The Return of Sailor V: Epilogue (AKA the bonus chapter so no one feels slighted)

by Vchanny

All characters are copyright of the talented Naoko Tacheuchi. I own nothing.


Goosebumps sprang up across her exposed arms as she walked out onto the balcony that cold, winter evening. Instinctively, she rubbed them with her palms, hoping to cause some heat with the friction. It wasn't enough to warm her chilled torso, but she wasn't going back in for her coat. She cursed herself for her hasty exit, but at the time, all she could think was that she needed some air.

So, she stood there, hugging herself, looking out across the city from Kudret's luxurious condo's balcony, trying to block out all the feelings that had washed over her. She wanted them to go away. Or at least stay contained like she had willed them to.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't hear the door behind her open and close, and she nearly jumped when the blazer was draped over her shoulders. It only took a moment before she calmed herself, and gripped on the fabric, pulling it closer, to revel in the warmth it provided.

"Thank you," she muttered.

"You shouldn't be out here without a coat." He rested his broad hands on top of her shoulders, and rubbed gently, trying to help break the chill that took over her.

Minako fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Thank you, Captain Obvious."

Tenderly, he then draped his arms around her, and rested his chin a top her head. She shivered, which did not go unnoticed. "Why'd you run out? It looked like you were having a good time."

"Well, I was. You throw a damn good party."

He moved so that he was leaning over her now, head off to the side, turned towards hers—forcing her to look at him. "What changed? Tell me."

She nearly pushed him away, but then she realized the cold would return, so she allowed him to stay. "Everything was fine until Mako shoved her engagement ring in my face." There was a short pause. "I can see by the way you're staring at me, that you weren't in on it. Nate didn't tell you?"

He shook his head no. "No, he didn't. When?"

She laughed halfheartedly. "Apparently just now in the kitchen. He got down on one knee and everything." She turned back toward the crowd inside. "They are getting ready to announce. I had to get out of there."

He looked inside. All his guests' attention had just been adverted to the front of the room. "Aren't you happy for them?"

"Of course," she replied defensively.

"But..." he continued for her, knowing there was something she had held back.

It took a few moments, but she finally let it out. "On New Years Eve? Really? Who does that? And in front of everyone. I mean, c'mon!"

"You said he did it in the kitchen..." he added.

"You know what I mean! At the party. Couldn't he have waited until they were alone?"

"Maybe he wanted to share their joy." Or have friends to lean on if she declined, he thought.

"They stole the night from everyone."

He pondered for a moment, brushing his silver locks from his face, then removing a few from her face and tucking it behind her ear. She was irrationally upset over this. He knew it was better to not continue to try to rationalize at this point. She needed to vent whatever was really bugging her. "You normally love this sort of thing. What has your mood so sour?"

[AN: "Clean" by Incubus continues to pop into my head every time I get to this part, ha]

She looked back inside again. Everyone was clapping and congratulating the newly engaged couple. Out of the corner of her eye, she even saw Rei and Jun making eyes at each other. His hand moved to the small of her back, and much to Minako's surprise, the fire maiden did not swat it away. She sighed heavily.

"Minako?" he tried to draw her back from her thoughts.

"She makes me look like such an asshole. That's all. And you, too!" she spun around, severing their contact, the cold rushing her once more. "Look at you. I treat you like crap, and here you are, out here in the cold, without your blazer, freezing, trying to comfort me instead of enjoying your party. Take this back." She began to take the jacket off and return it, but he stopped her, and settled it back down around her.

"You aren't an asshole, Minako. And, I care about you, so of course I followed you out here. There will be other parties. And this one isn't over yet. There is still time to go inside and enjoy it."

"No." She crossed her arms and turned away, ignoring the charming smile he was wearing.


"Because." Because she was jealous, that's why. All her friends were moving on. Mako and Nate were going to get married. Ami and Zack were still sleeping with each other in secret, but they'd been less careful with the glances they shared while out. Minako knew with tonight's announcement, that was sure to end soon. And, it seemed that even Rei had dismantled her wall, and was finally allowing Jun to come back into her life. But, Minako couldn't. She was still angry. She thought this silly plan she and Usagi had concocted would make her feel better, but it didn't. It just made her feel worse. She was tired of keeping him at an arm's length away. It was so hard, and it wasn't fun anymore. Spite had really been all that kept it going. Why couldn't he just apologize? Like, down on his knees beg for forgiveness. He had to know, right?

He reached out and cupped her chin, lifting her eyes to his. "I am not a mind reader, Minako. Talk to me."

"Why are you so nice to me, when I am so cruel?"

He smiled warmly. "I am a patient man." A shrug. "It took longer to win you over back then."

She almost smiled. He was right. She remembered their long courtship from a life-time ago. It took a long time for him to break through her trust barriers back then. She had wanted nothing to do with him at first.

He took her hands in his. "I know you have something weighing on your mind. Vent. You will feel better."

Smirking, she took her hands back. "You know exactly what is on my mind, Kudret." It was like a flip had been switched inside her. If he wanted her to vent, then she would. All the anger and hurt she'd been harboring decided at that moment to surface. She had successfully kept it at bay, but at this moment, the flood gate opened. "How dare you hide from me!" she shoved him, not hard, but enough he had to take a step back. "How dare you brush it off with an excuse and then never bring it up again! You are such a coward! Damn you! I want to let this go and be happy, but I can't! And it's driving me crazy!"

Kudret stood there, taking her balled fists to his chest like a punching bag. Absorbing every ounce of fury she sent at him. He was glad she didn't have her transformation pen with her at this moment, he thought. It would be a little harder to take this lashing at her full power. Not that he didn't think he deserved it.

She continued to pound on his chest, as he slowly stepped backward, inching them out of view from the party guests. "All that time I mourned over you! All those times I beat myself up wondering if I could have just saved you if I had tried harder! That moment we made eye contact and you said my name, the moment before you died, haunted me! I couldn't sleep. I didn't eat. It destroyed me!" She poked him in the chest, and hardened her gaze. "And to find out, that you were alive that whole time, and knew, knew who I was and what we meant to each other, and you did not come to me, pisses me off!"


"Don't you dare. I'm not done." He put his hands up as a sign on compliance. She balled her fists again, but this time just out of frustration, as she did not begin beating on him again. "I just don't understand how you can rationalize in your head that what you did was not a big deal. That it was the best decision. That abandoning me was okay. That somehow you were doing me a goddamn favor or something!"

Kudret reached a hand to wipe a tear off her now tear stained face, but paused, not wanting to cause her any more distress. "May I?" When she nodded, he carefully wiped the tear from her cheek, and then caressed the side of her face before pulling away. He was taken back when a few moments later, she launched herself into his arms. Instinctively, he pulled her in close. He never wanted to see her cry like this—especially over something he had done. He knew she had been making him make amends over the past several months, but he hadn't realized just how upset she had been, and how angry she still was. He'd been under the impression, after the train ride, and their quick interlude after they returned to Japan, that things weren't quite this bad.

He spent a few minutes soothing her before lifting her chin so she could look him in the eye. He wanted her to know how sincere he was. "Minako, I was selfish. And I hurt you. I can never take what I did back. But if you'd let me, I'd like to spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

Her eyes widened. "The rest of your—Kudret, you're not-!"

It was his turn to look shocked. "Oh! No! No, no, no. Not that I don't want to eventually! But, no. I wasn't-"

He was cut off by her laughter. And after a moment, he joined her.


Makoto and Nathaniel got married that following June. Minako smiled, knowing that the following June, they'd be welcoming Chibi-Usa to the world, and soon after, her princess and prince would rise to power, leading the world into a peaceful, prosperous era. It was a secret still, but she knew Ami and Zack would by tying the knot by year's end, as well.

There time as normal people, well, as normal as they could be, was nearing an end. They all knew it. And it seemed as if all her friends were trying to rush as much normal into the time they had left as they could.

Minako, on the other hand, could not care less about rushing into those things.

She was enjoying every, blissful moment she and Kudret shared together. She moved into his condo that past spring, not seeing the point in paying rent when she was always at his place anyway. It was his idea, and at first, she was hesitant, not wanting to give up any freedom—but money was tight, and she knew moving in at some point was inevitable.

Artemis also protested profusely—even threatened to go live with Luna. But it was all empty threats, and he joined them a day later.

One night, before bed, Minako was painting her toenails, when Kudret plopped down on his stomach next to her, arms bent at the elbows, propping his head up. "Hey, watch it!" she scolded, trying to remove the polish from her cuticle.

"Sorry. I like that color. Suits you."

She eyed him suspiciously. "Got a present for me, too. What's going on? You're acting weird."

He shrugged and rolled over, placing his hands behind his head before looking in her direction. "Nothing. I've just been thinking."

"Oh?" she questioned, now busy again concentrating on her toes.

"Yeah," his voice was soft.

"About what?" she giggled out. He really was acting weird.

He paused a moment before speaking. "Why don't we have a baby?"

At that exact moment, she had been dipping the wand into the polish container—and the shock caused her to knock it over. "Fuck!" She scrambled to pick up the spilled container before looking at him, eyes wide. "W-what? What did you say?"

He grinned and repeated himself. "Why don't we have a baby, Minako?"

"Are you kidding?!" The stain on the duvet now forgotten, she stared at him horrified. "A baby? Kudret, I don't want to be a mom! I'd be terrible at it!"

He reached over and caressed the side of her leg. "No you wouldn't."

She looked away and screwed the top back on her nail polish, not sure what to say.

He sat up and scooted over to her. "I didn't say now." He brushed the back of the finger against her cheek. "I just wanted to gauge where you were at. All your friends seem to be jumping on the commitment wagon."

She glared at him from the corner of her eye. "You could have just asked, you know. Instead of scaring me like that."

He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I do want to have children with you, Minako. More than anything. But only when you're ready."

She nodded, and then smirked, as she reached behind herself, grabbed a pillow, and smacked him upside the head with it. "Not anytime soon!"

Soon, they both had a fluffy weapon in hand and were laughing.

Across the room, Artemis turned from the doorway and made his way back to his spot in the living room. "Those two..."



AN: And there it is! Merry early Christmas! I hope all that were looking forward to these two having it out and making up are satisfied. I will admit, I'm not much of an arguing type of person, so it was kind of hard to write. I am much more of a smooth it over and make everyone happy, or stuff it all down deep inside, sort of person. .

I did type this out all within the past 24 hours, so I am sorry if there are typos I've missed. I will canvas it tomorrow after I publish with fresh eyes.

Valkyrie Celes – I was particularly happy to have stumped you, of all people. I will admit. Although, Kunzite moonlighting to get her attention is a good idea. I think he was just content following her around like a lost puppy. XD I do plan on writing at least one case with Jun and Minako—I'm just not sure when I will get to it. I have a feeling I will need to binge watch a few detective shows first, to get into the right state of creativity. I hope this epilogue was satisfactory. :)

Flareup4Ratchet – I feel like you know me pretty well. XD We will see when and if that sequel makes it's way to the screen. I may have to watch Veronica Mars and a few others to get in the right mood to write it. I should probably try to update other stories, first, though. .

xSmallLadySerenity13 – Ami isn't as squeaky clean as she'd like us to think! That is for sure. They always say it's the quiet ones, right? And it's no surprise Jun couldn't keep the news to himself.