Let me know what you think of this one. It's short because it's just the opener, but I hope you all enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I do not own nor do I make money from writing these stories. Even though we all wish we did Own Yu Yu Hakusho.
October 27, 1990
They say that death is an illusion created by our conscious. That time is infinite in an everlasting universe. Love is an eternal emotion. Things like sorrow and pain are momentary feelings.
Many have come to the realization at some point in their life that this is in fact a lie. When someone you deeply care for dies, it is no illusion. Your time with them is not infinite, even though the universe is still everlasting. The love you have for them will always be eternal, but the anguish that comes with losing them is never ending. As time carries on and days go passing by, the blade isn't as sharp anymore, but the ache from the scars will always be there.
No matter what you do, no matter how aged you try to avoid it, death will come to us all. No matter who you are, no matter what kind of life you lived, you will die. May it be of natural causes or by someone else's hand. There is no avoiding deaths cold embrace.
When all these feelings hit you at once, it's so very suffocating. You don't know what to do, who to turn to, where to go.
Pain. Heartache. Guilt. Betrayal. Anger. Self-loathing.
Aria Toshin was feeling them all as she stood looking down at a headstone that was nestled at the base of a giant plateau. Silent tears traced their way down her dirt stained cheeks, quite sobs could be heard by those surrounding her. Blue eyes traced the intricate words that spread across the surface of the headstone, committing every word to memory as if they were a prayer.
The word was said as a broken whisper. Stepping forward Aria fell to her knees in front of the grave, shakily she raised her hand and placed it on top of the headstone. Squeezing her eyes closed, her body was wrecked with tremors as she began to cry uncontrollably. The pain in her non-beating heart was too much for her bare, she felt like she was drowning. Surrounded by a dark pit, that was pulling her under, suffocating her.
"Why wasn't I here? Why did I leave? I should have stayed here, with him."
Someone sighed behind her and a young woman kneeled next to the grieving Aria. "You know that you couldn't have stayed, even if you wanted too." Warm brown eyes looked over the headstone. "We knew his time was coming to an end, Aria."
A wolf demon shuffled behind them. "My lady. It's not your fault, don't blame yourself for this. Reiko is right, we all knew it was going to happen."
Aria opened her eyes and looked back at her friends. Then why did she feel so freaking guilty? She never should have left in the first place! Even though she knew it was the right thing to do, she never should not have left him. She never should have left her father, but she had to. It was part of her destiny that was foretold a long, long time ago.
A destiny she was ready to kick in the teeth. If she ever found the one who made that stupid prophecy about her, she was going to kill them. For over 2000 years, she had lived and breathed and had seen many horrifying things. She had felt loss before, plenty times.
Loosing her father though, was something else.
Blue eyes connected with chocolate brown and Aria stood to her feet and turned around to face her 'brother.'
"I guess it's time, I owed you that explanation. Huh, Yusuke?"
Yusuke glared at her, his fists clenching at his sides. "You're finally ready to talk? Then talk!"
Aria cracked a grin. "I guess the best place to start, is the beginning…."
Past 68 BC
"You're almost their milady, just a few more pushes." A mouse demon said as she looked up at her lady. Her hands were covered in blood as she did her best to help her mistress give birth to her child. "Ready? Now push"
The woman lifted herself up and pushed as hard as she could, the pain was far worse than anything her had ever felt in her life. Collapsing back onto the bed, she looked up at her lover. He was sitting next to her, smoothing her hair out of her face. The mouse demon instructed her push one last time, and she sighed as she felt her baby slide out into the world.
"It's a girl!"
The loud cries of the newborn rung throughout the room as the baby was held up for the mother to see momentarily before the healers whisked her away from the mother to get cleaned. The remaining demons started to do their best to stop the bleeding.
"Where is she?" The mother asked weakly as she tried to sit up. Her body was weak from the long hours of labor that she just endured.
"The healers are checking her." A male said, as he soothed the mother by pushing her sweaty hair out of her face. The mother weakly smiled, her energy was fading slowly as the healers worked desperately tried to stop her from bleeding out.
"My lady?"
The woman looked away from her lover's violet eyes at the little wolf demon that held a small bundle in her arms. The wolf demon placed the baby into the woman's shaking arms and backed away as the father leaned closer and peered down at the small bundle.
"She's beautiful." A tear escaped the woman as she leaned down to kiss her daughters head. She let a shaky breath and looked up at her lover. "Remember what I told you. Let her grow up outside, away from here. It's for the best, until the time is right. When she comes to you, love her, protect her. I'm afraid our daughter has a hard life a head of her that she'll have to live without inference, but she'll have you there to guide her." The woman looked down at her daughter and kissed one last time. "I love you, my little angel."
The male looked away from his daughter and into the eyes of his lover, eyes that were getting dull as her life faded. The birth had been complicated, and he looked at the healers, he knew. His lover was about to die and leave him. He wrapped his arms around his daughter and lover and buried his face in her hair and held her. His eyes clenched shut as he felt the woman in his arms take a shuddering breath before she stopped breathing completely.
The wolf demon took the baby out of the dead mother's arms as soon as she felt the lord's demon energy rising. With a loud roar the man let out a pained howl as he hugged the woman he loved. After his energy decreased, he laid her body down on the bed and stood up. Silently he walked out of the room, leaving his lovers body, he paused long enough outside the room to look down at his daughter.
"Aria. Her name will be Aria. Take care of her Maki, I leave her in your care."
The wolf demon bowed her head and watched as her Lord walked away, leaving his newborn daughter to be looked after by her. She looked down as the baby started to fuss. Smiling she shushed the baby girl and gently rocked her in her arms. Maki smiled as baby Aria opened her eyes to show a brilliant swirl of blue.
Maki glanced into the room as the other healers wrapped the mother's body in a cloth. Such a sad fate to befall her lady. Turning around, Maki made her way of out the castle. Glancing back at the way she came; she took in a deep breath before setting out into the night.
The task ahead was going to be tough, but she was entrusted with it and she will not fail her mistress and lord.
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