After the failed coup, the city was put on lockdown. No one was allowed to leave or enter without permission directly from the queen. Though most of the traitors escaped, Luxa wouldn't allow any others that remained in the city to get out.

Reports began streaming in, and Mareth had soldiers receive them at the city's edge. Apparently Stellovet's attempt to seize power was only a small part of the plan. Both the gnawer and flier communities also suffered from a coup. There were huge losses, but they were both able to maintain power and drive the traitors out of their lands. The Fount was spared as its leaders were in Regalia. Unfortunately, almost all of the spinners sided with the traitors. Their lands were now controlled by the traitors, and many spinners had to flee. Luxa was making arrangements to accommodate them.

Gregor wanted to know what Nerissa's words meant, but she retreated to her room and mumbled to herself. Wynn tried to sit with her, but wasn't able to be of much help. Luxa, Vikus, and Ripred were so busy trying to maintain order that Gregor hardly saw them. Howard struggled to perform his duties after his family's loss, and Gregor knew he couldn't talk to him. Instead he found himself looking for Hippolyta. He found her by herself in the arena.

"Hey," Gregor said quietly. He sat next to her.

"Greetings, Gregor," she said back in little more than a whisper. Gregor wondered why no one was comforting her. She had lost her mate, Achilles. Then he remembered that Achilles was killed for failing his duties to the traitors. He was a traitor. Hippolyta was probably an outcast now, because she was so close to him. Suddenly Gregor didn't know what to say, so he just sat with her.

After a few days of wandering around doing nothing in the palace, Gregor grew tired. He was ready to return home, but he also wanted to be there for his friends in the Underland. He plopped on the sofa in his quarters, and let his thoughts wander. Strangely enough, they went to Whiptail. Was she fully willing to help the traitors, or did she help because they were threatening to hurt her family? How many Underlanders were being coerced into helping the traitor cause? He hoped the Regalians had some way of figuring out who the real enemies were.

Then he thought about Nerissa's words smeared on the wall in blood. Those words had been haunting his dreams since the night she wrote them. Gregor didn't want to be the warrior again. He had ended all that. But maybe Nerissa was just overwhelmed and confused. She could have written anything. He decided not to pay it any mind until Nerissa made an official prophecy. He really hoped she wouldn't.


Gregor jumped. Luxa startled him. He was tempted to tell her to knock, but stopped himself.


"I would like you to join me in a meeting," she said. "I want everyone who was present in the High Hall while we were being held to be present." Gregor was too tired for this. They just wanted to use him again.

"Why do you need me? Is there another prophecy or something?" His tone was harsher than he intended. He glanced at Luxa, and saw the hurt on her face for a brief moment before the apathetic look returned.

"No, Overlander. Not for a prophecy. I merely wish to ensure we have all the details, and," she paused a moment as if the next words were difficult to say. "And I would appreciate your input on the situation." Gregor felt bad for snapping at her. He stood up and walked to her.

"Sorry," he whispered. She nodded, and he followed her out the room.

They walked through the palace in silence to the meeting room. Gregor was slightly surprised by how few people were there. The only one's remaining from Luxa's council were Vikus, Mareth, Ripred, and Howard. Howard's parents were there along with everyone's bonds and Lapblood, and that was it. No. His cousin was there. Gregor was relieved to have another Overlander around, and he sat between her and Ripred.

"Smaller crowd this time," Gregor whispered to Ripred.

"Well half of the queen's council betrayed her, two died including Roth, and she got rid of the rest," he explained. "I thought it was a smart move, though I didn't say so. That would have made her change her mind." He was probably right about that.

"So why are we here?"

"Well why do you think, boy?" Ripred looked at him. "We need to get everything in order. Honestly, Luxa's been dragging her feet with this one. Should have had it done already." He said the last part louder, but Luxa ignored him.

"We will begin by recounting the events of the attempted coup," Luxa began. The meeting started calmly. Everyone retold what happened, but Gregor was pretty sure everyone had heard it a dozen times already. This was merely a formality. He looked at Susannah and York, who had lost so much in the last week. They both looked like they had not slept in days, and Gregor couldn't even begin to understand what they were going through. It made him feel sick. He realized he hadn't been paying attention, and some raised voices brought him back to the meeting.

"Of course we cannot ally ourselves with the gnawers," Mareth practically shouted. "They have been fighting amongst themselves for some time now. There is no doubt that this rebellion was a result of their meddling."

"How dare you accuse us," Lapblood yelled back. "Stellovet had more than enough soldiers willing to help her cause." Gregor saw Howard flinch at his sister's name.

"You question the integrity of the Regalian army?"

"Someone must question your people's loyalty," Lapblood spat back. "At least we were aware of our disunion."

"We must not fight amongst ourselves," Vikus cut in.

"That's right," Ripred said. "The fliers will no doubt side with the humans, and we will be left fighting on two fronts with no allies."

"Do not speak for the fliers," Nike said firmly.

"We are all divided into civil war," Howard said. "Let us not divide further."

"You already wish to divide further," Lapblood shouted. "You plan to use the warrior again. He is a symbol of war against the gnawers. You do not wish to side with us." Was that true? Was he really just a symbol of war? Of division?

"And why not use the Warrior?" York said.

"We do not need to ally ourselves with you after all," Mareth added. They were talking about Gregor as if he were a weapon. Like a bomb they could just drop somewhere. Angry words caught in his throat, and he just couldn't take it anymore.

"Just be quiet!" he yelled. He decided he really needed to think of a better way to interrupt meetings. "No one is using the warrior." The humans all looked at him as if he had betrayed them. Ripred's face was unreadable. "I mean I don't know what I'm doing."

"What Gregor means to say is," Wynn stepped in for the first time, sounding unnaturally calm in comparison to all the yelling. "Is that you can't just use him like some weapon. To just swing at whomever you please." She looked around the room. "And he's not going to be seen as some symbol of hate and separation." Gregor looked at his cousin thankfully.

"I couldn't have put it better myself," he said. "If you want help from the warrior, which you may not because we don't know what Nerissa was talking about. If you want help, then you need to work together, because that's the only way you'll get me to consider helping you. And this would be a war to rebuild, not destroy."

"Well that's an oxymoron," Ripred said. Gregor looked down at Luxa, and was unable to decipher the expression on her face. He could tell she was analyzing the situation, but he couldn't tell if she agreed with him or not.

"It really doesn't make sense to split up anyway," Wynn cut in again. "It would only weaken you, and help them. You would be doing them a favor. And if you fight to completely obliterate the enemy, you'll only cause resentment. You have to approach this right." Gregor wanted to thank her for backing him up and clarifying what he said. The room was silent.

"What?" Ripred asked. "No one is going to ask what Overlanders would know of our affairs." Silence. "No? Well then, I think we have some conditions to meet. Shall we begin with allying ourselves?" Luxa nodded.

"Yes, I think we shall. The gnawers can count of the support of Regalia." Apparently Luxa was done hearing people's opinions. Nike said she would speak with her mother, the queen of the fliers, before giving her final word; however, she said she did support the idea herself. Ripred and Lapblood agreed to be allies. Gregor was happy to see some kind of start to union.

Luxa dismissed the meeting after another three hours, then Gregor went to Luxa's quarters with her cousin and Wynn. Hazard excused himself, and went to his room quietly. Gregor wondered what he was going through at the moment. He really hoped Luxa was making time for him.

"My apologies, Gregor," Luxa said. "I did not mean for it to seem as though we planned to just use you." He shrugged.

"I'm used to it." It wasn't the best answer, but it was all he could manage. At least he was being honest. Gregor and Luxa sat down together while their cousins wandered in opposite directions and refused to look at each other.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Wynn said dryly, sounding both angry about the Underlanders' attitude toward him and depressed about the whole situation. Tired about summed it up. "Though, Gregor, you weren't too bad. You could maybe work on not yelling rude things at your elders, but hey, no one is perfect." Her usual humor wasn't there. Her voice was too quiet. Gregor felt the exact same way.

Everyone sat down in the living room in silence for a few minutes. It was a terrible silence. Gregor felt as if they had both everything and nothing to say to each other. Just a few days ago they were joking and happy. But now…

"How are you?" Wynn said in little more than a whisper. It was directed at Howard. Gregor wanted to know too.

"Not well," he answered curtly. They went back to ignoring each other, so Gregor decided to talk to Luxa.

"We're going to need to go home soon," Gregor said quietly.

"I know," Luxa replied.

"But, I'll help with anything you need."

"I am sure you will not need to return, Gregor." Gregor wasn't sure why, but her words really stung.

"Luxa. You can forget about what I said earlier." He ignored the confused look from their cousins. "If you need anything. Anything at all. Even if it's just some company. I'll be here. I promise." Luxa gave a small smile. "Within reason of course. Maybe send a letter first, with a warning." His voice was still sad, but the bit of humor seemed to brighten the queen a bit.

"So we're going home?" Wynn asked.

"For now," Luxa said. She looked at Gregor, and he nodded.