AN: For a future section I need 'code names' for Anko and Ziwei. They need to not be obvious as to whom they could refer to and do not have to be cool. AKA the sort you get if you have a bunch of jerks that stick you with something. Anko will need ONE cool one as giving her something she doesn't like will have consequences but have at it.


We didn't really get to go TO wave. Not the town like I remembered in the show Naruto would not only stay at but save and begin his true career as a crazy ninja. Much as we had been warned, Team Anko was instead more patrolling the far edge of that country and stopping off at a few waystations along the way towards the main one. We still set a brutal pace with our jogging though as not only had a variety of Boss's taught us well but Dai and Sei were used to dealing with me and my boundless energy.

During this time, perhaps because we were outside of Konoha, perhaps because thanks to camping trips that only now was the rest of Team 44 realizing had indeed been really useful and why I had been so excited for it. For the record, Anko's expression when the three of us chorused our thank you's and renditions of 'Oh wonderful Anko-sensei!' after the first week of not struggling with campsites and chores had been camera worthy, and of course, I had brought a camera. I'd asked my father for a cheaper one just in case something happened so I would still have the one I took Lee and Sakura pictures with for later, not that I had much of a chance for that lately.

Anko was really pretty when she was genuinely smiling and fighting a blush. She was even funnier when she was trying not to blink back tears as it had now become our favorite game to bring attention to something she had ensured we knew before this trip. No matter how silly. My teammate's had figured out I had a camera and I was clearly abusing the heck out of my layering genjutsu to ensure Anko didn't see it.

I tried not to think too hard about what it meant that when I really, really, desperately did not want Anko with all her fathomless skills to be able to sense my genjutsu, it seemed she couldn't. Honestly, the implications are pretty scary so instead, I've consoled myself that maybe she doesn't mind.

Anyways, our praise is seriously on the Stupid side. I'm so fortunate my teammate's just let me corrupt them. It is just as likely they don't want me to start up the 'are we there yet' game once more though so meh.

"Thank you for teaching us to dig latrines, Anko-sensei!" Dai said as he went by with a shovel. "My nose sure is happier not to sleep near that stench!" Anko was cracking up at that one and muttering about insane maggots but she didn't throw anything at us when our backs were turned.

Or once she taught us to use snares as we were tired of foraging and bars and yet after Dai burned our meal and the other half was raw, again, Sei slyly muttering. "Thank you as well, sensei, for ensuring we brought rations and not just relying on being able to hunt." The only decently cooked portion went to her as they said as much, and Anko bit into it making very happy noises to half torture us, half show she appreciated the gesture.

I think I've trained them all a little too well as they knew eventually something weird would fly out of my mouth and we did like ensuring we each thanked her for something every day. No matter how awful. The thing was after a while we started to run out of ideas. We had thanked her for all the actual skills barring running into a fight so in my typical fashion I decided it was silly time.

"Oh, Anko-sensei!" I exclaimed one morning as we were being kicked into being awake at sunrise. (That was nice for Anko, usually we got snakes in our bedrolls.) "Thank you for providing us with this spectacular sunrise that can almost match your evil beauty! You are too kind to us benevolent one!"

"Maggot, if you dare learn one of your brother's sensei's jutsu effects when doing that I am going to put you through jounin level training and you won't be out of the hospital for months," Anko warned me but her lips were twitching.

The tingling started. The Lee clan challenge tingle. Why, now? With great effort, I forced myself to look away and shuddered as if scared, not excited. I had to be certain of this. "You wouldn't!"

"Hell, you little brat! If you do it a year from now even I would!" Anko snarled before she went to take point so we wouldn't hear her laughing. She liked doing that, making us hurry and break camp and then catch up to her. We had ninken and kikaichu, of course, we'd be able to catch up to her, she purposefully carried a tracker beetle of Sei's and some dog treats for the fluffy murder minions.

Slowly, my two teammate's looked at me in absolute horror.

"Don't do it! You'd die! For Real!" Dai hissed. Sei was nodding along frantically.

"" I gasped out. My hands were tingling, my legs felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through them. "Can you imagine how...awesome..."

"You are not physically, mentally, or emotionally capable at this time." Sei tried instead to dissuade me knowing all too well that sometimes I'd accept a later date for something. I'm pretty sure Sei had been the smart one and hunted down Kou for a chat because Kou, Sakura, and Ten-Ten were the only people who knew how to make me do things. Well, and Lee but Lee had special Twin privileges where I just knew someday he'd jump off a bridge and so would I. Yes. Fine. We'd discussed it already. We were going to do it when we turned fourteen. Gramps was encouraging it, something about iron skin tests.

"But...but...guys..." I started to whine.

"What is taking you maggots so long!?" Anko was there suddenly furious at the delay, her hands on her hips. "Purple maggot, why are you on the ground kneeling?"

"Guys!" I tried again, unable to help the pleading tone as I gasped, but Dai swiftly had his hand over my mouth while Sei sighed.

"You threatened Ziwei-chan with high-level training, Anko-sensei."

Anko paused for a moment before she snorted. "Right. Crazy brat, I forgot about that for a moment. Fine, Here!" And with that Anko went and summoned her snake that usually was on her neck and draped him on mine. "Don't jostle him. You need to be very careful about your stride length and chakra output to keep him comfortable. This will take even a chakra wacko like you some time. He isn't deadly but he hates being jolted, if you annoy him he'll bite you which is still going to hurt! Got it?!"

I am pretty sure some sort of inhuman oink-squealing-gasping sound came out of me that shouldn't judging by the looks I was getting.

"My gods I have the weirdest freaking maggots...come on already." As we moved after Anko, my being far slower and actually only keeping pace with the others considering my new task, I was pretty sure my chakra enhanced hearing was getting her muttering. "Who the heck wants jounin training as a genin? I need to think of some new threats for them, death and dismemberment doesn't work anymore, I think torture may be next...aww...I'm so proud.."

Yeah. At the end of the day, I made Dai take my picture with the cranky snake as I beamed, covered in snake bites. It would take me a while to figure this one out. Lee would be so jealous.


The next day we were in a place that had a lot fewer trees and Anko stopped us mid-jog and whirled, with a wicked grin. "So. Time to learn your bribery Jutsu's you worthless little maggots!"

"Best. Sensei. Ever." Dai chimed out with me and Sei just sighed.

Mind you, Anko likes that whole learn by dodging and surviving part so while she'd show us the hand motions -just because a jutsu is a good fit for one teammate does not mean the others shouldn't know of it if only so you don't cancel each other's attacks- and a brief explanation she'd then use it. On us.

These ones though were not attack based.

Dai was learning an earth based jutsu that suited him especially since Anko had decided to make and keep us an infiltration and sabotaging team some day. The one that Dai was learning was useful for grabbing things in safe's, hidden locations, anything like that. Grabbing something and removing what was inside without revealing you'd done so. The problem was it meant learning to harden your hands enough to force the particles apart and then not getting stuck on pulling it back out. That meant we got to laugh at the sight of Dai with his hand stuck in the ground trying to pull it free.

Sei's was a lesser version of the shunshin, meant for short distances if you had nothing to utilize for a substitution jutsu. My giggles about their being a 'Hoppy Bug!' as they went from side to side in the clearing clearly needing a lot of time and focus once they did it the first time was not helped with Anko demanding they do it faster had gotten me a bug bite on my ear but I regret nothing.

Clearly, we'd learn to practice with these each ourselves but Anko did seem to be matching each of us with a good jutsu so I turned to her, eager. "Genjutsu?"

"Yes, you weird little maggot." Anko nodded but she was snickering when she said it, really, insults are Anko love. "How did you like that hell viewing technique and the sensory deprivation?"

"Both are good but not for our goal, right? I mean unless we are torturing someone. Not really sneaking in or distracting someone I want to tell me stuff. Though honestly if I could make it work on their sight or hearing it would let me saunter by but well, people tend to notice being suddenly blind." My brows furrowed because I had told her the ones I had learned with Ko but not any of the ideas I had. I couldn't even risk writing some of those down yet, too strange for this world.

"Got it in one. So tell me, when dealing with infiltration what are you going to use?" Anko crossed her arms. "Say if there's no papers or no time to give you info, just that you need to trail someone."

"Henge into someone older, change a few key features, make something stand out because people notice that and then are less likely to think you are hiding something.." I started with an amused smile because really. Hyuuga's. This was tea time talk to them.

"But then how do you make them talk? Trust you enough to let something slip." Anko asked and there was a slight shift to one shoulder. She didn't think she should be telling me this.

I'll be honest, my heart just imploded. Because Anko had doubts if I should know this stuff since I was a brat to her but her own sensei had pushed her and as much as it messed her up she was alive. Seriously I love my sensei. "I haven't learned anything for that yet without maybe accidentally giving out my own information in friendly talks. Someone good at manipulation could get more information from me than I from them."

"That, kid, is the only reason I think you may be able to handle this. So here is the thing, you do not practice this jutsu without me or someone I okay there to work on it with, got it?" Anko waited for my nod before she kept going. "Also, I'm going to teach you the hand signs, the way your chakra should move but we aren't actually going to activate it until we find a good sucker at one of the outposts or small towns and then you wait for me to tell you."

"What am I going to be doing, Anko-sensei?" For cripes sake lady what on earth?

"It's called the 'wet dream jutsu," Anko answered. "Be glad you don't have to have any experience to make them have their own fantasies play out in their head."

My jaw dropped but all I could think of was coming out without my handy little mouth filter. "Holy Mito-sama raining Uzumaki hell down..." I pointed at Anko. "You found a cheat to seduction missions!"

Anko flinched and nodded. "Keep it down maggot! I hated the idea of that stuff even though I knew there were missions it would be needed, and there are some seriously screwed up people who are interested in the younger looking types so I.."

I didn't let Anko finish before I threw myself at her and she let me catch her in a hug. "You are the most amazing and wonderful and perfect Sensei ever! I wasn't gonna say anything but I didn't want..will it really mean I don't have to do that because I know those with really good chakra and genjutsu control tend to be sent out on that and Tobirama knows it's why I don't want people to know I was a prodigy because that just sounds like 'pay me in cows for my daughter' and-"

Anko's hand covered my mouth but I could see her grinning, her real smile as she nodded. "Yeah. I figured that out brat. No telling though. I mean it. I haven't taught anyone else this jutsu even though my boss at T&I and the Hokage know about it. There's not been any we needed to send out kids for lately thank everything that's holy and unholy because normally they don't have good enough chakra control to handle those missions, you though, might." She let me hold onto her a moment longer before swatting me in a pressure point and I dodged. "Can it with the mushy crap. here's the hand positions.."

And now I know part of why Anko was having my teammate's focus on their own jutsu's so far away, we'd had privacy for this talk. The personal mission now? Find a way to show all of Konoha how fantastic Anko was and they screwed up dissing her for so long.