Masterful adj. 1a: inclined and usually competent to act as master, b: suggestive of a domineering nature, 2: having or reflecting the skills of a master

"And then after her," Draven drawled, "there was this redhead who started coming to every one of my executions. What can I say," he waggled his eyebrows, "some ladies aren't intimidated by perfection."

"That's…nice," Leona said as diplomatically as she could manage.

Except it wasn't nice. None of this was nice. She had agreed to take part in this event, along with the rest of the Support group, because they had been told it was an outreach program for some of the League's more troubled champions.

Instead it seemed that Blitzcrank had needed them to take part to keep the body count low. LeBlanc likely would have been fine after having been blasted through the wall if Soraka had not been there with her magic, but Leona wasn't sure the kitchen staff on the other side would have been.

Though Soraka likely preferred that to participating in any more of Blitzcrank experiment. After all, his program had matched her with Warwick. That was just wrong.

It put some perspective on her current predicament. Still, Leona had the distinct feeling that Draven would have been just as good a time talking to a mirror.

She would be having a better time, certainly. Draven's romantic (and she used the term loosely) conquests were something she could have spent her life happy not knowing, and mainly she worried about the judgement of the women in his stories.

He launched into another tale, and Leona scanned the landscape. She should at least stay the hour; while Noxius was not one of the Solari's main concerns in terms of political alliances, she couldn't risk him or his country taking any offense.

Not that she expected he would recognize an offense. He already seemed oblivious to the fact that she very much did not want him as close as he was, practically lying on the table as he was. And to how pungent his breath smelled, and to his long mustache blowing up and scratching at her face.

A memory sprung to her mind unbidden, of last match when she'd stunned him and one of Katarina's blades had spouted from his eye. It was an uncharitable thought, and beneath her.

Leona bit her lip.

Footsteps. She glanced to the side. Diana hounded Nasus as they came down the pathway towards Leona and the obnoxious Noxian.

Leona had never longed for one of Diana's tirades as much as she did in this moment. But Diana seemed thoroughly engrossed in whatever conversation she was having with Shurima's guardian.

Well, at least one good thing could come from this, she thought.

"But enough of me talking," Draven said, twirling his mustache and grinning at her. "I'm sure I'm a constant topic at your little Support tea parties. Why don't you tell me about that?"

He did come up fairly often, though he probably didn't want to hear about how.

Leona was saved the need to answer when Diana kicked their table on top of him.

They locked eyes for a second. Leona mouthed a silent "Thank you," but she doubted her rival would recognize it as such.

Now what to do with this one, she thought as she stared down at the crumpled Draven under the overturned table. She should probably help him, as much as she didn't want to.

Leona stood with a sigh and rolled the table off him.

He cracked his neck, smirking up at her despite the blood flowing from his smashed nose. "This happens all the time. She just wants me to notice her. But there's plenty Draven to go around."

Leona offered him a hand, which he accepted with his trademark cocky grin.

The grin disappeared when she took his hand with an iron grip and twisted it deftly. He bent over his knee awkwardly, letting out a series of "owowowow"s.

Leona smiled down at him, her smile a touch past amiable.

She leaned in, the distance between their faces far less awkward but far more threatening. "Confidence is an admirable trait." Her smile widened. "But do try to temper it with reality, will you?"

She didn't bother waiting for a response, simply released his hand and went to see if the Institute's staff needed help clearing the debris.