Throws a chapter at you and peeks from out of the shadow.

Hey guys its been almost a year since I uploaded this hasn't it?

Slight crossover with Thanatos night.

There is also some tie ins to my Nexus Universe I have floating around on tumblr

Chapter 2

Grasping the Twilight

"Lady Lilith I don't think-"

"The power of the Grimoure Ritsuka held healed all his other injuries external and internal, besides he's a devil he's more then enough healed. Right, Arlond heir?"

Her hair was a deep chestnut brown, eyes a dark red nearly like a vampire but with a hint of gold deep within. He had heard many rumors about her, as well as ones whispered from Urie and now that the ancient devil Lilith was standing before him he knew it all to be too true as he felt himself nearly pressed down under the weight of just a fraction of what he knew to be just a fraction her power.

It pulsed around the very room the still and silent air rang with it. There were rumors that she even defeated the old devil king Maksis as well and he did not doubt it.

She might easily have killed his own father if she wanted to.

Lilith moved more openly into the room, not bothering to shut the door behind her as the others filed out. Her eyes as red as blood and shining like golden rubies never moved from him as he moved up from the bed. She had been right, he felt no pain other then a stiffness in his legs, possible from lack of movement for so long.

"How long have I…?"

"From my understanding and from what Lindo said just twenty-four hours."

Rem glared at the woman before him as she stopped a safe distance away of him. He didn't know what she wanted with Ritsuka now that the Grimoire was gone but if she had bought Lindo and Maria were here… He didn't doubt Lindo would do anything in his power to protect the his aunt and cousin and perhaps Lilith would use that to her advantage.

Though part of him doubted it.

He had learned that the Ancient Devil Lilith had left the devil world countless centuries ago and created her own world. It had been rumored that she had let those who have been casted aside by the Heavens including Fallen Angels come to this place.

He had even heard that there was also an angel here.

For what reason no one knew, but they all knew better than to attack this place guarded by Lilith.

Hers was a power that was beyond measure.

Whatever the reason why he did not care.

"Ritsuka, is she alright?"

"As you have undoubtedly been told she is with Maria and Lindo. Do not worry. Her life is in no danger."

"…May I see her?"

"That remains to be seen."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that it is what you say about loving her as you say you are."

Rem blinked before he felt his teeth grit together in anger at her words. Why did she even care if what he felt for her was true or not? What did she know of what he and Ritsuka felt, hers were the first gentle words he had ever heard in all his life. He loved her that was the truth and he would never doubt it.

"What do you mean? Of course I do!"

A slight raise of a dark eyebrow was the only hint of hostility he got, if anything Lilith looked mildly amazed.

"Are you sure about that? Are you quite sure? Do you even know who she is who she truly is?"

"…What do you mean?"

"She is no mere human, nor is she just a vessel to house the power of the Grimoire. She is half devil.


"… Her father is the sealed devil king Maksis."

Rem blinked at the revelation his voice nearly failing him. Lilith stood there before him, waiting for his answer. She wasn't lying he could tell but nor did he care even if she was. This was a test a test to see if what he meant what he said no matter what and they both knew it.

He took a breath and stepped forward his eyes boring into her.

"I fell in love with Rtisuka for who she is not for the power she had within or who her father was!"

There was a brief silence between the two and soon Lilith's pale lip curled into a not unpleasant smile.

"Good answer." She said, moving away from him a bit. "I commend you for having something other to fight for then power. Come, I'll let you see your other half now."

With just a nod he followed her out the door down a long well kept hallway lined with painting that undoubtedly came from the human world. guarded by a blond haired with different colored eyes fallen angel and a…

He paused gazing at the black haired male his deep blue eyes looking at him for a moment.

What was an angel doing here?

"How is he?" Lilith asked a fallen with short blond hair and mismatched yellow and reddish eyes.

"Lindo you mean?" asked the blond smirking slightly. "Same as when he came in here. I think you should watch yourself." He said looking at Rem.

Lilith nodded looking to Rem motioning for him to stand a little behind her and opened the door revealing a rather spacious room with only a few people inside. Lindo looked up from the bed a spark of crimson appearing in the greenish depth before his eyes moved to Rem whose eyes narrowed. Thankfully Lindo got the hint and stepped back. However he soon found he had no need to do anything by Maria's action.

"Lindo…" Maria's voice sounded tired but strong despite the paleness of her complexion she had a white bandage around her throat and looked pale. She half turned from the bed to her eyes falling on him and then to Lilith the movement from her allowing Rem to finally see Ritsuka on the bed.

She lay there in a peaceful sleep chest rising and falling in the covers. A faint nearly transparent whitish glow seemed to envelop her.

"Lilith…" The human woman said in a sort of comfortable understanding.

Lilith moved away from the door letting Rem pass her to to stand next to Lindo near the bed glancing behind him to Ritsuka's sleeping beautiful face before looking back at Lilith whose eyes were fixed on Maria.

Did they perhaps… know each other?

"I thank you… for this."

Rem blinked shooting a glance at Lindo who looked back at him frowning slightly shaking his head slightly.

Lilith nodded in recognition of her words frowning slightly.

"I would tell you to be in bed, Maria however I know better then to tell you that…"

A slight smile shown on their faces.

"However do you not see now that this is what I said would happen… You have been a fool Maria."

"Don't talk to my mother like that, devil!" Linda spat but was silenced by Maria.

"Enough, Lindo. Please do not talk to her like that." Maria sighed


"You have some gall to say that to me." Lilith paused for a mere moment eyes turning cold, her voice dripping in disdain and disgust and cold as ice. "Especially coming from someone who hardly searched at all…"

Lindo bristled but didn't say a word and Lilith turned back to Maria.

"You have been a fool Maria. Do you understand now? This is exactly what I said what would happen." she gestured at Ritsuka as if to elaborate what she meant. "If you had simply told her from the beginning you would have spared her some pain if you had. However I won't push you any further for I can't imagine what it must be like to be in your position."

With that she turned away heading towards the door pausing for a moment.

"Ritsuka will wake in half an hour, I suggest you take that time and think. I will send someone to bring food to the three of you later. We will talk more after that."