's her turn now to follow him without a word having to be spoken between the two.

They find each other again in the bedroom half-an-hour later. Him before her and if the smile on her face says anything than the matching one on his must speak a thousand words.

Their kids said 'yes.'

*Second Week in July*

She hasn't been able to keep the smile off of her face since they decided to move in together, let alone since they told their family and friends over a wonderful feast that Castle, Martha and the girls created together. It was quite the mess to clean up afterwards but it was a dinner that none of them would ever forget, the laughter from the girls and the complaining of Martha's cooking from Castle still rings in her ears nearly three weeks later. She rolls over and looks at the alarm clock on her bed side table while noting her missing partner and is surprised to find that it is a few minutes past seven o'clock given the night that the Beckett/Castle clan had. The girls had trouble going down, the excitement of today looming over everyone's heads but especially the "move-in ready sisters" as Castle keeps calling them.

She would never admit to it; however, she honestly thinks that if Castle hadn't coaxed her into going four rounds with him last night then she wouldn't have even slept at all. Not that she needed much coaxing anyways, and she is pretty sure by the matching glint in his eyes he was just as excited as she was.


The sound of hushed voices coming from the kitchen and the smell of coffee pulls her out from under his extremely soft sheets and comforter. She finds him standing over the stove and their girls seated on the bar chairs laughing as a pancake lands perfectly on her boyfriend's face. He rarely misses the pan, but when he does it is a sight to see and she is glad that she woke up. He will not be living this one down anytime soon.

"Momma," Emily squeals, pausing momentarily to thank Alexis for helping her get down before is colliding into Kate's legs.

"Good morning, it seems as if I was not the only one who had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep last night, huh?" She asks, receiving head nods in reply and tired yawns too.

"Here you go, my ladies, breakfast is served! Now, eat up and then go get dressed so we may begin the day's adventures." Castle says as he fixes a plate for the four of them.

"What time is everyone else arriving?" She asks referring to Martha, Jim, Laine, Ryan, and Esposito who were assisting for the weekend in exchange for free food and other luxuries that the boys and Laine had been able to sweat out of Castle.

"They should all be meeting us at your guy's old apartment at eight o'clock this morning." He answers.

"So, Kate," Alexis begins after swallowing a mouthful of pancakes with whipped cream and fresh cut fruit. "Are you and Emily excited to be officially moving in with Dad and I this weekend?"

"Yes! Well, at least, I know I am. What about you, Em?" She finishes eating and wipes her mouth on her napkin before carrying her slightly dirty dishes over to the dishwasher.

"Yes! Moov in, moov in." Kate turns around to look at her little girl who apparently has syrup and whipped cream all over her face, she sees Castle sneak a picture of Emily from the corner of left eye and she makes a mental note to ask him to send it to her later.

"Alright, little one," she says while walking over to Emily. "Let's go get you cleaned up."

She had never been so thankful for having a small apartment as she was today. It had always been small and perfect for two people, but she would have preferred the extra space for Emily. Especially when Em had begun moving around, she felt like her baby girl never had the area possible to properly grow-up and learn in such a small residence. However, there were also days like today where having a small apartment was nice because it kept her little one contained when Kate had been too distraught and anxious to appropriately focus on the whereabouts of her daughter.

Thinking back to how the day went she makes a mental memo to thank the teenager for her help in keeping track of Emily and keeping her entertained while the adults moved everything into Castle's SUV and U-Haul truck that he rented for the weekend. Surprisingly though, they had been able to pile all of the Beckett's items into the rentals between three trips sufficiently ending the moving process by mid-afternoon today. Thankfully, a whole day earlier than she had expected. She could have tomorrow to unpack and to her family.

She fanned her face with her hands, the heat of the summer having been an unforeseen problem. Well, the A/C in her old apartment being broken had been the unforeseen problem, not the heat. That was to be expected if one wanted to move in the middle of summer.

They had planned to do so closer to the beginning of the summer, sometime after Castle took the girls up to the Hamptons house for Memorial Day week while she had gone back for her first month of work. But then her caseload doubled, he had to go on a short book signing around the New England states, and then the four of them went out of town for the fourth of July weekend.

That had been last week and she was unbelievably grateful that their family and friends volunteered to help her and Emily move on short notice. Six days' notice to be exact.

Castle unlocks the front door to the loft letting the girls go in first, then ordering them to get washed up and brush their teeth for bed. She knew it was already way past Emily's bedtime and the fact that nobody had slept well last night forcing for the girl to be cranky towards the end of dinner at the pizzeria. Her and Castle had made the decision around seven to treat everyone out that evening as a thanks for their help.

She begins to go up the stairs when the man in front of her presses a chaste kiss to her left temple before telling her to go put herself to bed. By time she can think of a coherent response he is already stepping across the threshold of Emily's bedroom, and yet she still follows him. It is their nighttime routine that they both say goodnight to the girls.

A glance at her watch- her father's watch – after putting Emily and Alexis down shows that it is quarter before nine p.m., no wonder she feels like she can barely walk anymore. Strong arms wrap around her midsection and give her the chance to fall back into them, her head falling back to rest on his shoulder without her approval.

"I told you that I would handle her and for you to get some rest."

"Yeah, I know. I heard you," a breathy chuckle escapes him. "But you should know that she would have just fought you even more if I was not there. And she was already being a grouch, so why aggravate her even more?" She turns in his arms and nearly falls asleep the second he lays her down on their bed, undressing her of her workout clothes that wore for their big move and redressing her in a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top.

She is teeter-tottering on the edge of sleep when his voice echoes in throughout the room. "You have no idea how excited and content that I am now since you and Em are officially living with Lex and I." He says in a promise to her once he is changed and sliding into bed, his arms wrapping around her from behind and pulling her back into his chest.

She hums as she turns and pushes him onto his back, readjusting them so one of her legs slips between his and her head is laying on his chest as she falls under to the rhythm of his heartbeat. "Us too, Rick, us too. Goodnight."

"Until tomorrow." She smirks at their inside joke, feeling a renewal of energy to continue it.

"You can't just say goodnight, Castle?"

"I'm a writer, Beckett. Goodnight is too boring, until tomorrow…sounds more hopeful."

"Yeah, well, I'm just a cop so goodnight."

"Always." She falls asleep with a smile on her face and somehow she has the feeling that it will be residing their permanently for the rest of their lives.

AN: Please like, comment, and review. I will be taking a break for a while but I wanted to finish this story first…I hope everyone enjoyed it.