Soo I have had many reviews for a Jae-Ha/Yona fic! Since we are on the "I'm pregnant " series, i am going to do the Adult First Night.

16 Please.

They had decided to go together. Just the two of them. Hak was busy helping the wind tribe, Yun wanted to visit Iksoo, shin ah followed Yun, Kija returned temporarily to his village and Zeno went to visit Kaya's grave. Yona and Jae-Ha decided to spend their time visiting Gigan and the crew. It was a quiet night. Only the sound of Jae-Ha playing his instrument and the crashing of waves against the ship filled the night as Yona walked over to him.

"Yona-chan." He said with a smile.

"Can I sit with you?"

"Of course, I never say no to the company of a beautiful woman." The princess blushed slightly at this and sat down beside the green dragon. He continued playing a beautiful melody. One that captured the listeners heart, but also was filled with such incredible sadness and longing.

"This song..." Yona began as Jae-Ha continued playing. "I've never heard anything like it before."

"Well, if you had then I would be surprised."


"Because I wrote it." He said, stopping and gazing up at the stars. The wind softly fluttered through his hair as his eyes seemed to dance back into the past.

"You wrote it?! That's amazing!"

"You like it? That makes me happy." His tone was honest and sincere.

"...It's a song that is so beautiful that you can't stop listening... but it's also filled with sorrow... and loneliness..." Yona's observation of the song surprised Jae-Ha.

"I wrote it years ago... just after I escaped my village..."


"Unlike Ki-Ja, My powers weren't well received in my village. I spent the first years of my life chained to the ground... I hated it. The feeling of being confined and scoffed at every day. Hearing stories of how my destiny was to... ah... It wasn't something beautiful... in fact there is no beauty in it. When I had my chance to escape, my previous dragon sacrificed his life to let me escape... I guess that's one of the reasons I travelled so much.. to see and show him all the places he could never see..." Jae-Ha's eyes shimmered slightly with emotion before facing Yona. "Ah, look at me. Telling such a depressing story."

Yona didn't say anything. Instead, she merely placed her small hand on top of his. Her eyes shimmering with what Jae-Ha assumed was sympathy.

"Yona-chan... Don't give me that look. It's not good for a cute face like yours to be sad... It's in the past." The Princess cupped his face with her hands causing the Green dragon to look at her in surprise.

"Whether it's in the past or not, it is still a part of you. It's a part of you that I want to know."

"It's not beautiful..." Jae-Ha looked away only to have the princess lean her head against his.

"It doesn't have to be, because who you are.. is beautiful."

The green dragon stared into her eyes. Their faces so close. She was radiant... gorgeous... perfect... In that moment, he had never wanted to claim her as his own so much...

"Jae-Ha?" Her soft voice sung his name giving rise to the emotions surging within him. Before he knew what he was doing, He had pulled her into himself and claimed her lips as his own. Yona was surprised at first, this new experience causing her to push away only to be pulled closer. The green dragon's kiss was warm, soft, and filled with emotion. She could feel it. All of his pain, turmoil, fear, loneliness... all of the pent up emotions were bursting forth with every kiss he gave her. She gasped slightly when feeling his tongue slip into her mouth. The sensation eliciting a soft moan from her. Jae-Ha took note of this, his body temperature rising from the stimulation that just kissing this beautiful woman caused him. His hands moved from her back to her chest. Even through her clothes, he could feel the soft cushion of her breasts.

"J-Jae-Ha!" Yona cries out. Hearing her natural response sent him over the edge. In one skilled motion, the handsome man hoisted her up and began walking towards his room, never breaking their heated kiss. Yona could taste the sake flavor of his kiss, the experience intoxicating her in a different way. Kicking the door open with his leg, Jae-Ha quickly stepped inside and pinned her against the, immediately closed, door. His hands eagerly slipping into her kimono and fondling her soft breasts. Yona wrapped her arms around his neck and tightened her grip around his waist. She could feel something hard touching her special spot. Curious, she moved her hips slightly to brush against the bulge. This caused the young man to nearly buckle, his kiss deepening as he pulls her into him and practically flies over to the bed. Laying her down beneath him, Jae-Ha begins to kiss her neck, her collarbone, and opening her kimono to eventually suck on one of her breasts. Yona arched her back when feeling his warm mouth envelope her nipple. His other hand cupped her other breast. She fit perfectly in his hands, far better than any other woman ever had. This experience was far better than he had with any other woman. Nothing and no one even remotely compared to how perfect she felt to him. It's because of her... who she is. He stopped what he was doing and took a moment to look at her. Sprawled out beneath him, her cheeks flushed, her breathing heavy, her eyes hazy from his touch. From him. This was more than he could ask for. More than he could ever hope for. In this moment, she was his.

"I love you Yona" He whispered into her ear before his hands reached down and touched her special place. She looked like she was about to respond, but he didn't want to hear it. Instead, he just wanted this one night... one night for her to surrender to his touch. One night to allow himself to embrace the woman he loves. Even down stairs, she was gorgeous. So soft and the perfect color. He had never felt so aroused. As his hands skillfully exposed her secret place, he allowed himself to be drowned in the sweet sounds of her pleasure.

"You really are perfect." He says in a soft voice before capturing he lips once more. His manhood throbbed with desire. He wanted nothing more than to take all of her, but at the same time he didn't want to hurt her. He also couldn't ask her to touch it. Dirtying her hands with his.. he couldn't even finish the thought before feeling something warm grab him.

"Y-Yona-chan!" The Green dragon gasps as her soft hand stroked him. He lets out a gasp and falls backwards off her body. Yona leans up and continues to move up and down the shaft with her hand. Her movements were unrefined and clumsy, but he had never felt so stimulated.

Yona studied his manhood as she felt it pulsing in her hand like a little heartbeat. His private area was not little by any means. In fact, it somewhat frightened her by how big it was. But.. it was so warm. She couldn't help but wonder how it would feel inside of her. Her father had hired a geisha to teach her the process of intercourse; however, this was the first time ever doing it.

'To truly please a man, you must first play with him. To play with him you use your hand and mouth.. by doing so, there is no way that he will be able to control himself. Only do this, if you are prepared to become one with him.'

The idea of becoming one... Yona gently placed her mouth on the tip of his manhood and began licking and sucking it. She could hear him suck in a deep breath and felt him fight the urge to thrust into her mouth.

"Yo-Yona-Chan!" He couldn't get himself to pull away. Rather, it felt too good. He only began wanting more.

"Jae-Ha... you can have me if you want me." Her words shocked him. Looking down, he saw her eyes glimmer with passion. That look.. sent him over the edge. In an instant, he was on top of her. His manhood pressed against her entrance.

"Are you sure?" His breathy voice asked only to have her nod.

"It may hurt.. I'll try to go as easy as I can." He says while slowly entering her. He could feel her walls form against him like a perfect glove. It was so hard not to thrust fully inside of her. He could feel her arms tighten around him.

"Are you okay? I'm almost all the way in." Yona nodded in response and he allowed his entire manhood to sink into her. The feeling was unexplainable. It was pure bliss.

"D-Does it hurt?" He manages to ask, his head foggy and his entire being wanting to start moving inside her.

"Yes, but it's not unbearable... You can keep going." At her response, He slowly started to move inside of her. Every thrust sending shivers of pleasure up his spine.

'This is amazing. She feels too good.' He kept his gaze on her face. Her eyes squeezed closed, her breathing labored, her cheeks practically the color of her hair. It made him move faster and faster inside of her.

"Jae-Ha." She called his name and held him close as he continued to thrust into her. Yona could feel him deep inside of her. She could feel him pulse inside of her. The once painful experience was now extremely pleasurable as her own body began to tingle and twitch against him. She breathed in when she felt his soft lips kiss her neck as he thrust deep inside of her, his pace quickening.

"J-Jae-Ha! M-My body is feeling weird.." Yona cried out only to have him increase his speed.

"That's a natural thing. Just.. give into it." He says before capturing her lips. The feeling of his tongue in her mouth and his dick deep inside of her sent her sensations into overload. Her body arched as a flood of lightheadedness and pleasure ran through her body. Jae-Ha could feel her walls tighten around him as she orgasmed. Faster and faster he rammed inside of her, his manhood pulsing with pleasure. He couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Y-Yona, I'm sorry I Can't-" Before he could finish he sentence he rammed deep inside of her, releasing himself and filling her up with a rush of pleasure. They lay there breathing heavily in the aftermath of the experience.

;_; I tried my best guys! This has been by far the hardest (no pun intended) smut to write for me!!!!!!! X.X but... here you go. If you have any other smut requests. Let me hear them! _