Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter nor am I attempting to make any personal gain from this story.

Harry Slithers-in: Companion Stories: Chapter 3.2: Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore had started the year with his annual problem: finding a DADA teacher. Fortunately, this time finding a suitable candidate proved easy although he came with a problem that would need to be kept away from the students and, especially, from their parents. Remus Lupin was a werewolf.

Compounding this problem was the fact that Sirius Black, the man responsible for the deaths of James and Lily Potter, had somehow managed to escape from Azkaban, something Dumbledore had considered impossible. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black had been friends when they were at school and although he thought it very unlikely he had to consider the possibility that Lupin would try to help Black in some way.

Professor Snape had made his view of the matter clear the day Lupin's appointment was announced, "Headmaster," Snape began, "I do not think wise that a friend of Black should appointed to teach at Hogwarts. How do we know Lupin won't help Black?"

"Severus, if I thought there was any danger of that happening I would not have appointed Remus Lupin to the position. I am convinced that Remus will not endanger any student of this school. I expect you will assist him with his other problem. You know he is a werewolf and I expect you to brew the wolfsbane potion during his time as a staff member."

"Of course I will," Snape replied sounded aggravated. "You know I would never do anything to endanger a student or a fellow staff member."

A few days before the start of the school year Minister Fudge decided to send the dementors to Hogwarts. Dumbledore opposed the decision but Fudge was determined so, reluctantly, Dumbledore had allowed their presence although he insisted they did not enter the castle or cross beyond the surrounding walls.

Dumbledore asked Remus to catch the Hogwarts Express. He expected the train may be searched by Dementors and he wanted a teacher on hand to protect the students should this happen. It proved to be a wise decision as the train was searched and Harry Potter had been one of the students who had been most severely affected by them. Harry and another boy were seen by Madam Pomfrey and were cleared to return to the feast after the sorting.

The first two months of the year passed quietly although Dumbledore was less than impressed to hear that Snape had set an essay on werewolves while covering for Lupin's DADA class during the full moon. It appeared nobody had joined the dots so to speak so he let it pass with only a reminder to Severus about acting more responsibly.

An event on Halloween, however, changed everything. Sirius Black had managed to get into the castle and all the way to Gryffindor tower undetected. He had then slashed the Fat Lady's portrait when she had refused to let him into the Common Room. Dumbledore assumed Sirius had attacked Gryffindor because he had expected Harry Potter to be a Gryffindor rather than a Slytherin. After that security was tightened and, as far as he knew, Black was now nowhere near the castle.

The first Quidditch match of the season brought new troubles. The weather on the day was appalling with heavy rain, strong wind and, worst of all, thunder and lightning. To make matters worse the dementors chose that day to enter the grounds. They got into the stadium where they caused chaos, terrifying the students and nearly attacking a player who had fallen from his broom. After forcing the dementors away Dumbledore went to the Ministry to demand their removal but Fudge insisted they stay. Reluctantly Dumbledore accepted this but insisted they must never again enter the grounds.

The next week Dumbledore noticed several students sitting with a large dog while they watched the next Quidditch match. The dog seemed very content so he ignored it. He knew many people had reported seeing a stray dog that always seemed friendly and he assumed this must be the animal.

Christmas was unusually quiet. Only four students were staying and two of them would be leaving on New Year's Eve. Only nine staff were staying over. Of those Remus Lupin would be unavailable for part of the holiday due to his condition. It looked like being the quietest Christmas Dumbledore had enjoyed since he started teaching at Hogwarts some 60 years earlier. He was, therefore, very surprised when Remus Lupin's patronus burst into his office and said, "Sirius Black is in my office. He is claiming Peter Pettigrew is alive and here at Hogwarts." Dumbledore immediately hurried to Lupin's office using the floo network.

When Professor Dumbledore stepped out of the fireplace he pointed his wand directly at Sirius. "What are you doing her, Sirius?" he demanded.

"Professor Dumbledore, I am here to protect my godson from the man who betrayed his parents to Lord Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew. He's here at Hogwarts, living in this castle, eating the school's food, just waiting for a chance to finish the job."

"What proof of this do you have?"

Sirius pointed to a photo on Remus' desk. "Peter is right there in that photo, he is on that boys shoulder."

"Are you saying that Peter Pettigrew is a rat?"

"Headmaster," Remus said. "I think I need to explain something from my time here as a student. Sirius, along with James and Peter, discovered I was a werewolf. Rather than abandoning me they set about trying to find a way they safely keep me company during the full moon. In our 5th year they managed to become Animagi. Sirius turns into a large dog; the same one, in fact, that several people have met around the school and in the village. I found this out when Sirius told me he has been sleeping in the Slytherin Common Room for the past two weeks."

"You have been sleeping in the castle? In the same place Harry has been sleeping alone?" Dumbledore asked him.

"Yes. Harry and his girlfriend have been feeding me," Sirius replied."

"Very well. Continue," Dumbledore said.

"Fudge gave me the paper when he visited Azkaban at the end of July. As he left I heard him say I was more frightening than the dementors. Anyway, when I saw that photo I knew immediately the rat was Peter Pettigrew. I've lost count of the number of times I saw him transform into a rat during our last three years at Hogwarts."

"Why did you attack the Fat Lady's portrait?"

"I am sorry for my actions, Dumbledore, but at the time I wasn't thinking straight. I hadn't had a proper meal for a while and my hunger got the better of me. When I realised what I had done I immediately regretted my actions. I knew I had to leave quickly or I might be killed by the teachers or worse, given to the dementors."

"Can you prove can are right in your accusation?"

"Harry has the proof I need. When we were students here Remus, James, Peter and myself created a detailed map of the castle. It is called the Marauder's Map and it shows in great detail the castle and the locations of everybody in the castle. Harry either has this map or knows who does and borrows it from them every now and then."

"Headmaster," Remus put in. "I propose we allow Sirius to remain in the castle. I will take personal responsibility for him and ensure he behaves himself. When term starts up I can ask Harry about the map and request he returns it to me. Once I have the map we will know for certain if Sirius is telling the truth."

"Very well, Remus, although it is against my better judgement it is probably the most suitable arrangement. I must insist, however, that Sirius does not leave this office and its adjacent classroom."

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore," Sirius said.

Dumbledore informed Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall that Sirius was the large dog that had been hanging around the castle and that he had the Headmaster's permission to be there. Neither had not been happy and Snape had shown his vindictive nature by placing both Harry Potter and Tracey Davis on detention.

Lupin then devised a plan to catch Pettigrew which Dumbledore approved. He made sure to ensure that Black was monitored at all times but left Lupin to sort out the fine details of the plan.

It was decided the trap would be sprung during a transfiguration class. Conveniently Gryffindor and Slytherin were paired for this class meaning that all concerned would be present. When the students entered the classroom Professor Dumbledore was sitting next to Professor McGonagall.

"Good afternoon, class. As you can see we have a special guest with us today. Professor Dumbledore will be sitting in on this lesson as we will be learning an important and very useful spell."

Dumbledore could see from the expressions on the students' faces they thought this would be an interesting lesson.

"Mr. Weasley," Professor McGonagall continued, "do you have your pet rat with you?"

"Yes, Professor," Ron Weasley said, sounding surprised.

"Please place him on my desk." McGonagall indicated the space in front of her. Ron walked to the front with Scabbers seemingly tried to get away from him.

When Ron placed Scabbers on the desk Professor McGonagall pinned the rat in place with her own hand. Scabbers was squeaking frantically as if he was afraid. "What are you doing to him?" Ron demanded.

By way of reply Professor Dumbledore pointed his wand at Scabbers who disappeared in a flash of light, being replaced moments later by a man.

"Scabbers?" Ron said in a shocked voice. Every other student in the class let out a gasp of surprise.

"Hello, Peter," Dumbledore began calmly. "You look in remarkably good health for someone who has been dead for 12 years."

Professor McGonagall stunned Pettigrew who was making a desperate attempt to escape. Peter crashed into the front row of desks where a number of Gryffindors, including Hermione Granger, were seated. They jumped away from him as quickly as they could. For several moments the class was in chaos before the teachers managed to regain control.

"As you can see," Professor McGonagall said once order was restored, "this man is an Animagus and the charm Professor Dumbledore demonstrated is called the Homorphus charm. It is used to force an Animagus to resume their human form. The Ministry of Magic keeps a record of all known Animagi in Britain and Ireland but, as you have just seen, not all Animagi register. To be an unregistered Animagus is a criminal offence carrying a maximum sentence of one year in Azkaban and a fine of up to 1000 Galleons. In the case of this animagus," she pointed to the unconscious man lying on the floor, "he will also be facing a number of more serious charges due to his previous history."

"For your information," Professor Dumbledore added, "this man is Peter Pettigrew, one of 13 people allegedly murdered by Sirius Black a little over 12 years ago."

"For homework tonight, I want two rolls of parchment on the correct use of the Homorphus charm including what it can and cannot be used for. Mr. Weasley, please stay behind. I wish to speak to you after class. The rest of you are dismissed," McGonagall finished.

Within minutes all the Weasley children were in the classroom; their teachers having been asked to release them at a specific time and to send them there. Dumbledore and McGonagall explained who Pettigrew was and what he had done. When they finished the Weasleys were sent into another room where their parents were waiting. Dumbledore had earlier told Arthur and Molly what was happening and had invited them to join the rest of their family so they could support each other.

With Pettigrew's capture and Sirius being found innocent of almost every charge (except being an unregistered animagus) the dementors were removed from the school. The next problem was ensuring Harry would stay with the Dursleys.

Dumbledore invited Harry to his office along with Sirius Black and Severus Snape. Severus took a middle ground point of view. Dumbledore assumed this may have been because Severus knew Petunia and didn't particularly like her or Sirius. There they had a somewhat tense discussion at the end of which it was decided Harry should spend one month with the Dursleys' and the rest of the holidays with Sirius.

Sirius turned to Harry. "I promise you now that, on your birthday, I will personally collect you from the Dursleys and take you to my family manor in London. Before that day will ensure I check on your welfare at least once a week with personal visit."

"All right," Harry replied. "I will hold you to that promise, Sirius."

From then until mid-June everything proceeded quietly with no untoward events. Unfortunately, the same day exams ended news came out that Pettigrew had escaped from Azkaban. At Fudge's insistence, and over Dumbledore's strong objections, the dementors returned to Hogwarts. It turned into a complete disaster; not only did the dementors fail to prevent Pettigrew from entering the castle and attacking two teachers but they themselves attacked two students. Dumbledore was surprised to hear Harry Potter had driven them away with a corporeal patronus thus saving the students. Harry had also alerted the Ministry and the staff to Pettigrew's presence but he managed to escape.

It soon became common knowledge that Professor Lupin was a werewolf and Lupin resigned the next day, Sirius Black helping him to pack and then escorting him away with minimal fuss. This was a disappointing way for the year to finish but it couldn't be avoided. Once again Dumbledore knew he would need a new DADA teacher.