
They waited in the dark, against the warehouse wall whilst Damon's body let out loud snaps and he groaned. The smell of the fuel was overpowering and with all the alcohol in her system she was beginning to feel sick.

"So what's the next move?" she asked a little sarcastically. She was mad at him. He'd kidnapped her and driven her to Georgia and then she'd been kidnapped again because he'd killed someone. A someone that she had actually just started to like, and she was only just about forgiving him for, but here it was coming up again. No good deed...she thought sourly.

"Well," he replied, with a slightly strained voice, "once my body's finished playing dot-to-dot, we are going to a motel."

"A motel?" she repeated incredulously.

"Yes." She couldn't tell if he was cranky because he'd had someone get the jump on him in front of her or because he was in pain.

"Damon, I'm not going to a motel with you."

He gave her his best scathing look.

"Why not?"

"I'm drunk!" she replied like he was stupid.

"I thought your tolerance was waaaay up here," he mocked, mimicking her earlier gesture with a smirk. She glared him.

"I'm also with Stefan," she added and Damon raised his eyebrows as if to say 'oh, are you? I thought you two were fighting?' "And I don't trust you." This had a hint of venom and his smirk widened.

"Me or yourself?"

He was so full of it. Elena folded her arms and leaned back.

"I'm not going to a motel with you Damon."

The vampire winced at another joint snapping back into place and tilted his head back against the wall, shutting his eyes.

"In case you hadn't noticed Elena, I need a shower and change before something catches fire, namely me. You," how did he manage to say that in a tone that made her feel tiny, "need to sleep off that alcohol and you are not doing it in my car."

He was right, she admitted to herself grudgingly, but she still didn't like it.

"Are you worried I'm going to seduce you?"

She gave a start at the question and found his eyes resting on her, a devilish smile on his face.

"I should have let him kill you," she said without malice.

"Not going to be the last time you wish that," he warned flippantly. There was a niggle of a question and he let it bubble up against his better judgement.

"Why didn't you?"

Elena waited a beat before looking at him again. There was a scrutiny in her eyes he felt stripped him bare. He pushed against it. She seemed surprised by his question.

"I need a lift home."

He made a game-show noise. "Incorrect. Try again."

She was clearly irked by his response.

"Because Lexi's boyfriend shouldn't stoop to your level."

"Now, we're getting closer," he announced patronisingly.

"Because nobody deserves to die that way," she continued, "not even murdering, kidnapping, untrustworthy people like you."

"Ouch." He pretended to wince. "Don't hold back on my account."

"Because it would hurt Stefan," she continued heedlessly and he felt a shiver of surprise. Was she really that naive or did she know something he didn't?

"And because it would hurt me."

This shock was warm and light and he was surprised enough to look directly at her. Bad move. Her eyes pierced him, nailed every bad thing he'd ever done into the light. "I like you Damon, for some reason. I believe there is some good in you. I'd like to see more of it."

"You'll be waiting a long time..."


She just shrugged and got to her feet, brushing down her jeans.

"Where's this motel then?"