Dangerously Sane

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Chapter Eleven:

Anya slowly slid down the wall whilst trying to balance the liquid in the glass so that it wouldn't spill. She landed softly on the floor and gulped down the rest of her wine in one go, shaking her head lightly afterwards. She didn't even know what glass she was on or where the bottle went...but those feelings were now numbed. Mission Accomplished.

"Shit..." She whispered hoarsely as her eyes flickered over to her discarded jacket on the floor. Blood was splattered on the jacket, some was on her skin - none of it was hers. She closed her eyes and leant her head back, trying to block out the memories of the attack. She grimaced and jumped slightly hearing the sharp and loud ringtone of her phone. Squeezing her eyes shut, she clamped her hand around it and hesitantly pressed the answer button.

"Yes?" She said, trying to sound as sober as possible.

There was a sharp intake of breath from Waller, before she finally spoke, sounding as cold as ever. "I've received your mission stats - very impressive, Anya. All targets are dead, information is retrieved and the job is done"

"Yeah." She replied slowly, closing her eyes. "Job's done."

"Your next assignment will be-"

"-Can I just ask something? Real quick?" Anya opened her eyes and sat forward, the alcohol bringing out a side of bravery in here. "Imma take that silence as a 'yes' - can't I just get a proper job, Y'know, one where I'm not constantly watched or told what I can and can't do." Anya held her breath slightly whilst waiting for a reply. "I just want a normal life."

"Normal life went out the window when you became a criminal." Waller coldly replied. "You know what your options are - your limited freedom or life behind a cell."

She shook her head and crouched forward, with one hand on the wall. "I was just curious." She responded, staggering up to a standing position.

Waller sniggered lightly, before replying in a cold, harsh tone. "Curiosity killed the cat. You'll wait for the call for your next assignment."

Anya stood still hearing the dial tone on the phone which indicated that Waller had hung up on her. Snarling, she threw the phone down and picked up her glass. "Fuck you!" She screamed, letting out all her fury as she threw the glass at the wall, flinching as it shattered into tiny pieces on the floor. She cried out, her voice stuck between anguish and anger and paced forward, both of her hands clasped tightly against the side of her face. She stopped suddenly, her eyes catching sight of her gun which was on the table. The thought of it was so simple - the most easy escape.

"Not today." She whispered out loud, trying to reassure herself. "Not today."

"Anya!" Rick yelled suddenly. He pointed up at the elevator with a look of exasperation. "Move it!" He quickly commanded, before racing up the stairs with all the others following suit.

She sighed and reluctantly ran up, jumping two steps at a time. She could see Rick frantically eyeing the elevator where Harley was and shouting at others to keep moving. She exhaled steadily, wondering what all the panic was about - if Harley wanted to escape, she'd go through the front door and not up to where they need to be.

"Oh, screw it!" She muttered to herself, slowing down her pace. They were only an extra flight of steps in head of her - what did it really matter? She cleared her throat and continued walking up the steps and heading round the corner to see the four men standing armed and Harley walking past them.

Rick turned and looked at Harley in disbelief, before turning his attention back to Anya. He shook his head, directing the others to go into the room. "Took your time?" He sternly said, as she walked towards him.

"What was all the panic for?" She nonchalantly replied.

He motioned for Anya to start walking and she shook her head in response. "I need you to be very clear on this situation-"

"-Oh! I think I'm clear... Crystal clear. Unless you didn't see that freaky ass shit outside?"

"She could've escaped." He replied, glaring at her.

Anya scoffed in response, stopping in her tracks and turning to face him. "If she was going to escape she wouldn't head up towards the target... I think the front door would've been more convenient... Also - how the hell did you get to the elevator before she got out? I mean, you're on foot and that's...an elevator."

"You're pushing it - Am I gonna have to ask you to wait outside?" He challenged, taking a step towards her in an attempt to make her back off.

She sighed dramatically, not moving an inch despite his close proximity. "Listen, Colonel, don't tell me what to do cause I don't even wanna be here."

"Keep moving." He muttered, elbowing her lightly. She had a shadow of a smirk on her face and readjusted her gun, starting to walk forward. "I get it with you, Anya. I know you don't wanna be here and I have no right to tell you what to do - considering the circumstances."

"The Colonel is being understanding? My god, what a landmark in history(!)"

"Very funny..." He dryly responded, approaching the others. "We're straight through these doors - everybody stay close and be on alert."

Anya walked forward moving away from Rick. She could see somebody approach her from the left and looked sideways to see Deadshot. "Ya causing work place problems?"

She took a few steps forward and paused, looking around the abandoned room. "Just another day at the office." She glanced over at Rick, who looked at her thinking the same thing. "Those things are gonna jump down any second."

"Yeah..." Deadshot commented, pulling out his white mask from his pocket. "I don't like this, Flagg."

"I don't like this, either."

Harley looked at Deadshot putting on his mask and smirked mischievously. "Pussy."

He turned to her. "I will knock your ass out. I do not care that you're a girl."

Anya wanted to smile or laugh in response, but her heartbeat had sped up considerably as the creaking from above grew louder and more frequent. Within a second, there was a large crash and several of the creatures jumped down in front of her. She stepped back, looking behind to see that there were more of them.

"Okay." Anya whispered, quickly dodging to the left to avoid one which charged towards her and jumped over a desk, landing softly on her feet. She grunted in surprise as one of them grabbed her by her throat and she quickly wrapped her legs around it and drove her elbow into in its neck, the force of her attack sending it down to the ground. She rolled away and jumped back up, running forward to attack another one.

"Look out!" She heard Rick shout, before all the air got knocked out of her and she found herself flung through a broken glass window, into a separate office. She held her arms out, keeping the creature from snapping its mouth near her neck.

"GET OFF!" She shouted through gritted teeth, reaching down to find her gun and drive it upwards into its mouth. Without hesitation she pulled the trigger, feeling a rush of relief when its weight went limp. She tried to move the dead creature of her, but struggled slightly. Suddenly, the creature got flung to the right hand side and she looked over to see Boomerang, lying next to another dead creature.

"Thanks for that." She gratefully said, standing up gingerly and brushing off the dust which covered her.

"Anytime." He replied, slowly standing up. He looked out the window and sighed. "Your boyfriends in trouble."

Anya followed his eye line to see Rick getting dragged by multiple creatures. "Shit!" She responded, jumping through the broken window pane and motioning to Deadshot and Harley about Rick. She could see that Croc was already on his way towards him, whilst Diablo stood back - not fighting or helping.

Between the five of them they quickly fired their weapons getting rid of the creatures that surrounded him and Anya rushed forward holding out a hand, which he grabbed and quickly stood up.

"Get behind me." He told her, looking at the state of her.

She shook her head. "You die - they all die. Get behind me - form a circle round him!" She told the others and stood in front of him, raising her gun up.

"Let me fight!" Rick angrily said in response, trying to push past her.

"You die - we die." Deadshot said, firing at several oncoming creatures.

Anya swiftly drove her elbow back connecting with Rick's ribs. "You heard the man - stay put." She commented, aiming her gun and firing at two more of the creatures. She kept her eyes alert and kept firing at any which were coming from her direction, whilst the others shot from their direction. Within twenty seconds the area was clear. "Let's move out!" She said.

Rick pushed past her, looking at the creatures on the floor and pointing towards the exit which was near them. "Mind if I take over?" He sarcastically asked her, to which she just shrugged in response. "Everybody move out and stay alert - there's more coming."