Islington, London, England. Winter.

Two shadows were breaking into a townhouse.

"Why are we doing this?" asked Helena Wayne.

"You know why Alfred wanted everything removed and sold including the house," answered Dick Grayson.

"I meant in our suits?"

"I couldn't find Alfred's key in the manor, but there is a master set in the townhouse. We get that and we're good," Dick replied, as the door opened with a click, "knowing Alfred it should be in the kitchen."

The townhouse was immaculate just as Alfred probably left it during his last visit with only a light layer of dust which accumulated during his absence. Entering the kitchen, Helena noticed how similar things were kept in comparison to the manor and penthouse's kitchen. She missed Alfred dearly. He helped her cope with her mother's death and later her father's and the most important of all helped her relationship with her older brothers.

"Dick, this kettle just glowed blue," said Helena as she reached for it.

Dick crossed the room quickly to knock it out of her hands but in the three seconds that transpired they touched it together and felt a powerful tug pulling them somewhere. Their feet hit the ground the suits protecting them from the harsh landing. Batman looked around fading into the shadows with Robin close behind. They were in a vastly different state of the kitchen they were in moments before.

The fireplace fire and solitary candle cast many shadows for them to blend in. Robin noticed the five teenagers in the room and watched as a man rushed towards the teens. Glancing at Batman she nodded to let him know she was okay.

"What's going on?" asked the man as he helped the redheaded girl up. "Phineas Nigellus said Arthur's been badly injured—"

"Ask Harry," said Fred.

"Yeah, I want to hear this for myself," said George.

Sirius turned to regard Harry when he noticed the exact location Batman was standing and deftly raised his wand and said, "Expecto Patronum," causing a silvery white shaggy dog to engulf them in light. Momentarily blinded she didn't notice the red beam that slammed into her chest stunning her.

Sirius panicked when he saw the black wraith summoning a patronus until the wraith was bathed in light. He took advantage of the disorientation to stun the wraith and its companion.

"Fred, George keep watch. Stun them if they begin to wake up," he said rushing up the stairs to the portrait of Phineas Nigellus.

"Phineas! Tell Dumbledore security has been breached at headquarters by two unknowns in the kitchen. They are currently stunned."

He proceeded to head back downstairs to the kitchen wand at the ready.

Fifteen minutes later he heard the front door open as Dumbledore, Mad-Eye, and Tonks walked into the kitchen after silencing the portrait of Mrs. Black. Moody got to work immediately levitating the wraith and its companion into dining chairs and binding them with a body bind spell.

"In light of recent events I'm going to ask the rest of you to head up to your rooms," said Dumbledore to the assembled youngsters who were too shocked by recent events to protest and grudgingly went to their rooms.

After waiting for their footsteps to recede upwards Dumbledore cast an imperturbable charm and gestured for Mad-Eye to revive their unexpected guests.

"Who are you? What was that light?" demanded Batman sharply as he noted his surroundings slowly working on his bindings.

"We will be the ones asking the questions here laddie," said Moody brusquely.

"We mean you no harm," said Dumbledore kindly, "however, your sudden presence is concerning. May I ask how you came to be here?"

"A kettle," responded Batman.

"I see, there are indeed two kettles present here. Most intriguing," said Dumbledore as he stroked his beard in thought before requesting, "please indulge the moments prior to touching the kettle."

Batman decided to play along until Robin gave indication she was out of her bindings.

"We were in a kitchen somewhat similar to this, in fact, the entire townhouse may be similar to this one before my partner noticed a kettle glowing blue and reached for it. I attempted to knock it out of her hands instead we ended up here," summarized Batman.

"May I ask your name?" asked Dumbledore.


"Batman." The signal was received he knew she was out of her bindings and would follow his lead. "And you are?"

"Albus Dumbledore."

"Those aren't names. What are your real names?" demanded Moody. When no response came he added, "no matter I have a vial of veritaserum right here."

Batman and Robin's eyes narrowed noting the vial for what it contained. Batman moved into action throwing batarangs at the man and woman to the side with their sticks trained on them. Robin had thrown her own at the man with the spinning eye. He only grunted his stick still in his hand sending a beam of light to hit Batman causing him to crumple to the ground stunned. The spinning eye man tried to move forward only to find himself immobilized. Shocked his eyes centered on the girl standing in front of the black-clad man's body defensively.

"Don't come near him," came her sharp voice before softening a fraction, "Batman?" She didn't move from her position listening intently for any signal only moving her lips to repeat her query, "Batman?"

"My dear if I may?" said the man with the beard as he lifted his wand only to pause at the fierce glare from the girl.

"He is merely stunned. I can revive him and if I am not mistaken you have performed accidental magic."

"I don't have magic," she stated bluntly.

"I'm afraid my dear you do. As you can see you have immobilized my friend here. Permit me to revive your friend."

She stared at him not believing a word about her magical ability before nodding at his offer. She watched as a beam of light struck Batman and he began to stir.


"Robin," he said smoothly confirming he was alright.

She palmed a batarang addressing the bearded man. "I don't have a magical ability. I never have."

"Perhaps you didn't where you came from. I believe the kettle you touched was turned into a portkey considering earlier you mentioned being in a kitchen very similar to this one in what I'm presuming is your reality. In this reality a kettle similar to yours was also used at that same time transporting the people you encountered earlier into this kitchen in our reality," explained Dumbledore.

"Great, another dimension," said Robin sarcastically, "still doesn't explain how I have magic."

"Perhaps it has manifested when you came to this "dimension" as you call it. Of course, it is merely a hypothesis. I am going to undo your accidental magic on my friend now."

Moody now free to move continued to glower at Robin.

"Reverse the portkey," demanded Batman.

"I beg your pardon."

"Reverse the portkey so we can return home."

"I'm afraid it wouldn't work. I would only be able to reverse it to Hogwarts where it originally came from not to your reality."

"I see. We will be leaving now. Come Robin."

Batman's declaration was met with raised wands from everyone with the exception of Dumbledore.

"I'm afraid I cannot let you leave."

"Why not?" asked Robin.

"The location of this townhouse is a secret of grave importance and I must stress a few details about our dimension."

"Go on."

"As a person manifesting magic, Miss Robin cannot roam free without learning how to control her magical ability. Otherwise, it may cause problems for her in both the magical and muggle societies."


"Forgive me. Those having no magic" clarified Dumbledore before explaining, "The magical society is kept a secret to avoid reprisals from the muggle society as it has happened in years past. For this reason, children manifesting magic are sent to boarding schools for proper magical instruction. I am the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I would insist Miss Robin be enrolled in the school to avoid unnecessary attention from the Ministry of Magic. Attention from the Ministry in the current climate would not be in her best interest. I urge you to think on this. I will send a Professor from the school to further answer your questions tomorrow. May I ask your age, Miss?"


"So we may place you in the appropriate year of study."

"Sixteen since September."

"And your real name?"

Robin glanced at Batman unsure of a response.

"In our line of work our identities are kept a secret to protect ourselves and those associated with us," answered Batman.

"Sound like Death Eaters to me. Hiding behind masks," said Moody.

"May I ask what is your line of work?" asked Dumbledore.

"You may," said Batman.

"I see," said Dumbledore assuming the man would not elaborate further. "Well, I must insist on Miss Robin's name at the very least. It is essential for magic may reveal her true name unknowingly."

Batman's lenses narrowed making him look even more intimidating. "Will you guarantee our dual identities will never be revealed to anyone outside of this room?"

"Truly, I cannot guarantee it completely for so many have already seen you and with Miss Robin's subsequent enrollment at Hogwarts. There is limited I can do with certain people. However I can ensure and stress to those who know of you the importance of secrecy. We are no strangers to it after all.

Batman nodded resting a hand on Robin's shoulder. She knew it was her call. Taking a deep breath reminding herself this was another dimension.

"My name is Helena Wayne and this is my brother Richard."

"Thank you. It is getting late. Sirius will show you to your rooms."

"Room. One room is fine for us," said Batman.

"Very well, Sirius will see to your accommodations and if you have any questions feel free to ask him," said Dumbledore.

"Right, follow me," said Sirius leading them upstairs to a room.

Dumbledore waited until the footsteps receded before addressing the two Aurors, "Alastor, Nymphadora please do keep an eye on them," he requested before heading back to Hogwarts.

Harry couldn't fall asleep and was failing at keeping calm. He kept thinking about the strong feeling to attack Dumbledore in his office and Mr. Weasley wherever he was. He was glad he wasn't able to be questioned by the sudden appearance of the strangers. He hoped the distraction would last long enough that he wouldn't have to recount his vision to anyone except Sirius. He desperately wanted to speak to Sirius. Slowly, he got up from his bed taking care not to alert Ron silently entering the hallway. Luckily he didn't have to go far to find Sirius.

"Harry? What are you still doing up?" asked Sirius coming down after showing their unexpected guests their rooms.

"I needed a quick word. Er- now?"

Sirius beckoned him towards his room where Harry recounted his entire vision and what happened afterward. Sirius listened intently before telling Harry to rest and that it wasn't going to be a problem.

In their assigned room, Dick and Helena sat on the couch side by side with Helena slightly wrapped in Dick's cape as a blanket.

"I'm thinking we should agree. You have a new ability and it's important for you to master it."

"I know, but it's boarding school. I wish Zee were here."

"Helena, you know we might never go home."

"I know,'' she answered snuggling into his side, "Just promise me you'll stay close."

"Of course, Helena," Dick replied watching his little sister go to sleep.

Mid-morning, Mrs. Weasley began preparing breakfast after waking the children unaware of what transpired the previous evening other than her husband being admitted to St. Mungo's. She was surprised to see Alastor and Nymphadora, their guards for the trip to St. Mungo's already present and waiting.

"Wotcher, Molly, everything alright?"

"Yes, he's going to be fine. Thank goodness."

During breakfast, the topic of their unexpected guests came up.

"Sirius, keep an eye on them until McGonagall gets here, would you? She'll be accompanying them to get the girl enrolled in Hogwarts," said Moody.

"They haven't even left their room since evening," said Tonks, "I don't really think they are much of a threat."

"The girl is, her accidental magic was quite powerful. The man is just a muggle," said Moody grumbling.

"Looked like a dementor, didn't he? Made Sirius here make a patronus very fast," said Fred taking the mickey.

Mrs. Weasley glared at him, "Dementors aren't a joke, Fred. Be mindful. If it were a dementor, he would have saved your life."

Sirius gave a tight smile. "They were quite close to one another, protective of each other," he commented.

"All the same. Constant Vigilance. We don't know their intentions."

Dick sat in thought throughout the night and morning watching over Helena in this strange townhouse. Going home was practically impossible without the resources they usually had on hand. It would be easily rectified once they got of this house and saw the state of the world in this dimension. A means of income would be would be first to get them started. A place to stay would be secondary considering lodging was already being provided. Hearing the noises outside the door meant someone sooner or later would be coming to retrieve them.

"Helena," he said as he prodded her gently awake, "it's time to wake up."

"Two more minutes," came her muffled reply from his side.

"No can do, rise and shine. We have a busy day ahead of us."

"I'm up," she answered detaching from his side taking off her mask to quickly rub her eyes before reapplying it.

"So what's the plan?" she asked.

"Get you enrolled at Hogwarts. Get out of this place for the day and get our identities established."

"Fine, but Dick it's boarding school. I hated regular school, how do you expect me to go to boarding school?"

"This time, you're not going as Bruce Wayne's daughter."

"I don't care. I don't want to be away from you. We're all we have left," said Helena as she wrapped her arms around herself.

Dick pulled her into an embrace, "Don't worry, I'll add a couple conditions to your enrollment."

"Okay let's do this," she acquiesced.

At the sound of knocking coming from the door, they separated.

"Come in," said Batman.

"Professor McGonagall is here to talk to you. Do you want anything for breakfast?" asked Sirius.

"Two coffees with six creams, nine sugars," answered Robin.

"I'll bring them. She's in the library, follow me," said Sirius as he led them to the library.

Professor McGonagall expected to see a ridiculous sight when she met this Batman and Robin. Instead, she felt intimidated by this black wraith and its slightly more colorful companion. The wraith was fully concealed in a black shroud or more perhaps a cloak with only his mask and a small portion of his face visible. The girl also had a black cape which didn't fully conceal her showing a dark red tunic, black trousers, gauntleted forearms, and a black domino mask on her face.

"Professor McGonagall," said the wraith who was probably Batman with a nod of acknowledgment

"Yes and you must be Mr. Richard Wayne."

Dick's eyebrows raised at that but he didn't comment.

"I am the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts. I was told you may have questions and concerns regarding the enrollment of Robin or should I say, Miss Wayne."

"Yeah how about you explain everything we need to know first?" demanded Robin.

"Very well, this is the standard letter sent to all first year students and this is a comprehensive book list from first to fifth year," she said as they read through it, "Miss Wayne will be attending all fifth year classes including any electives she wishes to take. In addition, she will be required to go through supplemental instruction to catch her up on four and a half years of magical instruction. There's also the matter of OWL examinations, Ordinary Wizarding Levels, she will need to take at the end of her fifth year for further academic studies. Any questions?"

"No only conditions," said Robin.

"Miss Wayne—"

"First," interrupted Batman sternly, "Helena and I have the freedom to meet each other at the school whenever we like. Second, I will take Helena out of school on any weekend I deem necessary. Third, our identities are to remain a secret. No one is to connect Batman and Robin to our given names."

"I see," said McGonagall her lips thinning, "I cannot guarantee the first two conditions without consulting the headmaster. He already has alerted me to the third condition rest assured I will not reveal such information. I am also tasked with escorting you to our shopping district in Diagon Alley and seeing to any other needs you may have adjusting to this… dimension."

"We need clothes," said Robin, she watched as the professor took out some cotton balls turning them into robes and other attire so she clarified, "regular ones, shirts, jeans, sneakers and sunglasses."

"Jumpers, trousers, trainers, sunglasses," clarified Batman noticing the confused expression on her face.

"A bag also," said Robin reaching for the clothes stuffing them into the bag the professor just made, "We'll be down soon," as they both left for their room.

After changing and stuffing her and Dick's suits into the bag, Helena wondered if she could shrink it like Zatanna used to when they went shopping. "Knirhs gab," she said but nothing happened, "maybe spells are done differently here."

"Come on Helena, you can ask her about it downstairs."

McGonagall was startled when she saw them both out of their intimidating costumes. The man was quite handsome, tall with powerful shoulders, a charming smile, black haired with sparkling ocean blue eyes and the girl was beautiful, athletically toned, a coy smile, dark raven tresses, and expressive ice blue eyes. Father and daughter perhaps.

"Could you shrink this bag please?" asked Helena as she took a sip of the steaming coffee now on the table.

"Yes of course," replied McGonagall as she shrunk the bag. "Shall we go?"

"In a bit, I have a couple questions about my class schedule and using magic. How exactly do you do spells here?"

"We channel magic using our wands with spells. You will learn all of this in your first week."

"Okay, could you go over the classes? I'll make my choices right now."

"The core classes are Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, and Herbology. The electives are Arithmancy, the study of magical properties of numbers, Muggle Studies, the study of muggle society, Divination, Ancient Runes, the study of warding and curse breaking, and Care of Magical Creatures."

"History I'll do it on my own. Astronomy I can take the exam right now and get it done with presuming your star chart is the same as ours. Divination is useless, so is Muggle Studies. Ancient Runes would be fine though and Care of Magical Creatures."

"Very well, your choices are noted. Considering this I will personally be overseeing your supplemental instruction. Be warned if your performance falters you will be required to attend History and Astronomy," said McGonagall sternly.

"Of course professor," said Helena with a smile.

"Shall we go to Diagon Alley?"

"Actually, Oxford would be good. We have some things to take care of," said Dick.

"Very well," she said as she led them outside to the square, "if you would both grab hold of my arms tightly I will be apparating us there." She apparated them from an out of the way enclave on the banks of the River Cherwell. "I will wait for you here."

"Thanks, be back soon," said Helena.

She and Dick walked away to find the CERN data center stopping only to take identification pictures of each other. At the CERN data center, Helena got to work at the terminal while Dick stood guard. First, she would need to get her and Dick's information into the country's various identification programs. Second, she opened a joint account in the Bank of England. Third, she hacked into various offshore banks lifting money from dictators, mobsters, and other criminal organizations bouncing the funds around the globe into their account. It didn't take long, she learned from the best and the encryption technologies in this dimension hadn't gotten to their level yet.

Finished she found Dick, "Here's the account number for our account in the Bank of England. I'm going back to McGonagall."

"See you in a bit," said Dick as he walked off.

Helena found McGonagall exactly where they left her reading a magazine on a bench.

"What are you reading?" asked Helena.

McGonagall was startled at the sudden voice next to her. She hadn't even heard the girl approach. "Transfiguration Today," she answered before asking, "where is your brother?"

"He'll be back soon. So this apparating thing, I want to learn it."

"Students cannot apparate without a license until they come of age. It is a demanding and difficult skill requiring considerable mental discipline. Classes are offered in your sixth year."

Helena asked about other forms of magical transportation while waiting for Dick to come back.

"What are you guys talking about?" asked Dick appearing at Helena's side surprising McGonagall but not Helena.

"Magical transportation," answered Helena.

"If your business is concluded here, shall we go to Diagon Alley?"

"Helena will. I still have some things to take care of. It would be great if you could drop me off at the square," said Dick with a charming smile as he handed Helena a think pouch.

"I see," replied McGonagall in a quandary. She was supposed to be monitoring them during their entire outing keeping tabs. There was no one else with her since Alastor and Nymphadora were serving as guards for Mr. Potter and the Weasleys during their visit to Saint Mungo's. Not having a choice she offered her arms to them apparating to Islington.

"We will back in four hours," said McGonagall.

"I should be back by then," replied Dick.

McGonagall nodded giving her arm to Helena who grasped it firmly as she apparated to the Leaky Cauldron on Charing Cross Road.

"This is the Leaky Cauldron. The entrance to Diagon Alley, our magical shopping district."

Helena committing the surroundings to memory she followed McGonagall to a brick wall in the back. McGonagall tapped the brick wall in a pattern causing the wall to slowly become an archway revealing a cobbled street.

"Presuming you had no funds upon your arrival. I have some here," said McGonagall as she reached into her purse.

"That's not necessary but I actually do have money. Dick just gave it to me." Helena pulled out her own pouch showing McGonagall the various pounds.

"Indeed you do but we use a different currency in the magical world. We can exchange it at Gringotts."

Helena found herself led to a great white building with bronze doors. It was considerably opulent. and the goblins ridiculously arrogant. She was glad she only needed to exchange money once on occasion instead of banking with them regularly. There were more important things than pandering to arrogant beings.

"We should get your basic school supplies first, then get you fitted for your school robes, afterward an owl for correspondence, a broomstick if you like, your books, and lastly your wand," stated McGonagall.

McGonagall found Helena's behavior quite odd for a muggle who just discovered she had the capability to perform magic. The girl was completely collected not showing any signs of awe or surprise at anything the magical world had to offer, unlike many other muggleborns she had accompanied to Diagon Alley. The girl purchased the finest items available with no concern of the expense.

"Where's the broomstick shop? I can't wait to buy one for Dick. He loves flying."

McGonagall was stumped. Muggles couldn't fly on their own, much less on broomsticks not having an inherent magic of their own. "What do you mean he loves flying?" she asked.

"He just does. He's been doing it since he was five. It's like he lives to defy gravity. He's going to absolutely love having a broomstick."

"Miss Wayne, muggles can't fly on broomsticks. They lack the magical ability to do so," explained McGonagall kindly, "but you can have him as a passenger. You can buy a broom at Quidditch Quality Supplies"

"Yeah, I could do that. Dick taught me how to fly like him too, but he's a natural. I pale in comparison to him," Helena reminisced leaving McGonagall extremely confused following her to the store.

"What's the best broom available in the market right now?" Helena asked McGonagall.

"That would be the Firebolt II. It is an international standard racing broom. This is it," McGonagall answered gesturing to the streamlined broom.

"Perfect," said Helena glancing quickly at it to see the price on request notice, "I'll place an order on it now and bring the payment in later."

McGonagall wasn't surprised at all at the girl's decision. She was concerned though as to how they ended up getting so much money in such a short span of time. It wasn't magic since Helena was with her while her brother went to get the money. After placing the order, the girl bought a dark brown tawny owl to blend in the night. McGonagall was unsure as to why that was necessary but let it go as one of the girl's quirks.

At Flourish and Blotts, Helena went overboard buying various books to very advanced levels that she deemed necessary. After all, Helena knew she needed to master her new abilities, it was an ingrained fact to every member of the Batfamily. McGonagall presumed another Hermione Granger was about to enter Hogwarts, she was to be mistaken.

At long last they entered Ollivanders, the wand shop from 382 B.C. Helena observed. It was a narrow shop with stacks of narrow boxes sort of like a library of wands.

"Good morning, I am Garrick Ollivander," said an old man she had noticed softly moving towards them when they entered the shop, "I haven't sold you a wand before Miss—"

"Wayne. She is a transfer from the States, lost her wand," McGonagall quickly addressed the issue.

"I see. Please hold out your wand arm."

Helena held out her right arm assuming he meant dominant arm. Suddenly a tape measure came flitting up measuring her practically everywhere. She tolerated it amused. Just as quickly as it came flitting up, it crumpled to the ground with Ollivander placing a wand in her hand. It did nothing.

Ollivander continued placing multiple wands in her hand snatching them away just as quickly getting excited as time went by. "A difficult match," he commented browsing his shelves, "after all the wand chooses the wizard,"

"Try this an intriguing combination made by my father in his later years. Rowan and vine, dragon heartstring, ten inches.."

Helena took the wand feeling the magic flowing through her. There was a rush of wind before all went still.

"Excellent, a perfect match. Seven galleons please."

When Professor McGonagall apparated them back to the square, they found Dick sitting on a bench who looked up at their sudden appearance.

"Got all your school things?"

"You bet, only need to go back for one last thing."

Dick quirked an eyebrow in question only to receive a smirk in return.

Once they entered Number 12 Grimmauld Place, Professor McGonagall bid them farewell leaving them under Sirius' care.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm starving. Coffee can only do so much," answered Helena.

"Let's go the kitchen. I'll have Kreacher whip something up. Kreacher! KREACHER! Where is that accursed house-elf? No matter it's better he isn't here right now," said Sirius as he prepared breakfast.

"So who did this house belong to in your dimension is it?" Sirius asked serving breakfast.

"The greatest man ever in our lives," answered Helena.

"That's good, better than some insane pureblood maniacs," Sirius said blandly.

"I'm Sirius Black by the way. We haven't been properly introduced."

"Helena Wayne and my older brother Dick short for Richard," she said with a smile.


"If I ever want food again do I need to find you or something?"

"You can or just come down to the kitchen if you know how to cook."

"Okay, where do you keep bread and butter?"

Dick watched Helena as Sirius showed her around the kitchen. He was worried about her, Helena had grown very attached to Bruce and Alfred since she moved into the manor at the tender age of nine after losing her mother only to lose Bruce barely a year later during Darkseid's invasion. She was extremely jealous of Tim and him because of their close relationship to Bruce accepting them as brothers after Alfred helped her overcome her insecurities. After Bruce's death, Tim wasn't the same and drifted around as Red Robin and he took up the mantle as Batman with her as Robin. Helena didn't take well to losing Bruce so soon after her mother. She clung to Dick desperately, especially after Tim started a drifting lifestyle. She was afraid she would lose her only remaining brother. None of them had wanted her to join the family business so she stayed in the cave with Alfred but she did join anyway as they all had. They had both lost Alfred barely a month and a half prior and were still coming to terms with it and now this dimension traveling and magical affinity and having to go to boarding school. Helena was putting up a front he was sure of it.

Once they got to their room, Helena pulled out her wand.

"Check out my own wand it's kind of like Zee's but more intricate and I've got practically every book necessary to learn on my own."

There it was.

"Helena, I know this is hard for you but you know you need to be in a controlled environment during training."

Helena didn't say anything back just sat on the bed looking down at her wand trying not to give in to being separated from her brother.

Dick sat next to her. "Look I'm making arrangements. I've got us a place in Mayfair thinking about setting it up like a mix between the clocktower and the penthouse, what do you think?"

Dick watched Helena who was still staring at her wand.

"Just make the conditions we told McGonagall to happen."

"I will."

Harry was glad of the attention devoted to the new arrivals from some 'dimension'. It took attention away from him and he was able to get time away from everyone until Hermione arrived and ended up dragging him out of his self-imposed exile after making him see sense.

No one really saw Dick for days except for Tonks who was assigned to tail him and Helena if they ever left the house for anything. The girl left once to go shopping from clothes in Muggle London then Quidditch Quality Supplies in Diagon Alley. The man left quite often in the day meeting with contractors, personal bankers, real estate agents and the like. She wasn't entirely sure what he was doing, half the time he was just roaming around chatting up people in cafes. The other half on his cell phone in places where eavesdropping wasn't possible. She reported to Dumbledore every so often but even he couldn't come to a conclusion to what the man was doing.

Helena finished reading all her books and even practiced a couple basic spells here and there but it still wasn't enough without proper instruction. She was a bat and they were supposed to master every field to the best of their capability. Finding it useless to continue on her own she figured she might as well socialize with the other teens in the house, they were going to attend school together after all.

Grabbing hold of Dick's present she made her way to the kitchen to find Sirius having a butterbeer. "Hey Sirius, have you seen my brother?"

"Not since early this morning. Why?"

"Just wanted to give him his present."

"What did you get him?"

"A broom."

"Helena, muggles can't fly on brooms," Sirius said sympathetically.

"I know he's going to be my passenger," responded Helena with a smile.

"Wouldn't it be a little disconcerting for him to fly on a broom? Isn't this a new phenomenon for him?"

"Please, he loves flying and after all the things we've seen in our lives. This is practically nothing."

Sirius was confused the existence of magic had not fazed either of these 'dimension' travelers at all. It didn't make sense after all her brother was a muggle and she said herself she never had magic before.

"Have you come across a flying broomstick before?"

"No, first time actually. I just had to buy it."

Sirius gave a smile at that and was about to ask another question regarding the girl's past when the front door opened coming from it a cacophony of voices. The children and their escorts had returned from St. Mungo's.

"I'm starved," came Ron's voice as the kitchen door opened, "I wonder if mum left any bisc—."

"Move Ron, the doorway is not a place to stop," said Hermione glancing around him to see the girl they told her about.

"Honestly, Ronald, " she said exasperated shoving him out of the way. She walked over to Helena holding out her hand. "Hello, I'm Hermione Granger. Don't mind the boy in the doorway. He's Ron Weasley."

Ron blushed red coming out of his stupor being pushed forward by Harry.

"The boy behind him is Harry Potter. The two twins are Fred and George Weasley and the girl is Ginny Weasley."

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Helena Wayne."

"Don't you mean Robin?" asked Ginny confused.

"Nope, I'm Helena," replied Helena with a smirk. It was incredibly entertaining confusing people who ended up knowing both identities.

"Then who's Robin?" asked Fred. Helena was prevented from answering by someone entering the kitchen door cursing.

"Bloody hell. I lost him again. I don't know how he does it just disappears randomly and I can never find him once I lose him," complained Tonks not even noticing who was at the table.

Helena's eyes narrowed recognizing the typical complaints from anyone who tried to follow a member of the Batfamily. "Were you tailing my brother?" she demanded coldly.

"Huh," Tonks quickly glanced around noticing Helena, "no I was just following someone else."

"Oh really, who would that be?"

Harry noticed the heavy dose of sarcasm in her voice. It was eerily similar to Sirius yet a lot more foreboding.

"No one of importance, just an old mate of mine acting a bit dodgy lately," said Tonks quickly.

Helena's eyes narrowed even more, Harry didn't think anyone could narrow their eyes as much as Helena but before she could counter the obvious lie, they all heard a consistent roaring noise getting louder.

"That sounds like a motorcycle," commented Sirius listening intently.

Helena smiled knowing exactly who it was and what they got her. She got up to go outside with her package filing away confronting Tonks for later.

"Where are you going?" asked Harry.


"What's outside?" asked Ron.

"My present it's getting closer," she said with a smirk.

Sirius's opinion of Helena rocketed up. "You ride motorcycles?" he asked joining her as she walked to the front door.

"Yeah since I was ten."

"Impressive, but isn't that illegal?"

Helena just gave him a wide smile. "C'mon I'll let you ride after me."

Sirius paused at the front door. "I can't go out."

"Why not?"

"Well... you see... the thing is. Blast it, I'm a wanted mad mass murderer," said Sirius expecting her to fear him.

Helena blinked before giving a shrewd smile. "Sure you are."

"He's innocent, though," interjected Harry.

"I know, it's quite obvious."

Harry and Sirius were both stumped. "What do you mean it's obvious?" questioned Harry.

That very moment, Dick entered the house. "Hey, Helena. I was just coming to look for you."

Helena gave him a crushing hug. "Thank you. I'm sure I'll love it."

"Heard me coming up did you?"

Helena nodded into his shirt before detaching herself. "What model is it?"

"1299 Panigale."

"A Panigale?" asked Sirius surprised, "that motorcycle is the best."

Helena hugged Dick again. "Speaking of best, I got you something too," said Helena handing him the package she put down earlier.

"What is this?" asked Dick opening the wrapping to reveal a broomstick.

"It's a flying broomstick. The best flying broomstick," said Helena.

Dick grabbed her in a hug lifting her up. "Thanks, Helena."

"There's one thing though since you don't have magic. We have to fly together."

"Doesn't matter it'll be even better flying with you," Dick said looking at Helena smile. "Want to take it for a ride?"

"Nah, I'll take it after you finish the modifications."

Dick let out a laugh. "C'mon I'm hungry."

They all walked back to the kitchen.

"Hey," said Helena nudging Dick directing his attention towards Tonks, "she's been tailing you."

"She has?" asked Dick surprised.

Tonks' hair changed to red out of embarrassment.

"That explains it. You can change your appearance at will."

"What do you mean that explains it?" asked Tonks.

"You're really obvious. The only thing going for you is the constant appearance changing throws people off."

"And I suppose you're an expert on tailing people."

"You'd be surprised," said Dick before turning his attention to Helena and handing her a small box, "got you this too. It's a bit basic but the technology here is lacking compared to ours. It's already set for complete encryption. You can call me anytime."

"Excuse me," interrupted Hermione, "electronics wouldn't work at Hogwarts or here for the matter because of the latent magic. It causes interference."

"Well I'll just have to be careful not to use it at Hogwarts," said Helena.

"By the way, did you know we've been living with a mad mass murderer?" she asked Dick.

"Is that so? I wonder who it is?"


"Really, didn't really peg you for a murderer," said Dick to Sirius, "seem more like a jokester."

Sirius face palmed himself. These two were absolutely ridiculous and how exactly were they completely sure of his innocence.

"How were you sure he's not a murderer?" asked Harry remembering Helena's statement earlier.

"He's not mad for one. Quite lucid very limited obsession over anything. There's a whole bunch of other factors but I doubt you're in the mood for a class in criminal psychology," said Dick.

"You sound like an Auror," remarked Tonks.

"What's an Auror and why are you a supposed criminal?" asked Helena.

"An Auror is kind of like a specialized policeman specifically dark wizard catchers," answered Hermione.

Sirius then told them everything starting from Voldemort hunting the Potters, to his own incarceration, leading up to current events.

"There is a power hungry megalomaniac out there right now and there is a small band of resistance. Very interesting," said Helena glancing at Dick with a smirk.

"What can we do to help?" asked Dick. Different dimension or not, Dick and Helena were both tactical field commanders along with many other skills.

"There's nothing you can do. You're a muggle and the one we're up against is a powerful wizard," said Sirius.

"Right," said Helena, "it was nice meeting you all. Hope we can hang out more before school starts."

Dick and Helena left the room. Both thinking about the current situation different dimension or not, they would not stand by and let a megalomaniac take over.

"Give me your suit. I'll be making modifications more suitable for the current magical climate. Keep your utility belt on you at all times just get rid of most electronics," instructed Dick.

"Alright, when do you think it will be ready?"

"No definite timeframe. Most likely before your holidays."

The day before they were to return to school, Helena found herself in the kitchen with Sirius when a thin man with pasty skin, large hooked nose, with shoulder length greasy black hair and cold black eyes entered with his black robes flowing behind him. Helena would have been impressed if it had been more remarkable but he didn't even hold a candle to the brilliance of Batman.

The kitchen atmosphere got very tense as Sirius and the man glared at each other. The man then gave Sirius a letter before turning his attention to her with a sneer. "I am Professor Snape, the Headmaster agrees to your... conditions. You are to see Professor McGonagall immediately upon your arrival at school. Is that clear?"

"Crystal," Helena smirked until she felt the slight prodding of her mind, "what are you doing?"

Snape was surprised, never had he ever encountered such a protected mind in someone so young. She even surpassed him with her mental defenses sensing him within a split second of prodding. He was torn out of his surprise when Potter entered the kitchen.

"Er," said Harry announcing his presence.

"Sit down, Potter. Miss Wayne, this is a private discussion. If you would leave," said Snape.

Helena raised her eyebrow at the dismissal and started to get up to leave.

"You know," said Sirius loudly, "I think I'd prefer it if you didn't give orders here, Snape. It's my house, you see. Helena you can stay if you like."

Helena stayed. Dick was out and she was tired of poring over books unable to put her learning to practice since using magic outside of school was forbidden according to Hermione.

"I am here on Dumbledore's orders with matters of utmost importance and secrecy. It would be unwise to disclose such matters in... present company."

"I trust Helena not to say anything," said Sirius, "she has my confidence."

"Very well," sneered Snape, "Potter, the headmaster has sent me to tell you that it is his wish for you to study Occlumency this term."

"Study what?" asked Harry blankly.

Snape's sneer became more pronounced. "Occlumency Potter. The magical defense of the mind against external penetration."

"Why do I have to study that?"

"The headmaster thinks it a good idea. Private lessons once a week. No one should know especially Dolores Umbridge. Understand?"

"Yes, who's going to be teaching me?"

"I am if anyone asks you will say you are taking Remedial Potions."

"Why you?" asked Sirius aggressively. "Why not Dumbledore?"

"I suppose it is the headmaster's privilege to delegate less enjoyable tasks," said Snape silkily. "I assure you I did not ask for the job. My office Monday evening at six, Potter. Miss Wayne, Professor McGonagall's office immediately on your arrival to Hogwarts." He turned to leave the kitchen his robes billowing behind him.

"Ready to go?" asked Dick.

"All set."

"Where are your things?"

"Right here," said Helena taking off her small backpack, "undetectable extension charm. Sirius helped me with it."

"We're going to be really busy when you come home for the holidays."

"Where are you going to stay?"

"Hotel in Mayfair oversee everything myself to get it done faster."

"She still tailing you?" asked Helena looking over at Tonks one of their escorts to Hogwarts.

"Yeah easy to lose her when I'm doing something important."

"Of course. I'll keep you updated on the situation."

"Helena, promise me you'll try to make friends and attempt a somewhat normal yet magical life," Dick said with a smile.

"I'll emulate my best role model," countered Helena.

"Oh, and who is your best role model?"


Dick's smile vanished prompting Helena to laugh hard at his expression.

"I'm only kidding. I'll behave as much as I can."

"You better," Dick said embracing her, "I'll see you soon. Heard you have some weekend holidays in a village from Sirius so I signed a permission slip for you. Let me know the dates by this 'owl post' so I can send you a package beforehand."

"Will do," said Helena who was then engulfed in a quick hug by her brother before he left on the 1299 Panigale.

After Dick left Remus summoned the Knight Bus for them all to go to Hogwarts.

A/N: Reviews appreciated.