Just a tiny little intro. i promise the chapters will be longer from here out. I used to eat sleep and breathe HP fanfiction, especially between the release of books 4&5. Hadn't written any in years until about year and a half ago when i started this piece for NanoWriMo. Now that i'm posting stories again thought I'd dig it out and see if i could get some feedback on it. Hope you like!

As she stepped onto the platform she wished again that he could be here. Just a few months short of her 38th birthday and it still didn't seem possible that she had spent more years without her brother than with him. He was still with her though, every time she flew, every time she scored a goal, and today. It was really the memory of his courage that brought her here. She couldn't have come so far without him.

"This is for you, Ced." She whispered.

She waited for the smattering of applause to die down and then she began. "Hello, my name is Moira Diggory and I would like to thank the Squib Awareness Society for inviting me here this evening. For thousands of years we Squibs have lived hiding from or trying to blend in to a world that didn't understand us and didn't want us around. But now is the time for us to step forward and take our place. I would like to share with you all my story. I will tell you of some very sad and confusing times but I do not want your pity. I only hope that my journey will encourage someone else like me to reach the stars and be the best that they can be while still being proud of and true to what you are. I am a Squib but I can fly!"