Hey you guys I hope all you moms had a happy Mother's Day and thank you to everyone that reviews my stories I love you guys especially the ones that leave such great and positive reviews.

I honestly don't think you guys understand or know how much your reviews mean the more positive ones make me want to update as soon as possible but the nastier ones tend to make me not want to update at all and it is truly a struggle.

To the one that keeps leaving nasty reviews you do realize you don't have to read my stories its other stories for you to read and just so you know English is my first and only language though I am curious is it yours because a lot of your reviews are very hard to understand.

Also, as I've stated in the past in all of my stories Bella is nothing like she is in the Twilight books meaning she will not act the same dress the same or any of that. Someone left a review saying she wouldn't dress or act the way that I have her acting in my stories. Duh it's because she is not meant to be that way.

Anyways enough of that so in the last chapter we discovered that Alice lied to Jasper about being his mate and things were heating up between Bella and Klaus until they were interrupted.

In this chapter I'm going to do like other stories and just switch back and forth with between the different POV's. This chapter is also a little longer then my other chapters but that doesn't mean all the chapters will be this long just when the muse strikes.

If I haven't posted it before I'm doing it now this story is rated M for a reason so if you are underage I can't tell you what to do but I ask that you be advised that this is a M rated story and things get hot in this chapter. So read with caution.

This chapter earned it's title for a reason be advised.

As always read, review, and enjoy.

I stood up from Klaus' lap and walked into the kitchen while he was on the phone to fix us both something quick to eat since neither one of us had a chance to eat anything. My mind was racing about everything I had learned about Alice and trying to come to an understanding that she was never my friend to begin with. I felt Klaus wrap his arms around me from behind as he placed a kiss on my neck.

"That was just Marcel, letting me know that Alice Cullen is no more and that Divina is working on a spell to help Jasper with his bloodlust and to maybe even make him a traditional vampire. So, what are you making love?"

"Just some sandwiches. I know you may be used to fancier but it's late and we skipped dinner dealing with Alice drama. Now that she is no more maybe things will slow down for a little while."

"I agree things should slow down some but I won't let my guard down until we find out for sure if Edward will be a serious threat or not. I may have compelled him to stay away but that doesn't mean he won't stop completely.

Enough about the Cullens love how about I take you somewhere for a while just the two of us. You know we can go on a small vacation and just relax and get away from all of the craziness, just you and me maybe a beach or something."

I turned around wrapping my arms around his neck "I would love that but wouldn't it be a good idea to wait a while especially like you said with Edward still out there wouldn't it be safer here so it would be harder for him to get near me and not only that did you forget that Hayley is far enough along that she could deliver at any given moment.

I mean I'm not expert on expecting mothers but she is in her final month and even though babies are expected around a certain date they can come at any time, right? I would rather wait because that's a moment you shouldn't miss being away with me. How about this since Cami is rarely here anymore, we can spend the weekend locked up just you and me. What do you say?"

"I think that is a great plan but I'm sure if you wanted to take a drive to the beach or something it would be fine and so will Hayley. As far as Edward is concern, I'm pretty sure I know a very handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes killer smirk and he is a hybrid to from what I heard and is very adapt in protecting you from him love." I smiled while looking down at Bella with my smirk I know she likes and kissed her gently on her lips.

We took our sandwiches into the living room and sat on the couch to eat a watch a little tv which I noticed Bella doesn't do very much of. I figured it was just to help keep her mind off of everything that just happened with Alice and it was fine with me.

Once we finished, I picked up our plates and carried them to the kitchen to wash them while Bella went to shower for bed. There was a knock on the door and I knew it was Rebekah bringing me some clothes over since I called her after speaking with Marcel and asked her to bring some things by I didn't want to leave Bella alone and I knew she wouldn't be comfortable at the compound or our plantation home.

"Rebekah, thank you for bringing this for me."

"You know had it been for any other reason I wouldn't have so how is Bella? I know how it feels when you find out someone you love or care about betrays you."

"Well you know Bella; she tries to not let it show and was close to breaking down earlier but was able to hold it in. I'm just worried about her which is another reason why I'm staying with her tonight even if I have to sleep on the couch, I need to make sure she is ok."

"I still can't believe you guys have not had sex yet it's been well over a month since you guys have met how is it you aren't climbing the walls by now. You've never had patience and here you are being such a gentleman. Even Elijah would not have the willpower you possess especially dealing with your mate."

"She has been through a lot and I just don't want to feel like I'm rushing her or pushing her. I even offered to take her away on a mini vacation just to get away from everything and of course leave it to Bella to not even think about herself she brings up the fact that Hayley could have the baby at any moment."

"I'm sure you guys will figure it out but just know that I am proud of you and the man you are becoming. Now don't tell anyone I told you that or I will deny it even with a white oak stake to my heart. You take care of Bella; Elijah and I will be with Hayley and if she does go into labor, we will let you know other than that I will make sure you aren't bothered. Tell Bella I said hey."

"Thanks Rebekah." I knew not to make a big deal about it because that's not how my family is, but to hear Rebekah say she was proud of me meant so much more to me then she could even imagine.

I cut the shower off and as I was drying off it dawned on me that Klaus was planning to stay the night with me and even though he told me he would sleep on the couch. I knew he would wait on me until I was ready and I was ready we just never had the time it's always been something one way or another. I also thought about what Cami told me how she felt so much closer to Marcel since they have sealed their mating bond.

I realized that I wanted that closeness with Klaus and how I wanted to show him that I was really in this and that I really loved him. So, after making that decision I knew what I needed to do and grateful that me and Rebekah had gone shopping last week.

I looked up when I heard Bella coming down the hall and what I saw nearly took my breath away. Bella, stood there in a silk red negligee that stopped midway down her thigh and had lace around her chest.

My senses were in overdrive, "well love if you wanted to drive me crazy, I can say you succeeded." I was too scared to move for fear that I may rip her gown off of her and take her right then and there. It, was taking all willpower to not go to her.

I must admit I was a ball of nerves because I had never done anything like this but I also knew that I was sure about Klaus and that was the one thing helping me to walk to him. The closer I got to him the more my nerves started to dissipate and it was more because I felt safe with him and because I loved him.

I went and sat in his lap knowing he would catch the hint. I leaned in slowly to place a gentle kiss on his lips. That one kiss was all it took because felt Klaus pull me closer as he started kissing up and down the side of my neck while slowly running his hands up my thighs.

I told myself that I would go at Bella's pace and maintain control but when she sat in my lap and kissed me all thoughts went out the window. I couldn't keep my hands off of her. I felt like I had to touch every inch of her that I could since this was the most skin of hers, I had seen at one time. I think Bella wanted to feel as much of my skin as she could seeing as how she was unbuttoning my shirt and running her hands up and down my chest as she went.

I pulled back to look in her eyes, "Bella, love are you sure we can wait until you are ready I don't want you to feel like you have to do anything to please me I willing to wait as long as you need me to?"

"Klaus I'm sure about you and I don't want to wait well unless you want to wait?"

"Are you seriously asking me that love?"

"Well I wouldn't want to make you feel like I was forcing you or something."

"Bella, I was just being a gentleman trust me from the moment that I have met you I wanted you. I may be known as a bad guy but I would never take advantage of a woman especially one that I'm insanely in love with."

I kissed Klaus again while I slid his shirt off of his shoulders and bringing my hands back up around his neck while running my fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck. I felt Klaus shift us so that my knees were on either side of his waist. I could literally feel him through his jeans and it instantly made me insane with need.

Bella's scent was driving me mad and I was trying to pace myself because I knew she had never done this before so I wanted to take my time and make sure I was gentle, but it was so hard to focus. I quickly stood up wrapping Bella's legs around my waist continuing to kiss her as I walked us down the hall to her bedroom kicking her bedroom door closed when we got there.

I turned placing her back against the door kissing every part of her I my lips could reach. I felt Bella trying to unbuckle my pants and so I let her down and once she had my pants down, I lifted her gown over her head and felt my heart literally stop beating for a moment looking at her vision before me. Bella in only a pair of see through lace panties and her scent of arousal was maddening.

I watched as Klaus literally stalked towards me as if he was a predator and I was his prey. Just seeing him in only his boxers was doing something to me I had never felt this level of desire I was feeling. I must admit that I was a little nervous with his size and I couldn't even see his entire length because he still had his boxers on, I just prayed he would fit.

I watched as Bella back up until her legs hit the bed and once, I reached her I pushed her down gently on the bed climbing on top of her. I started kissing her a making my way slowly down her body listening as her breathing hitched once I reached her nipple gently sucking it into my mouth while rubbing the other one as her scent of arousal increased nearly driving me insane.

Feeling Klaus mouth on my nipples was an experience I had never felt before and it was driving me mad and he was literally taking turns back and forth between my nipples but it was the moment when I felt his hand slide lower down my body that almost drove me over the edge. I trusted Klaus irrevocably and I knew he knew what he was doing but the moment he started to kiss his way further down my body my nerves shot into overdrive.

I felt as he literally ripped my panties off of me and as I lay there completely bare to him it felt as natural as breathing. I watched as he looked at me in awe and I felt loved completely. He looked at me as if I was one of his masterpieces that he just got through painting.

The moment I ripped Bella's panties off of her I had to look at her and I admired and wanted to memorize every inch on her. I leaned down placing a kiss on her lips again while placing a hand on her most intimate area, slowly running my fingers up and down her womanly center. I slowly inserted a finger testing her wetness and decided that I wanted to taste her.

I felt as Klaus once again made his way down my body while slowly moving his finger inside me and it felt like every inch of my body was on fire. I watched as his head descended lower until he reached my center and I watched as he leaned in and breath me in before removing his finger and spread my legs and I felt his hot tongue taste me and I thought I was going to fall apart right then and there and I swear I heard Klaus growl but I couldn't be sure.

I could feel Bella's hands in my hair pulling and running her fingers through at the same time it was like she was trying to push me away and pull me closer and as I continued to lick her center. I enjoyed listening to her moans of pleasure and knowing that I was the one making her feel this way and to know that I was the only one to ever do this for her made me feel like I was king of the world. I placed a finger back into her gently. It was at that moment that I felt her come apart and the scent almost drove me over the edge. I ripped my underwear off of me and kissed my way back up Bella's body.

I looked into her eyes, "if it hurts too much tell me and we can stop ok?"

I looked into Klaus eyes while placing a hand gently on his face, "it's ok I trust you and I love you."

I felt as he entered me slowly both of us looking in each other's eyes not being able to look away from each other.

As I entered Bella, I tried to focus on anything else other than her tightness. I wanted to do anything I could think of to ease the pain that I knew she was about to experience, so I leaned my neck on her mouth and told her to drink. I felt her kiss my neck before she bit down on me and it took all willpower to not slam directly into her. After I felt her take a few mouthfuls of my blood I pushed passed her barrier.

I stopped waiting for her giving her body a moment to adjust. At her nod I started moving in and out of her slowly and gently. Her moans were driving me insane, especially as she cried my name and she was moving with me tightening her legs around my waist.

The pleasure that Klaus was giving me was unbelievable and indescribable, I've never felt this kind of pleasure before and it was out of this world. The way he moved inside of me I felt I wouldn't last much longer and I felt Klaus kissing along my neck and I already knew what it was he wanted and needed.

"It's ok to mark me I'm yours just as much as you are mine." I whispered to him.

Once I heard Bella give me her approval to mark her I continued to move within her and as I felt her tightening around me, I bit down on her neck drinking from her pushing us both over the edge filling her core completely.

I turned over laying on my back with her laying on top of me so I wouldn't crush her by laying on top of her while we both caught our breaths. I kissed her head while stroking her back laying in wonder and feeling so complete that it literally almost overwhelmed me.

For once the silence didn't bother me it was peaceful and I knew that I needed to get up and to at least wash off before either of us fell asleep. It wasn't until I thought crossed my mind that I grew a little worried.

"Bella, love, please tell me you're on birth control?"

Ok, you guys be sure to tell me what you think and the more reviews I get the quicker I am to update especially if they are positive reviews.

I will say that this chapter kind of got away from me like. It took a while to start it but once it started, I couldn't stop writing so it is a little longer then my usual average of 1,500 to 2,000 words.

So, what did you guys think did you like it or not? I hope you guys enjoyed it.

In the next chapter Klaus gets an answer to his question and we will see where it goes from there. I will be completely honest and say I have no idea what's going to happen next it always changes from what I have originally planned which is why I stopped planning my stories and just let the muse take me wherever it wants to go.

Thanks so much to all of my readers that actually do read and enjoy my stories and understand that I am a single mom so any mistakes I make are my own and most times I don't reread any of my chapters before uploading simply because I don't want to see something and make like 1,000 changes to it.

Until next time...