Upon the hill, Naruto stood as the trees, not totally frozen, his hair moving along with the budded twigs. His eyes were closed, blown by air as fresh as any after a rainstorm. After several deep breaths he took in the view. Instead of magenta and cyans, it was the earthly colors of early spring.

There were ploughed fields of brown and the pastures were dull rather than having the bright hue of the new growth. It was too early for the hill to have flowers but he knew if he kneeled on the wet blades there would already be the tightly folded petals in their green casings, swelling, ready to bloom.

The long walks in nature were his treasure, his sanctuary from the busy hubbub of his life.

"Naruto." He blinked, turning to see Hinata. Before he could speak, his dream ended.

His pupils snapped open and Naruto found himself staring forward in his room. The window was open, the rays from the sun entering into the room, unhindered. Naruto who was in a meditative position, looked out the window as a bird landed on the wooden frame, pecking at a bowl of grain placed there by the guild master.

He let out a smile. He never imagined that this would be him as an adult. From a hyperactive kid who always wanted to go attack guns blazing to one who was so in tune with nature. He wondered how Jiraiya would have reacted had he seen him like this.

Naruto let out a chuckle, he would have laughed his ass off, that was certain. He gave a nostalgic smile, thinking of his late teacher. His thoughts and dreams when he was alone and asleep was about Konoha, especially now that both he and Madara were gone. He kept wondering if they were in peace now, or if they were in war with another faction.

He gave a sad smile at the thought. That was a truth he never liked coming to terms with. No matter what they always did, peace was temporary, never ending, and no matter how much he never wanted to admit it, there was always going to be someone who never liked the status quo, who wanted to radically change things, and as if no one ever learnt a single thing from the past, conflict would arise again.

Now here he was, in another world, one with a less conflicted past than his, but still it was here, conflict. Things kept elevating from one thing to another, from the events that occurred from his direct arrival to his mission at Alverton which made him meet Athur, to the battle with Tartaros, from both his guild and at the Council Headquarters in Era, he couldn't even lie to himself.

He had quite an eventful stay. Now was Erza's situation, as well as Seilah's, and the planned raid of Tartaros. Naruto let out a chuckle, eventful was quite an understatement.

A knock on the door removed him from his musings and looked to the door.

"Yo Naruto, you in?" Arthur's voice emerged from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"We might have a problem."

Naruto blinked. "Huh?"

Naruto peeked through his office door – which was craned slightly open - to the ground floor to see Natsu swinging his legs back and forth on the bar stool while looking for around. The dragon slayer, feeling like he was being watched, looked upwards to see nothing, blinking in confusion.

"It's like I can't smell anything here." He frowned scratching his head. "Where's the guild master."

"Arthur went to get him." Happy muttered while helping himself to the bowl of fish provided to him. "Be patient."

Naruto was seen breathing heavily after he shut the door immediately Natsu looked to his position.

"That was close." He sighed in relief. Arthur looked to him with a befuddled expression, not seemingly impressed with the way he was acting.

"What are you doing?"

"Uhh… pfft, avoiding him." Naruto replied like it was the most obvious thing to do.

"You are a coward."

"Yup." Naruto folded his arms, whistling away while walking to his desk. "Tell him I went off to do a hundred-year mission or something like that. I'd leave the lies and the detailing up to you."

"So you want me to get rid of him?"

"Yeah smartass, shoo."

"Yeah, I'm not doing that."

"Wha… why? I'm the guild master." Naruto smirked, loving his position of power. "It's an order."

"I'm not going to go and get rid of him, I don't want to." Arthur shook his head in the negative. "This is your mess; you go deal with it."

Naruto's eyebrow twitched and pointed to an indignant Arthur. "Now listen here you punk-"

The door creaked open slowly, as Naruto and Arthur's pupils shifted to the door. Naruto blinked twice looking at Natsu staring at them with a grin.

"Yo!" he waved. "I got tired of waiting, what are you guys talking about," he muttered with a furrowed expression as he walked around the office. "Hey this office is pretty cool!"

Naruto's pupils just followed him as he walked around the office, not moving a muscle yet.

"Uhh, who are you?" Naruto asked, trying to keep the act.

"I'm Natsu Dragneel, from Fairy tail!" he said exuberantly.

Naruto blinked, noting the wide grin across his face and he gave a nostalgic chuckle. "Hey there, Natsu, I'm-"

"Uzumaki Naruto, yeah I pretty much know that." Natsu said causing Naruto to sweat bullets.


Arthur just shook his head at the quirky guild master letting out a sigh. His antics were nothing he wasn't used to by now.

Natsu nodded nonchalantly, looking around, "You rebuilt our guild after all."

"Oh yeah," Naruto gave an embarrassed laugh, "how's the old man doing?"

"Grumpy as usual." Natsu said, prompting a laugh from Naruto to which Natsu grinned.

Arthur rolled his eyes and walked down to the bar, noting that Natsu was quite dense as Naruto.

"Have we met before?" Natsu asked, a puzzled expression on his face. The question caused both Arthur and Naruto to freeze in their position. "You look familiar."

Naruto let out a nervous laugh looking sideways. "Well it was always said that I have a familiar face, haha." Naruto trailed off in laughter.

"No…" Natsu leaned in not observing the nervous sweat on Naruto's face. "I don't think it's that." He said in scrutiny.

Naruto's eyes looked around looking for a chance to change the topic and spotted Happy mid-air right behind the dragonslayer, and a glint appeared in his eyes causing Happy to be quite uncomfortable.

Instantly, Naruto grabbed Happy from the air, looking dazzled. "You never told me you had a flying cat?! That's freaking cool!"

Natsu being simple minded as the guild master, completely forgot what he was talking about to bask in the glory of the guild master fawning over his pet. "I know right?!"

"I'm not a cat!" Happy chomped down on Naruto's finger, causing him to yelp in pain. "I'm a proud exceed!" Happy gave a humph while folding his arms resentfully.

"You little shit!" Naruto intended on going after Happy but Arthur grabbed him before he could tear the cat to shreds.

"Okay I think we over–diverted." Arthur said as Natsu laughed at Naruto's expense.

"You're really fun."

"I think we should head down, don't you think so, Naruto?"

Naruto scowled as Arthur dragged him down to the ground floor preventing him from peeling off a snickering Happy's skin.

"You also had a pet?" Natsu asked in wonder while sitting across Naruto.

"Well pet is not the right word." Naruto said in thought, "More like companion. If I actually use pet to describe it then I'll be eaten." Naruto shivered.


Arthur poured Natsu a glass of non-alcoholic beverage and refilled the exceed's bowl of fish to their visitors' delight. "So," Arthur asked, "What brings you to the Guardian's Haven?"

Natsu took a gulp from his drink and looked to Naruto. "I came to see him actually."

Naruto arched an eyebrow. "Did Makarov send you?"

"Nah, I actually heard of your fight in Era, well," he chuckled, "who hasn't? That was freaking awesome!"

"What?" Naruto began to blush, "Me? Well once you put it that way… hehe. Well I wouldn't actually say it was a solo effort… Well solo is kinda more like it but I wouldn't use it, 'cause I would just appear well…"

Naruto who was always a sucker for praises began to scratch his head while trying to contain his ego, while Arthur gave him a half lidded look. "Really?"

"What?" Naruto folded his arms in defense, "I have a fan." He pouted looking to a side, "You're no fun."

Arthur rolled his eyes while Natsu spoke a daring grin spotted on his face. "And I actually want to fight you."

Naruto blinked mid-pout, arching an eyebrow. "I'm sorry what?"

Arthur thought he didn't hear him very well. "What?"

"Well you must be very strong right?!"

"And that means you want to fight me?" Naruto asked trying to understand the logic.



"Because I love to prove myself, you know, become stronger."

"Wouldn't it be better to you know… train?" Naruto said like it was the most obvious thing to do.

"There's no fun in that."

"Where's the fun in getting beat up?" Arthur asked in bafflement.

Natsu scoffed folding his arms. "No one's getting beat up."

Happy looked to Natsu, "You are going to get beat up, Natsu."

Natsu's eyebrow twitched, "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Happy."

"You always get beat up. It's like you never learn."

"I don't think it's a good idea." Naruto said with a concerned laugh to Natsu whose back was turned to the door that led to the training courtyard.

"But come on!"

"Yeah it's not going to-"

Naruto and Arthur both spit out their drinks in shock as Erza was about to head into the main building after her meditative session, Ultear in tow.

Natsu and Happy blinked in confusion at the Guild master's expression as Erza and Ultear's eyes widened at the passage, staring to the back of both Natsu and Happy.

Natsu was about to turn, "Uhh is everything alright? I can't smell anything in this-"

"Yes!" Naruto said, getting his complete attention and allowing Erza and Utear to stealthily retreat. "I would love to fight you."

"Really?" Natsu asked, completely fired up.

Naruto let out a relieved sigh. It was good that he anticipated a moment like this ever since his relationship with Fairy tail. And so in other to prevent someone like Natsu from detecting Ultear and most importantly, Erza, he created countermeasures to his sense of smell, thanks to the Inuzuka clan.

"Y…Yeah, why not. Besides, I haven't fought a dragon slayer before. Could be fun."

"Hell yeah!" Natsu gave a grin while slamming his fists together. "Let's do this."

"Well come on." Naruto smiled, wanting to end it as quick as possible.

"That was a close one wasn't it." Ultear said, chuckling at the situation they almost found themselves in.

"Yeah, it was nice to see him though." Erza said with a smile. "He's as noisy as ever."

"Everyone deals differently I guess," Ultear noted. "But, how are you feeling right now, Naruto's going to basically kill you again right now."

"I don't know to be honest," Erza replied. "At first I was okay with it, but now that it's getting closer, I can't help but wonder. What if I don't come back? What if it doesn't work?"

Ultear looked to Erza, listening to her thoughts. "It's quite dark isn't it?" she asked, certain she was reading the room.

Erza nodded her head letting out a chuckle. "This would be the second time I'll be dying. It's not a feeling one gets used to." Her smile faded, "that loneliness is so haunting when I think about it. I want to do it and be free. I don't know how but I just want to be free of all this. I love you guys but, I just want to go home."

"Then that would pull you right back." Ultear said, "Just keep them in your mind, keep thinking of them. Their antics, their insanity, their laughter. That bond," Ultear let out a fond smile, "Is much stronger than we give it credit."

"And if it doesn't work?"

Ultear smirked, "One thing I've learnt is that you never doubt our knucklehead of a guild master." Erza let out a laugh. "If it was anyone else I would be worried," Ultear admitted. "But him, he would move the world if that is what it would take. He completely feels responsible for you, as if that isn't determination enough." Ultear placed her hand on Erza's shoulder, looking to her with care in her eyes. "You'll come back, I know that for a fact."

Erza nodded her head in understanding, her worries gone for a moment. "Thank you." She closed her eyes, letting out a sigh of relief.

The two fighters stood across each other in the training grounds with Naruto's hands in his pockets while staring at Natsu who looked back with a confident smirk.

I'm going to go straight with my Fire and Lightning Dragon Slayer mode. I'll be sure to knock him out quickly.

Naruto blinked looking to the earth around Natsu. He arched an eyebrow. "Well that's convenient."

"Yo Happy," Naruto smiled to the exceed who was on Arthur's shoulder at the side. "Do the honors."

"Okay then, three, two, one, go!"

Just as Natsu was about to activate his dragon slayer mode, Naruto disappeared in a flash to his puzzlement. The next thing he knew he woke up on a bed looking around in confusion. A pulsing headache went through his mind causing him to groan a bit. Hearing noise above him, he opened the door of the medical wing in the basement and walked up the stairs till he was at the guild's ground floor.

Happy was seen laughing together with Naruto as Arthur let out a couple of chuckles shaking his head.
"You… You actually won the fight with a fart?" Happy asked, with tears in his eyes. This guild master was another thing entirely.

"An awesome fart by the way?" Naruto said proudly, "That'll teach him to be sniffing around in my business."

Natsu blinked, "Uhh, what happened?" The occupants of the guild looked to Natsu, who looked to Naruto, his eyebrow twitching. "Hey! You owe me a fight!"

"Uh, no, we had it." Naruto said pointing to the referee. Happy nodded sagely.

"Knocked out in less than a second."

"What?!" Natsu exclaimed. "How?!"

"It was quick," Happy said.

"Too quick," Arthur chimed in.

"…and painless," concluded Naruto.

"What? But I didn't even get a chance to…" Natsu began to pout as a gloomy atmosphere surrounded him to Naruto's amusement.

"You should know your opponent before you go challenging them to a fight y'know, helps a lot. Battles are quite easier that way y'know?"

"That doesn't make sense!" Natsu retorted.

"Huh," Happy said in thought, "That makes sense actually. All those guilds we fought, they usually kick our ass the first time, but during the rematch, we whoop their ass."

"Yeah," Natsu agreed, "I know…"

"You're strong Natsu." Naruto said with a smile.

"Not strong enough." Natsu said clenching his fist causing Naruto to blink.

"Why do you think so?"

"Because of that guy." Natsu said gritting his teeth. "That guy that came from the sky."

Naruto arched an eyebrow at him. I see…

"He came and messed everything up, and no one could stand up to him, not the saints not the guild masters, no one! And he killed Erza, and she came back and she left again." He looked to Naruto, tears brimming in his eyes. "I need to kick his ass! I need to be able to stop people like him who would come to try shit with us again. I just don't want what happened to happen again!"

Naruto stared at him, and sensed the power that was building within him and let out a smile.

"You know Natsu, getting power to get to level would change you, trust me I know that more than anyone. It would change the way people look at you, whether is for their good or not is up to you."

"I just need to be able to protect them."

Naruto smiled at him. "A friend once told me, when you have someone to protect, that special person, then you can become really strong. You will become strong, Natsu, stronger than you could ever imagine. And yeah, I'll help ya."

"Y…You will?!" Natsu looked hopefully.

"You will?" Arthur asked, to be sure.

"Yeah why not." Naruto said. "I'll have to take care of some things, put some things in order, then we would go on a trip." Naruto said as Natsu's face brightened as Naruto kept speaking. "Just us, and I am going to make you strong. Only if you wa-"

"Hell yes!" Natsu said with a grin. "When?!"

"Sooner than you might think."

Naruto ruffled his head. "I'll come get you, okay? So till then, go on a mission or two, pick up a lil' bit more experience, all just an appetizer."

"You are really cool!"

"I know." Naruto said with a grin.

Naruto and Arthur watched as Natsu and Happy walked away from the guild.

"I enjoyed his presence way more than I thought." Naruto admitted with a smile.

"You are basically training him to beat you." Arthur said with a chuckle. "I fail to understand the logic behind that thinking."

"It's gonna be fun." Naruto shrugged. "Besides, I need to get a grip on that rage before it spirals." Naruto said with a fond memory.

"Are you going to tell him?"

"Who knows how things would play out?" Naruto looked to the sunset. "Life's more exciting when you don't know what's coming. Now," Naruto moved back into the guild spotting Erza, "we take care of ya."

"He never changes." Erza said with a smile.

"He reminds me of myself." Naruto said with a smile, "Before I became all sagey and wise." Arthur coughed, drawing Naruto's ire. "Asshole, what are you trying to say with that convenient cough."

"Nothing o powerful and wise sage."

Ultear and Erza looked like they were about to burst out in laughter at Naruto's expense but were able to maintain their composure.

Naruto just sighed. "Yeah yeah. Go meet the original, Erza. He's waiting."

"I… I feel anxious." Erza said honestly, looking to the flat slab ahead of her. The two were in the room where she was resurrected prior.

"I would be worried if you didn't." Naruto said, with a smile. He moved closer to her and gave her a side hug, rubbing her shoulders soothingly. She looked to him, a smile on her face. "Imagine how I'm feeling." He said, causing her to let out a chuckle. She averted her gaze, looking to the slab, and let out an exhale. Her heart was beating quite fast.

"If I will promise you anything, Erza," Naruto said, noting how nervous she was feeling. He understood her completely. Telling someone you had to kill them to save them wouldn't be welcomed by many, "is that your story isn't ending here. Now," he placed his fingers on her chin guiding her eyes to his, "Do you trust me?"

Erza looked stunned at the question and nodded, "Yes, I trust you."

"Then let's get this over with, okay?"

"Let's do it."

Erza was seen on the slab her eyes closed. Her clothes were absent only for a strip of cloth over her breasts and pelvic region.

This has never been done before, Naruto. Madara spoke from within his mind. Are you willing to risk it?

It's too late to back out now. Naruto said unsealing a small pot with sealing ink within. Dipping his fingers into the ink he began to draw inscriptions all over her skin. He noted her chest, unmoving, and looking at her relaxed expression, further strengthened his resolve.

And so he began to draw, his inner capabilities as an Uzumaki coming to the surface. He etched the runic symbols on her body, from her abdomen which had a spiral design, spreading to the rest of her body.

As soon as he was done, he looked to her and went through a quick series of hand seals. Five hundred and forty-four of them; any little mistake was going to be deadly. The preparations for his endeavor had not been easy, that's why he had clones control the activity of the guild for more than a week.

That's why his clone had to end the fight as quickly as possible. He couldn't risk the memories coming at the worst time, ruining his concentration.

As soon as he was done, the entire room became filled with darkness, it was entirely black. Before a white glow emerged from Naruto's right palm and Erza's abdomen. Naruto recalled a conversation with Madara.

"Why does she need to die?"

"You are going to extract every ounce of chakra in her system, the pain is impossible for a human mind to comprehend. From what I know, even I would die under such procedure. That is normal chakra, we are not even considering the Rinnegan nature mixed in as well as her own energy coils." Madara looked to Naruto who was in deep thought. "Having her brain dead, eases the process in a way."

"I wish there was another way."

"Unfortunately, there isn't. Even I am considerate of her situation. Hopefully the power in you would be able to handle bringing her back. That's the benefit of having the Shinju sealed in you of course.

Naruto connected his hands with her abdomen, and immediately his Rinnegan flared to life, its eerie purple glow further illuminating the room. His Preta Path was activated, and he began to draw the chakra into his system. Almost instinctively, Erza's eyes opened, glowing with the Rinnegan stunning Naruto.

She was dead, that was certain, but it seemed he had inadvertently made her a path, just like before.

Still he never gave up, and kept doing so, hoping to be done in time so he could bring her back as soon as possible. He never wanted her to spend any other second in death if she didn't have to.

His body shook at the influx of chakra. It seemed like the chakra had mutated Erza's system completely creating a new form of power. Naruto knew then he couldn't siphon the chakra away from her body, because it had bonded to her. All he could do, was erase the Rinnegan's effect in her, and that was what he was doing.

Slowly and slowly, the Rinnegan began to lose its luster in Erza's eyes. Naruto widened his eyes at the amount that was in her, it was a lot. Just as he was extracting the Rinnegan's chakra from her body, he imagined the possibilities.

Having paths which had their own personalities, not puppets to the wielder's control, like that of Pain. What he had discovered was incredible. People like Madara he knew would see it as a pointless endeavor, considering no one had his chakra and the power of the Shinju to bring people back individually and still live after.

Also he guessed Madara had no use for pawns with their own personalities if he could help it. There were too many variables to consider. Well, he had to focus on what was at hand, which was making sure Erza got back safely.

The glow from Erza's eyes vanished, and her eyes returned to being closed. Naruto leaned to the slab, sweating profusely, he began to breath in and out rapidly, trying to calm himself down. He could feel the toll of what he was doing, it was incredible. He looked to Erza and clasped his hands, his Rinnegan flaring back to life.

Outer Path…

The humongous purple head emerged again and opened its mouth and a purple hand reached out and grabbed Erza pulling her into his maws to Naruto's shock.

That wasn't supposed to happen… Before Naruto could realize, the mouth stayed shut to his horror.

"What are you doing?" The face stayed unresponsive staring to Naruto. "Hey, you're joking right?"


"Hey!" Naruto quickly got into its face as the realization was setting in. "Bring her out!"

Naruto began hitting the maws with his fists, "Bring her back!"

As the exhaustion began to seep in from summoning the Outer Path, Naruto began to feel weakened. To the point he tried summoning a Rasengan to burst open the mouth only for it to fade to nothingness.

"No…" He muttered, "No!"

His eyes glowed red, summoning his tailed beast mode and prepared to blast open the mouth with his fist. Before he could make contact, he found himself in a plain in the night, without the tailed beast cloak he summoned.


He looked around, and his eyes noting the red moon glowing in the night. He looked to the tails what moved hypnotically around the moon and he clenched his fist at the towering being before him. Its entire body was an eerie pitch black. That was before it opened its glowing red eyes staring down at him.

Naruto's breathing became labored, clenching his fist and looking to the being ahead of him, his eyes was blazing rage, as he muttered.

"Ten tails."

"Uzumaki Naruto, you have my time right now don't you?"

"It was you?!"

"You suspected it."

"Give her back."

"And why would I do that, considering all you have done since you came into possession of the Rinnegan is misuse it?"

"Misuse it?"

"A life for a life."

Naruto's fist trembled.

"If you are willing to bring back a lost soul, you must be willing to sacrifice your life. This imbalance you cause time and again would have consequences. And you must pay them."

"Not… Not her."

"She is an abomination, a taint on my chakra, and you think I would let her leave, corrupting my core essence, don't be naïve."

"Not her… Take me."

"That would be a bit of an over correction no? You are the only wielder of chakra in this world, and the other parts of me seem to be in denial. Even if they can't communicate I can sense their misplaced fondness in you."

"What are you saying?"

"Why do you think she deserves to live? What's the point? Her world has despised her; she has no place that would protect her now. What is the point in letting her live? Shouldn't you just grant her peace. Letting her reunite with her parents in the pure world is not much of a stretch, it's a fitting end for such a tortured soul."

"I promised her."


"She has so much to give, she has so much more to give, you cannot take her now, you just can't."

"I just did. We do not always get what we wish the most in this world now do we?"

Naruto's lips trembled. "Please."

"Now you resort to pleas. Well, why don't we strike a bargain. If I am right, you do not go back on your word, right? Besides I'm curious to see what you are willing to do to save the girl's soul. If you could even break the world."

Naruto looked to the towering grin of the primordial entity before him.

"What bargain?"

Erza gasped, waking up in shock, breathing in and out rapidly. She gulped multiple times. She was changed, she knew it, it was a lot different than before.

"Hey there Erza." Naruto called out to her. She looked to him, noting that a couple of his hairs were white, which slowly reverted to its original color. He looked completely exhausted.

"Naruto." She regained her bearings and moved to him, requiping into her Kreuz armor, helping him up before he could fall. "Are you okay?"

Naruto gave her a grin, "Nothing I can't handle."

She looked to him in worry, "Why don't you sit for a bit."

"No really." Naruto smiled to her, "I'm fine. I'll just need to rest for a bit."

Erza looked to him, her lips trembling.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel…" She clenched her fist, "I feel great."

Naruto grinned. "Great."

"Thank you, Naruto." Erza said, enveloping him in a hug to his stunned silence. "Thank you," she said, tears seeping from her eyes. She could see how much of a toll it took from him, and still. "Thank you."

"Well, it was sorta my fau-"

"Just… just shut up, okay." She said, while she buried her face into his shoulders, letting out a cry of relief. Before she felt like she was chained to something unable to live her life without being worried that she was being watched. But now, it was all gone. She felt like herself again, for some reason, even stronger.

Naruto just looked to her and returned the hug. "Sure…"

Naruto watched Erza speaking with Ultear and Arthur who looked happy to see her. He looked to her, watching her smile, which was brighter than usual, she felt free, all that was left was to integrate her back to Fairy tail, which going to be much of a hassle. With his position now revered in the council, all it took was speaking to the right people and it was going to be done.

He did it, he saved her.

"…well, why don't we strike a bargain.If I am right, you do not go back on your word, right? Besides I'm curious to see what you are willing to do to save the girl's soul. If you could even break the world."

Naruto clenched his fist as he closed his eyes.

"What bargain?"

HOLY COW! HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN? DAMN So sorry for the late update I know a lot of you guys have been waiting on the story and I want to reassure you all that I would not abandon the story. I've just been caught up in a lot of hectic shit I just didn't have time to put the next chapter down in time.

Anyways, I hope this was awesome for a comeback. I made this chapter entirely Naruto centric cause I felt it needed a personal touch. Also I know that people loved the guild interactions and I love writing them cause its sooo fun watching them riff on each other.

Also the bargain? What is it? Ooooooooh a mystery... Lol. Anyways can't wait to hear your thoughts on the review page.

It encourages me a lot!