The king surged forward, thrusting his hips with a brutal force sure to bruise the girl beneath him. The girl wrapped her legs around his middle, causing him to growl.

"You are out of line," he hissed.

With a pouty whine, she relaxed her legs, letting them fall open on either side of him.

"I'm sorry, my King," she panted, smiling coyly, "You know I can't help it."

She moaned underneath him but he simply kept his pace, focusing on his pleasure. His hips wrenched forward, smacking loudly against hers as he thrust. With a grunt he pulled out, stroking himself to completion. His head fell back as he came on her belly while the girl beneath him writhed in exaggerated pleasure. Still panting, the King fell onto the mattress as the girl rose to clean herself. Several minutes later she returned and plopped down next to him. She snuck a kiss to his cheek, but pulled away before he could shove her himself. The girl knew better than that.

With a sigh, Loki looked at his now sleeping bedmate. Unfortunately, this one had expired. What was her name? Inga? Ina? Something like that. The girl had turned into one of those silly chits that fancied themselves in love with him. She'd only been his captive whore for several months. Such a shame. It was time for a new plaything. One that didn't look at him with such sickening adoration.