Hey guys! So this is an old story I had on my old account, Roxy9785 but since I forgot the password on the account, I'll post the story here. And I will be continuing it as well. So I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to review!

"Ready or not! Here I come!", said a young Belle. She was playing a game of hide and seek with her best friend Adam. They had just been friends a year ago when Belle had moved in the city. They had been friends ever since. Belle's mother had been best friends with Adam's mother since they were in high school. They had met again working at the same job as teachers.

Belle wandered around the house looking for him. She saw feet at the bottom of the purple curtains, so she made her way over to the wall in the living room, "Ha! I caught you!"

He stomped the floor with his feet, "Aw man!" said Adam making Belle giggle.

"Tag! You're it!" said Belle pushing him. She ran away from him laughing.

"Hey! That's so not cool!" he ran towards her but he couldn't catch up to her sprinting feet.

"Adam! Belle! It's dinner time!" said Adam's mother.

Belle stopped in her tracks, "Yay! Food!"

"Ha! You're it!", said Adam.

"Aww man!", Belle whined.

"Adam! Belle! It's dinner time!" his mother yelled again.

"We're coming mom!", Adam yelled. He smiled at Belle, "Come on Belle, we might have fish again!"

The two children ran into the kitchen. The aroma of fresh cooked salmon filled the room.

"Okay Belle, here's yours", Adam's mother handed her a bowl of salmon pieces with rice.

"Aw come on mom!", Adam whined, making Belle giggle. He always wanted to be first.

"Now Adam, don't be like that. Belle is our guest, so I'm serving her first." she said sternly.

Belle and Adam were finishing the last few bites of their meal when they heard a car honk.

"Oh! My mom is here to pick me up!" Belle said.

Adam sighed, "Do you have to go Belle?". This was their last day together. Belle's mother got a job in another city.

"Yeah, but I don't want to go", Belle admitted.

Adam hugged Belle. She hugged him back tighter, "I don't want you to go either." Belle started to cry but tried to hold it back.

"I need to go, my mom is probably going to be upset with me. I'll visit you tomorrow, I promise." she wiped away a tear.

Adam sighed again, "Okay, I'll see you later Belle." He didn't want her to leave.

Belle didn't reply, she just turned away and left the house. Adam looked out to see Belle make her way in her mother's car. She saw him and waved him their last goodbye. Belle had promised Adam they'd see each other the next day, but ever since that day, Belle hasn't been seeing Adam anymore. The days had went by without a glimpse of Belle anywhere. Adam began to notice through the days. Two years had passed by, Adam was now ten years old.

"Mom?", he said sitting on the couch watching television.

"Yes Adam?", his mother replied. She was drinking coffee.

"Why isn't Belle coming anymore?" His sad eyes face her.

His mother paused. The reason why Belle hasn't been coming over was because her mother wanted her to spend more time without Adam. Nobody knew why this was the case. Maybe it was so Belle would behave better or something.

Another year had passed, Adam was now eleven. His mother had been seeing a man she had met. He was one of the teachers at the school she worked in. Belle was still not visiting Adam. He slowly forgot about her day by day. Adam spent his days learning to play basketball. His mother's boyfriend had taught him.

Now thirteen, Adam's mother had found out that the man had been seeing another woman. Heartbroken, she decided to end the relationship. Adam had been supporting her. It took his mother weeks to recover from the heartbreak. With Adam, he had made the basketball team at his middle school. He was team captain. His life had passed him by so quickly that he had forgotten all about what really mattered to him.