I was 7 years old when I met my mysterious savior. I was just a little girl playing with my friends. Some people say to meet someone whom I don't know who saved me is my guardian angel. I never knew that time would be that night when this mysterious stranger saved me from certain death...

A young girl is playing with her two best friends at the playground laughing and screaming at each other.

"Come on Alex," one of them called out to the light brown haired girl.

"Let's go to the slide!"

"Alright alright! Don't get your ponytails in a mess I'm coming!"

Alex was about to run towards the two girls when she heard a twig snapped. She froze and turned around. Looking at the forest carefully, Alex sighed.

"Come on Alex!"

"Okay, Lily hang on!" she shouted and ran towards her friends, forgetting the snapping noise.

Unknown to her, something was hiding in the forest watching the girls.

A lone hunter was done hunting for the day when he heard some screams coming closer to him. quickly as he could, the hunter ran towards the source and it turns out to be three little girls playing. The hunter calmed down and climbed up the tree. He made sure that he is blending into the envbiroment around him. while watching, he spotted one of the three girls. Using his hands, the hunter switched his heat vision to a human vision. He watched the three female pups playing together until he accidently snapped a twig, causing him to freeze. He spotted a young girl with long brown hair looking at the forest. Feeling curious, the hunter continued to watch the young girl until he trill softly. This pup must have a genentic trait in her. Her hair is long and beautiful, but her eyes are a very deep rich purple color.

'Oomans must have a weird trait.' The hunter thought to himself as he continued watching the girl until she ran off with her friends.

While watching, the hunter spotted a black cocoon with three male oomans who are watching the girls.

"How about the pretty blonde?" one of the men suggested.

"The boss wants a one of a kind little girl for a bride." The leader explained.

"He wants that girl." He pointed out to Alex.

"What's so special about her?" the second man asked his leader.

"This girl is born with a very rare trait. Her eyes are a very deep purple as rare ameythst gems."

Using his binoculars, the leader spotted Alex playing with her friends.

"It only happens once in a lifetime and the boss demands a rare girl, so why not this one?" the men chuckled evilly as they continued watching Alex and her friends play until it was close to sun down.

"Bye girls see you tomorrow at school!" Alex called out to her friends.

"Remember tomorrow is the Slumber party!" the third girl reminded her.

"Don't worry Maddie, I'll be there!" Alex chuckled and began her walk home.

For months since she turned 7, Alex begged her parents to let her come home by herself. They let her do it as long as she does not talk to strangers. Alex hummed happily as she walked home.

The hunter growled at the three men. The hunter knew all about what these oomans would do for money, especially kidnapping young innocent ooman children like this young one. He continued watching the young purple eyed girl as she left the playground until he saw the ooman males make their move. Determined to save the young pup, the hunter made sure that his weapons are ready and he took off from his spot.

Alex continued walking until she was approached by a black SUV.

"Hey little girl." Alex saw one of the men rolling down the window and gave her a very scary smile.

"Wanna come with us? We got Toys!"

Alex knew better than to talk to strangers, so she walked away from the SUV. She can feel the SUV coming towards her slowly. Feeling very scared, Alex took off running until she was in the forest.

"Damn we cant afford to lose the girl!" the leader growled.

"Let go and get her." the three men got out of the SUV and went into the forest to find their treasure. Alex continued running into the forest until she heard some voices calling out to her.

"Little girl! Come out come out wherever you are! We wont hurt you!"

Alex didn't believe them. She ran until she thought that she couldn't hear anymore voices. She took a deep breath and calmed herself before deciding to run back to town until she bumped into something.

"Gotcha!" one of the men that she spotted earlier got a hold of Alex. Wide eyed, Alex was about to scream when the man covered her mouth.

"Hey you guys! I got her!" Alex started to shake in fear when she saw two more men coming towards the two.

"Good work, Mike." The leader said, grabbing the rope and the duct tape.

Mike slowly moved his hand away from the girl's mouth as the leader put tape on her mouth, muffling her screams completely. He bound her hands and feet with the rope. Alex struggled screaming and crying for help, but nothing. The leader used his hand and tilted the girl's face, staring at her deep ameythst eyes.

"Man, our boss would make a big purchase for her eyes and that she is very pure!" the leader smiled evilly.

Alex looked at the men with wide eyes and began to scream when the leader threw her over his shoulder. The girl continued to scream and cry out for her mom and dad when she spotted something out of the ordinary. Flashing eyes from the darkness of the forest.

"Let's get going before the search party comes and finds us."

"Good idea, Ray." Mike nodded.

While the trio walked back to the SUV, they heard some sounds.

"Ray…what was that…?" Mike looked around.

"It's deer, they like to go and eat at this time."

The three men continued their walk until they heard someone grunting. Ray and Mike turned around to find their third man, disappeared.

"Ken...? Come on, quit playing around and let's go!" all they can see is the dark forest being quiet.

"Mike go find Ken, I'm taking the girl back to the car."

Mike nodded and went back into the forest with his hand gun while Ray carried a crying and scared little girl back to the car.

"Don't worry little girl." Ray cooed at her.

"You will be with our boss very soon."

As he arrived at the SUV with the girl in tow, he heard a scream. Placing the girl down on the ground, Ray grabbed his handgun and aimed it at the forest. He immediately grabbed a flashlight and with the girl's bounded hands in his hand, he walked back to the forest. Ray continued walking until he spotted a puddle of blood. Using his finger, he dipped it into the puddle and felt it. It was very wet and fresh. He heard the noise again and he aimed his gun at the forest. He moved on into the forest until he bumped into something. Using his flashlight, he saw to his horror. Mike and Ken hanging upside down, bloody and partially skinned. Ray began to gag at the sight and he grabbed the girl as she screamed into her gag. Ray used his hand and slapped the girl on the face.

"Stop the freakin crying, you baby." Ray growled at her.

Alex was about to scream when she spotted something silver approaching towards the two. It immediately slashed Ray in the arm, causing him to let go of the girl. Alex stumbled onto the forest floor, trying to get away from Ray and whatever is attacking the both of them. But with her bounded feet and hands, it was no use. Ray began shooting the forest until he felt his throat being grabbed and hauled in the air. He looked at whatever is holding him in the air. But he couldn't find the source until he felt something stabbing him. Ray looked down and spotted a pair of blades, stabbing him painfully. Ray struggled and spotted something appear before him. Ray gasped in horror at what he saw. A creature out of the ordinary stepped out of the shadows and stabbed him in the chest. Ray gagged and tried to scream when the creature growled and immediately ripped Ray's head off of his body. The creature dropped the dead body and withdrew his blades when he spotted the young girl screaming and crying in fear. The creature slowly walked towards her and kneel down next to her. all the sudden, Alex heard a very strange yet familiar sound. The creature was purring as if it wants to calm her down. Alex's screams and cries were starting to subside when she saw the creature pulled out a knife from his holder and cut away the bounds from her feet and hands. The creature looked at her and gently took the gag off of her tear stained face that is showing some brusing from Ray smacking her face earlier. Alex watched cautiously as the creature stroked her face gently and reached for his bag and found a tube. Alex saw the creature pointing the tube and to her face. She watched him, confused at first and nodded her head slowly. The creature got some gel and gently rubbed her bruised face until it was all gone. Alex watched the creature as he placed the tube back into his bag.

"Th…Thank you…" Alex sniffled. The creature purred again until the girl fell fast asleep.

I remembered waking up in the ER. The doctors told me that I was admitted in the hospital for a possible hypothermia and that my cousin and some of the volunteers found me asleep and that my body is very cold and shivering. My parents were overjoyed to see me alive and well. Once I got home, I was put into bed and my parents kissed me goodnight and left me alone. I was about to go to sleep when I felt something on me. I felt my fingers making its way towards my neck, feeling it until I felt like a rope that is around my neck. I looked down and scooped the rope around my neck and to my surprise, a necklace that has a very beautiful purple pendant. That creature must have given it to me while I was unconscious. It looked so beautiful that I never wanted to take it off. I smiled and fell fast asleep, hoping to see my savior again.

20 years later…my savior came back for another reason...
