Chapter 38: Hunted

Billy was inside his room on the phone.

"You actually saved a cat from a tree." He laughed.

"It sounded like it would be more fun than it actually was." Suzy said over the phone.

"Well it sounds like you're life is finally back on track."

"I think it's even better than it was before. Especially now that you're in it."

"Alright so we're still on tonight for the movie."

"Of course baby, I'll see you then." Suzy said before they ended the call.

Billy heard something on the tv and went downstairs.

He saw his foster parents watching the news as it said something about a violent and sporadic lightning storm.

Billy's eyes widened as he saw the lightning.

"Oh shit." He said as he snuck outside and made sure no one was looking.

"Shazam!" He shouted a bolt of lightning struck him, transforming him into Captain Marvel.

He flew into the sky towards the lightning and saw him.

A very large man about his size with a black suit and a black cape, black hair, and pointed ears was unleashing lightning down on the city.

He turned just in time to see Marvel as he slammed his fist across the man's face, hurling him back.

"I thought you'd learned your lessen the last time we fought Black Adam." Marvel said.

"You are not worthy of the powers of Shazam." Black Adam shouted as he flew at Marvel.

Marvel tried to fly over him, but Black Adam grabbed his leg and hurled him through the air.

Black Adam flew after him, unleashing a blast of lighting.

Marvel kicked off a building and flew up higher, forming a lightning bolt in his hand before hurling it into Black Adam.

Black Adam was knocked back as Captain Marvel flew down at him.

Black Adam kicked Marvel back and formed another bolt of lightning.

"Shazam!" Marvel shouted as he unleashed a massive blast of electricity into Black Adam's causing the energy he was forming to explode, hurling him back before Marvel flew into Adam, punching him across the face before he flew at him again, smashing him into the ground.

"Give it up Black Adam, Shazam chose me, you stole those powers from your own nephew."

"I'm not alone this time." Adam said before someone hit Marvel from behind.

He was knocked forward as he slowly turned to see a large Cheetah woman was clawing at him.

He blocked her strike and electrified his fist, punching her and hurling her back.

Something else hit his head, a blinding light and energy that made him lose focus before he was furiously punched across the face several times by Black Adam.

Adam's fist voted before he smashed Marvel into the ground.

Another man wearing black and white armor walked up to him.

"Alright now finish him."

"In his current for, to kill him, even with my power would take time. His friends may soon be here, it would be better to simply take him." Adam said.

Elsewhere in Central city, Barry was at the police station as he went over some evidence from a recent case.

As he did, he got a call from Cisco.

"Yeah Cisco."

"Barry we have a serious problem. I'm detecting energy signatures here, the only kind that pick up from extreme kinetic energy, from you."

Barry nearly dropped the phone.

"He's back." Barry sped over to his locker and took out his suit before he sped into town.

"Barry wait , should I get Wally?"

"No, he's mine." Barry said as he sped downtown and saw him.

There were three dead police officers on the ground as people ran in fear from a man in black with a skull like mask covering his entire head.

"Ahh I was hoping you'd come."

"You made a big mistake coming back Zoom, I'm gonna shove you right back into your cell."

"Not this time Flash, this time you die!" Zoom said as he and the Flash sped through Central city. The two tried to keep pace with each other, also trying to strike each other.

Their fight went back towards the city center as Barry managed to use specialized tactics for fighting other speedsters he developed the last time he fought Zoom. Barry managed to cut across Zoom's path, punching him twice before he knocked him to the ground.

"It's done Zoom, you can't beat me, I'm the fastest man alive." Barry said before he was hit by a powerful screeching noise that nearly shattered his eardrums.

Barry screamed as he held his head, blood coming out of his ears.

Behind him was a woman with silver hair and a skull painted on her face.

She stopped as Zoom got up and sped into Barry, unleashing a furry of fast punches into him before unleashing a powered up punch into his spine, breaking it.

"Barry!" Cisco shouted as several people screamed seeing this.

Zoom grabbed The Flash and sped him into the police station.

The officers were in disbelief as they saw Zoom holding the Flash.

"Is this your hero, your savior." Zoom said as one of the police officers fired first, the others following.

Zoom used his speed to catch each of the bullets before speeding into the city center, where a news team was.

They ran in horror as they saw Zoom.

Zoom grabbed the camera and set it up as he and the Flash stood in front of it.

"People of Central city, you thought this man could protect you, you thought he could keep you safe. You were wrong, never forget this day, and let it be known that I and the Fastest man alive!" Zoom said as he vibrated his hand and prepared to kill the Flash.

Before he could, someone sped at them and took Barry out of his hand.

"What?" Zoom said before he sped after this other speedster.

Zoom went into S.T.A.R labs but found it was empty, he checked the pipeline but it was also empty.

He sped back to the city center by Silver Banshee.

"There's another Speedster helping the Flash, now I have another prey for the hunt."

"If they escaped we should leave before their friends come." Silver Banshee said.

Elsewhere at Ferris Aircraft, Hal stepped out of his plane and took off his helmet.

"Yo Jordan, boss lady wants to see you." A mechanic said before Hal made his way inside the offices and to Carol's office.

He opened the door and saw Carol inside waiting for him.

"There you are." She said as she came over and kissed him.

"Is this the best time?"

"Is there ever a wrong time?" She asked before Hal kissed her back.

As he carried Carol over to her desk and accidentally hit her tv remote.

Carol's tv was turned on before they heard something interesting.

The two turned and saw what was on the news.

"Are you shitting me. "Sigh" Carol."

"Go, kick his ass." She said.

Hal generated his Green Lantern armor before flying out to the city.

Once there he saw a very large alien wearing red armor similar to his own with a red ring on his right hand.

The creature projected a massive spiked claw that smashed through a building.

The creature was hit by a projected rocket and hurled back.

He shook his head and saw Green Lantern in front of him.

"You came here all alone Atrocitus, I didn't think you had the balls." Green Lantern said.

"You will suffer human." Atrocitus said as he projected a spaceship that flew at Green Lantern firing as well.

Green Lantern flew up and projected an F-22 around him and two more before he flew himself and the other two into Atrocitus, knocking him back.

Atrocitus projected a massive blade as Hal projected one as well.

The two clashed their swords before Atrocitus shattered Hal's and projected a fist, smashing Hal back into a building.

As Hal got up he was hit by two projected blasts from his sides.

Hal saw two more red Lanterns.

"I guess you don't have the balls." Hal said before he was hit by a powerful red blast from behind.

"Ahhh!" Hal screamed in pain before Atrocitus projected a mace that smashed him into the ground.

Hal's vision grew blurry as he saw a man wearing black armor and a black helmet over his face with red visor eyes.

"At last." Atrocitus said as he projected a blade and walked over to Hal.

Before he could stab him, Atrocitus, his lanterns, and the man in black armor were hurled back by a telekinetic wave.

As they got up they saw a green humanoid become visible.

"Not today." Martian Manhunter said as he grabbed Green Lantern and vanished with him.

"No!" Atrocitus said.

Elsewhere Green Arrow and Artemis were inside an under construction building, carefully moving through the halls.

"Alright you're approaching the hot zone." John said over the com link.

"How many people did these guys kill?" Artemis asked.

"Twenty." Oliver said as they probed the area before coming out to see five men dead.

"John, they're all dead." Oliver said.

Artemis looked closer at the men, she saw they were ties up and had large slices across their faces making them look they were smiling.

"Someone got to them first."

"Ha ha ha ha ha! I know, and we had lots of fun."

Oliver and Artemis both drew an arrow as they saw the Joker reveal himself on a half built floor above them.

"On your knees!" Green Arrow shouted.

"Ohh but if I did that, then I can't get this party started!" The Joker started before Artemis saw balloons rise up and explode, the two ducking for cover to avoid explosions.

Moments later the Joker jumped down as several men in clown masks with guns came out firing as Artemis and Green arrow fired arrows into their guns or shoulders.

Artemis acrobatically leapt over and kicked one of their faces before ducking under another's punch and smashing her bow across his face, then jumped up, smashing her knee into the third one's face.

Green arrow knocked two clowns' arms aside before delivering two fast strikes with his fists and elbow, knocking them down before swiping his bow across another two.

He turned to the Joker who took out took out a knife.

Arrow came forward knocking the knife away as the Joker Lurched back, whipping out a squirt gun that fired a bullet.

Arrow ducked under the shot just in time as the Joker tried to kick his chin.

Green Arrow grabbed his foot and hurled him back.

"You're done clown!" Green Arrow shouted before he started laughing.

"Why don't you check again?"

Artemis and Oliver turned to see five very large men wearing assorted armor from different time periods and weapons from different time periods.

Each one also had an assault rifle in hand.

"I brought friends." Joker laughed as Oliver saw another man step forward.

The man had tan skin with very long hair and a beard. He also had a large coat on.

"Ah Robin of Loxley, you remind me so much of him." The man said in a very educated tone.

"Who are you."

"Ha, who am I. Isn't that a question. But I'm afraid it's not for you to know." He said as he took out a very old looking knife.

A smoke bomb went in in front of them.

Batman revealed himself as he glided down and began fighting off the men in armor as Green arrow and Artemis engaged the man in the coat.

The man blocked each of their strikes with surprising sped and flexibility before they were knocked back.

"You are skilled, but you cannot win." The man said before Batman leapt over him, kicking his chest and making him stumble backwards as he hurled another smoke burst.

"Bats wait!" Joker shouted as the three vanished.

"No! I wanted you here for the party." Joker said as the man stepped beside him.

"We'll find him soon enough."

Elsewhere The Ace was walking with a cardinal through the vatican city.

"She's been a troubled child since we found her."

"If she is what I think she is, that isn't surprising." The Ace said as the cardinal opened the door to a dark room.

Sitting on a bed was a small child with grayish skin and very dark hair.

She was curled up with her arms around her legs.

"Rachel, there's someone here to see you." The cardinal said.

"Tell him to go away, I don't want to talk to anyone."

"Leave us." The Ace said.

The Cardinal left as The Ace sat beside the little girl.

"You shouldn't be afraid of me."

"I'm not afraid, I just don't want to talk to you."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't like talking to people."

"Well Rachel if you've been alive as long as I have, you learn the value of talking to others."

"I'm not like you, I'm not like anyone."

"I'm not like anyone either Rachel, and to be honest I'm not like these cardinals."


"I've killed people."

Rachel turned to him.

"You have."

"Exactly one hundred and fifty seven thousand three hundred and forty eight."

Rachel's mouth dropped.

"I've been alive a long time Rachel, I've fought in many wars. I've seen many things. But you are something even I haven't. If you are what they think you are?"

Rachel held her legs again as she gave a frightened look.

"I know what I am, I'm evil incarnate."

"Rachel, you're not evil, you're one of God's children." The Ace said putting his arm around her.

"No, I'm not." She said.

The ace felt his communicator vibrate as he looked and saw it.


In Metropolis, Goddess was hurled into the side of a building before she was zapped by a blast of lightning.

She grunted as she saw Black Adam float over to her.

"I was hoping for a challenge." Adam said before he heard something else. He turned and saw Superman crash into the ground.

Superman stared Black Adam down.

"Finally, someone worthy of my power."

"I'm giving you this once chance Adam, get away from her or face the consequences."

"You arrogant fool, my power equals yours!"

"No one's does." Superman said as Black Adam unleashed a blast of lightning.

Superman held his arms up in a cross, grunting as the lightning hit him.

Black Adam flew at Superman with his fist sparking as he brought it back.

Before he could punch him, Superman grabbed each of Adam's forearms and help him in place easily.

Adam grunted as Superman moved his arms away with ease.

"Big mistake." Superman said as Adam looked terrified before Superman hit him with an uppercut , hurling him into the air before Superman flew up after him and punched Adam into the pavement.

Superman landed in front of Black Adam as Wonder Woman landed in front of Goddess.

"Suzy are you alright?" She asked.

Black Adam tried to get up, but fell back to the ground, Superman kicking him onto his back.

"Don't even try it Black Adam." Superman said before he heard something with his advanced hearing.

He looked up and saw a very large man fly down from the sky and crashed in front of him.

The man looked as if all of his skin had been burned off and his muscles almost looked armored and black around his chest with yellow portions.

The man looked incredibly intensely at Superman as he walked forward slowly.

"Who are you?" Superman asked.

"Who am I?" The man said as Superman saw two streetlights surge with electricity before their electricity flew into him, the man surging as well.

"You can call me, Nuclear Man." He said before he thrusted his fist forward and unleashed a yellow energy blast that hurled Superman back and through a building.

Wonder Woman saw this and drew her sword before a powerful wind hit her and hurled her back.

Wonder Woman got up and saw a large red humanoid robot in front of her wearing a blue cape and with a large yellow T shaped stripes coming across his chest and arms.

She flew at the robot and punched it, hurling it back before she flew at it again.

The Robot got up and aimed his hand forward spinning it so fast a small tornado was actually generated and swept Wonder Woman up, the Robot leaping into the Tornado and punching her back beside Goddess.

Wonder Woman held her sword up, but saw Goddess was still wounded and lifted her up in her arms before flying off.

The robot saw this and kept watching her as she flew off.

Superman got up as he saw Nuclear Man fly at him.

Superman kicked off the ground and smashed his fist into Nuclear man, hurling him back.

Nuclear man got up and flew back at Superman, Superman grabbing his forearms like he did Black Adam.

Nuclear Man, however, proved to be be stronger than Black Adam, much stronger. In fact he was stronger than Wonder Woman, his strength seemed to be near his own. Nuclear man forcing his arms free before punching Superman and hurling him back.

Superman saw him fly towards him and gave an intense look.

He flew up and intercepted, Nuclear Man, hurling him back into the ground and blasting him with Heat Vision.

Nuclear Man held his arms up as the heat vision hit him.

He went back by en electronics store and held his arm out, energy surging through the window and into him. Energy surging through Nuclear man.

He flew into Superman, punching his charged fist into Superman, crashing him though another building.

Superman saw Nuclear man floating over him with Black Adam in his arms.

"I will make you suffer Superman, I will make you know the pain I have known." Nuclear Man said before he and the red robot flew off.

Superman was now very concerned, wanting to know who that man was and where he came from.

Superman flew at top speed towards a mountain near a coastal town.

He landed at the base of the mountain and approached it as he was scanned.

"Recognized Superman." A voice said as a part of gar ground opened up allowing him to enter the mountain.

Inside was a sort of base built into the mountain.

There was a main area with a pool of water, a series of computers and other equipment.

Standing near the computers were Cyborg , Silas, and Cisco.

Also standing in the main area was Batman, Aquaman,The Ace of Spades, Green Arrow, Artemis, Nightwing , Starfire, Black Canary, Red Arrow, Cheshire, Artemis, Wally and Spartan.

"I gotta say I'm digging your guys' headquarters." Cisco said.

"It's less conspicuous than that Hall they built us." Aquaman said.

"Where's Flash, Lantern, and Marvel?" Superman asked.

"Flash and Lantern are in bad shape, Caitlin, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter are looking at them." Cyborg said.

"And Marvel?"

"Billy hasn't been found yet." Batman said sounding concerned.

"I see, I'll tell Goddess." He said.

"Someone's clearly hunting us, common enemies of us now working together." Aquaman said.

"Yeah, they've formed their own Injustice league, Boom!" Cisco said.

Superman's eyes widdened.

"I need to see my children."

"Don't worry they're safe." Superman heard as he saw M'gann walk in.

"My uncle sent me to get them as soon as this happened. I've been watching them."

Wonder Woman came back with Martian Manhunter.

"Caitlin said they'll need time to recover, they were both injured badly." Wonder Woman said.

"Right now we should identify who we're up against." Batman said as he went over everyone they had seen so far.

"That was Black Manta with Atrocitus." Aquaman said.

"That robot was likely the work of T.O Morrow." Silas said.

"Nuclear Man's origin is still a mystery." Superman said.

"Black Adam, Doctor Light." Green Arrow said.

"Silver Banshee."

"Cheetah, Joker, and this man." Batman said as The Ace's eyes widened when he saw the bearded man in the coat.

He stepped closer to the screen.


"Ace, you know this man?" Canary asked.

"His name is Vandal Savage, I've known him for a long time. The last time I saw him was at the battle of the Bulge, when I killed him for the sixth time."