First thing you should know about Lovino Romano Vargas is that he does not try to be rude.

He doesn't need to when he has basically no verbal filter.

He won't mean the words that will come out of his mouth though.

Well, most of the time.

He won't apologize as well.

He turns red and green at the thought.

He won't apologize if he has accidentally offended you.

He'd rather call Francis "brother" than to apologize for something.

He also cusses like a sailor.

Scratch that, he puts sailors to shame when he sings his melodious and colorful curses.

A trait he may or may not have inherited from his mother and grandfather.

His tongue riddled with explosives will cut you short.

But sometimes, his cussing degenerates to that of a young child.

He will stutter or mumble or become completely incomprehensible.

There are times when he will just physically hurt you, but this action would be his last resort.

So if you ever get offended by Lovino Romano Vargas, know this:

He doesn't mean to be rude.

A/N: I have a new series! I might be dropping my first stories because I cringe at how I have written them back then. I do apologize to those who are still waiting on them. But starting from this series, I'll be writing newer materials. So, stay tuned.