OH MY GOODNESS GUYS HI! This is my Rewrite of 'WHat I'm Not' and i'm so excited for you guys to read it! It's been so long since I've updated anything, and for that I'm sorry. I'm hoping to update soon in the near future and get some inspiration. Right now, I have nothing sadly.

I don't have many people to brain storm with, so how bout you guys! What scenario could get Bree to travel with the Elrics? I have a few idea's, but none of them extreme enough for her to have to travel with them. Please share your idea's down in the comments. The more feedback I get, the more inspiration I'll get so that I can update faster!

Hopefully, with this being my senior year, I can do a lot more writing that I did last year! I also hope that I'm improving as a writer. For those who have read 'What I'm Not', I would love some feedback comparing the two! I love you guys .

So without a further adieu, here's chapter one! Enjoy! (BTW, I only own Bree and the new POV as of right now :) )

"Bree! Get up!" my mom yells as she opens my door with a loud click. I jolt awake, emerging from a deep sleep as a stream of light hits me in the face. Holding onto a fragment of the dream, I groan loudly to show my displeasure. But, as usual, she ignores me. I lay in bed for a minute before getting the energy to get up.

I roll out of bed, groggily getting my clothes and walking into the bathroom across the hall. I throw on the clothes I set out the night before and apply little makeup after washing my face. I wasn't one of those girls that takes thirty minutes just to curl their hair. As long as my hair is out of my face and is presentable, I didn't really care if it was in a slightly disheveled ponytail.

I take a moment to examine my face, seeing where I should put concealer on. My green eyes scan my face, pushing my dirty blond hair behind my ear to see. I scrunch up my full lips, turning my face side to side to get a better view. Dabbing a few drops of concealer on my button nose before deeming my face acceptable for the public.

I grab my phone and run down stairs; quickly grabbing my lunch box, breakfast, and my tennis things off the kitchen table. Thankfully, my mom gets these things ready for me before I leave. Which, I am immensely grateful for.

"Bye mom, I love you!" I catch her before she was out the door to go walking with her friends.

"Bye, have a good day at school. I love you," she says before closing the front door behind her. I check the time on the clock hanging on the wall. Ten minutes before schools officially starts.

"Dad!" I call, hearing booming noises coming from the back of the house. Walking down the hallway, I find him exercising with a DVD. "Dad!" I yell more loudly than before. His head snaps towards me, slightly startled. "I'm going, have a good day at work!"

"Ok, have a good day at school Sunshine. I love you." I grab the keys off of the washer next to the room he was in and open the door to the garage, calling to him the same affections. My brother probably already left to go to his college classes, seeing his truck gone.

I grab my tennis shoes off of the self and quickly tie them up, opening the garage door as I do so. Walking outside, I head towards the small SUV that was my car that I had the privilege of driving. It was nothing fancy, not a clunker and not a super nice car. It was somewhere in between the three, but my parents were the ones that actually owned it.

My street was fairly quiet, line with houses of all shapes and sizes. Looking around outside, I realize it was snowing. Big flakes swirl down and covered the land in white. That was weird to have snow in April. But strange weather always happens in Colorado so I disregard my observation. I start the car, letting it warm up as I search for a decent radio station that is playing a song that I could sing to. Once I did and the car was warmed up, I start to head to school.

The day mainly consists of tedious classes. Sure, some classes I actually like and I enjoy being in them. But there was some that I kept looking at the clock to see how many more minutes I had to endure. There were moments in a class where something funny was said or someone's actions were ridiculous. I had lunch in the band room, not really wanting to go out to eat and to mess around with my underclassmen friends.

Today, we were having the pep rally at the last thirty minutes of school. And I was going to be recognized for being on varsity tennis. They'll call my name and I'll run around the gym for all to see. My heart was flittering like a bird at the thought of being recognized, knowing exactly where I was going to throw my bundle that was a school shirt. They told me to stay outside of the gym doors and wait for my name to be called. I keep my hands busy by picking at the shirt, excitement filling my legs as I move around. There is no way to stay standing still for me, I always have to be moving. A lot of my friends comment on this trait.

They told me to wear something tennis. I was not wearing our uniforms, which consist of tank tops and miniskirts, that was for sure. So, I thought about wearing what I would wear to practice. I was positive that athletic shorts were ok, especially if they were primarily black with orange highlighting them. (By the way that's our school colors) Then, every year we order school tennis shirts, sweats, and jacket for the season. So, I was wearing a black long sleeve shirt that had our school name on the back, a tennis ball, and my name running down one of the sleeves. Then, obviously, I wore tennis shoes on my feet with my hair in my ponytail. The nice thing about this is that I don't have to change after the rally for tennis practice.

The gym quiets down as I hear our Student Body presidents introduce themselves and get the rally going. They say a few words until they let one of the police officers take the mic and start talking. I didn't bother talking to any other athletes around me. Most of them I didn't know and my fellow tennis players weren't the nicest people in the school. They mostly gossiped about some girl I didn't know and kept to themselves, which I was totally fine with. I wasn't into the whole gossiping thing anyway.

That's when they started calling out the names, the athletes outside of the gyms doors start to dwindle rapidly as I could hear people trying to get their attention in the bleachers. Then, they call my name and my heart leaps into my throat.

"Now, our tennis 3 doubles varsity player, Bree Hollingsworth!" With my hands sweaty, I jog out around the perimeter of the gym. People were yelling at me to throw my bundle towards them, especially the seniors and juniors. But I had a specific place where I was going to throw the prize. Right above the junior section of the gym stood the Marching Band people.

I've done Marching Band ever since I got to High School and let me tell you, its really helped me out these past two years. I could get really awkward around people I don't know and most of the time they would just pretend I wasn't there. Which I was totally fine with. But then, my brother told me how much fun band was and how it made his senior year great. But I've never been in band, only choir and could play the piano on my own. It was a really big change for me, but it was for the better. Most of my friends in high school are in band and they helped me with a lot of class work that I didn't understand. And I love making music with them, painting a picture in silence with sounds.

So, of course I would throw my bundle up to them. Most of them were out of their seats and calling out to me. I could hear a lot of my nicknames they came up for me and were waving their arms. I wind my arm back and threw the cloth as hard as I could. One of the saxophone players catches it and yells in triumph. I laugh as I run through the tunnel the seniors made up at the end.

Immediately, I make my way up to the band section to play me some cymbals. A goofy smile adorns my lips as I walk up the bleachers, seeing my section making space for me to sit down.

"Hey Bree, here's your cymbals!" Abby exclaims, holding out a pair to me as she balances her own on her lap. She was one of my favorite people in my section, always so cheery and smiley.

"Thanks Abs, appreiciate it," I smile back to her, feeling someone kneeing my back. Turning in my seat as I set the cymbals firmly on my lap, I look up to Blake. He was the tallest and boniest kid I have ever met, but at least we shared the same sense of humor.

"What?" I ask, my eyebrow raised.

"You're going to get a big head," he flicks my forehead playfully, me glaring at him.

"No I'm not," I pout at him, rubbing the spot on my head.

"I don't think she could even if she tried," Relena, a meaty girl with dark skin and the sassiest ego you will ever meet, says in my defense as she slings an arm around my shoulders. Abby and I giggle as we watch their heated glares, covering our mouths as to not to be too noisy. The Class Reps come back out to thank the couches and stuff. Yadda yadda yadda, I was too busy trying to poke Blake in the side to make him squirm like a fish.

Suddenly, all the lights went out. The gym was pitch black and only the dim light from outside streak parts of the gym. Some girls scream, but mostly we all gasp. I look around in confusion, had the snow knocked out the power? Or did the snow leak into the electrical box? Probably just a hiccup; nothing to really worry about. That is, until there was a resonating boom that sent shivers up my spine. Something was wrong, the atmosphere didn't feel right. And that's saying something in any school. Then the lights suddenly flicker on.

But…what was that in the middle of the gym?

Is that…

The Gate?

I look around the gym, and see most people were bewildered. A few people actually knew what it was, looking at it with mouths agape and frozen in their seats.

"What the heck it that?" Relena whispers, looking around at us for some answers.

"I think that's the Gate…" I trail off, giving Blake a look. He knows what it is, and from the look on his face, he's more shocked than I was.

"The what?" Abby asks.

"It's from an anime… maybe they did this on purpose? Like its part of the rally?" I suggest. I still had a bad feeling about it. I look over to the student body presidents, and they looked confused just like everybody else. Then the Gate opens, revealing black hands, whispers, the eye.

And the eye was looking straight at me.

Black hands shoot out and start to wrap around my waist and limbs, so fast that I didn't have any time to think before they had their hold on me. A scream rips past my lips as they lift me up out of the bleachers, pulling me in. There was a registration of feeling warm hands trying to pull me back, but I was too lost in the way the cold ones hold me. I struggle the best I can with screams and jerks, but they had an unbreakable grip on me. I fly into the air, the last thing I saw was the old bleachers and my friends looking after me in pure terror before the gate swallows me up in blackness.

(New POV)

It was so cold and dark in this place. Where am I? How long have I been here? I don't remember much, everything in my world was a black nothingness. I couldn't tell if I was in it, or if I was it. Had it always been like this? A place that held a black void that whispers indistinguishable things to me? Floating aimlessly for time and all eternity? Time doesn't exist here, I know that. At first, when I was conscious enough, I tried twist and jerk away from those cold hands. But now, I let my mind wonder as if I was dead. Is this death?

There was a loud sound, making the whisperings frantic as a light shines somewhere far away. I shield my face from it. What is that? Something opposite of dark I suppose. There was a pushing sensation that washes over me, my body not resisting as the light draws closer and closer. Again, I wonder where I am to be in such a place.

The light engulfs me as I suddenly stand on solid ground, my legs shaking so bad that I fall to my knees. Looking around myself, all I saw was white that stretched far beyond the horizon. If there was a horizon. A large door stands behind me, making me wonder what was holding it up since I could clearly see that it was floating in midair. There was this déjà vu sense that I was getting, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I narrow my eyes at the grey door, hoping it would give me some answers. I got none.

"Hello again," was that one person, or multiple? Trying to turn myself around to face whoever had spoken, I fall on my butt to the ground. Standing over me, was… something. From one look at it, I knew it wasn't human, even if its form did take on a human appearance. But this was white, save for a dotted black outline. It was like a blank slate, waiting for someone to draw in its features.

"Again?" I ask, my voice dry and cracking. How long has it been since I've spoken? It cocks its head to the side, before snapping its fingers.

"Oh, you don't remember." It says, coming to squat in front of me. My body trembles, feeling the need to get away. But I was frozen to the spot. What was this creature standing in front of me? "The Gate must've decomposed your memory over time. I can fix that," It touched my forehead, things suddenly flashing before my eyes.

It was like it opened something in my brain, things flooding into my mind. My memories. My childhood. My friends. My house. My siblings. My favorite things. My dislikable things. My personality. My parents.

My parents.

And their death.

That night that was covered in blood.

My rage that stretched on into oblivion.

My end.

I wanted to scream at Truth right then and there as everything floods back to me, the painful memories that wash over my senses till I became numb. Everything bad that's happened to me, those who were ripped away, was all because of the creature standing in front of me. A feral growl escapes my lips as I lunge towards it, ready to strangle the creature.

But my body stops, frozen in place as a grin spreads across its features. Why can't I move?! I'm not frozen in fear, that much is for certain. It has to be from an outside force. The only one present is Truth itself.

"Oh no, we can't have any of that." It says, coming to my eye level. "I need you for something, and you're going to help me." I scoff at it, trying in vain to move. I will not be bossed around by the likes of it.

"Like I'm going to help you after what you did to me," I hiss, straining my muscles to move.

"Oh, but you will," It sneers, hearing the Gate open behind me. I didn't dare look back in the darkness, being sick of it. Unexpectedly, the hands didn't come out to pull me in, there were things coming out. Black wisps of people float out, creating a circle around the two of us. My eyes stray to each person, not being able to identify their faces. There must've been over a thousand of them, maybe more.

"What-what is this?" I ask, my voice steely as it grins down at me. My body shivers at the sight.

"All these souls are of people who were consumed by darkness in their life," it explains, coming face to face with me. "Anger, hate, betrayal, envy, bitterness; you are familiar with these emotions, correct?" Of course I was, but why does that matter now?

"Cut the crap, Truth," I sneer, still struggling against the invisible hands, "Tell me what's going on!" His smile falters, slowly turning into a frown. Anger boils under my skin from just looking at it.

"I thought you would've figured it out by now," it says, slightly annoyed with my ignorance. "I'm creating a stone."

"The Philosopher Stone?" my heart thuds against my chest at the unpleasant memories the stone has brought me. That would explain all of these souls here, including mine. But why would Truth, with all of its power, want to create a stone?

"No, no. It's not that," it waves its hand dismissively at me. "The Philosopher Stone is just raw power from human souls. But, I can take human emotions and turn that into more efficient energy."

"But why? What would you gain out of creating something like this?" If this stone was more powerful than the Philosopher Stone, what does it have in store for this? If it went down to the mortal world, who knows what would happen.

"Entertainment," It smirks, "I'm sending a girl from the other dimension down to your world, and she will harbor this new stone in her body."

"So in other words, she's going to become a Homunculus. You're going to take yet another life and ruin it!" I scream, giving up trying to break free of its hold on me.

"Not quite, it's only a homunculus if they are infused with a Philosophers Stone. She'll have the same qualities as the Homunculus, but she'll be more… refined than the others." It explains, stepping away from me and holds out its arms. "And, I'm not going to ruin her life. She has no future in her world, but she will in yours."

"Bull crap!" I shout, not believing in a word it says. A lot of people think they don't belong in their world. But in the end, they carve their own slice of life and live with it. I've seen it multiple times in my life, what would make one girl so special?

"Guess you'll just have to see for yourself, Cassandra Savage. Or, as you will be called, Anger.

Black light erupts from its arms as the wind picks up around me. My soul flies towards the source of the light, pressure building around me as I scream for it to stop. But it never did, that is, until the deed was complete.

(Bree POV)

I wake up in the white void that's the passage between worlds. There's literally nothing. No smell, nothing to touch and I didn't even know if I'm floating or if I'm actually on ground. Looking around frantically, I find the large floating Gate behind me.

"Wh-where…?" I breathe, knowing exactly where I was but not being able to accept it. I have to be dreaming, it was the only logical explanation to this. "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming," I chant to myself. Squeezing my head in between my hands, I close my eyes as I try to imagine myself back in the gym. This can't be real, even if it was staring at me straight in the face.

"Hello," a sly, inhuman voice calls out. I shake my head, otherwise not moving from the position I was in.

"You're…You're not real," I mumble, taking a peek at the thing. It was completely white, save for the black outline if it's body to make known it's presence. No eyes, no definable features, but a mouth that was ginning at me with overly large teeth. If this is what you saw when you die, no wonder people believe in the devil.

"Then what will you do? Chant to yourself lies?" he smiles, noticing one of its hands was holding something. It was too small to protrude from its hand, hiding it slightly behind its body. What is that?

"What do you want with me?" I ask, slowly letting my arms fall limply to my side. For some reason, I wanted to run if I had to. Like the fleeting feeling you get when you see a bad accident. The only word that was important was run.

"I want to play a game," he answers simply, his smile never leaving his face. It was unnerving. "And don't worry, I'm the one that brought you here so there's no payment required." That didn't make me less on edge, it makes my body hum with adrenaline. There was always a payment in coming here, and it saying that there is none is terrifying. What kind of game is it this?

"A game?" I ask, confused as to what he could be talking about. This wasn't in the show…This wasn't in the show! Panic grips my chest and gives it a tight squeeze. I know I've read fanfictions about this sort of situation, and the explanation wasn't always enjoyable.

"Yes," Truth holds out his hand, letting it open as black matter flies towards me; imbedding itself into my body. Anger floods through me, raw and dangerous as it absorbs into my body. I heard my heartbeat in my ears, my breaths becoming rapid. With a shout of pain, I fall to my knees as I realize what this feeling was. Terrified. This fury terrifies me, feeling it spreading throughout my body like a poison.

"What…" I whimper, trying to hold back sobs that were closing my throat.

"This is just to make the game more interesting." Truth smiled, more wide that usual.

"What… is this game?" I breathe, trying to control these feeling that were ready to burst out of my body.

"This is a new game that I have started, it's getting too dull in both worlds."

"So this game, it's taking people from another world and putting them in another?" I mutter, noticing a headache starting to form.

"What does that world offer you? Being picked, you are offered so much more than you would have back in your home." His face never moves from that freaky grin and it was making my anxiety more and more extreme.

"Like what? Because from my point of view, I don't see anything in it for me." I clench my hands, my heels lifting slightly from the ground so that I could run. I don't know where I would run to in this white nothingness, but as long as I could get away to give myself some time to think I would give it a chance. Suddenly, it throws its head back in laughter and the sound fades off into nothing.

"This game is going to be interesting! I'll have fun as I watch you make something of this new world. You'll probably be the showing me what a pitiful human being you are!" He exclaims as its grin almost reaches its ears.

The Gate opens once again, its hands reaching out like mist to take me away. I struggle as much as I can, but I knew it was no use as the hands have a vice grip on my body. I scream at the effort of trying to free myself, not caring that Truth was watching my pathetic struggling. They lift me effortlessly in the air, me straining to move my body away from their cold hands.

"We will meet again human, just you wait," Its smile was the last thing I saw before the Gate closes with a thunderous boom.

Out of nowhere, there was a blinding white light that surges towards me. Images of my past rush past me in ribbons. I half expected to see all the knowledge in the world, however I never saw it. It wasn't a head splitting sensation, more like a nauseous feeling in my stomach. Vertigo fogs my mind as I spin endlessly in a fall.

Please give me some feedback in the magical box below, I really appreciate it! /(^-^)/