~Last Message Sent On Wednesday~

Crimson: If anyone see the Brutals again please call or something because I wasn't done flaying them like the air wasting disasters they are!

Slut: I warned that neon psycho to stop, but he didn't listen. You're welcome for the tip. By the way~ it makes my blood rush when you don't curse. So angry your calm always yummy to watch!

BloodyBlade: Lutz please not right now. He's going to make me clean up after him, and two bodies is enough -_-

SuperVillain: I'll cover for yuh Kuro so piss off Luciano as much as yuh want Lutz. I'll make sure to be as disrespectful as I can be while I clean yuh off the ground.

Slut: Didn't take you for a corpse fucker Allen… does Oliver know?

SuperVillain: I can disrespect a body in more ways than that yuh sick freak of nature!

Moose: … You think Lucinao realised he could probably have Kuro digitally track them yet?

BloodyBlade: You're all dragging me further down in this mess? I really need to demand payment for all this bullshit I'm put through.

SuperVillain: Yuh whine more then muh little baby doll and that be pretty sad ain't gonna lie.

Slut: So you play with dolls more then Oliver huh~



BloodyBlade: I already regret even knowing you… I'm digitally hunting them though… No response in an hour means your on your damn own.

SuperVillain: I know yuh said this gotta be about the Brutals, but how's little Flavio doin he ain't responded to Oliver any. It's got him all worried!

Crimson: Jaime made him a mess, but don't worry soon they'll receive what they gave just with them having no blood by the end, and not being around for a few months.

Ghost: Oh… Oh god Luciano's really mad h-he's not even cursing on text… T-The Brutals really messed up.

Gloomy: Oh that's nowhere near good… I uh heard about Jaime… But um what did Ant do?

SuperVillain: Honestly breathin alone is a good reason to take him out

CupCakes: Allen dear swear jar needs money. Also I believe Flavio was sent into a ptsd episode, and just spilt things to Luciano that he probably didn't even know… That's always a good chance to why.

Crimson: I learned so many things that Antero will pray he never reforms when I'm done with him

CupCakes: Well Luciano I do believe we all pray for that when you or someone else finds reasons to hurt him that intensely.

Brutal: Do none of you idiots know how to let fucking "Bye gones be bye gones"! Any thing I did to the bitch was over a hundred years ago!

Smoke: You're an idiot

SuperVillain: Well if Luciano ain't had a reason before yuh just gave him one. We all hope yurs and Jaime death be as slow as Luciano can make um!

Brutal: Go ahead torture Jaime all you fucking want. I'm not the only person to curse Flavio out behind his damn back. I haven't done shit to him since Kuro blew up my damn cameras!

Slut: Damn signing you're funeral with not only Luciano but with Jaime too. I don't think I've seen someone more suicidal than you. Trust me I work with prostitutes and strippers I've seen low shit.

BloodyBlade: Since you said my name… I'd like to inform you that I'm tracking your stupid phone. It's already programmed to keep tracking even if you turn it off. Same for Jaime's.

~BloodyBlade Shared A Link~

BloodyBlade: This should track the idiots for you Luciano… Allen have fun on clean up I need a nap Kaori is a nightmare to handle.

CountV: Actually if you could maybe try to drain his blood in a saveable way I'll pay you for it. Miroslav has been a way for so long and I need a fix!

Brutal: Oh great now I'm fucking food for the wanna be vampire. How long are you people going to let him go around thinking he's a vampire. WE'RE COUNTRIES NOT FUCKING VAMPIRES!

CountV: My snack seems very grumpy today. Better catch him fast Luciano~

Slut: I'm lonely can I be your snack Vasile~

CountV: No. I like my snacks clean, and I highly doubt you're clean with how little you keep your pants on.

Slut: We're countries can we even get sexual diseases?

CountV: I'm happy never finding out. Now stop pming me!

Slut: You guys are never any fun anymore. Besides I'm pregnant not like I can do much anyway…

Smoke: If you stop being a little brat i'll find a position you can enjoy with the extra weight

Slut: Ah how a true sugar daddy shows their love.

~Slut & Smoke Have Left The Chat~

CountV: What even is that relationship?

CupCakes: Well dear I think deep down Francisco cares for Lutz, but we all know Lutz can't commit to anything so Francisco find's ways to keep him coming back. Their poor child will probably never have a proper family.

Ghost: My bruder will probably just leave the child in my care constantly…

SuperVillain: Man I can't wait for Luciano to send me the clean up details… Also I'll do muh best to get yur snacks Vasile.

CountV: At least someone cares for my needs!

WhispSnacks: Vasile are you really begging people to get you blood while I'm gone? I know it's been a month but this is dramatic for no reason.

CountV: It's been three you prick!

WhispSnacks: Never mind carry on feed my little Vampire

CountV: We're almost the same height. Don't make me end you with a few words!

WhispSnacks: Yeah hurry with that blood Allen. Well I have a meeting so take care till I'm done Vas!

~WhispSnacks Left The Chat~

CupCakes: Vasile dear are you okay?

CountV: No… Can I come visit. It's so lonely with everyone being gone here.

CupCakes: Really where is your brother?

CountV: Artiom? He's spending time with Nikolai this month.

CupCakes: Well… I guess you can come by. Allen can just give you the treats when he gets home.

CountV: Thank you Oliver.

~Last Message Sent Thursday~