It's been too long...

I eventually came to the conclusion that Brick wasn't sick. He might have been sick initially but he truly had recovered. At least, he had made progress.

It wasn't Brick's current condition or the way he behaved that made me come to the conclusion. In fact, from seeing the events on a superficial level, there was no way I could come to such a conclusion. The only reason I decided that Brick wasn't sick anymore was due to one thing— HIM. Just as Brick had been claiming HIM was talking to him, HIM decided to talk to me.

It happened on a random day after Brick's hospitalisation— I think it was about two weeks after. I had respected Ms Evans words up to this moment. I didn't visit him, though I was dying to, nor did I permit his brothers to. I didn't have much to do and while I did regain my freedom, it felt strange going home to an empty house without having anyone to greet me. It felt weird going to bed without the warmth of someone else beside me. It felt weird just living alone, honestly. It's completely strange, to be frank. In the first place, Brick didn't stay in my apartment every day. He simply came over really frequently. Also, before all that happened, I had been living alone. Brick had only been in my company for a few weeks.

Suddenly losing his company was strange but what was stranger was feeling the effect of losing his company. Why was I so bothered by his absence? Maybe it was the loneliness. Brick and I may have broken up but that did not mean that my feelings for him had lessened. I still love and treasured him as much as I did on day one of our relationship— maybe even more than that to be honest. It was only that I got annoyed with him more frequently.

On the way home that day, I suddenly heard HIM's voice. All he did was call my name. I wanted to pass it off as my imagination. But from the way chills ran down my back from it, I knew that it wasn't something I should be ignoring. Call it what you will— wisdom, instinct, a random sense of unease— but whatever it was, it put me on high alert. I looked around the place but there was nothing out of the ordinary. People were walking about, with no one really paying much attention to me. Try as I might, I couldn't locate him either.

I'm not there, you know.


I don't have to physically be there to talk to someone.

"What are you talking about?" I muttered under my breath, trying to be as silent as possible. No one seemed to notice, everyone busy with their own lives and activities. I immediately rushed over to one of the quiet alleys nearby, just to make sure no one could see or hear me talking to an invisible figure.

HIM had never talked telepathically to me before but knowing HIM, it wasn't entirely impossible either.

"What do you want?" I asked.

Nothing really. Just to talk.

"About what?"

How's Brick doing?

"If you can watch me, I'm sure you can check on him as well," I scoffed.

Do you really think he deserves to be there?

"He's sick. He tried to kill himself."

He didn't try to kill himself because he's sick. He tried to kill himself because I told him to.

"Excuse me?"

It's not that hard. I just had to go into his head and talk about how worthless he is and how someone like him can never ever be with someone like you. I also threw in a few stuff about him never being able to truly be happy in his life.

So Brick and HIM had been communicating, huh?


It was here I realised that I didn't have to speak out to talk to him. It seemed like he had full access to my mind, or something.

Why would you say that to him?

I'm bored. I was hoping he'll give me some entertainment.

"That's it? You wanted entertainment?" I growled. "You trampled over his life just for your sick entertainment?"

Of course I have other reasons as well. Reasons you don't need to know, that is.

"You ruined Brick's life! In the first place, all this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't given him his stupid ability."

I just gave him why he wanted. Besides, Brick wasn't well even before that. His depression isn't something new.

"You made it worse!"

Like I said, I gave him what he wanted. He desired greatness and I gave him the means to achieve that. How he used it was all up to him. It's his fault if he used it in a way that brought him despair.

And the note?

He didn't meet my condition so it was only fair. An eye for an eye, perhaps?

"That note was what ruined it all!"

Are you trying to say that after all the crimes he committed, he didn't deserve to be judged? That we should let such a dangerous man go just because he suffers from a little depression from loneliness and bullying?

"I don't need you preaching to me about justice."

Do you realise just how hypocritical you are, Blossom? You claim to be the upholder of justice but you spared the person who caused so much destruction and pain to the city. What do you think the people would think if they found out about this? Not everyone is so forgiving as that kid. In fact, the kid only forgave Brick because he already had a preconceived notion that Brick was a good person. Now, what would happen if news got out and the people who already are against Brick find out all that he has done? What do you think they'll do when they find out that you, despite knowing all this, selfishly decided to break him out of the facility.

Why in the world was I being lectured by someone like him?

"That facility is inhumane! It's against the any humane sense for him to be treated that way in there!"

And the families who got destroyed by him would care about that because…?

I was starting to realise the fruitlessness of my arguments.

Why can't you just leave us all alone?

I have a lot of reasons, but like I said, entertainment.

"Brick. Leave Brick alone."

Why should I? He's already such a central piece in this game. If I move on to someone else, I'd have to start from a scratch.


Nope, not a chance.

"But isn't it because of you putting those words and torments into his head that he's suffering so much? Tell me, HIM, is Brick even sick? Were the voices he heard even hallucinations?"

At one point in time, yes.

"And now?"

Doesn't seem like it, does it?

"So why can't you just leave him alone?"

You want me to leave him alone so badly? Do you want me to find someone else to torment instead? Would you rather I choose someone else over Brick— that someone else goes crazy instead of him?

I remained silent for a moment, forcing myself not even to think about it. I stood in the cold, silent alley that smelled to grease and trash, staring on the puddles of brownish water, as I forced myself to keep my mind blank. I needed to consider HIM's words but thinking would only answer him.

Well? What about it? I will leave Brick alone for someone else.

"Please…" I didn't need to talk, but for some reason I was. Even then, my voice was barely a whisper and even if HIM was physically there, he probably would still rely on telepathy rather than his hearing to be communicating with me.

Please what?

"Don't hurt him anymore…"

Are you sure? Shouldn't you ask who I'd choose instead?

The way he said it gave me doubts immediately. In fact, deep down, it felt like I already knew who his alternative was and it was no way better than Brick.


That's easy. I was thinking of you.


Yes, actually. I can spare the love of your life but in return, you be my toy. Fall into despair just like Brick has done. Question your existence at every moment of your life. Do hugely controversial things that would make your mind spin from thoughts, questioning and justifying your own morals at the same time. Fall so low that your mind collapses from being able to fully function. Just become a worthless doll, only good at causing misery to people. Become someone you were entirely not.

No, wait…

Just like Brick fell from his glory as a super villain, lose your value as a superhero.

Wait a second…

As the pieces started falling into place, I could hear HIM start to laugh.

"You're trying to destroy me. Pulling me down to such a level and making me completely weak will weaken us… Isn't that it? That's what you're planning, isn't it?" I snapped.


"You just want to carry out your evil plans by weakening my sisters and I, isn't that right? When I fall to such a level, are you going to my sisters then and do the same thing with them?"

You really are the brains after all.

I got it right.

So what will it be?

"Like hell am I going to give up the city to you!"

Even if it means that Brick has to suffer for the rest of his life?


Brick won't understand this.

He won't.

He'll just fall deeper.

"Stop it! Leave him alone!"

You or Brick— choose one.

"No, wait. I can't do this!"

Well, then I'll make it easier for you. Townsville or Brick?

When he phrased it that way, the answer became too obvious.

Blossom, let me tell you something. Brick was never as sick as all of you thought him to be. He had his ups and he had his downs. Before his suicide attempt, I would say he was the happiest he had been in a long time.

HIM was trying to mess with me and make me regret. He was trying to make me reconsider.

But was Brick really, truly okay? What if HIM was lying to me? What if Brick was really ill and HIM was just messing with me?

I needed to know and the only way I could find out was to see Brick— to see what he was doing and what he was up to. I wanted to know what he was feeling, what he was thinking and what he believed in. Was he really ill? Or was he framed by HIM to appear ill?

Against Ms Evans' recommendation, I rushed over to the hospital, vaguely aware of HIM's laugher at the back of my head. It was the kind of laughter that made your head spin and your ears ring and as I flew over to the location Brick was being held in, my head was starting to hurt and my eyes were starting to burn. Was that what Brick had been dealing with all along? That voice that rang and make your head spin, that made your insides churn till you feel like throwing up, that made everything hurt so badly you just want to tear yourself apart. To live with such a detestable thing— I felt my heart drop at the thought of it.

Brick was in his room reading a book when I entered. He didn't respond even after I closed the door and stood watching him. It was only after I cleared my throat that he looked up, his eyes widening at the unexpected sight before him. He mouth parted slightly and I wondered if he was going to say something. But as we stared at each other, neither of us spoke anything.

HIM's words flashed through my mind and I wondered if Brick was really truly okay, as HIM had hinted.

"How're you feeling, Brick?"

His face changed to a an expression that seemed to be between a pout and a grimace. He turned away, murmuring softly about how he was fine. As we spoke, Brick's voice remained soft, monotonous and simply devoid of life. Occasionally, I got traces and fear and doubt from him and as HIM's words started dancing in my mind, I began to wonder just how much truth there was to his words. Half the time, I couldn't get what Brick was driving at when he spoke. I had all along simply labelled it as his illness speaking, but at that moment, I ended up wondering. What if, maybe, it hadn't been that? Maybe all along, it had been Brick talking and the whole issue wasn't how sick he was. The issue here was that Brick, himself, was probably a difficult person to begin with. That would explain his obsessive urge to control every aspect of my life even though he seemed to be putting on a smile most of the time.

Brick just couldn't understand me and I just couldn't understand him. So then, was there even any meaning left in the love we shared? Even when we kissed and made out, doubts started surfacing. In fact, they got greater with every touch and every word from him. The more we talked, the more obvious it started to get. Why couldn't I have noticed before?

Brick was obsessed with our relationship. If there was anything, this was the big issue. That was why, the moment it ended, he found himself pushed over the edge. I was the reason he was able to get through everything. Without me, he saw no meaning to live. But that did not mean that there was something wrong with him. He was fighting. He was recovering. But he just couldn't let go of this one thing that he treasured far too much.

Even if he wasn't depressed or suicidal anymore, the end of our relationship was all it took to send him spiralling back.

I want Brick to be happy.

For one more moment, I wanted him to be happy because I knew that HIM wasn't going to let me off easily. If he intended to keep his word, he was still going to make me question and regret my decision. In other words, he was going to go all out in tormenting Brick. And Brick had no idea what was coming. He didn't know he was going to face much more intense torments, one that might just completely destroy him.

"Do you think there's anything wrong with you?" I hadn't thought of asking him but right as I prepared myself to leave, it just slipped out. Brick's eyes widened at the question initially, before he frowned as he seemed to consider my words.

"There must be since I'm put here, right?"

"I'm asking you what you think."



"I think I'm more okay than all you guys seem to think I am," he replied, shrugging slightly.

"Honestly, I think so too," I said.

Brick looked up at me with a confused frown. Something was tugging at me to leave but I knew that I had to be honest with him. It was better than he knew what was coming for him. Ignorance could be bliss but I wanted Brick to be prepared.

"HIM… told me everything," I said.

Brick's eyes widened. "What?"

"He has been talking to you, hasn't he?"

"You guys said—"

"I know…" I murmured. "But it seems like we were wrong."

"So… does that mean that nothing's wrong with me? I can leave now, right?" he asked. His mouth twitched, as if he was about to smile but was holding back for some reason.



"It's going to get worse." My voice was strained and my throat was dry. A part of me just wanted to run away. If Brick knew about what I just told HIM, wouldn't he hate me?

"What do you mean? What did HIM tell you?"

"He asked me… to do something or else he's going to make it worse for you," I said.


"And I said no," I replied.

"What?" Brick asked, visibly confused. "I don't understand. What's going on?"

"HIM's going to make it worse for you, Brick," I said, "because I allowed him to."

The more I spoke, the worse I started to feel. I didn't like where the conversation was going. I couldn't think of anyway I wouldn't be able to paint myself as a bad guy, especially not in Brick's eyes.

"You told him to make it worse for me? Why?" It seemed like his confusion was the only thing keeping him from blowing up.

I didn't want to but I knew I had to come clean to Brick. I ended up doing just that, telling him about choosing the town over him. I didn't go into the specifics. I didn't mention that it was me who HIM wanted to ruin. I just told him that HIM told me to choose between him and the town. Deep down, I knew that if I had spoken the truth, Brick might have accepted my decision but there was a part of me that didn't want to tell him. I didn't want him to know that I was a part of the whole decision. Brick wouldn't hesitate if he knew he was taking it on behalf of me, but I was afraid that he wouldn't fight back. I wanted him to fight back. Even if it meant that I had to become a bad guy, I didn't want Brick to go through everything thinking it was okay.

Brick looked at me with wide, lost eyes. The love of his life had just confessed to him that she had other people in the world more important to her than him— that she would rather protect strangers than him. At least, that was what I was sure was going through Brick's mind as he listened to me.

"But… why? Why would you—" I didn't cut him off. He cut himself off, dropping his words all of a sudden and staring at me in complete disbelief. He was disappointed. He was so so disappointed.

And heartbroken.

It was like I could see him shattering right in front of me and this time, the pieces were much too small to pick up. I wouldn't be able to save him.

"Brick, I had to do it. I had no other choice. I didn't want to sacrifice anyone for you," I said. It sounded perfectly alright when I thought about it but saying it out loud just made me sound like a selfish brat.

"But… But I thought you love me," he whispered. He looked away, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. His words that followed were spoken with so much pain dripping from his voice— so much pain that I could even feel it in my heart. "I would have done it for you. I would have taken a bullet for you, Blossom. If I had power, I would protect you as much as I could."

I know. I know that Brick.

But it wasn't myself I had chosen to protect. It was the city. I couldn't take on what HIM had challenged me to because it would mean me losing my ability to protect the city. I could only keep the city safe by burdening Brick with the pain he had been feeling all the while— only now, amplified by my betrayal.

"I love you, Blossom. I love you so much. Why would you do this to me? Why? Why?" In my silence, his words had gotten louder, his pain had gotten greater. I wanted to just throw everything away and run over to his side, to throw my arms around him and to pull him into a tight hug and never let go. I want to climb over him and wipe away the tears like I had done in the past. I want to kiss him till he knew that everything was okay and that I will always be there for him. But I couldn't. The space between us was like a wall that was permanently parting us, with my betrayal and his pain enforcing its strength. I couldn't tear it down. No one could.

"I thought you love me, Blossom!" he screamed, looking up at me and giving me a full look at him. His cheeks were tear stricken. His mouth was parted open as he panted. His eyes were redder than usual. His eyes… His beautiful eyes were now filled with pain and disbelief and disappointment and anger and a whole range of negative emotions that I couldn't pinpoint. "I thought you loved me!"

I thought I did as well, Brick.

It was hard to look at Brick without breaking down myself and I immediately turned away— immediately turned to leave. Seeing this, Brick's voice took on a more desperate tone, calling out for me and begging me to explain. I realized that I hadn't said anything for quite some time. But I knew that the longer I stayed and the more we spoke, it would make it harder for me to leave. What if I decided to call HIM back and take on what he had told me to instead? What would happen then? I couldn't risk it. I needed to go.

At the door, I paused for a moment. "Goodbye, Brick," I said softly, though loud enough to hear. I didn't turn around. The only reaction I knew was a small hiccup from him. With that, I walked out and closed the door, leaving him in the room— leaving him all alone in that place despite the fact that I knew he didn't belong there.

Brick wasn't going crazy. He wasn't as bad as we all thought he was. It was HIM. It was HIM all along, for the most part. Yet, I couldn't say anything about it. Because as a superhero, my priorities laid in the larger population. Even if I had to sacrifice the man I love, I needed to do it.

I'm so sorry, Brick.

My apology, however, wouldn't fix anything.

I know that it's been so long since I updated this so I apologise for that. I'm not going to say much, but thank you everyone for continuously following this story and leaving such lovely reviews. I am planning on finishing this up, no worries. It'll just take awhile since uni is SUCH A BITCH. lol. Have a good day and do leave some reviews! ^^