Welcome to "It's Either One Way, Or the Other"! Now, for anyone who doesn't know, this is a rewrite of "Who Can I Trust Anymore?". So for any long time readers of that story, there won't be too many differences from the general plot, but each chapter will be quite a bit different than the old version of this story. As for newcomers, not really much to explain for you guys here! Just a basic new story for you guys! Hopefully I will draw in a bigger crowd with the rewrite. I definitely already feel a lot happier with this version and I have only uploaded the first chapter. But anyways, please enjoy the story and don't hesitate to leave a review! It gives me more motivation for faster updates! So, on with the story!
The warm summer wind blew through his long, thick locks. He inhaled the fresh air slowly, taking in the essence of his surroundings. He knew the bus would be there at any moment to pick him up, along with about twenty-six other people that are going to be his new 'amigos' for the next month or so.
The sound of the engine was prominent as the bus finally pulled up in front of them. Being the last one to get on, Alejandro took his first steps towards, metaphorically, his one million dollars he was sure to win. He stood in the front of the bus, taking a nice long look at his fellow contestants, seeing any possible weaknesses just from sheer appearance. He glanced around quickly for an empty seat, which there happened to be one next to a rather attractive girl with long, blonde locks tied back with her hair elastic. He smiled, and proceeded in her direction.
"Hola, mi bonita. Surely someone with such ethereal beauty must be occupying this seat for a friend, no?", he asked generously. Her emerald eyes moved from the floor to the Latin heart throb in front of her. She felt the heat flourish to her cheeks, not exactly knowing how to respond. "Oh... of course not. It's all yours... if you want.", she replied, rising out of her seat to let the gentleman in front of her take it. As she was about to fill the empty seat next to Gwen, she felt a strong grip on her wrist, being spun around to face the man with the rather chiseled features. Alejandro spoke up once more. "I would love for you to share this ride with me. It gives me a rather amazing opportunity to get to know a woman as beautiful as yourself." Bridgette's heart rate sped up. God, why was she feeling like this? This was definitely a new experience for her. As Alejandro lowered himself onto the seat, he kept a hold of Bridgette's hand, gently pulling her down to occupy the empty space next to him. She instantly gushed over his charm and perfect manners. Feeling herself getting flustered, she cautiously accepted Alejandro's offer, and planted herself next to him. "Yo soy, Alejandro. And you are?", he asked, his voice soft and laced with curiosity.
The minute she opened her mouth to speak, she knew she wouldn't be able to shut it. The amused smirk on Alejandro's face was prominent. She could feel herself starting to embarrassingly babble on about random topics that popped into her head. Why couldn't she control herself? Why was she letting a guy she had just met two minutes ago get inside her head? Her rambling finally subsided once she felt a small tug on the back of her ponytail. She stole a glance from the corner of her eye to see her gothic friend eyeing her with suspicion from behind.
Gwen knew exactly how that would have ended hadn't she taken matters into her own hands. It wasn't hard to see right through this guy. She didn't want to see Bridgette's feelings being toyed with, or worse, have her boyfriend, Geoff, see this side of her when the cameras would start to roll. As she sat behind them, she looked Alejandro up and down, having a feeling this won't be the last time she saves Bridgette's ass.
Her thoughts were sorely interrupted by hearing a high pitched, but rather shrill voice, pierce her eardrums. Duncan and Courtney were at it again. "You know, for once I'd like you to show at least a TINY side of you that cares. It takes TWO people to make this relationship work. I can't be the only one trying.", Courtney said, her voice laced with disappointment and anger. "C'mon princess. Just because I have a terrible memory and can't remember our anniversary every goddamn month, doesn't mean I don't care.", Duncan responded. "It seems more like selective memory rather than a 'terrible' memory.", she said. Duncan's face landed in the palm of his hands as he sighed. He obviously wasn't completely over this relationship, considering he's still putting up with this woman. But he knew there was a huge part of him that wanted to walk away to go to the girl he couldn't seem to get out of his head.
His head turned in Gwen's direction, taking in her petite form with her legs crunched up in the bus seat, holding a notepad and letting her pencil doodle across the page. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. Luckily for him, she always seemed to be completely oblivious to everything around her when she would draw or write. He smiled. 'What a woman.', he thought to himself. He wasn't sure when his feelings for her started to grow from a friendship into a romantic type of way. But whenever it happened, it happened fast. There was always a small part of him telling him that Gwen was the girl he was meant to be with, but he never thought it would get like this. One of the many downsides in finding out about his feelings for his gothic friend, is that he seemed blatanly open about it. It's no secret that he's a bit of flirt, it's just how he is. But it never seemed to be 'just harmless flirting' with Gwen. And Courtney picked up on that real quick. He's surprised she hasn't scolded him for it yet, probably because the whole situation made her uncomfortable. Why would she want to watch her boyfriend flirt with a girl that seemed near perfect for him? It didn't sit well with her, and he was able to see that. A wave of guilt fled across the punk. Of course he felt bad. He still very much cared for Courtney. He may not always show it, but he did.
He was quickly brought out of his thoughts by the sound of his girlfriend's angry tone. "Are you even listening to me?!", she asked in a harsh manner. He opened his mouth to respond but quickly shut it. Staying silent is better than saying something stupid with Courtney. He hadn't even noticed that his eyes had drifted towards Gwen's direction once more, which didn't go unnoticed by his significant other. She turned her head towards Gwen, then back to Duncan. She shot daggers at him. "You know what? If you don't care, than I don't care.", she said as she slowly inched herself out of the seat, and left to occupy the seat next to Leshawna. He sighed once again. He then found himself sliding in the empty seat next to his goth best friend.
"Hey pasty, whatchya drawing?", he asked curiously. She jump, obviously startled by Duncan's presence. This cause the punk to chuckle. "Damn, sorry. I know I'm hot sweetheart but that shouldn't be scary.", he laughed once more. Gwen lightly punched her best friend in the arm. "Oh, shut up. You're not THAT hot.", she snarled with an eye roll. Duncan's eyebrow raised in an amused fashion. He decided to have a little fun with this.
"Oh? So how hot am I?", he asked teasingly. Gwen could feel her face heating up. He always did this. He always had the power to make her brain stop functioning properly. Gwen's usually a girl with a logical thoughts, but not when Duncan's around. He brought out a certain side of her that she didn't even know she had. But for some reason, she loved it. She loved the butterflies that would flutter in her stomach whenever he was around. Though she had felt this way with Trent, he seemed to bring out the more faker, girly side to her. She used to have a love/hate relationship for it. "Eh... I'd say like a... four out of ten.", she replied sarcastically. Duncan jokingly placed his hand over his heart. "Ouch, pasty. You wounded me. Oh, how will I ever be fixed?", he asked, seduction evident in his voice as he brought his face closer to Gwen's. Gwen giggled as she lightly pushed him away. "Nice try.", she chuckled.
Their laughter continued as the bus came to a halt. They finally arrived at their destination. "We're HERE!", their joyful, yet sadistic host bellowed.
Duncan stood up, extending his arm out in a gentlemanly manner. "Pasties first.", he teased once more. Gwen chuckled, then extended her arm mockingly. "I think the expression is, 'ladies first'. So, you go!", Gwen laughed. Duncan then placed his hands on Gwen's petite waist, pulling her in front of him. He lowered his head to her ear, keeping his hand rested on her waist. "I can show you how much of a man I am.", he spoke lowly in her ear. She felt her entire body shiver. He could make her go from calm, to her being at a complete loss for words. She tried to keep her cool. "Oh, totally. Did you ask Courtney permission to show me?", she asked smoothly as she walked right off the bus. 'And that is how you shut a guy up.', she thought to herself.
Alejandro stepped off the bus, gently keeping hold of Bridgette's hand. Bridgette, again, felt the blush creep to her cheeks. Not far behind them was the person she'd need to help her snap out of this. Gwen watched Alejandro carefully, not knowing exactly what this guy's game was. The minute she could get him alone, she'd definitely have a few words with him.
As Gwen was about to take the spot next to her punk friend, Courtney was there in a flash, grabbing hold of Duncan's hand. She shot Gwen a murderous glare, and Gwen shot her one right back. It didn't make sense for Courtney to feel hatred towards her. Gwen had been the one to try to keep Duncan off of her as much as possible. And yet, Gwen seemed to be the only one getting scolded for their interactions.
Welcome, fellow contestants! Now, we will be getting started with our tour soon. Just give Chef and I about fifteen minutes to prepare everything. Because I have some GREAT things planned for you guys this season... Hahahaa.", Their host, Chris, laughed maniacally. The contestants sighed, knowing they would be near killing themselves once again for a million big ones.
Gwen glanced around, looking for sight of Bridgette and that Alejandro guy. Once she spotted them, she didn't take her eyes off of them. She wasn't sure exactly what she was going to say to him, but she wanted to know what his intentions were. Especially when it came to one of her best friends.
She was so lost in her thoughts, she hadn't noticed Bridgette had made her way away from Alejandro and over to Lindsay. This was her chance. She swooped right in.
"Hi... Alejandro is it?", she asked, a little more harsh than intended. She watched as his lips formed into a small smile. "Si, senorita. And you are?", he asked curiously. "The name's Gwen.", she answered, as she extended her hand out towards his. He gladly accepted. Before she could pull away, he forced her hand to make contact with his lips. That was all she needed to see. She could see right through this guy. The minute he grabbed her hand, she got a terrible vibe feel. She quickly snatched her hand away. "Okay. what exactly do you think you're trying to do?", she asked in a threatening tone. Gwen knew being blunt about this probably wasn't the SMARTEST idea, but she couldn't help it. She just really wanted to give this guy a piece of her mind. "I am not so sure what you mean, senorita. I am simply being the gentleman that my mamacita raised.", he replied. Gwen eyed him viciously. "Listen, do anything to hurt Bridgette and you'll be out of this game faster than you can say 'senorita'. I'm watching you, got it?", she asked, very blunt. Alejandro smirked, raising an eyebrow, obviously amused by her 'threats'. "Oh of course, mi angel. You have my word.", he responded, grabbing her hand once more to bring it to his lips. Gwen, again, pulled away roughly. "I mean it.", and with that, she turned in the opposite direction, trying to get as far away from that guy as possible. Alejandro smirked.
This was going to be a VERY fun season.
What did you guys think? I'm very excited to continue this! So please favorite/follow and especially review! Expect weekly chapter updates! Love you guys!