Phantom planet never happened. Danny was still a thing of mystery to most if not all of the world. But things have changed in the past few years, a lot of things.

Danny, half ghost, half human. Only 17 years of age and a year of high school left. No one should have been surprised things had changed, yet everyone was, everyone meaning; Sam, Tucker, and Jazz.

At 15 Danny had been with his friends at the Nasty Burger just chilling out when Sam finally lost whatever control she had and told him that she and Tucker were dating. Danny in turn just laughed and stated that he was waiting for them to get together. They were surprised but happy nonetheless.

A year later they broke up like 6 times, it was the most annoying on and off relationship Danny had ever watched and he had really hoped they would stow it soon. Danny hadn't told his parents about his powers and his friends weren't familiar with too much of his ghost work anymore.

Now, 2 years later, they hung out all the time just like they used to, the only difference was Sam and Tucker's relationship status, which was thankfully steady. So here they were playing outdoor mini golf at the new park just at the edge of town.

Tucker stood intently watching the windmill as it turned, waiting for just the right moment. Danny watched just as intensely, but the moment Tucker hit it, he knew that ball wasn't going where Tucker thought it would go. It rolled quickly but surely into one of the many blades and bounced harmlessly to the side.

"Oh man! I hate this game!" Tucker pouted and moved out of the way so Sam could go.

"You know, if you let me teach you some tricks it won't be as hard." Sam lined up the ball and herself in the same spot as Tucker.

"I would rather marry my computer" Tucker's scowl was heard in his voice.

Danny watched Sam closely but not as close as Tucker as she hit the ball, he knew she was good at most things she did. Sure enough the ball went right thru the gap and slowed on the other side.

"Your turn Danny!" Sam walked over to stand triumphantly next to the mopping Tucker.

Danny took Sam's place on the ground and dropped his ball. When he had it where he wanted it, he looked at the windmill. He waited, debating how hard to hit it and when. The moment came and Danny hit the ball just enough for it to glide smoothly through the hole and past Sam's.

"Nice shot." Sam clapped her hands a little as Danny and Tucker switched places.

"Good luck, Tuck." Danny pat Tucker's shoulder as he past by.

"Yeah sure, go ahead and laugh at me. I still hate this game." Tucker stood next to his ball seeing it almost impossible at this angle but swung his club anyway.

Danny took pity on Tucker and leaned on the Windmill making it intangible so the ball could pass through it harmlessly. Tucker looked gratefully at him before Sam walked to her black personalized ball while speaking.

"Danny, he won't learn if you help him cheat like that." She placed her club by the ball.

"Oh, come on Sam, it's one hole, it's not like he was 100% all happy to go golfing but you wanted to go so he came." Danny hit Tucker with his elbow a little.

Tucker took the hint "It's true Sam! I had wanted to spend some time with you and Danny, and I know how much you like golf, so I came anyway." He smiled a little as Sam hit her ball into the hole.

Sam gave them both a pointed look before going to retrieve her ball "you two were always like this. Teaming up on me behind my back."

Danny laughed as Tucker nodded his head "maybe a little but not always. I still love you and Danny is my best friend."

"Yeah! And don't say it's just us! You two have teamed up on me plenty of times." Danny moved to his own yellow ball as he talked.

Tucker nodded "true." Before hugging Sam to his side.

They waited in silence as Danny hit his ball into the hole "Yeah! That's the least hits yet!" He cheered himself a little as he grabbed his ball.

Tucker looked a little put out but stood by his ball nonetheless "just you wait, I'm going to miss."

Sam stood by him "here, try holding your arms like this, and look at the hole not the ball, then swing like that and it should help." Sam demonstrated her words as she spoke moving slowly so Tucker could see.

Tucker for his part, reluctantly tried to follow her lead, much to his surprise it glided right into the hole "YES! I MADE IT!" Hugging Sam before running to get his ball.

Danny smiled as he watched before walking over to the tiki. It was the easiest shot besides from the first. You just had to hit it hard and straight. Tucker went first and cheered again as he made it. Sam didn't do this part since the ball was hers and so was the club, the tiki was just another way to get the balls back so people won't steal them. Danny hit his into the large mouth and walked with Tucker to return the clubs at the desk.

"I'll see you two at the car!" Sam yelled as she ran off to the exit.

Tucker waved her off placing his own club on the counter. Danny had gone to do the same when his ghost sense went off. Looking around quickly, he didn't notice anything weird or ghostly yet, following Tucker to the exit.

"Danny, you ok?" Tucker paused in the gate.

Danny nodded "yeah I'm fine, I just got the chills." It was a code phrase they came up with. Too many close calls in the past when people asked what he meant by ghost sense.

Tucker got the idea and nodded before waving "we'll wait for you." Before walking over to Sam's jeep.

Danny didn't waste a moment to run into the bathroom and find an empty stall before transforming. The familiar cold and flash of light was always welcomed though sometimes reluctantly because it reminded him he wasn't quite human.

Lifting off the floor and through the roof Danny took a look around. Nothing by the outdoor golf course, nothing by the lake, nothing near the playground and nothing in the parking lot. Maybe he missed something, we waited for about a minute before giving up, maybe he was just seeing things, or the ghost had left, leaving no harm in its wake? Guess it doesn't matter now.

Dropping to the ground near the bathroom, Danny was about to enter when his ghost sense went off again.

"Ok, whoever you are, come out already. This is getting ridiculous!" Danny turned around to stare at the bushes as a familiar green dog jumped out at him.

"Cujo? Oh, hey! What are you doing here?" Danny lent over to pet the dog as it panted heavily.

"Bark, bark!" Tail wagging and all, the dog was happy to see Danny.

"Did you miss me? Is that why you're here?" Danny picked up the dog and went invisible before flying to Sam's car.

Danny found them by the entrance before phasing in and transforming.

"AH!" Tucker screamed from the front seat before looking at Danny. "Don't do that Danny! Just because we see you do that all the time, doesn't mean it isn't scary! Sudden flashes of light could be anything!"

Said boy just laughed and set the dog down in his lap.

"If that dog makes a mess of my car..." Sam left it hanging for dramatic effect.

"Relax Sam, I've tamed him a bit more since the last time, we won't do anything. Isn't that right Cujo?" Danny looked at his dog as it yipped and laid down in his lap to sleep.

Sam just rolled her eyes before starting the drive to the New and improved Nasty Burger. Since the last one went out of date. The boiler was replaced with solar panels on the roof, and the stove tops were now electric, thanks to Tucker's father being the current major and Sam's all for nature attitude, things in the city had changed for the better.

When they arrived Danny pulled the Ghost cage from the back, it was really just a dog kennel that prevented ghost powers.

"Alright Cujo, in you go." Danny opened the door and the dog happily crawled in before settling down. "Good boy."

Sam and Tucker got out of the car as Danny made sure Cujo was safe.

"You have him trained well, think it would work on Tucker?" Sam smiled as she pointed at her boy friend, who opened the door.

Tucker made the most indignant noise Danny had ever heard from him "I do NOT need to be trained!"

Danny walked behind them as they neared the counter. He had watched as the two bickered and ordered their food at the same time making sure to put his order in too.

"Oh, Tucker it's not like I called you a dog directly." Sam stated.

"But it was heavily implied and I know you meant it." Tucker pointed at her.

Sam smiled "I only half meant it, besides I like cats better, dogs are too unruly."

"So you're calling me a lazy ball of fur?" Tucker was just making stuff up now.

"I am not! Danny is more like a dog than you!" Sam half yelled this.

Danny's ever so graceful "Hey" went unheard by them as they sat at a table to wait.

"So I am a cat to you?!" Tucker had risen his voice a little.

"That is not what I said!" Sam rose to the challenge.

Danny decided to butt in and stop them before too much more attention was drawn "Hey, I started dating my reflection this morning" It was something he said once to get them to stop arguing and now he just said it as a joke.

The owlish eyes around them and the deafening silence were enough to get the two to stop as they looked at Danny.

"I'm surprised you are willing to say that in public." Sam had significantly dropped her volume smiling a bit.

"Yeah dude, I know it's like, your way to get us to shut up, but it's still weird to hear." Tucker made a face before looking around. The crowd was gone and their food was ready, the exited beret wearing teen ran to get it before another word could be said.

"Oh, yeah, hey Danny! How are you doing in school so far? You looking to graduate?" Sam pulled out her new phone, a model that wasn't even out yet.

"So far yeah. My parents weren't too happy with the fact I got all B's last year even though Dad did." Danny was reminded of the argument his parents had with him when *Technus was trying to rule his video game.

"Your parents will lighten up Danny, as long as you pass right?" Sam started poking her screen.

"That's what you think, they still don't know about my little secret, and who knows what they will do when they find out! *They were attacking Jazz for 3 days until they were convinced she wasn't a ghost." He spoke in hushed tones near the end as Tucker marched over with food.

"Alright! One veggie-burger! One all might meat! And a regular chick-sandwich!" Tucker handed out the food as he spoke.

"Tucker, why do you still eat so much meat? It's not good for you. And those might meat's are more grease then actual meat." Sam spoke as she inspected her veggie-burger.

"Relax Sam! I've had the meat streak of 17 years! And still going strong!" Tucker took not a moment more to speak as he started to dig in.

Danny ignore their Meat vs Veggies episode in favor of eating his own sandwich. They could make an entire tv series about this topic if they really wanted. They argue so much Danny knew almost everything about meat and vegetable products by heart, he just couldn't understand why they didn't just eat both, meat is good, vegetables are good, together their even better.

"One day, animals would never pay the price for the worlds meal times." Sam speaks like it's a revolution.

"And when all the vegetables are gone, you'll have nothing to eat." Tucker was crossing his arms now.

Danny was done with this "Guys! Can't you two just eat without fighting? For once? Meat is good, vegetables are good. Now stop it."

They shut their mouths and continued to eat their meals in relative silence.

When they finished eating, Sam and Tucker decided to go to a movie that Danny didn't want to see, so they left while Danny took Cujo to Amity park. It was nearing about 9 PM when the ghost duo made it to the mass of green, and since Danny was older his parents had changed his curfew to 11, to Danny's growing relief.

Opening the carrier, Danny watched as Cujo jumped out and ran in a circle a few times.

"Happy to be out?" Danny set down the box.

"Bark bark!" Cujo stood in front of Danny wagging his tail.

"Wanna play catch?" Danny looked around before he held up his hand to made an ecto-ball.

"No one's around!" Cujo barked at Danny's words getting ready to run.

"FETCH!" Danny chucked the ball forward while Cujo started his chase.

He had been working out, not just his ghost form, but his human form as well. He found out that his ghost half is strongly tied to his human half and it made sense, since he looked so similar in both forms. He went to the gym regularly now and his parents didn't mind paying for his monthly membership.

He was still surprised no one could figure out he was the same as Phantom. His name practically gave it away but people just don't pay attention.

Maybe one day he would tell his family, at the very least. It would just take him a little bit more time to find the courage to stand in front of his ghost hunting parents and tell them he was the ghost kid...

"Haha yeah, right, look mom I'm a ghost! Oh no you don't like it? Yeah that's fine just rip me apart molecule by molecule..." Danny looked up to the sky as he whispered his troubles "Maybe one day... But not yet..."