In the Beginning

A/N: So I've jumped ships.
This is a story about a couple you've probably never read before. However, they are now my favorite ship ever, even though they have never shared screen time while both of them were alive. :3
It's the Crims couple, or Courting Hearts, Iracebeth and her husband, Acheonickolas. Based off of roleplay threads on tumblr with irasciblempresse (if you have a tumblr, you MUST follow her, because she is the best Iracebeth EVER) and slumberingscarlet (that's ME, but feel free to ignore mine).
Anyway, I hope you read this, and that Courting Hearts begins to grow on you, because I love them more than RedTime (that's right, you heard me. It sounds blasphemous, I know, but give it a chance).
Let's consider this sometime after Looking Glass (and possibly after Wander Down), where Racie and Miri have made up, and Alice visits Marmoreal from time to Time (pun intended).
As always, I love your thoughts and comments.
Love you all, kisses! 3

"What did you do next?" Mirana asked, sipping her tea delicately, attentive to Alice as the blonde regaled her with tales of the adventures up above. Tarrant, Mally, and McTwisp all crowded around the table, chins on fisted hands, completely enraptured with her stories.
"I beat him, of course! Won the game, and the cargo for half the price!"
Cheers rang out, admiration for a great end to a great story.
"But really," Alice said, gulping as she finished her tea. "What has been going on since I was last here?"
"I won another tournament." Mally grinned, then pointed to Tarrant. "And he won another dance competition." The mentioned Hatter shrugged modestly.
"I've been on a good streak."
Alice smiled, proud of him.
"Of course you won, you are an excellent dancer."
She was rewarded a blush for her compliment, sweet thanks indeed.
"But what about the others? Iracebeth hasn't caused you too much trouble now, has she?"
McTwisp shook his head, shivering a little at her name, though there wasn't much cause to, anymore.
"Not a peep. Keeps to herself, her and Time."
"Time? But I thought they—"
"No, they're together." Mally cut in, brusque and uninterested in this turn of the conversation.
Mirana jumped a little in her seat, remembering something. She excused herself, her dreamy walk a little quicker than usual, returning with a single letter, Iracebeth's name written in faded red on the front. With a delicate flourish, she handed it to Alice.
The parchment still smelled crisp, and faintly of pine.
"Racie must have left this by accident, before she moved to Time's palace. Will you take it to her?" Mirana asked. "I would do it myself, and I hate to take your time away from your friends, but we've actually got a meeting to attend."
"But Time told me never to return."
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind, if it's for Iracebeth." Mirana said, eyelashes batting softly in request.
"Oh, alright." Alice gave in. "But I don't see how this letter could be so important, to make her even accept it from me."
"She'll accept it." Mirana assured her, everyone beside her humming in somber agreement.
It piqued Alice's curiosity.
"And why is that?"
Mirana's answer was soft.
"Because it's from her late husband, Acheonickolas."

Acheonickolas. Of the North.
Former king consort to the former queen.
Kind, they said.
Dead, they said.
For loving another woman, or so it was believed.
Mirana said no evidence of it, just a paranoid queen and a convincing knave.
Whatever the reason, it didn't give Alice much comfort when trying to knock on Iracebeth's door.
It had been so easy, sneaking into Time's palace, sidestepping Wilkins, finding Iracebeth's part of the castle. Really, that had been the easiest part, red and gold dripped from the walls, more so the closer she got.
But now she was here, fist at the ready, inches from greeting the ex-monarch.
She could do it.
She couldn't.
Her hand grew tired, slipped on its own.
She knocked.
"TikTok, I said I needed some space to myself after our afternoon, I'm really quite tired and I don't see why…"
The redhead trailed off as she took in Alice's appearance. The chopped hair, captain's clothes, face flushed from jumping the clock hands and into Time's residence.
According to her grimace, she was not impressed.
"Why are you here?" Her yawn softened the words.
A letter was shoved in her face as an answer.
Iracebeth blinked.
"You left this behind." Alice said, once all her nervous breath had been released.
Iracebeth squinted, pulling out a pair of pink heart spectacles, gasping as she recognized the handwriting.
She snatched it away as quickly as she could without harming the paper, holding it close to her chest protectively as she glared up at the blonde.
"You didn't read it, did you?" She hissed, though some emotion similar to fear rang in her shaking voice.
For some reason, gave Alice courage, enough courage to be cheeky.
"No, but may I?"
"Absolutely not!"
Alice, full grown woman as she was, pouted.
"Will you at least tell me what it's about? I came all this way, and there's nothing to do for hours, and I almost got squashed by one of Time's clock hands, you know."
At that, Iracebeth paused her attempts to shut the door in Alice's face.
"Squashed, you say?" She asked, eyebrow raised.
"Nearly as flat as a bug."
Iracebeth's lips twitched at the imagined thought. Alice tried another tactic, hugging herself and shivering pitifully.
"Can I at least warm up? It's positively freezing in these halls."
"Then you shouldn't have come."
"But I had to bring you this letter! Besides, what am I to tell Mirana?"
At that, Iracebeth finally gave in with a long-suffering sigh. She turned, walking to the fireplace as Alice traipsed in after her. The door shut, and suddenly it became several degrees warmer. Iracebeth reluctantly handed her a cup of tea.
Strong tea. And bitter.
Alice struggled not to spit it out.
Grinning smugly, Iracebeth sipped hers without any sign of distaste.
"What's the letter about?" Alice asked again, blowing on her tea, pretending as if it was the heat that had created her spit-take and the only reason she wasn't taking another gulp.
Setting down her cup, Iracebeth carefully opened the worn letter, angling so Alice had no hope of reading it on her own, brown eyes scanning the page quickly. Tiny lips lifting in some bittersweet memory.
"Well?" Alice prompted. Iracebeth turned to her with a frown, pulled from her thoughts.
"Did you really think I was going to tell you?"
"I'll never leave until you do."
A deep sigh.
"Why do you care so much?"
The question stumped her.
Why did she care?
"Because… based on your smile, the man must have made you somewhat happy, and—and I guess I'd just like to know why."
"That is a terrible reason."
"Please? Just—any details at all! What was he like? Why'd you marry him? At least tell me something, even something as little as to when was this letter sent."
A faint smile graced Iracebeth's lips as she thought about it.
It looked nice on her.
It even looked lovely.
"I believe he sent this right before we officially started courting. He'd written to tell me he was going to visit…"

"Dear Beth,

I trust this letter finds you in good health.
All politeness aside, I do hope you are well, and missing me.
I am missing you a great deal, but not for much longer, as I am visiting soon!
My family and I should be at Witzend in time for your debut celebration.
And I have a surprise for you, one I think you'll like.
Ever yours,

The teenaged crown princess had blushed, as scarlet as her hair. Delicate fingers had underlined every looping letter, memorizing the promises of the young duke's son until she could see them perfectly with her chocolate eyes closed.
Nick was visiting her, and he was bringing her a surprise!
It was enough to make her glow, her slightly oversized head tilting as she sighed impatiently, for the umpteenth time.
They should have been here already!
Fingers ticked nervously, hidden in the folds of her dress as she paced the halls.
It was enough to make Mirana almost give an unladylike sigh of exasperation as Iracebeth whirled another circle.
"They'll be here soon, Racie, you needn't pace." She said, a patience she did not truly have twirling in her diamond voice.
To prove her point, the clatter of hoofs rang from the cobblestones.
Racie was gone in a flash and a swirl of skirts.
"Nick!" She cried out as she raced down the steps as fast as her manners allowed, a bright grin on her face as she saw him. Slowing to a more respectable pace, she bobbed a tiny curtsy, holding her hand out regally.
"Your Grace." She murmured, suddenly demure.
Ocean eyes gazed up at her as the tall young man bent over, pressing a polite kiss to her hand.
"Your Highness, pleasure seeing you again."
At his kiss, she let out a giggle.
"Believe me when I say the pleasure's all mine."
A full out laugh, happy and for once carefree as she pulled him behind her, into the stable, back to the hidden and empty stall, still giggling as she reached up on tiptoes and kissed him, full on the mouth.
"I see you've let your hair grow out. And you've grown another foot. I can't reach you without a stool." She said once they'd stopped for air, carding her fingers through his sandy locks, pushing the strands out of his eyes. To prove her point, she hopped up on an abandoned bench, and indeed, he was still taller.
"Just an inch of hair, hardly barbaric, and only half a foot taller! And I see you've only grown more beautiful. Didn't think it was possible, and yet here you are." He said, eyes glowing in happiness, poking her side teasingly. She laughed, running her thumb along the strong ridge of his jaw.
"You're full of it."
"All I'm filled with is admiration for you, and happiness at seeing you again."
And truly, he meant it. She kissed him again, blushing a deep pink as they pulled away.
"Does that mean I get my gift soon?" She asked gleefully, clapping her hands together. He tapped her nose, just as excited to give it as she was to receive.
"It's in my family's carriage, which is lagging a bit behind."
"Why are you by yourself anyway?"
"I was excited to see you?"
Fists on her hips, she tapped her foot.
"Well… that, and Ellainellis told me to get lost. But mostly the first thing! I can tell you what your present is right now, if you want."
"Your sister is terrible."
"Oh yes, tell me, tell me!" He laughed, hands resting gently on her shoulders, to steady her.
"I managed to catch you… a Bandersnatch cub."
Her happy shriek startled the horses in the stalls beside them.
And then her little sounds of gratitude were mixed in between her tiny kisses on his face.
Acheonickolas looked nothing but pleased.
"You really brought me one?" She asked once she'd stopped attacking his face with affection.
"Captured him myself. He's a cute little beastie too."
She bit her lip, both to contain her further squeals and in embarrassment for her earlier exuberance.
"I really am happy to see you again."
"Only just now you are, eh?" He teased.
It earned him a punch to the shoulder. Light as she was, he felt barely anything.
"You know what I meant."
"Does this mean I can ask to publically court you now?"
"Niiickkk… don't you remember what I said the last time you asked that?" Iracebeth whined, grabbing his hands.
"Of course I do, but I'm terribly fond of you."
At that, she grinned, soaking in his affection like the sun's warmth.
"I'm terribly fond of you too."
"Then why can't we be terribly fond of each other together?"
She wrapped her little arms around his neck, pretending to think long and hard over his question.
"Well… I suppose it's hard to argue against such good sense."
The kiss to her cheek made her giggle.
"Indeed. So, Iracebeth Christina Hestia Basima Ahsmose of Crims, may I have your permission to ask your father's permission to officially court you?"
For her delay, she was punished with jabbing fingers, tickling her sides even through her corset, and she shrieked, gasping between laughs, desperate to get away and yet still inching closer to the devilish man.
In the end, she collapsed on top of him, bringing them both down on the soft and thankfully clean hay.
"Fine, yes, yes you have it! You have me!" She laughed breathlessly, matching his joyous smile with a grin of her own.
Then, they kissed.
And kissed again.
And again!
As much as Iracebeth craved physical affection, it multiplied tenfold in this man's presence. Her feelings were so jumbled when it came to him, mostly because she didn't want feelings, but she couldn't help it around him. He was funny, and kind, and completely sincere, and so very honest.
The man could not lie, or at least not successfully.
She loved him for it.
And since she couldn't seem to put it into words, she let her lips do the talking for her.
And she enjoyed it. Quite a lot.
"Racie, our parents are looking for—God and Goddess above!"
Their embrace was interrupted by a shocked and slack-jawed Mirana, brilliant color lighting her cheeks. The redhead stood up, albeit reluctantly, with the help of Acheonickolas.
"What do you want, Miri?" She asked, harshly tugging her dress to a more acceptable state, too cross with being disrupted to be embarrassed at the compromising position they'd been caught in.
"Er… Our parents wanted to talk to you. And um… Hello Acheo, good to see you again." Mirana muttered, still bright red, looking resolutely anywhere except Acheo.
Iracebeth huffed and grabbed his hand, pulling him with her, determined not to go alone.
"You wanted to ask my father permission, I guess there's no time like the present. Let's go."

"As I'm sure you're aware, Iracebeth," King Oleron said, gazing at her from his throne, glaring slightly in confusion at the tall man behind her. "It's time to think about potential suitors."
"Convenient that you should say that," Acheo started, shifting to Iracebeth's side, holding her nervously twitching hands. "Because I would like your permission in courting your daughter."
'You?" Oleron laughed in mild surprise, missing his daughter's flinch as he reached over to grab Elsemere's hand. "What could you possibly give to my daughter and the crown?"
It wasn't that he wasn't fond of the boy, but when it came to the crown princess, it wasn't fondness he needed. A marriage was a contract, and he needed to know benefits could come with it.
"Devotion, a loyal advisor she can rely on, and a Bandersnatch cub that can one day protect her." Acheo said confidently, never wavering, even as the redhead beside him nearly crushed his hand in hers.
"That's not much…" The king muttered, even as Elsemere began to speak.
"You are the third son of the Duke of the North, is that correct?" She asked, Acheo nodded.
"So there's not a high chance of you inheriting those lands."
"I am the envoy of the North, Your Majesty, and that is not for nothing."
"What are you hoping to get out of this?" Oleron asked, wondering if he was simply trying to raise his station in life, or, noticing the way he held Iracebeth's hand, wanted her for less than noble reasons.
"Iracebeth. I just want her."
It was a simple answer, but Acheo meant it with every inch of his heart.
The king didn't believe that.
Oleron leaned forward, growing irritated at the boy's obstinance, intent on making him realize he was not a good match for his daughter.
"We've had several suitors whose betrothal gifts are quite beneficial to this country, with proposals much better than yours."
Acheo's gaze never wavered.
"With all due respect, are they beneficial to her?"
"They are certainly better prospects than you, arrogant child. You assume you are the best candidate for my daughter, even though she is miles above your station, but I can assure you. You are not."
"I believe he is."
Iracebeth's voice was quiet, but firm.
"Father, I'd like to court Acheonickolas of the North, and I'd like your permission."
"Iracebeth, you must see what a foolhardy thing this is, don't you? There are at least ten other fine young men who would fit you better."
"I don't want them."
"Iracebeth dear," Elsemere said softly, hand clutching her husband's, calming his ire. "Won't you at least consider these other men? They have land, and riches, and—"
"I don't want those either. I'm not going to court anyone else."
For once, Iracebeth was calm, even if she couldn't be dissuaded. She wanted to be with Nick too badly to ruin things with her quick temper and fiery tongue.
"You have my permission for those I've chosen for you." Oleron said, his tone clearly indicating that those were the only people she had his permission to court.
"I said I'd like your approval, not that I need it." She said, though disappointment was laced through her steel. She and Acheo turned to leave the throne room.
After Elsemere dug her elbow into his ribcage, Oleron called to her.
"Iracebeth," he sighed. "You obviously aren't going to change your mind. Court him. But when things fall apart, you will have to consider the people I've had in mind."
Iracebeth nodded stiffly and quietly left, Acheo in tow.
Oleron turned to Elsemere, grinning confidently.
"I give them a week."

Relief and affection and giddy adrenaline wrapped up in one embrace.
A gigantic smile, even as she trembled in nerves that wouldn't calm down.
"It's happening, we did it. We're together... Do you—do you think we'll last?"
The question was filled with hope and worry.
He kissed her, soft and slow and full of promise.
"I give us

Alice sighed.
"That's all very romantic."
Iracebeth hummed in agreement, in memory, then scowled as she realized where she was and who she was with.
"Why are you still here?" She asked petulantly. Alice just grinned, less intimidated by the former queen, now that she could imagine her as the teenaged crown princess.
"I'm going now, just as promised." She said.
She slipped past the doorway, popped back in, because she couldn't resist commenting.
"Your Majesty?"
A huff.
"Acheonickolas, your husband… he seemed like a good man."
"He was."

Then Alice was gone, the afternoon with her, and Iracebeth was alone again.
She walked in echoing steps through Time's silent halls.
Up the stairs, down a different set, a left and a right, two lefts and one more right.
Continuous ticking replaced the silence, the life of Underland tocking away in gilded measurements.
She chose to ignore the golden clouds, the side of life still moving, instead walking to the blue shadows. The forced quiet of ended time was eerie, but Iracebeth paid it no mind, drifting slowly through the alphabetized aisles.
She shouldn't be here, it was self-torture, not to mention Time would not be happy with this, but she couldn't help it.
She never could, when it came to him.
Shaking hands reached for the closed pocket watch, clasping it tightly to an aching chest.
"Hello, Nick darling."
A choked sound.
A sob.
A gasp.
A whisper.
"I really am happy to see you again."