A/N: Do not be alarmed... Lemon Shot will be done. Those who contacted... I didn't forget you! :) Just need a little more work on it.

Here's some more plot though. :)

I'll be blunt. Gotham was probably a shit hole to most of America.

But sue me. I'm comfortable here.

Sure, I was out and about in the doom and gloom that was Gotham City. Archaic. Dark. Grimy. There's a lot of words to describe this place but to me it was home. At face value there was a lot to be afraid of but there was always a beautiful splendor about this place… an appreciation for a city so unstable that barely held together with the grit of humanity's need to survive.

With Harley… it was kind of beginning to feel the same. A lot to be afraid of. A lot to admire. A lot to survive. I felt comfortable. She was beginning to feel like… home.

… I could still hear her cheery voice ringin' in my ears.

"We make one hell of a half oreo huh?"

"Half… oreo?"

"Yeah… I'm the sweet white center… and you're one of the chocolate cookies. We're a half oreo!"

"Uh, as long as you don't call me Chocolate Puddin' or Mistah D… call us whatever you want."

"Deal." Her perkiness radiated at me. "Heh, tell me with a straight face you haven't been dreamin' about a girl like me forever."

"Yeah totally. Because when I was a kid hittin' puberty all those years ago I told myself… ya know what Floyd? I'm gonna fuck a clown one day."

"Hehehe… you prick." That giggle from her made me even chuckle a bit… getting a peck on the cheek as a form of a thank you for the laugh.

"Scratchin' that off my bucket list right now." I added, drawing with an invisible pencil in thin air.

"Hehe, you're so fulla shit Shot…" Harley whispered to me, only sweetness in those harsh words. Words coming from a fulfilled smile on that pretty face.

I could still see her 'cream white' face, illuminating at me in the darkness. She has a glow to her that you'd never expect from a killer. No, it's not Joker's creepy aura. It was a fact. No matter how crazy and evil she gets… she has a sweetness to her. An endearing quality that grabs you by your throat and strangles you.

"You're a liar… ya hear me?"

"What? Not enough sarcasm?" I turned to her.

She didn't answer right away, only snuggling up closer to me under the sheets, another bed room romp with the one and only Queen of Gotham under my belt. Both of us were as naked as the day we were born and as satisfied as fucking all night could make ya.

All we needed was a cigarette to make it the perfect Hollywood love scene.

Oh right. But we ain't talkin' bout love… are we?

… I've never been in love remember?

"You don't do this stuff like a guy who's never been in love before." She finally reminded me of that impromptu question on the stairwell, a strong memory on our first Suicide Squad gig. I remember being at gunpoint. I guess she still kinda has me at gunpoint…

Regardless I tried to keep that four letter word out of my vocabulary and out of my mind. You don't kill as many as I did to be thinkin' about that shit.

I love my daughter. That's it.

If it's not that way? … It has to be that way.

I stopped my urges to be open, trying to be as careful as I could around the trouble that was Harley Quinn. "What? You sayin' I'm in love with you or somethin'?"

Just like dancing with a snake.

Harley thought for a bit herself now, still stroking my cheek as the reality of being in bed with her was still making my head spin a bit... maybe her's too? Never mind the way this girl fucks… the way she was so confident as she looked at me let me know she knew she was 'that good'.

But fuckin' is fuckin'.


What is love?

Baby… don't hurt me… don't hurt me… no more. (Ahem… sorry.)

"Love me Shot? Nah." She admitted calmly, hugging me tight regardless, saying it quite strangely happily. "I'm sayin' you're in love with somethin' about me. That's obvious huh?"


Nothing was obvious anymore…

Maybe obviously confusing I guess.

"Be honest. What do you love about me Shot? And don't say my ass... cause that's too obvious."

Okay I lied… some things were.

Heh, what's there… not to love?

I really had no answer that wouldn't not get me in trouble.

"Meh… screw it, your brain looks like its hurtin' lookin' for an answer… wanna make out more?"

Lips touch, and then we dance. It's better not to talk about it I was learning.

If I was going to be clueless… I'll be clueless makin' out with the devil's mistress. She had me man. She had me bad… sweet lips is what I'd call her these days.

It's been like this for about a week now. Me coming back to home base empty handed while combing the crappy depths of Gotham City all day and night, threatening and grinding out any sort of lead on Harley's potential hitman or hitwoman. But the grind didn't stop there. The minute I got back… Harley would be waiting for me to partake in that other kind of grind. That fun one. The first night we hooked up hooked me. I was now addicted… addicted to the worst drug ever.

Oh you didn't know? Harley Quinn is the most sophisticated kind of drug you could get your hands on. The most amazing feeling ever followed by a fucked up feeling you couldn't shake off… ever.

I see her eyes when I close mine. I smell her sweet scent when my mind drifts. I feel her soft touch whenever I'm falling asleep on the job… I hear her piercing voice… all the time.

Somebody help me… seriously.

A door opened.

Thank God. My tapering eye saved me. Alright... concentrate... time to get to work sniper boy.

"There you are you son of a bitch…" I finally got settled in, my sniper rifle following a man that had some sway here in Gotham City. A slicked back hair-do… a pure white suit… a face that was split down the middle… one normal… and the other burnt and fucked up.

I saw my target.

Finally, I found Two Face.

Finally, I found something to get my mind off 'her'.

Eyes under a sniper scope was always so comforting to me. Nothin' new here. My eyes are always lookin' through a narrow field, ignoring the world around me. My life is the definition of tunnel vision.

Harvey better give me something. I shook up Dr. Freeze. I threatened Riddler. Paid Falcone and Angelo visits but it was fruitless. There was nothing concrete and the frustration was building. Selina was giving it her best shot but that was a pretty dry source of information too so far.

I had my doubts. Maybe Evans did do this on his own and was a quack job.

I was thinking how pissed Joker must have been… Harley not being there… me not reporting much news…

But it had been strangely quiet on that end.

Too quiet…

Kinda worrisome really.

Maybe Harvey Dent would change my luck and I could end this thing once and for all.

My free hand dialed a number on my cell. I could only smirk as he picked up his phone with that dumb confident look on his face.

"Well well, Deadshot lookin' for work buddy?"

I kept my gun steady as he leaned against the glass overlook of this high rise penthouse, admiring Gotham like it was his. "I'm actually on a job Dent."

The criminal mastermind froze, suddenly looking around curiously if not worryingly. "I'm not under your scope am I?"

My silence after was louder than words.

"Heh, you really going to shoot me after all the money I've made you all these years?" Dent's normal side was in my targets, the dude still calm though, pouring himself some champagne into his glass from a nearby bar table.

He kind of reminded me of the best used car salesman ever the way he spoke. Charismatic but scummy as hell.

"I won't if you start talkin' I don't mind pulling this trigger."

"Let me guess," He was staring at the champagne sparkle in his glass like the over-privileged asshole he was. "You poking around trying to figure out who shot dear Harley?"

"Word gets around quick don't it?"

"My buddies told me that you're causing a big ruckus. Well I'll save you some time and make this even quicker." He shrugged so indifferently. "I don't know a damn thing."

"You're lying." I threatened, clicking my sniper rifle to load the chamber.

"Why the hell would I want to mess with Joker and Harley?" He scoffed, taking a sip of the drink finally and gulping. "Me and the clowns do great business together. That new drug Scarecrow on the streets? Doing gang buster business for me and him."

"Maybe it's your ego. Maybe you want a bigger piece of the pie. Maybe you want to be the new king of Gotham."

"True, one day when that clown and his girlfriend inevitably kill themselves I'll be the new king by default." Two Face turned sneering, his ugly side now right in my scope. "But I don't have to do shit but wait for that to happen. Why trouble myself with their craziness? I don't want more attention from the Bat and the GCPD than I already get."

I nodded, it sounded like a… sound truth. While the craziness and instability ran the gears that made Joker and Harley's empire tick? Two Face played it the safe route… befriending people in high places and running his operations like a ninja. That's why he's right when he's said he's made me a lot of money. I'm pretty damn discrete.

If Joker and Harley's operation was like a big stripper party with lots of T and A? Two Face was that wine tasting party with all the douchebags, money, and stinky cheese.

"Besides." His beady eyes glanced around the rooftops, looking for me. "Harley getting thrown in Belle Reve was bad for business. Joker lost focus and I took a big hit on my bottom end. Someone shooting his little lady probably isn't going to help matters… it's fucking annoying actually. Please find who did this and make them squeal."

"That girl's life was almost finished and you're counting the lost revenue. You are that kinda guy Harvey."

"And you're not?"

"Not anymore."

"Ain't that quaint." He mocked me. "Another reformed criminal that will revert to his old ways in a few days when he's doing nothing but sitting on his ass watching reruns of Friends."

"Not really a sitcom kinda guy."

"Look Deadshot, you're a sniper with a high price tag. You shoot people for money. That is who you are no matter how you slice it. When shit hits the fan? That's what you'll revert to and you know it."

"Enough of the lecturing." I warned. "I appreciate our business history Dent, but If I find out you're the dude behind Harley getting shot? I'm going to make sure your good side matches your bad side when my bullet exits your face."

"Wow, sounds kind of like you're taking this personal." Dent's eyes almost found me I thought, staring out to the air but right into my scope. "I didn't do shit but if I have any advice? If you're having problems with Harley and keeping her safe? Find a new bitch to look after…"


The image in my scope was exactly what I wanted. Harvey had a face full of champagne, his glass shattered in his hand and onto the floor. Watching anger spread to both sides of his two faced stare made me a little happy inside. Blood will be spilled when It was necessary.

Spilt champagne will do tonight. I needed a laugh.

"See you around Dent… better hope you don't hear from me again."

"You'll always call when the money's good… Deadshit."


- J – H – D -

It was a running joke. Yet another failure. It had been the sixth day of this and it was wearing thin on me. I marched down into the sewers again a complete ball of anger, not a damn step closer to finding the person who would be my ticket to freedom. While the decontamination process did its thing I stared into the darkness... taking off my Deadshot mask and looking at it.

White like her…

Even the white of my mask reminded me of her. Her smooth white skin. The thrill of knowing who was waiting for me on the other side of this door was like a junkie seeing a needle.

My heart thumped from the excitement.

But down in the pits of my stomach? Dread… pure unadulterated dread.

"Oh, so that's the difference between negative reinforcement and punishment!"

"Yep! It ain't so bad right? It's only confusin' the first time you try to grasp it."

"Heh… you're the best Harley… guess I got the perfect person to help me with my psychology homework."

"You betcha missy."

No… What the hell…?

Even more dread. The image of Zoe on my computer screen with Harley sitting in front of it made me clench my fist. This shouldn't be happening.


"Hey Dad!" She smiled through her web camera. "Harley was just helping me with some homework. She's been so great. Good to see you!"

"Woot! Hear that? I should so be a teacher or somethin' Shot!" Harley turned on the chair, spinning as innocent as could be. She had a PHD right? You forget sometimes…

"Y-yeah… um… that's great." I walked over trying to stay calm, totally self-aware that I was in my Deadshot attire that my daughter should never see when we're speaking. "Zoe you keep doing your homework okay? I need to talk to uh... her."

"Are you two living together now?" Zoe tilted her head.

There goes the questions…

"Yep! Totally roomies girl!" Harley celebrated it.

There goes the jokes…

"Bye Zoe..."

There goes my patience…

"B-but dad-"

I pressed the disconnect button to CRIME, standing there as silent as can be. I didn't know exactly what or how I wanted to say it yet. I turned slowly...

"What a cute girl you got! Zoe's awesome and really smart." Harley hadn't really detected my displeasure yet. "Oh Shot, by the way I thought I'd give cookin' ya dinner a... well... shot. Hehehe... ya know… to say thanks!" She giggled. "Check this. My world famous M and Ms and Cheese Omelet!" She darted over to the table, so proudly displaying her pan of egg, melted cheese and sugar candy.

What… the fuck...

"Oh and underneath this football jersey you let me borrow?" She pimped her "Gotham Knights' jersey that was a bit too big for her, purring at me after. "I got nothin' on underneath so it'll be nice and easy to get off after you're done eatin'."

I only stared at her. I couldn't fall for her looks. I can't fall for her charms. Not this time.

"... Are you angry or something?" Harley blinked. "... Don't like omelets?"

"How long have you been talkin' to Zoe? How many times?"

Harley put a finger to her head. "I dunno. Maybe three or four times last couple days?"

"Harley, I told you not to touch the computer ever."

"I know... I know... but ya left it on... and she messaged you... she sounded like she missed ya and I wanted to tell her that you were alright."

"Don't ever..." I pointed at her. "… and I mean ever fucking do it again."

"What?" She seemed so caught off guard.

"Don't talk to her Harley."

"I... I don't get it Shot... are ya ashamed me or somethin'?"

Ashamed? Is she this… clueless?

"You know, this innocent crazy card you pull? It's usually cute and endearing... but with this? I'm not fucking around."

Harley crossed her arms. "What is your problem Shot?! I was just tryin' to be helpful."

"Zoe is my personal life. You? And everything that goes along with this?" I tossed my helmet on the table. "That shit is separate and stays away from her."

Harley actually looked insulted. "So that's how you see me? Just as Deadshot's mistress or some shit? Not Floyd's friend?"

"Don't play dumb... it's final and there's no discussion." I wasn't even going to humor her with this. "Zoe's my daughter and is off limits. Period. I don't need to explain shit to you or anyone else."

"I… I just thought..." Harley paused, seeming to be real hurt now as she frowned. I looked at her hard...

"No. You're not thinking Harley." I said it softly though, trying to ease up as best I could. "And to be fair I'm not either and we both know it."

I walked to my workbench, taking off my Deadshot gear in frustration. It took a while but I sensed her walking towards me, slowly and cautiously unlike her nature.

"I'm sorry Shot... I never wanted to make ya mad."

I knew she didn't. But… does that even matter?

"Makes no difference." I felt bad but had to be firm, looking up as the wristguns were disengaged. "I may think the world of you? But Deadshot and Harley Quinn don't have the pedigree to be involved in Zoe's life. She doesn't deserve the baggage that we carry."

And boy do we both gotta lot of baggage…

"I'm really sorry..." She hugged me from behind suddenly, her cheek against my back. "I wasn't thinkin' and I guess it was lonely down here and your kid really made me happy. She was... fun to talk to and help. It made me feel..."

"Like a mother?"

I felt Harley blinking against my back now. "I wasn't going to say that... but-"

"Harley..." I looked down to her hands around me, thinking hard about the last few days. "Be honest with me okay?"


"Am I some sort of practice for you?"


"Yeah, so when you and J finally get together and have that dream you wanted..."


"I'm not stupid even though it's been getting a little blurry on my end." I turned to her finally. "This isn't long term what we're doing here." I walked over to the kitchen now with an eye on that edible abomination. "I appreciate the uh... kindness but I think you're living vicariously through this just to fulfill that dream of yours because J won't give it to you."

"You really pullin' this psychology shit on me?"

"Newsflash for you this time." I quoted it for her with my fingers. "I ain't normal. I may have a kid? But I ain't normal... I don't have a picket fence, dogs, or a nice house with a 9 to 5..."

"You know you've been paranoid ever since we kissed that day. Shot why can't ya just accept that I like ya?" Harley scowled. "Why can't ya accept that I just enjoy bein' with ya? That's not enough of an explanation?"

"Because like I told you from the beginning... this shit won't work. There's lines being crossed here."

"... I don't get it… what lines?"

"The Zoe line. The Joker vs. Deadshot line." I laid it out flat. "You love J. You 'like' me Harley. You want a family with J but you ask me to buy pills to make sure you don't get pregnant. You have a future... all be it a shitty I'm gonna die soon future with him. Me? I'm just going to be an afterthought when this is all said and done right?"

"Shot... don't say shit like that. I-"

"How? Every time I fuck ya it's shouting at me. You're a property of the Joker but I still fuck you anyway because you make me lose any little ounce of control I have over my life. You're a walking advertisement for him and I still do it… because what? I got no shame?"

I sat down, a bit ashamed of just talking like this... I felt like a little whiny bitch. I rubbed my temples, looking for any kind of relief. What the heck is going on with me? The girl is in your head Floyd… she's in your head.

I almost wanted to eat this chocolate omelet I felt so shitty.

I heard Harley sigh, slowly sliding next to me on the table, eyes looking up like a hurt puppy.

"This is all fun and games to you." I shrugged. "But I don't have time to mess around anymore. You're just like my life as Deadshot, a thrill to keep my blood boilin' but it feels like another dead end to me."

"I never meant to make you feel this way Shot." She took my hand and squeezed. "You really mean a lot to me. I don't want you to feel like shit."

"Let's cut to the chase and draw another line. Clown boy is on one end... I'm on the other." I set up the scene as plain as day with my hands. "We all know which direction you're heading so why do we even bother?"

She looked at both options on the table, staring at the wide gap in between. "Give yourself some credit… you don't think I'm fightin' that choice at all?"

I blinked, catching myself all be it too late from a celebratory fist pump. I was caught off guard. I expected her to just back off, siding with J. This was not… expected. A second of hope was coming in for what my heart wanted... but I did what I always did when it came to this. Kill hope and kill my heart by shooting it right between the eyes.

"Don't." I refused the possibility. "I should've never even said any of this. I'm just frustrated from the lack of success I'm havin'."

"You're lying..."

"Doesn't matter. After this job I'm done anyway." I admitted. "You won't see me around anymore. So let's stop playing around with fire okay?"

"Hey…" Harley grew a bit stiff. "What do you mean I won't see you around anymore?"

Huh… this was a big detail I left out. Shit…

"Uh… yeah… this is J's payment for me finding whoever's responsible for shootin' you." I explained it somberly. "Deadshot... Floyd Lawton? Is going to be erased. I'm gonna vanish and live another life. I wanna forget these years of my life ever happened."

"But... Suicide Squad for life... me... I..." Harley looked down to the table in a bit of shock.

"Look, all my life I've been telling myself I'm trying to be a good dad but it's bullshit. For once in my life I'm going to backup what I keep tellin' myself."

"But Zoe needs you Shot…"

"Deadshot brings only trouble to her. I'll ask her if she'd want to go with me but if she says no? I'll have to be away from her... it'd be for the best."

"But I'll miss you..." Harley suddenly squeezed my hands tighter both of them. "I need ya…"

I nodded. I understood her more than she could ever know. "You got a dude already Harley. You don't need me."

The truth hurts. It always does around these parts.

"... I... don't know what to say." Harley bit her lip hard, not really looking at me anymore. "I... I think I need to be alone for a bit... excuse me."

She let go of my hands a bit cold as she stood up from her chair letting it squeak against the floor. My periphery saw her walk off blankly towards the bedroom, passing me like a ghost… slowly and step by step. She paused for a second before she went inside, not even turning her head.

"When Enchantress tried to tempt us… showing us what we really wanted in life… I saw what I told puddin'." She nodded. "That life I felt was so tangible. My perfect little life. Kids… romance… You never told me what the witch showed you. What was your perfect life?"

Perfect life? Heh… I let out a disappointed breath remembering it so clearly. "I saw myself shooting the Bat till he dropped… dead as a doornail."

Shooting people is my perfect life… then?

"Huh." Harley tilted her head. "Mistah J would've loved that dream better… maybe you two should date instead right?"

If she had a mic? She probably would've dropped it.

For all the times I speak about Harley… I always felt I had a little moral high ground on her. As slim as it was. But when it gets down to it? She dreamt of love. I dreamt of death.

Who has a better grasp on mortality?

… Who should Zoe be talking to really?

Into the bedroom she went, not even turning and shutting the door so soft and quiet. I sat at the table, back to square one in my life, alone and looking for a target I haven't got just yet. I stared at the frying pan next, seeing that Harley gave effort making this for me. This whole night... really didn't need to be this way... but I guess in a way it did.

I appreciate you Harley. I think you're the best girl I've met even with the baggage. But no more distractions… I'm a father first.

- J - H - D -

I heard a text alert hit me in the ears like a bullhorn, my eyes slowly peeling open as the computer screen stared me in the face. It was routine now. I fell asleep on trying to get a lead. I was so desperate for any tips in this desperate hunt for nothing. 2:00 am and I saw a glimmer of hope though... a text from Selina.

ThisPussyLovesMeowMix: Hey dumbo ears I think I've found something. You awake?

I rushed my hands to the keyboard, opening up the chat.

"Hi there… uh … you look like a mess." Selina looked at me with those concerned cat eyes.

"Thanks." I brushed off the comment.

"And speaking of messes what the fuck are you eating?"

I blinked, looking down, that rainbow chocolate and egg abomination next to my keyboard set up. I actually ate more than half of it… I vaguely remember now… it tasted alright.

Who knew?

"... Will you just tell me what you found?"

"Alright, but if you ever need any help I'm here for ya Lawton."

I ignored the clown addiction intervention.

She began typing away, suddenly a video coming up in our chat box. "So your boy Will Evans is about as loyal as a clown masked boy scout can be."

"But you found somethin' right?"

"For the past week no. I couldn't find shit on him. He'd follow directions to a tee, being your boss' top sniper before you came along. He goes out with the boys for some debauchery after hours... goes home to his apartment... does the normal routine every day. He doesn't really have family... and not very many friends..."


"Well... I noticed this guy loves strip clubs..."

"We all love strip clubs."

"True. But specifically this one strip club named Rumps in East Gotham. He'd be there for hours… every day."

"I think I've been there a few times for hours… almost every day. A little pathetic but this ain't exactly incriminating."

"Me too. I've been on a pole there once or twice for fun..." Selina winked. "Anyway... I'd just about run out of patience so I hacked into a few security cameras in there to check out the girls and see how Will's dollar bill game was."

Suddenly another video popped up into frame, a security camera angled down showing Will sitting near a girl dancing quite suggestively on a pole. Typical strip joint shit.

"I realized though he'd never give any other girl his attention but this one." Selina began to type more, the camera closing in and the image enhancing.

"Gotta have your favorites."

"Sure but he looks like he's entranced. He'd stare at her for a good while as she did her thing... not say a word and they'd go off into a private space... for hours. For the past months he's been doing this... everyday... same girl… same time."

The image began to get clearer... and clearer. Those eyes... I can't forget those eyes.

"Recognize this bitch?'

The realization made me want to shoot myself in the foot.

"... Mother fucker..."

- J - H - D -

It had been a week since I stepped foot inside Joker's lair, and being familiar with the place still just reminded me how far I've come since Belle Reve and my punching bag. Paint my face white, give me a bozo nose, and a whoopee cushion.

The operations seemed normal enough. Clowns looked busy. Joker wasn't breaking everything in his path. That was good enough for me but I still treaded carefully. I kept my eyes peeled as I knew who was probably responsible for this now. I was watching my own back... as always.

"Finally you're back." I heard Ivy's voice as she was watering a plant nearby with a water bottle. Typical tree hugging stuff from her.

"Where's J?"

"Same place he's been the last week or so..."

"Which is…?"

"His room."

I couldn't imagine it. "You telling me he's just been in his room this whole time?"

"Ever since you took off... with ahem... ya know who." She whispered. "The Boss has been locked up in his room... haven't heard shit and it's gettin' kinda boring around here if I'm being honest."

"He just locked himself in there?"

"Yeah... probably moping... probably getting high as shit." Ivy pet the plant with her green finger. "Grow my little baby... grow..." Her mere touch made the plant grow a bit, suddenly thorns popping out and teeth growing from its pedals. "Aren't you a widdle cute one…"

"R-right..." I tried to ignore that bit of leafy creepiness. "Look, I think I found out who got Evans to take that shot at Harley... I need to talk to him."

"Well shit, why didn't you say so? Can you tell me first?"

"You gonna pay me?"

"Dick." Ivy huffed.

She didn't say another word as we made our way through the complex in a hurry, getting to the King's room. His general knocked on the door with no hesitation. "Boss, Deadshot is back with some news!"

It took a little bit of time but we got a muffled reply. "Come in..."

Ivy pushed, opening the door strong, both of us walking into a dim room where we saw Joker lying in the middle of that white bear rug, staring at the ceiling, surrounded by knives and guns arranged around in him in a complete circle... green powder residue everywhere.

I heard of that Scarecrow drug before Harvey was talking about it. The synthetic stuff was green and messed you up real bad. He'd been getting fucked up on this shit… probably for the entire week.

But I noticed something else out of the corner of my eye that I missed the first time around being here. Was that… baby onesies? Baby clothes scattered across the room's edges?

… Huh. Did he want kids too? I don't think I'm getting the full story here.

"... Hope you got something good Floyd after as long as I waited." Joker didn't even look at us, staring at the ceiling still. "Heh...heh... no pressure."

"Uh yeah…" I looked at him with a bit of pity actually. "I think I got your traitor but we need to go somewhere not here..."

Joker shrugged, suddenly sitting up like a mummy that had awaken from his tomb. He sniffled, probably clearing out his drug clogged nasal passages as he slowly got up.

"Let's go for a ride then. This clown needs some fresh air."

Me and Ivy just looked at one another, not quite seeing the Joker this 'messed up'. Shirtless and with some purple pants on, Joker looked like he'd been through some shit. His eyes were veiny and red… and he really looked like he just didn't give a fuck anymore. It was kinda sad really.

Still eerie as fuck though.

"Sir where you going?" Johnny chimed in as me and Joker were power walking towards the clown King's garage.

"For a ride."

"I'll organize the crew. I'll ride with you sir."

"No thanks."

"But boss… security protocol."

"Stick the protocol up your ass Johnny. Hehehe." Joker chuckled, still bein' him. "Sorry for making you the butt of my joke... but scram Frosty." He grabbed at a nearby locker, pulling out a key and tossing it at me.

I caught the key's easy with my left.

"I'll ride shotgun with Floyd here." Joker opened his arms wide to the selection. "Pick any car ya want kiddo!"

Johnny didn't look too pleased. Glaring at me as if I was replacing him or something. I was surprised by Joker's willingness to trust me this much honestly. But he just offered me the keys to modded exotic cars that probably cost at least a million dollars on the low end… I wasn't bout to say shit.

It was like a poor kid's dream. My dream. I looked out to a super garage… seeing European supercars as far as the eye could see. Lamborghinis. Ferraris. Porches. McLarens… Bugattis… Koenigseggs all in either bright purple or vomit neon green. The Joker loved his cars… fast exotic supercars. How much blood was spilt so this dude can have this kind of collection?

"Uh, you got anything in like red or something?" I only got a clown's blank stare that made me just nod away. "Cool cool… I'll just take that Purple Lambo right there then."

"Let's ride Floyd!"

- J – H – D –

"So about-"

"Please… let's go for a stroll first before you drop the big news." Joker motioned my business first mentality away again with a brush of his hand.

"You sure?"

"It'll only build the suspense… of course! Let's go!"

The garage door opened as it rolled up into a tunnel and off we went.

"Come on floor it Floyd! There's 1600 horsepower to the wheel at your disposal. Don't be a little pussy."

I was being polite and I smirked as Joker gave me his blessing. I kicked my foot down, gunning it with the pedal to the metal, shooting out like a rocket as the car spat out fire, the engine growling like the monster it was. It handled awesome and pinned us back to the seats. I've always wanted something like this… I had an old beat up Camaro for the longest time…

Never thought to upgrade but I guess I'm not one for the finer things in life like Joker was.

"How ya like it?" He asked me with a prideful smirk.

"Honestly?" I turned to him, down shifting on a turn to get some popcorn effects and more fire out of the exhaust. "I gotta get me one of these."

"Hehehe." Joker chuckled still, touching the interior of this car. "That's why I love a good sports car Floyd. You want it to turn? It turns! You want it to take off like a missile? You give it some gas. You want it to stop? Hit that brake! As easy as a pie… It doesn't ask you questions… it doesn't hesitate… it just does."

I kept quiet, driving through this underground tunnel at breakneck speeds. Of course the King wanted control over things. The words from his mouth were telling. I think even he knows he's losing a bit of control. Of himself… of his empire… of his girl.

"How is Harley anyway?"

Fuck. I wanted to hit the breaks from the shock, making his car careen into the tunnel walls and I almost did. But I kept it gassed, gulping a little bit. Did I hear that correctly?

"Excuse me?"

"Did I stutter?" Joker still stared out the window, not even looking at me. "How is my Queen?"

He… knows she's with me?

"Where do you think Harley would go if she left the safety of my operations Floyd? You think I'm stupid still?"

I guess… not.

"If you knew she was with me… then why the heck didn't you try to get her back?"

"Because…" He tapped on the door rest. "She chose to leave… she wasn't taken from me. She… just got up… and left…"

"… You telling me you don't have a leash on her? That PUDDIN collar is just for show? That this isn't an abusive relationship?"

"She chooses what she wears. Hehe… she's a big girl Floyd." Joker corrected me. "Contrary to popular belief I don't pull that girl around at my whim. I don't treat her like my cars… I treat her like my Queen… and sure it might get a bit abusive… but it's equal opportunity abusive… we're very modern when it comes to that. Women's rights and all! Hahaha!"

Since it was all out in the open, and I was the one cruising in the car and he hasn't tried to stab me yet? I felt comfortable enough to lead the conversation… kinda.

"So at Arkham way back when, you telling me-"

"Ah yes Arkham? Where I allegedly twisted her into the beautiful monster that she is now right?" He laughed loud. "People give me too much credit sometimes. All that she has become… was her doing. She had it in her all along… I just gave her a reason to find it."

"Sounds like semantics. Some chicken before the egg bullshit."

"Cause you're an idiot and I'm a genius." Joker sighed. "I wouldn't love a girl that would just follow me like a dog. You've never met Harleen Quinzel the young lady I met. That girl was wound up so tight… she was crushing herself."

I was reminded of Harley shaking… twitching nervously in my arms as she spilt her heart.

"If anyone would push her? She'd break. This fucked up world turned her into a fragile glass of a woman… a woman that wanted any excuse to find to kill herself."

"She told me you saved her." I drove out of the tunnel now, being spat out on the streets of Gotham as we landed roughly after a jump.

"Heh… she talks about me with you?"

"She'd probably do it all the time if I didn't stop her."

"Heh… my honey." Joker had a big grin on his face, probably as big as it had been in a week. "… So does she talk about me when you fuck her too?"

… Fucking hell with this guy.

I kept looking straight, but kept a peripheral on Joker. Does he know this shit or is he just doing psychology crap on me? I kept an eye on his hands… knowing I had a blade just in case I needed it.

"Or… did she… fuck you? Would that make it easier to admit? Come on… you and Harley alone… admit it Floyd… you ain't gay are you?"

I still didn't say a word, my mouth silent under my Deadshot mask.

"She yells out oh puddin' when you bang her doesn't she?" Joker laughed again, suddenly smacking me on the shoulder makin' me swerve the car dangerously, skidding across the street.


"Damn man what the hell!?" I pulled it back into control barely, missing a streetlight and oncoming traffic.

"Stop bein' so tense Floyd you're makin' me nervous!"

Him… nervous?! I just thought he was going to shank me!

"Look if you really think I did fuck her?" I growled. "Then why the hell are you not trying to stab me in the face right now?"

"Oh… to be honest? I'm thinking of the million ways I could mutilate that face behind your stupid helmet right now." He reassured me. "But… sadly… I'm a realist. You're the only one I trust to protect my Queen right now because I can't do it anymore. I can't kill ya… yet..."

"Appreciate the sentiments." I made a turn with a huff, slowing down a bit with traffic.

"She walked out on me. I don't blame you for her attachment to ya Floyd." He clarified. "Just like how people blame me for her being Harley Quinn? That would be wrong of me right?"

"… I don't buy this shit from you."

"I could've restrained her. I could tie her down and force her to bark like a dog." Joker massaged his jaw harshly. "But that takes away the beauty and splendor that is my Queen. She embodies what the world should be."

"And what's that?"

"Chaos." Joker did a little jazz hands. "She is the definition of no rules. No logic… no reasoning. That's why I love her so much. She is what I've been striving for… since I started this whole journey."

It suddenly hit me like a truck. Joker was opening up to me. This was… really a once in a lifetime thing. I wonder how many people he'd had a conversation with. Probably none?

"You know maybe… even a week ago I'd think all you say is whack job bullshit." I revved up the engine again, passing cars easy. "But that made sense to me just now and it's freaking me out."

"Cause it's the truth. Ya see, I don't dictate to my Harley. This world? Always tries to label you… tries to stop you… tries to place boundaries on what you're supposed to be. Take you. You're ashamed of your past shootin' people's heads off for money. But you're only that way because you think your daughter needs a role model like Uncle Phil from that… terrible TV show I forget the name of."

It was unsettling, hearing him finally acknowledge Zoe. Joker's letting all his knowledge out of the bag tonight ain't he? Scary… but you can't panic in front of him.

"I'm stopping this to keep her safe." I kept calm. "And don't ever mention her again or I will blow a hole through your skull."

"Oh sensitive stuff eh?" Joker was only amused. "Sure, let's keep talking about Harley then because that's probably what the both of us only think about now-a-days right?"

"That works for me."

"Ahhh... I'm so jealous of my honey. She's crazier than I am. She's more wild than I am… more unpredictable. I will never… ever box her in. She jumped Floyd… I didn't force her to. I always give her a choice."


"... Then what if I told you Harley told me she can't run with ya anymore?" I let my own knowledge out. "What if I told you she has a conscience? That she isn't some cold blooded killer like you?"

"Then… it is what it is." Joker turned to the streets, a bit indifferent if only superficially. "She's constantly evolving… still… changing. I guess what we were… was only going to last for so long anyway. The mortality of everything we do… is what makes it all worth it."

"I… just don't buy this… you're just going to let this roll off your back?"

"Harley Quinn is only Harley Quinn if you let her be as she is… period." He yapped. "And no one. Not even me will force her to be anything else but herself… That is fucking truth my friend. I respect her more than you could ever imagine."

"And I guess that's why she loves your damn ass right?"

"You don't guess. You know." He corrected me. "Just like you know that someone in my ranks is trying to fuck with me. Probably my new batch of friends eh?"

I began to realize this whole thing… I'm playing a game. Joker played me… like a fiddle. Harley. Finding the one who shot her… it's all a game. He knew everything already…

"Talia… I have footage of Talia seducing your boy Will but you probably already know."

"Hehe that little fucking oriental twit…" Joker chuckled. "She is great on the pole but if that's all ya got? It goes deeper than that sir. Come on Sherlock… I'm supposed to be your Watson!"

"If you knew all this why the hell did you even give me the gig?"

"… To keep my Queen safe without blowing any cover." He suddenly rolled down the window, letting the air hit his face. "Ya see… I fucked up bad Floyd. Real bad and now I'm dealing with the consequences."

… What consequences?

"My empire is now nothing but a memory." Joker said it a little nonchalantly. "It's corrupt to the core… my new 'friends' the catalyst for it. Assholes I tell ya."

"You just sat back and let this happen?"

"It was over the minute I gave into those visions." Joker closed his eyes, trying to find something to describe. "The images of a world burnin'. It was beautiful really. That omega sign… that death mark that Darkseid leaves on worlds he enslaves and destroys… I'm jealous. Always thought it would be me doing this. Haha… ain't that a bitch?"

"Who's Darkseid?"

"… Darkseid is the beginning of the end. Hehe… sounds dramatic as shit huh?"

"… Who is he?"

"He's the end of the world… that's what he is." Joker lazily turned to me. "Heh… I didn't mind seeing the world burning. It was glorious! Buildings toppled over… humans running for their lives bein' slaughtered like cattle. It was good TV! What got me though? Was my queen." His demeanor suddenly shifted with a stare into darkness. "Her skin literally melting in front of me… it made me weak… it frightened me… Fear. Something I haven't felt in forever."

"Seriously. You went into business with these fucks who took a shot at Harley because of some nightmares?!"

"It's a reality Floyd. And the world sees it. That's why you see groups forming. That's why Waller is so nervous and put your little squad together. Why Batsy is so nervous he's got his posse… why I got… nervous and put together mine. We're all acting out of fear… when a big danger arises… animals gather in fear… we all are facing it."

Fear. I don't believe any of this shit he's spewin. But I do get that emotion. If Joker can get scared? Anyone can. As fearless as Deadshot is? As willing as Deadshot is to stare death in the face? Floyd Lawton does get scared. Right now? I'm scared of being a real father. Right now? I'm scared for Harley… I don't want her to be unhappy… I don't want her to be doomed.

Whatever it takes? She has to be taken care of… even at the cost of what I feel for her.

I'll play his game… to get him to give Harley what she wants.

"Well then… fuck it. If it's all gonna end? Why not give Harley what she wants then? She wants you to take her away from all this crap. You said you lost your empire already… what the hell do you have left as an excuse? You keep talking about burning worlds? Dude… Harley is your world and you're burning her yourself… don't you get it?"

Joker looked at me. Probably a bit surprised I was arguing… for her and him to be a unit again. His surprise didn't last long though.

"You know what also scares the shit out of me?"

I shook my head.

"Peace… and quiet." Joker admitted, snapping his fingers in a rhythm. "… I can't give my honey what she wants… even if I tried."

I gave it a shot Harley…

"… Then what the fuck do we do now?"

"We try to survive old buddy old pal… starting right now." Joker pointed out the glass as we came to a stop as I hit the brakes, skidding forward. Some crazy bitch was standing in the middle of the street.

But it wasn't just anyone…

"Oh shit…" I stared up front looking at that young blonde girl I met at the base.

Tara… was her name?

Her eyes glowed yellow as she placed a helmet on her head that looked like Deathstroke's, now the girl armored head to toe like she was going to war. Before anything could be done, we felt the ground shaking, our car being lifted up like it was weightless.

"Hold on to your pants Floyd! The ride's just startin! Hahaha…"

It was a blur from then on… and this blur it hurt like hell.

- J – H – D –

The choking grasp on my neck was gone. That was the good part.

But I was tossed to the ground with no remorse right after. That was the bad part.

"ANGH!" I felt my body give out as I hit the asphalt, cracking even more bones than I probably already had fractured. I remembered a bit clearer now… that blonde girl that can make the ground shake stopping me and Joker's joyride.

She literally tossed us to the heavens… tearing the car apart with me and Joker in it. I was surprised we were still breathing.

Maybe it'd been better if we weren't.

"How's it going Deadshot?" I saw Bane's face right in front of me, that gas mask filtering his voice. "How was the joyride?"

"It was going great till I saw your ugly mug." I spat back, probably spitting out a bit of blood too.

A punch to the face that sent me rolling on the floor made my world spin again. I had nothing left to give. I clutched at the ground trying to get up, only to have a young lady kneel over to me so smug. I could feel my mask… cracked. Now for sure I was spitting out blood.

"It's unfortunate a man of your talents has to be wasted like this." Talia sighed, pulling my chin up. "We could've used a gun like yours."

"… You put out that hit on Harley…" I growled, suddenly feeling arms restraining me, pulling me up. A pair of ninjas put a blade to my neck each.

"Yes. I helped Mr. Evans have some purpose in his pitiful life… in this pitiful city." Talia smiled at me, running a finger down my helmet playfully. "I enjoyed watching Harley struggle to live… she's an embarrassment to human kind… that filthy little girl."

"She's my filth…" Joker was grabbed by another pair of ninjas, laughing the whole time as blood dripped from his face. "Please choose your words carefully about her before I make sure you'll never speak again."

"You have a brilliant mind Joker." Talia suddenly slapped him. "But you're Gotham City trash… and you're going to burn with it."

"Ow…" Joker only smirked. "Please do the other cheek… nothing worse than a non-symmetrical face." He looked over to Deathstroke who was leaning on a nearby car. "No offense one eye."

"What about you Mr. Deadshot? Angry… that I was the one who got your friend shot?" Talia pulled out Tatsu's sword, playfully swinging it around. "That I nearly beat you two friends to death?"

"I don't hurt women… but I'm really giving it two thoughts of killing your ass right here right now."

"Silence… my master deserves your respect." That amber ninja was in my face now, his palm in front of me… suddenly a creature in the shape of a harpoon biting at me, sharp teeth and all coming from a slit in his hand.

What the hell is wrong with this group?

"Scorpion is just protective of me… don't mind him."

Suddenly a long purple limo pulled up aside us, Joker and I noticing an army of ninjas surrounding the entire area now like they were ready for an invasion. Out of the limo stepped out Johnny… fucking… Frost….

That two faced son of a bitch.

"You little weasel Hah! And to think I wasted my best jokes on you Frosty!" Joker whined.

"Sorry boss…" Johnny adjusted his suit, staring at his former employer. "But you lost sight of what's best for business long ago… this is just that alright? Business."

"Big big business." A well-dressed Lex Luthor suddenly stepped out of the limo next, Johnny helping him to a stand. "You got an amusing little clown crew here Mr. Joker. I think they'll work fine with my associates and Talia's League of Shadows."

"I freed ya Lex! And you gave me an autograph!" Joker mockingly frowned. "How can you do this to us!? I thought we were BROS!"

"I totally appreciate you freeing me. Don't get me wrong! I'm for ya new friend." Lex walked over to us, smirking as he was now the one in power, clasping his hands together. "But sometimes… you can't have friendships in business. And now that I have your right hand man and your resources? You're a liability."

"Sorry, I don't speak coward." Joker rolled his eyes. "Deadshot can you translate?"

"I'm a little bitch… that's what he's sayin'." I chimed in.

"Now don't be sore losers." Lex put his hands on his hips. "You both are seeing the birth of a new world order here! It's a privilege! And once I get my Doomsday back? We'll make sure the Earth stays kaput when the demons fall from the sky okay?! I'm doing this world a service!"

"You're a spoiled little brat that needs to get his head checked." I replied.

"And you are a little insignificant piece of the puzzle that needs to shut up." Luthor yawned at me. "This spoiled little brat killed Superman… what have you done?"

"That monster killed Superman." I growled. "You just hid like a little bitch while it all went down."

"A monster that I created. A monster that will return." Lex looked around. "Alright ladies and gentleman we have so little time. Mr. Frost gather up the clowns. Talia gather up the ninjas…" He paused. "Huh… sounds like a childhood dream I had once… anyway… we need to get a move on."

"Leave these two to me." Deathstroke suddenly walked forward. "They're my contract… so they're my responsibility. I'll catch up."

"As you wish Slade." Lex bowed, motioning for the group to move. "Well it was a short but pleasant time talking to you both. No hard feelings right? This would have never worked without you two. Congrats!"

Me and Joker only gave him the dirty eye.

"Frost… let's get going then. Let's get to work work work!"

The baddies began to file away, the big shots heading into the limo and others into more of Joker's cars. The ninjas dispersed as quickly as they appeared as the two youngest of the evil bunch walked passed us.

"Look I'm sorry alright?" Tara looked at Joker specifically. "That Lamborghini… messing it up… hurt my soul."

The fuckin' car? What about us?

"They'll get over it…" Rose came to me, patting me on my shoulder as she had on her dad's mask. "Guess we're never gonna get that shooting lesson eh?"

"... God I hate kids." Joker mumbled to himself.

I grumbled too as the two girls giggled their way into the limo, screaming for bottle service. The limo took off as Talia's men tossed us harshly on the floor, the sound of blades clinking together playfully the only thing me and Joker were hearing now. All the cars had left.

"And this is the part where I say it's not personal… just doing my job right Lawton?"

"Waiting for me to get banged up by a little girl before you finish me Slade? This ain't like you at all. Thought you had some honor."

"Heh… well well… looks like you two have a past…" Joker sighed. "I think I'll just crawl over here and…"

KLINK! A blade to the ground, stopped Joker from moving, it being right up against his neck.

"Or not…" Joker gulped.

This was bad. At full strength me and Joker had little chance against Deathstroke. Us after getting through the car accident from hell? We… had no shot. No shot at all…

"Why are you joining them Slade? Thought you worked alone."

"The same reason I always do what I do." He had us both at head decapitation distance. "My services go to the highest bidder."

"Luthor… you workin' for him?"

"Hehe… no old friend. I work for someone you know really well though… and for him? This is totally… personal."


"Who…?! Angelo?"

"I can actually introduce him to ya if you want… just hold on a second." Slade chuckled as he stared at me, that blue eye of his suddenly flashing… glowing a burning firey gold. The area… felt like it was getting warmer… like a fire had been lit.

I remember… this eye…

"You… you're one of them who ruined my sister's plans…" Deathstroke spoke but it sounded like two warped voices now.

"… What the hell…"

"All of you will suffer. Giving you all just death simply would be a gift." Deathstroke suddenly grabbed me and Joker by our necks lifting us up effortlessly… thing was he wasn't using his hands at all.

I gagged, grasping at nothing, suddenly unloading bullets into his face from my wrist gun on pure reaction. I stared in disbelief as my bullets were stopping right in front of his face… little tentacles of amber grabbing them and picking them from the air. They began to fall to the floor harmlessly.

Joker even looked a bit out of sync as he saw it.

"You all killed my sister." Deathstroke's grip only tightened as we fought for air. "I remember the one especially that cut out her heart… and the other who crushed it with no mercy… you all will know what it feels like to lose the ones you love…"

It was a truth I didn't want to believe. That demon… from Midway City…

It was alive.

"I am Incubus… and I'm going to enjoy making the ones who wronged my sister beg for death."

A/N: We're heading for a collision course! Enchantress bro is aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!