Vincent Griffith had never felt so helpless before in his life. He's been possessed by the spirit of a dead Original Vampire named Finn who controlled his body for months before being exorcised, his wife Eva Sinclair had murdered children for their magic and Vincent was forced to side against her to save innocent lives, the Ancestors had forcibly taken control of his body and used him to help turned Lucien Castle into a super monster. Vincent had suffered through so many terrible things in his life and yet this was quite possibly the worst of all.

Camille O'Connell was upstairs in the Mikaelsons Compound dying from werewolf venom. Lucien had bitten her last night and now Camille's life was slowly slipping away minute by minute. Normally werewolf venom wouldn't be a problem as Niklaus Mikaelson's blood could cure someone of the infliction but Lucien's venom was unique. Not only was the vampire stronger than any supernatural being Vincent had ever seen, Lucien's bite could kill even an Original and there was seemingly no cure. Davina had confronted Lucien and tried to take his blood hoping it could cure Camille but Lucien said that there was no cure for his bite. He could be lying but the fact that he didn't care if they took his blood probably meant it would do no good.

Vincent had spent the past few hours trying to come up with a cure for Camille with Freya but to no avail. Klaus's blood didn't work, Hope's blood didn't work, and no amount of mystical ointments had any real effect. They were out of options and Camille refused to allow them to transfer her spirit into another body. She didn't want to inflict such a fate upon whoever she would be transferred into.

It was that kind of decision that Vincent believed that Camille wasn't corrupted when she became a vampire. She stumbled early on but her innocence and kindness was still inside her. And that's why Vincent couldn't let her to die. He would not allow such a good person and a good friend to suffer such a terrible fate. The fact that so many people, several of whom hated each other, had come together to find a way to save her said something about the young vampire. The Originals, Marcellus Gerard, Davina Claire, Hayley Kenner, and even Vincent were all trying their hardest to save her and now that it was hopeless, they wanted to say goodbye.

Klaus was upstairs in Camille's room, putting them both in a sort of dream so she wouldn't suffer. For once Vincent was actually thankful to the sadistic Original Hybrid. He knew Camille had feelings for him but he never really understood why. They were polar opposites of one another but Vincent understood why Klaus cared for her. Camille had a way of bringing out the good in everyone, even someone like an Original who slaughtered and killed everyone in his path. Klaus had changed so much since he'd been a part of her life. The same could be said about everyone.

Vincent swore he was going to make Lucien pay for what he did. The monster thought he could kill the Originals and turn his psychotic girlfriend Aurora into the same beast he was. Only Camille and Hayley managed to stop her and now she was currently being drained of her blood to remove the serum she drank that would have turned her into a super vampire. Unfortunately, you had to die with it in your serum so now Aurora was nothing more than a desiccated husk. Not really dead but not really alive either.

The drained blood was being held in bowl soon to be disposed of shortly but once Aurora's blood finished draining, Vincent knew he had a solution. He wasn't certain he'd be able to finish in time but he somehow managed to do it. Now there was only one thing left to do and the Mikaelsons would have never approved of it. They were always terrified by anyone that was capable of destroying them or possessing something that could kill them. What's worse was that the Ancestors seemed linked to Lucien, dispelling magic that could potentially harm him. If Camille was turned into a super vampire like him, what if the Ancestors would then be linked to her and somehow able to manipulate her into killing her friends?

Yet this was the only way to save Camille's life and find a way to stop Lucien. Vincent was going to take Aurora's blood and feed it to Camille. He didn't have much time. It took hours to drain the psychotic vampire and the truth was he had no idea if this stuff would actually work. Lucien's venom might somehow negate the serum but Camille was out of options.

Making sure no one noticed, Vincent gathered up the blood and put it into a small plastic capsule. He moved quickly as he mixed in some herbs that changed the color to a yellowish tan. That would at least fool everyone into thinking it was just some desperate last ditch effort. Vincent headed upstairs to the bedroom where a sleepy Camille was covered up with blankets, her face starting to unnaturally pale. She didn't have much time left. Klaus was seated next to her, his head slumped as he was entering Camille's dream to manipulate it into something pleasant.

Elijah, Marcel, Hayley, and Freya all stood around the bed silently say their farewells. The four turned to Vincent as he entered. "I want to try something. It won't save her but it might slow down the venom. Give her a few more minutes," he explained.

The four exchanged looks but all nodded. Vincent headed over to a medical bag seat next to the bed and pulled out a syringe. He needed to get this stuff into Camille's system as quickly as possible and this was the best way. After sucking out the blood from the bottle, he injected it into one of Camille's jugular veins. Now all he could do now was wait and pray. He wasn't going to pray to the Ancestors, the whole lot of them can go to Hell. He was praying to a higher power to please intervene. Because if anyone deserved it, Camille did.

It was a perfect day. The sun hung above without a cloud in the sky. The air was comfortably warm, not hot or humid. New Orleans was brisling with activity as people went about their business. Klaus once promised he would spend a perfect afternoon with her at a corner café and he was true to his word. It might be an illusion but it was one you could forget the troubles of the real world and just be happy.

Camille appreciated it. Her time on this Earth was growing shorter by the minute but she was able to forget about it as she spent hours with Klaus within this dream world. They walked through the streets hand in hand, listening to the music played by street musicians and stopping to admire pieces of street art. Then Klaus changed the dream and they visited Venice and riding a gondola through the Grand Canal. Then they walked the Great Wall of China followed by climbing to the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza. All the places Camille wanted to visit, Klaus could conjure them before her eyes and he was there alongside her as she experienced every wonder this world had to offer. It truly was a perfect day.

Day turned to night as the dream changed back to New Orleans. They stood on a gallery square watching a painter draw a morbid picture of a face.

"The painter, the music, the crowd…this is the night we met," Camille realized. "You remember every detail. I must have made an impression."

"You know very well you did," smiled Klaus.

"We talked about the artist controlling his demons. Do you think he ever did?" asked Camille.

"Some demons will not be tamed," commented Klaus.

"We just do the best we can…and never give up," remarked Camille.

She suddenly felt a little light headed and with moments was having trouble standing. "I'm feeling tired," Camille moaned.

"Camille?" Klaus gasped as he quickly grabbed her by the arm, steadying her.

Camille grabbed onto Klaus's shoulders to help herself stay on her feet. Looking into Klaus's concerned eyes made her say something she should have said a long time ago. "It's funny even though we're so different. I feel like I've always known you. Maybe it's because I've been in your mind or maybe that's just how you know you love someone," she said.

"I do love you know?" Klaus said, almost in tears.

That's when it finally hit Camille. She knew she was going to die but it didn't seem real to her. She had felt fine up until now and it was easier to just not accept the inevitable. Deep down, Camille believed Klaus would figure out something and they'd do everything they promised each other in here. But when Klaus said he loved her, that's when she truly realized that there was nothing he could do to save her. She was going to die.

"I thought you were going to tell me that tomorrow? I really don't have a tomorrow do I?" Camille said, the fear of what was to come threatening to overwhelm her. She couldn't stand to let anyone see her like this. Someone about to break down into tears like this.

"The noise, the people…will you make it go away?" Camille asked as tears started to fill up in her eyes. Klaus made the illusions of people vanish as the gallery square became empty and silent. Then the lights all began to flicker. This was it and Camille knew it.

"Your heart is slowing but it still beats." Klaus told her. "You're fighting because you want to live."

"I wanted to be brave," cried Camille. "I wanted to handle this with dignity but I can't. I don't wanna go. I'm so scared."

"I'm here," Klaus assured her.

"So much for the brave bartender huh? When I said I was ready to die, I was full of it. I just wish I had done more than to serve a few drinks and fail completely as your therapist," Camille whimpered.

"Don't you think for a moment that you failed me," snapped Klaus who quickly calmed himself down. Camille might be afraid to die but he was afraid of loss. Klaus never handled it very well. He always wanted to be in control of everything but death was the one thing that no one could control. Camille knew her death would devastate him and she wished she could take that pain to the grave with her to spare him.

"You stayed my hand and quelled my rage. You inspired goodness in me and unlike the other souls I've encounter and forgotten in the long march of time…I will carry you with me," whispered Klaus, breaking down into tears.

"I guess that makes me immortal," Camille quipped as she started having trouble breathing. Her legs gave out but thankfully Klaus managed to slow her fall and gently set her on a nearby fountain.

"Just stay a little longer?" pleaded Klaus.

"Do you remember the bible verse on John's headstone?" asked Camille, hoping to just have enough time to say one last thing.

"The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it," Klaus remembered.

"I was never naïve enough to think that I was your light. But there is light in you. All that anger, the cycle of abuse that Mikael began, you can end it. You have to so you can be the light for your little girl. For Hope," Camille whispered. With those words, she ended her struggles to remain and allowed the darkness to take her.

Everyone in the room watched as Camille's skin turned pale with her veins turning black. Klaus awoke from his trance and immediately grabbed Camille's arm, burying his head into the bed to silently cry. Tears filled up Hayley's eyes, Marcel staggered back as if hit in the chest, Freya was holding back tears, and Elijah just stared at Camille and Klaus not saying a word. Vincent was almost crying as well despite knowing what he did. The problem was he didn't know if the serum would even work. Camille could truly be dead and that was enough to bring tears to Vincent's eyes.

It seemed like forever before Elijah finally stepped forward and touched Klaus's shoulder. "Brother," he whispered.

Klaus said nothing and didn't respond at all to his brother's touch. He was completely lost in grief and for the first time Vincent finally felt compassion for the hybrid. After everything Niklaus had done, that was not an easy thing to admit. To lose someone who brought out the best in you when the world brought out the worst was a fate Vincent wished upon no one. Klaus slowly lifted up his head, his face covered in tears. He looked like he was about to say something but no words came out of his mouth.

Camille's body suddenly sat up, letting loose a gasp for air that broke the silence of the room and frightened everyone in it. Klaus fell out of his chair stunned. Everyone staggered back, unable to believe what they were seeing. Even Vincent couldn't believe it and yet he understood what was happening. Camille was alive.

She glanced around confused. Then the irises on her eyes turned bright red as a pair of double fangs grew on her upper and lower jaws. Dark veins stretched around her entire face. Camille had become the same creature as Lucien. Camille had become the Beast.

(Okay I probably shouldn't have published this considering all the other stories I have going but this idea refused to stay inside my brain and having no impulse control, here is the first chapter. Hope you liked it…OF COURSE YOU LIKED IT! CAMILLE DIDN'T DIE IN THIS! Please review.)