Authors Note; beta'd by my dearest friend Frannie 😘 all remaining errors are mine.




We found a loft apartment in a decent part of the city. It was quite large with wide windows overlooking the bay below. It was the first time either of us had ever been alone with no parental support or guidance at all. We made mistakes, forgot to pay bills a few times and bought a car on its last leg because we didn t know better. We learned quickly though, returning the car and picking another from a reputable seller.

After a few months, we actually found our feet and jobs, too.

Bella worked part-time at a hardware store, and I worked at the same used car lot where I'd bought our keeper car. We kept what was left of our trust funds for a rainy day and lived off our paychecks.

Finally, Bella turned eighteen, and we were home free, with the threat of me being arrested for having sex with a minor behind me.

Our parents never contacted us, and we were both determined to live without them.

We heard that Bella's father had won the election, making up some far-fetched story about our whereabouts.

They clearly didn't care about us.

And we were okay with that because we had each other.

We still couldn't keep our hands off each other; every inch of our apartment had been christened with our passionate lovemaking.

I fucked Bella whenever I could.

Sometimes she was the aggressor, but mostly it was me.

I could never get enough of her sweetly scented flesh and velvet curves.

I knew every mannerism she possessed, and every inch of her body and I loved everything about her.

She was still my Queen, my love - my everything.

She told me that she loved me frequently.

And she showed me in more ways than I could count, every single day, just how much she loved me and how grateful she was for my presence in her life.

We were doing okay.




Finally, we graduated, and we were free to go to the university we'd been accepted to. We had both chosen the one closest to our home, so we didn't have to move.

It was going to be Christmas in two days, when I found Bella crying. It was a normal day, a chilly Saturday morning with snow and ice thick on the ground.

I awoke to find an empty bed, the sheets beside me still filled with a lingering warmth.

I found her sitting by the window in her pajamas, hair a tangled mess.

Her face was turned away from me, so at first, I didn't see her tears.

I sat beside Bella and smoothed her hair away from the tender skin of her neck.

"Come back to bed." I pleaded in a teasing whisper.


It wasn't like her to ignore me. I peered around her shoulder and froze at the sight that greeted me.

Bella's face was wet with tears, and her eyes were red and swollen.

She made no attempt to hide nor did she wipe at the wetness.

"Bella?" I asked, pulling her into my arms. "What's wrong baby?"

A silent sob wracked her slender body against mine.

I kissed her forehead and sighed. My heart was hammering in my chest; I was scared; I'd never seen Bella like this.

"Please tell me what's wrong?" I begged softly, slowly rocking her in my arms.

"It's Christmas." She replied at last, as if that explained everything.

I stayed silent, hoping she'd continue.

A shuddering sigh escaped her as she suddenly curled tightly into my embrace.

"I hate this time of year." She whimpered. "It's never perfect the way I want it to be."

"But this year it's just us, Bella. We can make it perfect." I reminded her, burying my nose in her fragrant hair.

She paused for a moment, as if in thought.

"Maybe we can." She allowed. "But Edward, I'll always remember..."

"What?" I prod, curious and desperate to understand what's upset her so much just days before Christmas.

We had exactly what we wanted now, what could she want enough to cry over?

Bella refused to meet my eyes, her face still turned towards the frosted window.

"My whole life I've wanted nothing more than my father's love and I've never had it." She said, her voice hollow and dead. "As a child, every Christmas I'd ask Jesus and Santa for a miracle. I'd ask them for my dad to suddenly love me and want me...but it never happened and now it never will. Most days I don't care, but at this time of year I can't help but remember - everything I'd rather forget."

My heart ached for her; my proud princess with the broken heart.

Her father was an asshole for treating her so badly. I had to know why.

"I'm sorry Bella," I said, pressing another kiss to her cheek, my arms still wrapped around her tightly. "What did he treat you so badly? How could he?"

"I was five, I think, when I first realized he didn't love me. Mother was gone, and I loved him, but he never loved me back. When I was ten, a friend of his came to visit. I was a well-developed girl at twelve years old, almost a woman already. Father's friend came on to me, and I tried to run away, but he was too strong. He tried to kiss me, but I bit him. Father came in then and caught his friend molesting me. I was so happy and relieved to see him! But he slapped me on the face in front of his friend and sent me to my room. He blamed me, and not his friend. I was born bad he told me later, it was in my blood. I was evil, and I tempted men, just like my mother..." a sob escaped, and fresh tears carved new pathways down already wet cheeks.

I was stunned.

But I held my girl tighter, as she cried out her hurt against my chest.

She had nearly been raped, and he, her own father had blamed his child his only daughter for what happened!



No wonder Bella was who she was.

I lifted her face to mine and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Bella, it wasn't your fault, you know that right?" I asked after a few minutes.

She nodded slowly. "I do now. But back then, I believed him. I cried for a very long time after that day, and then I gave up trying to be good...I just acted the way he expected me to. It was easier on my heart."

"Everything's is different now. You have me." I told her.

Bella smiled, her slender fingers dancing through my too long hair. "You fucked me up, Edward." She whispered. "You changed my whole life with a smile and your made me believe there was hope for me."

I grinned at her words.

"You fucked me up too," I said. "I became addicted to you...until I saw no one else."

Bella wiped at her eyes and cheeks and pulled away from me slightly.

"I have another confession." She whispered, and my heart froze with dread.

I stayed silent watching her with rapt attention.

She swallowed hard and licked her dry lips. "I...I didn't mean to fall in love with you, you really were just a game to me - in the beginning."

I released the breath I held in relief.

I'd already known that...

I kissed her again, deeply.

"I knew that," I said against her mouth.

"...and I enjoyed controlling you...I still do."

I laughed and lifted her onto my body, until she was straddling my lap.

"I fucking love it when you control me, Bella," I said. "It's my second favorite thing."

She took the bait with a wide grin. "What your first favorite thing?"

"Having my wicked way with you!" I declared kissing my way down her neck.

Bella giggled as I nosed her sweet flesh, "I love you, Edward."

"I love you too Princess," I replied.

Authors note; there will be one more future- take chapter posted when I can. All thoughts and comments welcome 😊


