'In culture after culture, people believe that the soul lives on after death, that rituals can change the physical world and divine the truth, and that illness and misfortune are caused and alleviated by spirits, ghosts, saints ... and gods.' - Steven Pinker

Normal was not a word anyone would use to describe Jillian Holtzman. Weird, eccentric, mad, genius... these were the words she was used to hearing. There was always that little voice in the back of her mind telling her not to try and fit in, or make friends, or be anything other than herself because it was too hard. Science was the one thing Jillian could relate to. It was her happy place, her home. Her safety net from the world around her. Until she met Abby. They bonded over a love of the mysterious and unexplained, and attempted to break the boundaries people had put up against the world of spirits and the paranormal. Then when Erin and Patty joined them it felt as though they had a purpose. Like they were doing something that mattered. And Jillian didn't have to worry about changing who she was because these were her friends who accepted her for who she really was. There was no mask to wear and no show to put on. With her friends she was just Jillian. Crazy, brilliant, Jillian.


The phone was ringing off the hook in the fire station. Patty hurried down the stairs and looked for Kevin who, as usual, was not at his desk. Patty sighed and picked up the phone. 'Ghostbusters.' She answered. A frantic woman began shouting down the phone so loudly Patty had to move the phone away from her ear. She eventually calmed down once the situation was explained. 'Alright ma'am, we're on our way.' She said calmly and reassuringly, before putting the phone back on the hook and turning to face the stairs. She yelled; 'Hey! Ghostbusters! We have a ghost tearing shit up on East 128th Street! Let's go.' Abby was first down the stairs, closely followed by Erin.
'Patty? Why are you answering the phone?' Erin asked.
'Where's Kevin?' Abby wondered.
'I have no idea.' Patty said. 'We need to put a tracker on that boy or somethin.'
'Hotlzy come on!' Abby called. A few moments later a tiny blonde bombshell came bounding down the stairs, goggles and coat still in tact.
'I'm here, never fear.' She sang, stripping off her coat and replacing it with her coveralls. 'I have an idea.' She grinned.
'What might that be?' Abby asked skeptically. 'Ghost assistant.' She spread her arms wide awaiting response.
'Ghost assistant?' Patty looked at her. 'Why would anyone want a ghost assistant?'
'They'd do a better job than Kevin.' She said, looking towards the desk. 'Where is he anyway?'
'We're not sure.' Erin sighed.
'I'm not suggesting enslaving the ghosts, we would pay them of course.'
'What would a ghost do with money?' Abby asked before she caught herself. 'No, never mind, we have a job.'
'Ah yes, work.' Holtzman conceded. 'To be continued then.'
'Hmmm maybe.' Erin said, walking out of the door with Abby on her tail.
'The hate the idea don't they?' Jillian asked Patty quietly.
'It's a stupid idea.' Patty said, putting a hand on her friends shoulder.
'I thought as much.' She shrugged. 'Off to catch a ghost!'


In the Ecto-1 Abby was doing some last minute equipment checks. 'Did they say what type of classification this ghost was?' She asked.
'Na, the lady was pretty panicked so I just said we'd be there as soon as possible.'
'There's been no other reports from anyone so I think it's safe to say this is an isolated incident.' Erin said, holding on as Holtzman turned a corner doing fifty.
'Can you calm it down Holtz, I'm going to electrocute myself back here.' Abby said.
'My apologies Abigail.' Holtzman said, quickly following it up with; 'being electrocuted isn't so bad you know. I like it every now and then.'
'Girl you keep getting stranger by the day.' Patty shook her head. 'Oh I forgot. The lady was calling from inside the Jameson restaurant so it might be something specific to that.'
'Has anyone died there recently?' Erin asked.
'Not that I know.' Abby confirmed, flipping on the new walkie talkies Holtzman built to make sure they were functioning. 'You know we could have just bought walkie talkies, right Holtzy?'
'I know, but I don't trust them. People could be listening.'
'What people?' Patty asked.
'Any people.' Jillian confirmed before the car screeched to a halt. 'We're here.' She said. Erin used the back of the seat to brace herself against the stop before looking out into the completely calm street.
'There's nothing here.' She observed.
'Maybe it is in the restaurant.' Abby said, getting out of the car. 'Gear up.' They all followed her out of the car and put on their proton packs before entering the restaurant.


'This place is dead.' Erin said looking around the deserted restaurant. There were no staff or patrons in sight, the low buzzing of the refrigerator behind the counter was all that could be heard.
'Hello?' Patty called. 'We're here about a ghost?' They walked further into the restaurant and noticed the half eaten plates of food and the odd jacket thrown over the back of a few chairs.
'Looks like people left in a hurry.' Abby said. They were looking around slowly when all of a sudden... DING! Patty jumped around with her proton pack prepared, Erin almost stumbled into the seat she was walking past, and Abby just turned on her heels and looked at Holtzman.
'I found a bell.' Jillian said. 'So I rang it.'
'Yes, thank you Holtzy.' Abby said, walking over to her.
'Don't do that.' Patty said, joining them. 'Look at Erin, you nearly gave her a heart attack!'
'She 's fine. We all need a good jolt once in a while.'
'Again, with the electrocution thing?' Patty looked down at her friend as the doors at the back of the room opened wide, and a terrified woman came bursting through. 'I'm guessing that's the lady I spoke to on the phone.' Patty said.
'Are you the Ghostbusters?' She panted.
'No, we dress like this for fun.' Jillian said, straight faced.
'Yes, that's us.' Erin stepped in. 'Where is the problem?'
'In the back. It went into the kitchen and the pantry.' She said, frantically pointing to the double doors.
'Alright, just stay here and try to calm down for me okay?' Abby reassured her that it would all be fine. 'Come on guys.' She instructed.


They made their way through the double doors cautiously and could hear the faint sound of pots and pans rattling. There was a crash a few moments later when a ghost came around the corner. It was a man, not fully formed but they could make out the top half of his body. 'It looks class two, it shouldn't be too hard to contain.' Abby said. 'Holtzman, try to get a shot on it and then we'll see how much power it has.'
'Sure thing boss lady.' Jillian said, firing up her pack and aiming it at the ghost. 'Come to mamma.' She whispered as she fired. A strong beam of red and yellow fixed itself around the ghost. It wasn't fully aware of what was happening but it tried to break free all the same.
'How does it feel?' Patty asked.
'I could probably use one more pull.' Jillian confirmed. 'Erin, would you do me the honour?'
'No problem.' Erin said, moving around to the back of the ghost and aiming her own proton pack. She fired, shooting the same beam of light and wrapping it around the torso of the partially formed figure.
'On three we're going to get this sucker.' Jillian said, releasing the container. 'One... two...' The both braced themselves. 'Three!' With that, they directed the energy towards the open container.
'A little more.' Erin said to herself, walking towards the ghost as it moved closer to the canister. Within a few moments the ghost was gone, sealed up in a metal prison.
'Wooo!' Holtzman raised her arms in victory.
'Very nice ladies.' Patty complimented.
'That was a baby one.' Abby said. 'I'm not sure where it could have come from?'
'I might be able to tell you more back at the lab.' Holtzman said. 'If I can ever find a way to test ghost DNA that is... do ghosts have DNA?' She looked around the room.
'Anyway.' Patty moved them on. 'Let's go and tell that lady her restaurant is safe.'
'Can I tell her?' Holtzman asked.
'No you cannot.' Patty said firmly, leading Jillian out of the room and leaving Abby and Erin to talk to the owner.


Walking back into the fire house they were pleasantly surprised to find Kevin actually at his desk. Jillian and Patty waved and then went straight up to the lab with their new ghost friend. 'Hi Kevin.' Abby said. 'Where have you been all day?'
'I've been here.' He said, playing with a small rubber ball, bouncing it from one hand to another.
'No you haven't.' Abby said. 'Patty had to take a call this morning.'
'No, that was me.' He said.
'I don't think it was.' Erin said, putting her jacket on the rack.
'You know, never mind.' Abby said smiling. 'Let's just go.'
'Oh Abby, I forgot.' Kevin said. 'Can you give this to Holtz. She got a message whilst you guys were out.'
'Sure.' Abby said, taking a small piece of paper from Kevin.
'Awesome.' He grinned before going back to his rubber ball. Abby looked at the paper strangely.
'Everything okay?' Erin asked. Abby looked up at her.
'I'm not sure.' She said.
'Who's the message from?' Erin wondered.
'Come with me.' Abby said, marching up the stairs with Erin trailing behind her.


'Holtzman.' Abby said before she reached the top of the stairs. Patty and Jillian were hooking up the container to the electromagnetic readers when Abby and Erin came into view.
'What's shaking?' Jillian said, not really paying attention to anything other than the new play thing in front of her.
'Stop what you're doing and look at this.' Abby said, her voice sounding more and more concerned. Patty was aware of this and quickly payed attention.
'I'm kind of in the middle of something Abs.' Jillian said, typing into her laptop.
'Jillian, I mean it. You have a message.' Abby said. The use of her first name made her stand to attention.
'I don't get messages. Ever.' Holtzman said. Abby simply held out the small piece of paper to her friend. Holtzman gingerly walked over and took it, looking down at Kevin's scruffy handwriting. Jillian looked up to Abby with wide eyes. 'Is this serious?' She asked, her Holtzman flair suddenly gone.
'I think so.' Abby said.
'Guys, what the hell is happening?' Patty wondered, echoing Erin's confused look. 'What does the note say?'
'Code forty-four.' Holtzman said.
'What is 'code forty-four'?' Erin asked.
'It's a message from someone.' Jillian swallowed. 'Someone I used to know.'
'Someone we thought was gone for good.' Abby warned.