Timothy came up to the familiar hall to Jack's office and sighed. Jack had wanted something and called him up what it was who'd know. Now that Jack was CEO everything on Helios had started to change which is normal for a new leader things change. And Timothy's job had started to be less demanding. Many things had switched color from red to yellow. Posters of Jack were up almost everywhere which was rather annoying in Timothy's case. Timothy walked up to the office doors which opened up for him. Jack was staring out of the window at Elpis, Pandora's moon, Timothy had come to hate the moon from all his travels there.
"Mr. uh Jack sir? You called for me." Timothy said walking into Jack's office.
"Hey there kiddo. Pull up a chair and sit down." Jack said calmly. Timothy walked up to the desk and sat down on the chair.
"Uh is there a problem sir?" Timothy asked confused on why he was called up. Jack sighed still not looking back at Timothy.
"Uh sir? Are you alright?" Timothy asked nervously uncomfortable at Jack's silence. Jack turned to face him.
"Uh nice mask sir… But of your own face it's a bit co-" Timothy was cut off before he could finish.
"Hey kiddo shut up for a sec." Jack interrupted.
"Sorry." Timothy apologized as Jack walked up to his desk. Jack looked at Timothy for a bit a hint of sadness could be seen.
"Sir?" Timothy asked noticing the sad lookin Jack's eyes. After so many years of working for the guy Timothy had gotten closer to Jack. Especially after the whole incident with Moxxi. Timothy had been there for Jack and gotten to know him, just as Jack had gotten to know him. Timothy had always gotten a bit creeped out at how Jack found him so attractive but of course Jack always seemed to love his own reflection and Timothy now was a walking, breathing, reflection of Jack. The only differences nowadays was their personalities and that Jack had a scar across his face under that mask that Timothy did not have. Despite their different opinions on things they had gotten along, like good friends. There was a small click before a whooshing sound.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Hey!" Timothy yelped at the sudden restraints around him ting hi down to the chair.
"Sorry bout this handsome but as the new CEO of Hyperion you should know that." Jack sighed as he bent down to grab something.
"Jack what's going on?!" Timothy said panicked.
"We're going to be." Jack grumbled before pulling out a blowtorch and branding iron.
"Jack!" Timothy yelped now fearful.
"Making some changes." Jack huffed jumping over his desk the blowtorch and branding iron in hand.
"Jack please you don't have to do this!" Timothy begged trying to get free.
"Re-branding changes for a more unified corporation look." Jack said turning the blowtorch on
"Jack please!" Timothy whined.
"That pretty face though…. Such a shame to see it get messed up." Jack sighed turning the hot blowtorche's flame on to the branding iron heating it up.
"Jack please don't do this!" Timothy whined. Jack turned the blowtorch off the branding iron red hot as Jack looked at Timothy.
"Now, hold still tim." Jack said softly.
"Jack please." Timothy begged fearfully.
"Believe me kiddo this is gonna hurt me way more than you." Jack said bringing the red hot branding iron closer to Timothy's face.
"Jack please don't!" Timothy yelled in fear trying to get out of the restraints to no avail.
Timothy groaned a bit blinking his eyes open to see a familiar sight of white light bulbs above his head.
"Oh good you're awake." A feminine voice said. "Don't strain yourself you've been through a lot."
"W-where am i?" Timothy asked confused.
"The medical center. Jack said you needed some care and it's obvious why." The feminine voice sighed.
"J-jack said?" Timothy said a bit surprised.
"Yes. He is a rather kind man to bring you here on his own." The feminine voice sighed
"His own?" Timothy said sitting up finding himself in a hospital room with a woman with red hair and yellow framed glasses looking at him.
"Yes. You have a nasty looking burn on your face. Sadly we couldn't undo it all the way." The woman sighed.
"Bur- oh." Timothy caught himself before sighing sadly.
"Is something wrong uh Mr…. Lawrence? Other than the scar." The woman asked.
"N-nothing." Timothy said looking a bit surprised hearing his last name.
"Oh what's that surprised expression for?" The woman giggled.
"I'm not used to people knowing my last name." Timothy said.
"Most wouldn't. But Jack had me sign a contract not to tell anyone who you really are Timothy. I'll be kinda like your personal nurse if you get hurt. As no one can know that you're not Jack." The woman explained.
"Oh…. should have figured." Timothy sighed.
"I guess it's only polite for you to know my name hm." The woman sighed. "Izumi. Izumi Hayashi. A pleasure to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too Izumi." Timothy said.
"Well Timothy, Jack has put in an order for you to stay a bit longer even though everything's healed." Izumi said standing up from the chair she was sitting in.
"Why?" Timothy asked.
"Not specified but if that's what Jack orders than it will be done." Izumi said. "See you later Timothy." Izumi smiled sweetly before leaving the room. Leaving Timothy there alone in the plain white room.
"Great… Ugh he's such a pain." Timothy grumbled. He got up out of the bed an awkwardly tried to walk to the bathroom. Everything seemed a bit off as he tripped over his feet a bit and bumped into the wall his depth perception was way off for some reason, but he had managed to walk over to the bathroom in his room. Looking at himself in the mirror, there was a nasty looking scar burnt into his face. The familiar Vault symbol now imprinted on his face. Timothy could see that his right eye had become rather clouded looking which had now explained his depth perception being way off as a cataracts had formed.
"Great blind in an eye. Thanks Jackass." Timothy grumbled seeing the cataracts. Timothy shakily raised a hand to touch the scar on his face. The rough skin where the hot iron had made its imprint felt completely different from his normal skin. To think that Jack would go as far as making Timothy look exactly like him in every way. Now even after his contract would be up he'd still have the scar if they couldn't get rid of it and the eye was as good as gone.
"Hey kiddo!" The familiar voice of Jack could be heard. Timothy sighed hearing Jack.
"Yes sir?" Timothy grumbled from the bathroom.
"Oh good you're still here." Jack said relieved.
"Why wouldn't I?" Timothy sighed making his way out of the bathroom.
"Thought they might have went to step two already." Jack said simply
"Uh step two?" Timothy said confused.
"Getting that cataracts fixed." Jack said.
"Oh… that'd be nice." Timothy said a bit surprised.
"You think i didn't undergo that surgery when i got the scar kiddo?" Jack chuckled.
"I-i guess you would have." Timothy sighed.
"Duh. I couldn't be blind in an eye and still be this great kiddo." Jack said. That had been one of the major changes about Jack his ego had gotten much worse. Something Timothy didn't like at all. It had been bearable back when he'd compliment himself once and awhile but now it seemed like it was all the time. 'i'm great', 'it's hard being this handsome', are some of the things Jack had started to say that really irked Timothy.
"Right." Timothy sighed.
"Oh come on kiddo don't sound so down." Jack said walking up to Timothy.
"How can i not Jack? You just fucked up my uh your face." Timothy huffed. Since Jack had been changing Timothy had gotten a bit rebellious towards him since it wasn't the same Jack who he'd started to like more than a boss.
"Tim you know i had to but don't worry step three will make you look handsome again."Jack said gripping Timothy's chin making him look him in the face.
"Right." Timothy grumbled.
"Such a shame that that pretty face had to get ruined once again." Jack sighed letting go of Timothy.
"So is this what you look like under that stupid mask." Timothy huffed.
"Yes and you and a few others are left alive to know what i look like kiddo." Jack huffed.
"Hmpf. i see." Timothy said. Jack narrowed his eyes at Timothy in which made Timothy rather uncomfortable.
"D-did i say something wrong sir?" Timothy said nervously.
"Your tone kiddo." Jack said putting a hand on Timothy's shoulder.
"Uh w-what about it s-sir?" Timothy said shakily.
"Work on it. I thought for a second you were making fun of me." Jack growled his grip tightened.
"I-i would never sir." Timothy said quickly out of fear.
"Good." Jack huffed letting go and making a sharp turn towards the door to sighed but before he could relax completely Jack stopped at the door.
"Cause if you were i'd have to teach you a lesson." Jack chuckled before leaving. Timothy shuttered now completely uneasy. Jack had made many hints that he liked Timothy a bit more than an employee. Which at the beginning Timothy had felt uncomfortable with, but it had started to get to him making him flustered but now… he was uncomfortable with it. It was more than a simple 'wow your voice is so attractive' or 'i'm sorry what were you saying i was lost staring at you.' with nicknames like 'cupcake', 'pumpkin', 'princess', and an arm around him resting on his shoulder talking happily or resting his head on Timothy's shoulder while explaining something now they had gotten a bit too… creepy for Timothy's liking. Things like 'i'll teach you a lesson.' or 'oh you have no idea what i want t do with you' with more affectionate nicknames like 'Sweetheart', 'darling', 'hon', 'dearest' with more touchiness like a hand around his waist talking to him in a softer tone and his breath against Timothy's neck, touching his face gently, getting creepily close to him anyway he could. It had made Timothy want to run every time he was around but he couldn't, it was Jack his boss. If Jack ordered him to do something he'd have to do it… right? That's what scared Timothy about how… intimate Jack was getting. How much power Jack had over him made him feel like he was always backed into a corner. He was the mouse and Jack was the cat pawing at him in unpredictable ways. It scared him so much, but could he just say no if Jack made his move? If it was anyone else yes but Jack? Someone he'd started to get feelings for before everything changed about him. Timothy was snapped out of his thoughts when the door opened again.
"Timothy?" Izumi said sweetly as she came in with a clipboard.
"Uh yes?" Timothy said trying to hide how uneasy he felt.
"I hope i didn't intrude on anything." Izumi said.
"Oh not at all. Just thinking." Timothy sighed.
"I see. Well Timothy i'm sure you have noticed the cataracts by now." Izumi sighed.
"Yes." Timothy said.
"Well we're going to try and fix that for you as Jack has ordered." Izumi said. "It's a very delicate thing to do."
"I had figured." Timothy sighed.
"We'll if you could follow me then we'll get you set up." Izumi said. Timothy nodded as he walked over to her as she took the lead.