School starts soon...Where did all the days go? :/ But don't worry, I'll still keep writing :) I will just have less time...

Anywho, who's ready for chapter 2! Ha, that rhymes ;P By the way, thanks for the reviews! :D

Disclaimer: You really think I own this? Oh, I'm flattered, but no. I do not own Lab Rats. Just my OCs and the plot ;) ENJOY! :D

Chapter 2:

Well, this is awkward... Leo thought as he sat on the chair by the boy's bed. It hadn't been at first. They had talked about the comic book and superheroes for a while, b He didn't even know who this kid was!

"So what's your name?" Leo asked when the boy looked up at him again, desperately trying to break the uncomfortable silence. The boy looked down at his hands again, frowning.

"What, is it a secret?" Leo said with a fake laugh, because seriously this awkwardness was killing him. Maybe he could sneak out of the room again and pretend this never happened.

"I don't know it..." the boy said quietly and even Leo's thoughts halted. What?!

"You... don't know it..?"

"Amnesia" the boy explained and tapped a finger to his temple. "I can't remember it."

"Wow..." Leo breathed unsure of what else there was to say as the boy looked at him nervously. "Is it just the name or..?"

"Everything." the boy said with a defeated sigh. "I can't remember anything. I mean there are some fuzzy memories, but nothing clear... So, yeah, I can't remember anything."

"Wow." Leo said again and the boy looked a bit bothered. Leo was bothering himself as well. Come on, Dooley! There must be something to say. You asked for interesting, here you have it.

"So... how'd you end up here?" Leo asked leaning forward a bit as he looked at the scars on the boy's body.

"Well, I obviously doesn't remember." he started with a small smile. "But the doctors and nurses have told me that the local fire fighters got called out to a fire in what was be an abandoned warehouse or something. Obviously it wasn't." He loosely gesture to himself, the self-conscious smile back. "They found me there...barely alive. So I was taken here. They managed to save my life and, well, I've been here since. Almost three months..."

"Wow," Leo said for a third time. Okay, he had to stop that. "That's quite a story. So what happened next? I mean there can't have been just three months of nothing. What about your family?" Leo quickly realized he had said the wrong thing as the boy looked down again, biting his lip.

"Hey, what's that?" Leo asked as he realized that the boy was fidgeting with something.

"You know, you sure ask a lot for someone bargain into a stranger's hospital room." the boy said with a teasing tone and looked up at Leo, who's cheek turned red again. Though the boy still gave him the object. It turned out to be a photograph, or more correctly, a destroyed photograph.

"What's this?" Leo asked as he turned the photograph and looked at the back for a moment before giving it back to the boy, who shrugged.

"Don't really know... They said I was holding it when they found me." he explained.

"So... what-... what about your family? I mean you don't remember them, but they should remember you, right?" Leo asked, his voice soft so not to upset the boy again.

"Yeah, they should, I suppose. But... I-... I don't know. Nobody's been here." the boy mumbled and Leo was sure he saw a tear glisten on his cheek.

"Wow..." Leo muttered again, there was no pleasant reason for that to happen.

"You're really repetitive, you know that?" the boy pointed out with a small smirk.

"Yeah, I know." Leo groaned. "I blame boredom though."

The boy laughed and Leo looked over him again with a thoughtful look. "Why don't you choose your own name?" he inquired, causing the boy to look baffled.


"Why don't you choose your own name?" Leo repeated. "I mean being nameless for three months can't be fun, but it also means you have the biggest opportunity to choose your own name. If I could choose my own name it would probably be... Emmett, because it means 'powerful', or Danger! Yeah, Danger Dooley!"

The boy laughed again and Leo relaxed from his hero-ish pose with a slight embarrassed smile, he got a little carried away.

"Well, we have talked about it, but I guess I just didn't want it to prevent any possible memories, you know..." the boy said, his gaze at the photograph. Then he looked up with a genuine smile. "But maybe you're right, maybe I should choose my own name. Wanna help me?"

"Yeah!" Leo said with a big grin and glanced down at the photograph in the boy's hands. "So it's gonna start with Ch?"

"Yes..." the boy said a little unsure, but then shook his head. "Yes, it is." he said determined."

"Okay, let's see." Leo said and stood up and walked around in the room a bit. "Ch- Ch- Ch- Ch-... Cho-...Cha-...Che-...Ch- Ch- Ch-..."

"You sound insane..." the boy muttered and Leo stopped his pacing and turned to him.

"Yeah, maybe." he admitted. "But I know what your new name should be... Cheng!"


"Yeah, no, you're right. That's completely wrong for you... So maybe... Hmm..." Leo started his pacing again. "Ch- Che- Chi- Cho- Cho-... Chouglas! No, definitely not. Cho- Che- Cho-... Chonald?"

"That's not even real names!" the boy exclaimed and seemed to have a hard time keeping his laughter in.

"Okay, okay. So maybe... Maybe... Cha-... Char... Charles!" Leo suggested, then shook his head quickly. "No, it doesn't feel quite right..."

"Well, at least it's a real name." the boy pointed out and Leo hummed in agreement. "But it doesn't feel right. Just almost... So maybe... CHARLIE!" Leo spun around towards the boy again, his grin reaching from ear to ear. "What do you say? Charlie?" he asked and the boy frowned for a moment before a smile found its way to his face as well.

"I... like it." he said. "It doesn't feel correct, but good enough. Besides, I don't think any name will feel correct."

"Well, then it's settled, Charlie." Leo announced and clasped his hands together. "Charlie Kent!"

"Kent? Why would my last name be Kent?" the boy -now Charlie- questioned.

"Because you're obviously a superhero!" Leo exclaimed. "I mean a mysterious boy with no memory, or so he claims at least, of his past and origin comes to a hospital cove from a burning building that was supposed to be abandoned. That's like totally a superhero recipe!"

They both laughed as Charlie shook his head.

"You're out of your mind." he mumbled just as Leo felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Looking down at the message, he saw his mother telling him to meet her by the entrance.

"I gotta go." he said and turned towards the door. "My mom's done with today's interviews, but maybe I can come back tomorrow."

"Wait!" Charlie shouted and Leo turned around again. "Aren't you going to tell me your name?"

"Oh, right. It's Leo." Leo said with a smile, before bowing, a fake accent coloring his voice. "Leo Francis Dooley at your service."

"Okay, bye Leo." Charlie said as Leo turned around once more and almost collided with Dr. McKenzie, who had just walked into the room.

"Whoa! You've got to stop that!" Leo exclaimed in shock before glancing back at the bed. "Bye Charlie!"

"I got to stop that?" Dr. McKenzie mumbled with a shake of his head as the boy disappeared out through the door. He then looked at the boy in the bed. "Charlie?" he questioned curiously and the boy shrugged.

"It's better than nothing."

"Yeah, I guess it is." Dr. McKenzie agreed and glanced back at the hallway. "Though that new friend of your is kind of weird."

"Yeah, I know" Charlie said with a laugh as a smile graced his scarred face. But it's better than nothing. A lot better actually.

Thanks for reading, hope you liked this chapter! :D

Also, I have put up a poll on my profile about forthcoming stories, I would be really grateful if you could take your time and check it out :)

Until next time! :) /Libra