( I thought of making an Undertale novelization just for fun so here it is, plus, since my sibling and I love Undertale, we thought that a novelization would be a good project to work on. So, yeah.

Disclaimer: I do not own Undertale, obviously. It belongs to the great Toby Fox! :D)

Pacifist Route:


Long ago, two races ruled over the Earth: Humans and Monsters. One day, a war broke out between the two races and after a long battle, the humans were victorious. The greatest of their magicians sealed the monsters to the Underground with a magic barrier.

Many years after the war, in 201X, a human child climbs Mount Ebott for their own mysterious reason. It is said that those who climb the mountain never return. A human child discovers an enormous hole in the mountain and falls in while trying to get a closer look. Now, the story begins.


Opening their eyes, Frisk decided that this was the first time they were actually reckless. Frisk couldn't remember just when they accepted the bet their so called "friends" pressured them to do, but they were always vulnerable to peer-pressure.

The bet was to climb up Mt. Ebott. Where legends say that those who climb it never returns. No one in their village did not know about the story of a human being carried by a monster, dead. The humans chased it and killed it, obviously. Driving the beast back up to the mountain.

But Frisk's "friends" were too cocky to actually listen to the legend. Frisk's "friends" were always picking on them, mostly because they didn't talk much and that Frisk's eyes were always closed. And so, they made a bet. Frisk goes up the mountain and they'll stop picking on them.

It wasn't reasonable, but it was already done. They had climbed the mountain and ventured onward, eventually falling through the hole accidentally.

For the longest time, Frisk layed there. Tears streaming down their face, both out of fright and relief. Not believing that they were alive but- was still relieved. Frisk finally moved and a rush of something soft tingled their skin.

'What broke my fall...?' They thought and sat up, looking at the thick patch of beautiful yellow flowers.

Frisk ran their hand through the petals and admired them, "What beautiful flowers..." After that, Frisk stood up and was surprised when they felt no pain at all. Looking up, they saw the hole they fell through. 'Reckless of me to just peer in without support.'

Frisk bit their lip, they couldn't climb the walls, too steep.

Dusting their hands off, they looked around at the so called "home of the monsters". It was dark and there was nothing there but the patch of flowers and a narrow path. Not having anything other to do, they went through it slowly.

Darkness scared them sometimes, especially in an unknown place. But... the way there was a light at the end of the path filled them with determination.

They finally made it and was greeted by a yellow flower. Literally. "Howdy! I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower!" It or he said with a cheerful smile. They stiffened.

The flower examined them casually and said, "Hmmm. . . You're new to the UNDERGROUND, aren'tcha? Golly, you must be so confused." And they were. Because, one, why is this flower TALKING?!

They bit their lip, Flowey seemed friendly enough but the aura felt tense. "Someone ought to teach you how things work around here!" They were silent and the flower continued, "I guess little old me will have to do. Ready? Here we go!"

Frisk felt a slight tingle in their chest and gasped quietly. There floated a red pixelated heart, their heart. The small human knew they should've been scared and they were! But their childish innocence made them more curious and fascinated than horrified.

Frisk moved to the left and was surprised to see the heart move to the left as well, as if following the child. They cupped it in their hands, feeling the beats of their heart.

Before they could ask what it was, Flowey was already explaining. "See that heart?" Flowey said, gaining Frisk's attention once more. "That is your SOUL! The very culmination of your being!" Their eyes, although closed, seemed like it widened.

Frisk leaned in and examined their soul, seeing it beat unsteadily. As if they were scared they were going to harm their own soul.

"Your SOUL starts off weak, but can grow strong if gain a lot of LV and EXP." Flowey said cheerfully, the grin on his face still present making Frisk more uncomfortable than welcomed. "Do you know what LV stands for?"

Frisk shook their head no slowly. I mean, how would they?

"Why, LOVE, of course!" He said. Frisk frowned, a bit unsure. "You want some LOVE, don't you?" Flowey said, snapping Frisk out of their thoughts. "Don't worry, I'll share some with you." The flower stuck out their tongue and little white things shot out of his tongue and floated above him.

"Down here, LOVE is shared through..." Flowey thought for a second, "Little white... 'friendliness pellets'" Frisk tried to keep their face stoic, but the thought that this talking flower was lying to them scared Frisk.

"Are you ready?" 'Wait, now?' "Move around! Get as many as you can!" Frisk licked their lips and planned to do so, the flower was helping them. Might as well accept it if they were gonna get out of here. And so, they ran to the friendliness pellets


...the sudden voice made them trip face-first.

Flowey seemed disappointed when Frisk didn't catch it. Frisk sniffled, rubbing their face on their sleeve, pained by the stone cold floor hitting their unprepared face. They wondered who's voice that was, it couldn't have been theirs, but it came from their head.


"Hey buddy, you missed them." He said but Frisk wasn't paying attention. They were paying attention to the wall that the "friendliness pellets" hit. It didn't look so "friendly" now, as the wall looked like it was hit by bullets.

Frisk gulped, remembering a memory of which contained those blasted things. Bullets. They were so glad that their clumsiness saved their life. "Let's try again, okay?" Flowey said, his grin returning. Another batch of bullets floated above Flowey then started to aim for Frisk.

This time, Frisk acted fast and dodged it by jumping to the side. Flowey's face dropped, "Is this a joke? Are you brain-dead?" Frisk's face showed confusion and fright, wanting to say that what HE was doing was the joke. He was trying to kill them! That was certainly not "helping"

"RUN. INTO. THE. BULLETS- friendliness pellets." Did Frisk hear that slip of the tongue? Yes, yes, they did. Frisk's SOUL beated nervously and panicky as they once again dodged the bullets.

If there was ever a warm aura around Flowey, then it was completely gone by now. Frisk stopped in their tracks as a horrified expression formed on their face. Flowey's face turned demonic, like a carving on a pumpkin on Halloween. "You know what's going on here, don't you?" A frightened whimper threatened to escape their Frisk's, but refused to let Flowey see them scared. "You just wanted to see me suffer." He added and conjured up more bullets and targeted them to Frisk in a circle.

No escape.

Frisk hyperventilated as the bullets came closer and closer. They let their sobs escape and let the tears fall. Frisk knelt down and clutched their head, shaking it as their tears stained their sleeves.


Flowey's demonic laugh echoed in the cave, making Frisk more scared and frightened by the minute. Frisk's scream and Flowey's laugh were in sync, very ear-splitting-

The bullets stopped mid-way, as well as Flowey's laugh. He looked confused for a second before a black fire hit Flowey, making him fly away with a yelp. Frisk looked around, confused and shocked. A confused sound escaping their lips to prove it.

Then, a goat-like-monster came into view. "What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth." The monster had a feminine voice and did look female, with the long eyelashes, kind face, and the warm and comforting aura she had. It reminded them of their mom.

It- no, SHE, Frisk reminded to themselves, stepped closer to them and immediately, Frisk trembled and scooted away some as they hid their face with their sleeves. Was this another trick? "Ah, do not be afraid, my child." She said softly, trying not to scare them and knelt down to Frisk's level, which was slightly hard because Frisk was very short.

"I am TORIEL, caretaker of the RUINS." She introduced with a warm smile, a smile that warmed Frisk to the core, making the child lower their arms too stare at the nice person. She smiled at the progress, "I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down." She explained softly. "You are the first human to come here in a long time."

She stood up and held her furry hands together, "Come! I will guide you through the catacombs." she said gently with a slight excited tone. Frisk bit their lip, unsure.

"It's fine. Go ahead."

The voice. Frisk already trusted that voice, it felt like a guide. They stared at Toriel's violet eyes, seeing the kindness calmed them down. Hesitantly, Frisk stood up and dusted their blue pants meekly before nodding at her.

Toriel smiled with joy and said, "This way." She guided Frisk to a fascinating place, two short stairways with a narrow doorway was there. But what really caught their attention was the patch of red leaves in the center.

She waited for them at the top with a reassuring smile and as Frisk stared at the patch of leaves and glanced up.

[The shadow of the ruins looms above, filling you with determination.]

For the first time since falling in the Underground, Frisk smiled. Determined.







(I wonder who that voice was? Review and stuff since my sis really -As in REALLY- hopes that we did a good job. I hope you think so, I hate seeing my sister down and anxious. It doesn't suit her. But hey, it's your opinion. ;) :3)