Summary: Hibari always had a soft spot for cute things and unfortunately for Tsuna, the prefect had decided to classify her as "cute". And that was how it all started. AllxTsuna. Fem!Tsuna. High School AU.

A/N: A new take on the series with the gang all in high school.

Target 01 Staring

He was staring at her again; unblinking dark eyes fixated on her as if she was the most interesting thing he had ever seen. Modern movies and televisions may spin it any way they wanted, but Tsuna did not find being stared at by the most dangerous man in school at all romantic or flattering. If she was being honest - and she usually was - it was starting to freak her out and make her feel more and more like an inmate on death row with no idea when her executioner will come put her out of her misery.

"That's the second time today," Kyoko remarked, frowning a little. Tsuna thought if Kyoko - also known as the school's adorable air headed idol - had noticed it, it must mean that Hibari was slowly upping the ante on his staring game. That was not a comforting thought. "Tsuna? What did you do to him?"

Tsuna resisted the urge to cry.

Why did everything bad happen to her? God, what did she do to deserve this? She was a nice girl; a helpful girl. She never cursed and she never disrespected anyone. She didn't deserve to be Hibari's prey.

"I didn't do anything," she complained pathetically, her eyes big and pleading, "He just started staring at me for no apparent reason. It's putting me on edge." It wasn't just at school either. Tsuna couldn't relax even at home, paranoid that Hibari would pop out of no where and stare at her some more. Tsuna wasn't even sure if a physical beating was better or worse then this slow torture.

"And with good reason too," Hana sighed and mercifully moved her chair a little to block Tsuna from Hibari's line of sight. Tsuna was so happy to know someone brave enough to get between Hibari and his prey. God, she really was a small animal, wasn't she? "If Hibari was anyone else, I would say he has a crush on you."

Tsuna's face burst in to flames at her words, nearly falling off her chair in shock. Did Hana really say what she thought she had just said? Crush? Hibari? Really? Was she out of her mind? Hibari did not have crushes. Although, Hibari did crush people he didn't like on a regular basis. Tsuna, like any other unfortunate soul attending Nanimori High, knew only too well what would become of you if you ever end up on his bad side. It was a most chilling thought.

"S…Shut up Hana," she hissed, giving her friend a small push, "Don't even insinuate things like that. It's bad karma."

Kyoko giggled, looking delighted by the turn in the conversation.

"Why is it bad?" she asked seriously and Tsuna gaped at her sincere tone, "Although Hibari is a little violent, he is still considered one of the best looking boys in our school."

"A little violent?" Tsuna repeated incredulously, choosing to ignore the second part of her comment. That was a whole new can of worms she did not want to touch, even with a 10 feet pole. "He sent 10 boys to the hospital in the past week alone. How is that a little violent!? And how on Earth does he keep getting away with it?"

"Hibari's father is Nanimori's chef of police," Hana explained matter-of-factedly, sounding like a teacher giving a lecture, "He's a conservative man who believes in physical discipline."

No wonder Hibari turned out so twisted, Tsuna thought but did not say.

"His mother owns practically every business in town," Hana continued, "The Hibaris are filthy rich. It's normal that their only son has so much leeway."

"That is not fair," Tsuna whimpered and buried her face in her arms.

"No it's not," Hana agreed and patted her on the head like she would a small animal. It was strangely soothing. "Oh and he's gone now."

"Thank God," Tsuna said before revising her words when Mr. Nezu came storming in, yelling at everyone to take their seats.

This was going to be a long day.

He was staring at her again; arms crossed and gaze intense, looking for all the world like a disapproving parent about to rain hell fire on their naughty children. Except, Hibari was far from a parent and Tsuna had done nothing that would classify her as "naughty".

"Sawada," Ayame Tendo snapped, glaring at her. She was her assigned partner for the class and was doing nothing to hide her displeasure. "What did you do to Hibari? Normally, he never paid attention to anyone until they broke some kind of rule but now…"

She trailed off meaningfully. Two girls sitting next to them fidgeted nervously as Hibari's gaze intensified.

"I didn't do anything," Tsuna complained, trying to use Ayame as cover, "Please believe me."

"I don't care," Ayame snapped, "I had enough. This whole Hibari thing is not good for my nerves. I'm leaving and you get to explain to the teacher why. Whatever is going on; I want no part of it."

Tsuna whimpered as the girl got to her feet in one smooth movement and started to move away, leaving Hibari a clear view of where Tsuna was sitting, trying not to hyperventilate.

"You could confront him," one of Ayame's friends suggested before she was unceremoniously pulled away by another girl.

Tsuna sighed, distressed.

There was no way confronting Hibari would end well. But, if this thing continued, she would have no choice but to confront him.

Tsuna was not looking forward to the bruises she was going to end up with.