To Train A Sniper

Part One

Important notes:

* Shuichi is already a member of the organization before meeting Akemi, he has already received his codename.

* Shiho is 18.

* Shuichi is 27.

* Jodie and Akai are not dating.


Shiho's scream pierced through the air, "Give me a chance, will you?!" She panted, eyes shut in pain.

"In a real fight," snarled the man in front of her, "there are no chances, Sherry."

Shiho bent at her knees, completely out of breath and eyes watering in pain. Fucking organization and their sadistic ways of training members. Does everyone go through this or just the unfortunate humans who end up with Gin as their trainer? She collapsed on her knees, pain surging through her body as she bent forwards, eying the offending electromagnetic band on her wrist. Gin eyed her without expression, he was in a black shirt, black trousers, his hair flowing like a golden river behind his back. His stare would have sent shivers through anybody, but she was used to it. He held the remote in his hands, sending an electric shock through her body every time she made a mistake. And that was a lot, she'd never been trained before, especially not in hand to hand combat. She was a freaking biochemist, not a fighting machine! But it was required, every member had to undergo some form of training, you generally got to choose, but since combat wasn't her main mission, learning basic fighting skills as opposed to say, sniping or explosives, was compulsory. But did she really have to be stuck with goddamn Gin?

She was sure he was going to electrocute her again, but surprisingly, he huffed in disscontempt and breezed past her. Before he reached the door, he hissed, pure misogyny dripping from his voice, "I'd love to have you bent over like that in front me, but not in this pitiful state. Get up."

Shiho's heart pounded in her chest.

When will this misery end?


"No," Akemi frowned, "Dai. Dai."

"Oh," said Shiho, though she wasn't really concentrating. "The guy you hit with your car?"

It was Akemi's turn to frown, "The guy I accidentally hit with my car, yes, he's recovered."

Shiho absentmindedly took a sip from her glass of water, "Okay," she murmured, staring at the TV without registering anything.

Akemi sighed in annoyance, placing her hands on her hips, "You know I told him about you."

"Great," said Shiho.

"Shihoooo," whined Akemi, "I know Gin is being an ass to you. Like he always is. And I told Rye-"

"I thought his name was Dai."

"Will you focus?" snapped an exasperated Akemi, "I'm going to kill Gin for doing this to you."

Shiho sighed into her drink and she murmured to herself, "Not if he kills us first."

"Anyway," added Akemi, "his name is Dai. His codename is Rye. I told him you're currently undergoing training, he said he'd be willing to help you out.. you know, to compensate for my..."

"Attack on him, yes," said Shiho. Then she turned to Akemi, a frown creasing her features, "How did you even know he was an organization member? You can't go around telling random people stuff like this!"

Akemi rolled her eyes, "Im not an idiot, Shiho! I looked him up in the database and found out he was actually a member. I couldn't believe it. So I told him.."

Shiho's expression didnt ease up, she still felt uncomfortable. "Right.. so you coincidentally hit a man with your car who just happened to be an organization member?"

Akemi sighed and flopped down next to her sister on the couch, "I guess it sounds suspicious when you say it like that.. but he's a really nice guy."

After a long silence, Shiho stood up and Akemi frowned, "Where are you going? Its nearly 11pm!"

Shiho sighed in exasperation, "I have another session with Gin.."

The door shut behind Shiho before Akemi could utter a word of protest.

Shuichi did it more often than he'd like to admit to; it had started off as a mere observatory task, but it had slowly morphed into a habit.

He was in the taller building opposite them; their training ground was on the 77th floor, along with the brunette woman's lab. From the intel he'd gathered, it seemed that the organization liked to scatter training locations, but it had just happened he'd come across this one when assessing various sniping locations near by.

He'd known Gin for a while, though they weren't exactly on friendly terms, he'd heard his name uttered from fearful lips, whispered with averted, unsure gazes. He now understood why; Shuichi watched through his eyepiece as Gin grabbed the woman by her hair and pointed a gun at her throat.

The first time he'd seen them, he'd almost killed Gin then and there, but then the silver haired man had let the woman go, breezed past her and out the door, leaving her collapsed on the floor and writhing in pain. He electrocuted her, more often than not. Not lethal, but enough to cause any normal person to scream. He'd never heard her screams, but he'd seen her lips part open on multiple occasions, and he was sure he'd have been heavily disheartened had he heard her.

Gin liked that woman. Actually.. it was difficult to say that Gin liked anyone, for that matter, but Shuichi was a man, and despite the way Gin treated the brown-haired woman, he could tell there was some.. rather intense animosity there. Gin wanted her, in one way or another.

They always trained at the same time 11:30pm and 8:30am. Twice a day. In between that, the woman was at her lab. Gin was nowhere to be found. It didn't take him long to figure out who the woman was, it was Miyano Shiho. Although he'd been a member for a while now, he'd mostly been working with other snipers, and meeting Akemi occasionally. He'd never seen Miyano Shiho in person nor in photos until Akemi's phone had rang when they were out having coffee once, Shiho's image flashing across the screen, and he'd managed to slip in the question he'd been dying to for months: "Is that a family member on the phone?"

To which she'd replied eagerly that it was her sister, Shiho, and that she'd love it if they met. Then a pang of pain brushed across her face as she dejectedly added that she rarely got to see Shiho herself anymore because she was either working or training.

That was when he'd offered to train Shiho himself, hoping it would help him gain access to higher members, like Gin. Akemi had enthused that she'd relay the message. But that was two weeks ago. And Akemi hadn't gotten back to him since; so he'd started doing some surveilance of his own. That was when he'd found this rooftop, in perfect view of where Akemi occasionally went, presumably, to see Shiho.

That was also when he first came across one of Gin and Sherry's training sessions; it lasted a long time. And then he'd watched another. And another. And it pained him. He'd insisted Akemi tell Shiho he could train her himself, and Akemi added fervently that she DID tell her. But Shiho wasn't satisfied with the idea. Was she afraid of Gin?

So he decided to take matters into his own hands.

Sherry was now proceeding to leave the room, still visibly sweating, wearing leggings and a tank top. She'd only stopped to grab her lab coat off her desk and slip it on before heading towards the elevator. Shuichi packed up his gear and rushed down from the elevator, stowing away the equipment in his car before leaning against it and pulling out a cigarette. Thankfully there was no one in sight.

He took a whiff and let the smoke gush through the cold air.

Shiho was limping. Gin was more violent this time, it seemed he was frustrated, and letting it out on her. She had to admit, there was some strange.. attraction between them. Sometimes, just sometimes, she liked it when he gripped her hair just a little too rough, or pinned her against his hard, all too masculine body. Perhaps that was why she'd revoked Akemi's persistent offers at having that Moroboshi guy train her. Perhaps she was a sadist too..

And Gin was the best of the best, others - including Vermouth - had expressed their discontent at having her trained by him, a lowly, nerdy biochemist. Who was Moroboshi to compare to Gin?

"You'll catch a cold like that."

Her tired eyes gazed upon the handsome, long haired man stood in front of her.

She eyed him carefully and proceeded to walk past him when he grabbed her arm, yanking her sleeves up. "You're hurt."

Shiho flipped around, grabbing the man by the shoulders and pinning him to the car door.

"Who do you think you are?" She snapped.

A small smirk played across his features, "I didn't mean to offend you. I simply want to help."

"With what?" She snapped.

"I want to train you," he whispered, then grabbed her hands and peeled them gently off of his shoulders, "and I won't hurt you. Not like this.." he brushed his fingers across one of her bruises and she snapped backwards, an intense glare pointed at him.

She opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off, "Codename: Rye. Nice to meet you, Sherry."


She stared, dumbfounded, then she said the stupidest thing she could have at that moment,

"Car accident?"

Shuichi raised a curious brow, "Is that what you and your sister call me?"

A small blush touched her face, "I- didn't mean.."

He placed a finger to his lips, to silence her. Then he moved his finger to point at the building above them,

"Have you ever tried sniping before?"

Shiho looked perturbed, "No..." then she suddenly added, "Why? Are you planning on sniping me from up there when I'm working in my lab?"

He teased back, "Sure, because I snipe pretty women every day."

She huffed, "Do you flirt with them every day too?"

He smirked, "Not unless I really want to."

Damn, this man had a way with words.

The man pointed again to the building, and whispered, "May I?"

Shiho looked up at the tall monument, stared..

Should she?

This was insane; she was at the rooftop of a 90 floor building, with a sniper rifle planted straight at her beloved fish tank in her lab. She'd obviously never been in this position before, so she found it strange, exhilarating even, but mostly terrifying.

She was lying flat on her stomach, the rifle poised in front of her. She wasn't doing much except swiveling the eye piece. This stance hurt her body, and it seemed that Rye noticed because he said,

"I can try and ease the pain in your back,"

"How?" She murmured, distracted by the eye piece. It was like binoculars, but cooler. She focused on a random open window with the lights on. A woman was standing in lingerie.

Suddenly, she felt the man sink to his knees next to her, then an involuntary moan escaped her lips when his hands pressed against her back and rubbed her oh-so deliciously.

Shiho's breath caught in her throat when she realized the sound she'd made, and a blush made its way to her cheeks.

Thankfully, he didn't comment on it, instead he said, "Are you still watching your fish?"

Shiho flushed beat red as she realized the woman was now openly making out with a man. "Eh.." she wasn't sure what to say, especially as Rye's fingers trailed across her spine. She sucked in a breath and could've sworn she felt him smirk from behind her.

"Last night, it was a different man. And the night before that, another." Rye said, smirking at her flushed face.

Embarrassment surged through her veins and she stammered, "I wasn't exactly.." but she trailed off, when she saw the man hoist the woman up, wrap her around his waist and pin her to the window. That was so hot.

Almost as hot as having this strange man caress her back. His thumbs gently rubbed either side of her spine, working his way upwards, Shiho could've fainted then and there; there was something wholly exhilarating about having a man practically make love to your back while you watched something all too sensual on your own. His hands now reached to massage her shoulders, and that was when Shiho slid backwards, flipping herself over and sitting upright on the floor, her flushed face staring at his all too composed one.

"Did I hurt you?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No," she said, trying to regain her composure, "this is just.. strange."

"I was merely trying to ease your pain."

"But.. why?"

"Because I wanted to."

"Why? Why do you want to train me to snipe? Did Akemi force you to do this?"

"No one is forcing me to do anything," he added, keeping a steady gaze, "I simply want to..." infiltrate the organization, "ease you of your pain."

She frowned, "What pain?"

"No need to lie to me, princess," then his sharp, green eyes narrowed at her, "I see what Gin does to you-"

She suddenly bolted upright, crossing her arms, the action making her hair ruffle with the icy wind. "Right. You come here, set up your equipment and watch what Gin and I do. How perverted."

He stood up too, "Believe me, there's nothing I want to do less than watch a woman get abused by a man like that."

She glared at him, "It's getting late." And with that, she limped to the rooftop elevator, when suddenly, the man grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall. The action hurt her already injured back, she winced in pain.

His hot breath tickled her ear when he said, "It hurts, right? And it shouldn't. When a man does this to a woman, it should be anything but painful. You're being ripped off the opportunity to live your life as peacefully as you can, you're worrying your sister sick, all because you're too afraid to change things-"

Shiho's slipped out from underneath him and pinned him to the wall, although she was positive she'd only managed it because he'd let her. "Have you ever tried saying no to Gin?" She chuckled without humor, "When he throws me to the ground, I stay there. When he slaps me, I scream, because he loves to hear it. When he pulls my hair, I arch my back into him because that's what he'd enjoy. So long as he enjoys it, it means I get to live another day. And so does Akemi."

"You stupid girl," hissed Shuichi, "the organization can't touch you. You're one of their most valuable assets. Gin can enjoy torturing you, but you have the upper hand."

Shiho's icy glare pierced through him like a dagger, "And what if.." then her expression softened, and she said with utter dejection, "...I liked it? When he slaps me, when he pulls my hair.."

The thought did cross his mind, he knew there was something.. intense going on between them. Regardless, his hands lifted to Shiho's lower back and he pulled her close enough to whisper in her ear again, "You may think you like it, but the right touch from a gentle man will dissolve all those memories away."

Shiho smirked and sarcastically snapped, "And who's that gentle man? You?"

Shuichi, with all seriousness laced in his voice, replied, "No, princess. I'm not that kind of guy."

YASSSS. My second Rye/Sherry, Shuichi/Shiho fic from the organization days! Thanks to the awesome nicorobin2197 for encouraging me to write this! I hopeee this rather strange idea and the direction I've taken this fic is appealing to you!