Tournaments Of Kings

The World Martial Arts Tournament

天下一武道会, Tenkaichi Budōkai; lit. "Best Martial Arts Tournament on Earth")

Prologue 1

We are pawns of something greater.

We fear what we don't understand.

Our lives flash before our very eyes at the end of the road.

In the end it is our choices that determines our fate through the destinies of others.

We are

We are not defined between good or evil rather, it is our actions, our conscious, our consequences, and the effects it has on others defines/ depicts whether we are good or evil.

"What the devil are you?!" A man demanded in fear as he was near death on ground.

A person with a hood cloak stood staring at the man as if he was staring the depths of the soon to be dead man very soul. The man pointed what appears to be a shotgun at the dead man. The man had cold dead eyes ready to send the other to the next life. "Your worst nightmare". The cloaked man said as he murdered in cold blood.

Prologue 2

*BRVVVVV* A gigantic blast occurred

"End of the line." A man said as he was in front of another weakened man,

"Ack!" The weakened man with black cloak coughed up blood

"Any last words"?

"Just 4."

"Hado #90 Kurohitsugi."

With these 4 words the world flashed black. Before anyone could blink darkness enveloped the world as they knew it.

Prologue 3

Bankai: Zanka No Tachi!

Soon fire engulfed the entire stadium.

How can such scenario be may be you wonder. In order to tell. Let's look back in time.