I'm so sorry for the long wait for this chapter! I have two excuses! First: the holidays were incredibly busy! Second: I took another job. It was probably a stupid choice considering how busy I already am, but I just couldn't turn it down.

I also want to apologize for taking such a long break right before the climax of this story! You might need to read a couple of chapters back to get yourself back into the world, seeing as this chapter jumps right in!

Only one more chapter to go! I do not intend to write a sequel to this novel. I might right a couple of stories in the same universe, especially Blondie and Cloe, but that is all. There will be more to come, however. This novel is a rough draft and I plan to do a huge overhaul. Once I get done I will repost the second draft and it will be much more flushed out and probably quite a bit longer.

So I hope you enjoy this climactic chapter. On with the show!


Promises of Winter

Raven sits at the vanity and stares at her wholly unfamiliar reflection in the mirror. Who is this woman? Where did the girl she was, go? That is an easy question to answer: that girl was swallowed by Apple White. She ceased to exist at the first touch of those soft lips. She drowned in blue eyes and fell forever for the beauty that made everyone else seem mundane.

The woman who stares back at her now, with a purple and black dress made by Lizzie Hearts, armor of silver from Darling, and a coiffure that only the O'hair twins could produce, is preparing to do something the girl never could, take on a kingdom. The plan is simple. She will walk up to Apple White, kiss her, and claim her forever. Unfortunately, the plan is also an affront to the traditional values of most of the fairy tales that live in Ever After. To say the plan is dangerous would be an understatement. One unhinged traditionalist could destroy her. So she looks in the mirror and readies herself. All of her friends huddle in the hallway outside, giving her some time now that they are through, all except Kitty, whose regular breathing as she sleeps peacefully on Raven's wardrobe underscores this moment of fear.

Raven never would've guessed that she'd become the leader of a band of rebels at Ever After High, it just kind of happened that way. From the beginning Raven felt she was unworthy of her status as leader, all she did was make a decision that she felt would lead to her own happiness, and now she is the leader of an even bigger movement.

"Remember who this is for, Raven." She whispers quietly to her reflection and brings an image of Apple up in her mind. Whenever she thinks about Apple it always comes in fractured pieces. Apple's small hand, each finger a work of art, her smile punctuated by two perfect dimples, the taste of her tears… the taste of Apple… Raven can feel the blush spread through her, riding the crest of a wave of pleasure which seems to release every time her thoughts turn to Apple.

"What are you thinking about?" A floating grin says to her right. Raven is so startled her armor rattles.

"Gods, Kitty! You scared the hex out of me!" Raven brings her hand up to her chest. Kitty lets out a giggle as the rest of her fades into existence, her arms around Raven's neck.

"They've done a great job, you look… powerful." Kitty rubs her hand appreciatively over Raven's shoulder armor.

"Is this really me, Kitty? You asked me what I was thinking? I'm wondering if I can pull this off. Darling would do so much better than me, I feel like I've somehow unwittingly fooled everyone into thinking that I'm some kind of great leader, when I've actually done everything for purely selfish reasons." Raven puts her hand over Kitty's and sighs.

"You're at the most important part of the story, Raven. Our brave hero is filled with self-doubt, will she be able to do what is necessary to save her poisoned princess?" Kitty gracefully brings the back of her hand up to her forehead and poses dramatically. Raven can't help but giggle.

"I'm no hero, Kitty. That's Darling's thing."

"Ah, but you are. You are the very definition of a hero. When you boil it down, all heroes basically do the same thing. They challenge the status quo. They buck the system. They do what others say they cannot. They challenge convention, and you, my dear, are challenging convention." Kitty languidly moves to Raven's other side in the looking glass, her grin bigger than normal, something Raven didn't think was possible.

"But I'm nothing special." Raven stares at herself in the mirror.

"The real secret, Raven," Kitty brings her lips close to Raven's ear, her breath tickles, "is that no hero is." Kitty pulls back and pats Raven on the back. "But you are asking the wrong questions, love. The real question is: do you have a choice?" Kitty stares at her in the mirror.

"No. I don't think I do."

"That is what bravery really is, want overcoming fear. What you should be worried about, is what you are actually fighting."

"Huh." Raven turns away from the looking glass and stares at Kitty. "What am I fighting?"

"Jealousy, for starters, and I don't mean petty jealousy like someone who is jealous you snagged Apple White, I mean the deep jealousy we all feel when someone acts unconventionally in front of us. Why do we get so angry, why are so quick to judge those who live differently than us? Because we all have unconventional parts of ourselves and we are taught to suppress them from an early age, when we see someone else refusing to suppress their unconventional beliefs it makes us jealous, because we are still repressing ours. That is your first enemy. The second enemy is fear, fear that if we all abandon convention and let our freak flags fly the world will break down into animal madness. The first enemy is not based on any discernible truth. The problem with the second enemy is that it absolutely speaks the truth." Kitty fades to transparency and then solidifies.

"How can I fight, Kitty?"

"You fight ideas, with ideas! The best way to fight jealousy, is to ignore it. You've already got that technique down. This is your life, if you love Apple White enough to fight for her, than you don't need to answer to anyone. It's true love, which is hard to deny! Fear is the hard one. While this particular brand of fear speaks the truth, it couches it in a fallacy. If we got rid of all convention we'd be animals, sure, but is that really what you are asking? Is pushing for the right for one person to have the freedom to choose who they fall in love with really questioning all tradition? If we let villains switch places with heroes will the entire tradition fall apart? No! When people come at you with nothing but anger and screams, ignore them, that is jealousy, when someone comes at you with logic, stating that this is the first step towards a complete breakdown of tradition, respond over and over again that you do not despise tradition as a whole, but you do believe that certain rights should be considered as the times change." Kitty looks at Raven, who nods her head, even though she doesn't really feel like she gets it. "And Raven, your most potent weapon, the one you should use above all else, is your love for Apple White. Don't be coy about this. Be strong, be forward, and claim your love for all the word to see. If you seem wishy-washy at all, jealousy will take over. You must show that your love is undeniable."

Raven nods again, this time with a stern face and a determined air. Her love for Apple White is the one thing she understands.

"Go get them, Birdie!" Kitty gives her a squeeze and fades out slowly.

Raven gives herself one more look in the mirror and stands up. It's time to take on a kingdom.


Raven uses her magic to transport herself, Lizzie, and Darling to the Enchanted forest. Kitty teleports with Cerise and Maddie. The predetermined meeting spot is in a secluded part of the forest a little ways from the huge line of waiting people. Cupid, Dexter, Blondie, and Cloe are waiting there for them with a bright white horse.

Cupid hops over and gives Raven a hug. "You look beautiful, Raven!"

"Thanks, I had a lot of help." Raven looks over at Lizzy and Darling and gives them a nod. Darling gives a small bow and Lizzie nods her head slightly. Blondie pulls out a mirrorpad that isn't hers and starts recording. Dexter leads the horse over to Raven.

"Thanks for the horse, Dex." Raven smiles as she pats the horse's neck.

"Of course! It's the least I could do. We are all rooting for you, Raven. Even Daring… he wanted me to tell you that." Dexter's eyes go a little misty and Raven puts her hand on his shoulder, then turns to Cloe, who is standing very quietly at her side. Raven smiles and gives the shy girl a moment to say what she needs to say.

"Raven, this moment changes everything." As Cloe speaks she opens her hands into a cat's cradle and a huge twisted ball of thread appears between them. "This knot represents the thread of each and every person here. Not just us, but everyone here to watch as well. Once you've embraced this aspect of your destiny and started up the path towards Apple White this knot will untangle and rearrange itself until the possible futures realign. I can't change what is about to happen, but I can help a little." Cloe concentrates hard and stares at her hands. Black flames erupt around her and engulf the ball of thread between her fingers. Suddenly, Raven feels a surge of energy shoot through her body. It is as if she is in complete bodily and mental health. The fear is still there, but now she is able to fight it easier. Now, she feels like she can take on the whole world.

"Wow, that's awesome, thanks Cloe!" Raven gives her a hug, forgetting who she is hugging, and Cloe stiffens up. Raven lets out a laugh and squeezes a little tighter. Cloe relaxes into the hug for a split-second and then breaks away, runs over to Blondie, and takes her arm.

"Thank you, everyone, I couldn't have done any of this without you. I'm going to go get my girl!" Raven jumps onto the horse amidst cheers of approval. She gives the horse a light tap and leads it onto the road. Her friends fall in, creating a protective barrier around her.

It only takes them a few moments to reach the crowd and Raven's breath catches in her throat. She didn't expect this many people. The minute the girls come into view the crowd erupts in cheers. Raven's spirits lift, even though she can hear some taunts underneath the cheers.

As they turn the corner and head down the road that will lead her to Apple, Raven begins to read all of the signs people are holding. Most of them express love for Apple White, others for her, and a large chunk of them just say "Let her try." Those are the good ones, at least. The bad ones say things like "Villians are not for loving", and "Go home Raven." The roar of the crowd is overpowering and Raven can't hear anything but the continuous white noise of cheers. The faces are also hard to focus on. There are so many of them. Some of them smiling and blowing kisses, other frowning and giving her an angry thumbs down.

At first, Raven tries to look at every person, but this proves to be impossible. When she looks around her fear spikes, so she just stares ahead, determined to keep her face neutral. She begins to relax and take note of the distance to the end of this horrendous line.

Everything goes well until she gets about two thirds down the line. At first, Raven thinks it's raining. She can hear a sound that has to be rain. A few seconds later she realizes that it isn't rain: it's rocks and dirt. The faces around her are all sneering and every person she can see is grabbing handfuls of dirt and rocks and throwing them at her! Raven brings her hand up to cover her eyes as Kitty and Cerise jump into action. She can see them whip through the crowds, knocking dirt and rocks out of people's hands. Her love for the two of them swells inside her and forces her to smile, just as her head explodes in pain and the world starts spinning. Her ears ring as she reaches up and touches the spot on her head that hurts. Her hand comes back red with her blood. She can feel it dripping down her cheek and into her ear.

Raven leans forward onto the horse's neck trying not to fall off. Suddenly Darling is behind her, directing the horse.

"Raven, are you okay, let me see." Darling's gentle hands pull lightly at her hair. It's a pretty good cut, you should be al… ow! Who threw that?!" The sound of rocks hitting armor fills Raven's ears and all she can do is wonder, why do people care so much?

A new sound slowly floats towards Raven. The sound of armor and people yelling.

"Raven, you're not going to believe this," Darling's voice, "but Snow White's dwarves… all the dwarves… they're protecting you! Look up, Raven, they're helping you!"

Raven lifts her eyes slowly, her aching head crying out in protest, and tries to focus on the world around her. It is just as Darling said. The Dwarves are forcing everyone to stop throwing rocks. But why would Snow White… The question isn't even important. All that matters is Apple, and they are helping her. Raven sits up straight in the saddle. The pain will have to wait, right now it is her time. Her and Apple!

With the help of the Dwarves Raven and her friends make it to the end of the spectators. A group of Dwarves hold the people back as Raven and her party turn off the main road onto a small trail. The roaring quiets down with every step. Once they are out of view, Raven and Darling dismount. Raven is instantly surrounded with concerned friends. Raven is about to push them away, but Darling comes to the rescue.

"She's fine, everyone. It looks worse than it is. Let her do what she came here to do." Darling's words, as if magic, force her friends to part and open up the path. Raven stumbles forward, over a small hill. Soon she can see the cottage and in a clearing nearby, Apple's glass coffin. A group of people are gathered in front of the coffin. Raven scans the crowd, looking to see who will block her. Looking especially for Snow White, who doesn't seem to be present. Headmaster Grimm is there with his brother, but he does not step forward. One man, breaks from the crowd and walks towards her. King Charming. Raven grinds her teeth in anger.

"Raven, on behalf of the Charmings and the Whites, I want to thank you for coming here to try and wake my daughter. I know that your journey here, much more than all of the other princes, was much harder." King Charming's eyes linger on the blood oozing from Raven's scalp and his eyes are soft. "Please know that you wake Apple with the blessing of the king."

Raven looks around at her friends in shock. They're all smiles. Darling gives her a light shove towards Apple and Raven staggers forward.

"Everything is perfect." Raven thinks to herself. She looks up at the old tree limbs stretching over the clearing, dappled in yellow and orange. Rays of sun, broken by the ancient trees, spotlight the forest floor, carpeted in browns and yellows. The satisfying crunch of dry leaves underfoot and the crisp taste of mountain air, hints at the winter soon to come. "Apple, I will wake you with a kiss steeped in autumn. I will kiss you in leafs cherished by sun and rain, leafs coddled by fall. My breath will contain the promise of winter, our first season together after this deed is done. I will kiss you with the promise of homemade scarves and hot chocolate, Love letters and video games, homework and novels.

Raven can't hold back her tears as she finally approaches the coffin. The things is all gold, glass, and sparkling sun reflecting in her eyes. Dwarven made and so beautiful, but it is nothing compared to the girl inside. Apple's golden curls, her pink lips parted in sleep, her thin fingers splayed across her chest, her gown of red, white, and gold, her face, shockingly pale, everything so disjointed Raven can't seem to figure out where to look because all of it is Apple White! Her Apple White!

And then the lid is off, probably removed by the dwarves, and Raven is on her knees. Apple's scent is a cloud all around her and the words that she had memorized and intended to speak before she woke Apple, the words that every Prince Charming speaks to his Snow White, fail her. Now that she is here, this close to her love, what use are scripted words when her poor, beautiful Apple is waiting for her? Raven leans into the coffin and plants her lips delicately on Apple's.

She had intended to just give her a peck and be done, but now that she is here, with her lips on Apple's she can't pull herself away. She feels a current flowing between them, but her eyes are closed so she can't see the small purple and white ball of energy forming between them. It starts out as nothing more than a small speck of light but it gathers energy from the kiss and grows brighter and brighter. In fact it is so bright that Raven pulls away and looks down. She reaches out and take it in her hands. sunlight in her palm. She holds it close to her chest and turns around so everyone can see.

"Look what we made!" and just as she finishes speaking, the ball explodes. A second sun, sapping all the color from the forest. Everyone around falls to their knees, except Cupid, who stands tall, taking in everything. Cupid, the only one awake to experience this sensation During Raven and Apple's first kiss, tries to remember every moment of her first actual experience seeing true love's kiss, but afterwards she will only be able to tell people that for the first time, even her knees went weak.

Everyone else, falls. The crowds lining the street near the cabin are all floored. everyone must fall to their knees until the light dies down and color begins to return. The world is silent. People slowly look around them, wondering what to say. In the clearing, Raven stands tall in front of everyone, her hands empty and shaking, when a small voice tinkles from behind her.


"Apple!" Raven flips around and jumps into the coffin with Apple, who is holding her arms out to her.

"Raven, you did it. You told a story people want to read."

"Apple, you're awake, you're finally awake! I'll never let you go again! This will never happen again!" Raven rains sprinkles and tears down on Apple's face.

"Of course, Raven. Now we can do what we want. Our burden is done. We told the story people wanted to hear." Apple's voice is far away, as if she isn't completely awake.

"Apple, I have no idea what you're talking about, are you okay?" Raven runs her hand across Apple's forehead.

"Sorry, Raven. I saw some really weird shit out at the cabin… Raven, am I the bad Apple, or the good Apple?" Apple's eyes blink open, but they are still far off.

"You are the only Apple, my dear." Raven rests her hand on Apple's cheek.

"Raven? Raven!" Apple's eyes snap into focus. "I'm awake?"

Raven nods.

"You did it! You did it! Raven, I knew you could do it!" And Apple is wiggling, trying to get closer to Raven, covering her in kisses until she finds her mouth and kisses Raven with everything she has. Apple tries to pour everything she is feeling into Raven through her lips and Raven can't help but to reciprocate. Everyone standing around the coffin turn away to give the girls a little privacy, everyone but Kitty.


Thanks for sticking with me through this novel. Every little comment I get from you guys makes me so happy and they really keep me going. In fact, while you are here, please drop a quick review, I will appreciate it!