Summary: AU. Beca is a top CIA agent that gets captured by a psychopathic villain named 'The Doctor'. Beca would've killed her enemy on the spot if it wasn't for how gorgeous she was. Bechloe, Beca/Chloe. Staubrey, Stacie/Aubrey.

A/N: I credit the later situations in this chapter to the Guest 'Me', it's a major turning point in the story in terms of Beca and Jesse finally meeting again! Oh, and I'm glad you enjoyed the previous chapter, Selena! It means so much! So I thank you for that, and enjoy this chapter everyone!

Falling for the Enemy

Chapter Fifteen

"Hey, Aubrey," Jesse rested his scalp against the headrest of the dentist's chair, gazing into Aubrey's deep, shimmering green orbs. For many days, he'd gotten to know the blonde, understanding her Post-traumatic stress disorder in further detail. Aubrey had revealed aspects surrounding her condition, such as the weekly panic attack she'd experience during late evenings. As the hours passed by, Jesse gradually grew more intrigued about The Doctor's emotionally disturbed, reclusive sidekick, understanding the reasoning behind Aubrey's decision to work under the woman that had completely destroyed her previous, 'perfect' life out of excessive envy, "Just curious to know, do you…trust me?"

Aubrey frowned; this hadn't gone unnoticed by the younger man, "What do you mean, Jesse?"

"Well, I mean what I'm asking…do you trust me? I'm a CIA agent, I was sent here with my colleague to assassinate your crazy boss. So, even though we've befriended each other, opening up about some pretty deep shit and whatnot…I've always had this gut feeling that you don't trust me. I could turn on you at any moment, but I don't; I don't because you're somebody I'm able to relate to. You're somebody on my wavelength. You're somebody who's incredibly strong, not allowing past experiences to affect you. And…you're somebody that has the option to kill me here and now, but chooses not to. So, I'm not sure if I trust you," Appearing deflated by this, Aubrey broke her eye contact with Jesse, "Hey, hey…please, Aubrey, I don't mean it in a bad way, you're my friend and I can trust you to some extent…it's just me being skeptical; I work for the good guys, you work for the bad guys. But, along the way, we've built up an unusual friendship. A friendship that, well…it could last a lifetime, Bree."

Running her fingers through his greasy, unruly hair, Aubrey crouched down and planted a tender, adoring kiss atop of Jesse's head. She traced over his bruised, cut cheeks with the pad of her thumb and sadly shook her hand. Jesse's distant, weary, honey-brown eyes grew heavy, watching Aubrey's upset, unsettled expression morph into one of care, compassion and love.

"I do trust you, Jesse. Please believe me, because I do. I really, really do."

"Cuddles are your 'calming antidote', aren't they?" Beca began, resting a hand on Chloe's. Herself and Chloe were sat underneath a blanket, a blazing, crackling fire burning up firewood metres away from the springy, padded couch. The redhead nodded in response, "So, when you loose your temper with somebody - most likely Aubrey - remember that I'm always happy to give you a hug. I know I'm small, and I'm not very good with giving physical contact, but I love to hug you."

"Really?" Chloe pulled her side of the blanket further up her body, snuggling deeper into it.

"Really," Beca confirmed, "You know I love to do anything with you, Chlo."

"I know."

The brunette rose her eyebrow quizzically, "You do? How?"

"Because I just know, munchkin."

God, she's perfect, Beca outstretched her hand, trailing across Chloe's chin with a single finger. Chloe blushed furiously, her face almost matching the vibrant colour of her hair, and she's been so good for the past few days; it's like she's on her best behaviour, a naughty child turned perfect. I'm proud of her. I can't stay scared of her when she's all innocent and flustered. At least, not entirely…I've still got to keep my guard up, Chloe's an extremely volatile person.I'm still unsure if she's capable of love. Geez, she's full of all these damn mood swings. Angry episodes, creepy laughter, chirpy and bubbly giggling fits. Maybe she's got schizophrenia, too…I can see what Bumper was getting at when he'd tried to identify her condition. I love this woman to pieces, but I can't just cave in and allow her to loose it with me; not again, I love her too much…that slap seriously hurt me, physically and emotionally, so I've gotta get her under control…before it happens again. Once was bearable, I'd barely known her. Twice was awful, she'd done it even when we'd bloody kissed and cuddled that previous evening and morning. God, I love her so much, I do…she's fucking gorgeous, and yet she's so changeable. It's frightening, it really is. But I'll help her as best as I can. She's needed emotional support for years, and nobody's helped her…they've been too scared to intervene. But, because I love her, I'll do it. I'll do it my own way. Cuddling, kissing and sensitive words are her medication. Yeah, that's perfect…they'll be her medication. Oh, God…trust me to fall for the kookiest, 'evil villains' that my agency's opposing. Hey, but love conquers all, doesn't it?

"I love you, do you know that?" Leaning forwards, Beca gently pecked Chloe's lips. Chloe nodded, murmuring an inaudible response under her breath, "I really do love you, Chlo…you're beautiful. You're sexy, you're stunning and you're drop-dead gorgeous…pure, fucking gorgeousness. And I'll do whatever it takes to help you. You deserve it, I know you're not a bad person; I know you didn't mean to hurt me, it was just one of your 'moments'. And besides, my cheek's healed a bit. It's not sore anymore, so that's a good sign, I guess," The redhead smiled weakly out of gratitude, "It's true, Chloe…I haven't stopped loving you, even from that 'incident'. Even from those nightmares I had about you…and, amazingly, from you kidnapping me after sedating me. I can't stop loving you, Red. It's my own body's fire, it's life force that's keeping my heart tick. Before we'd met, I didn't feel as though I had much of a purpose in life, y'know? Things were tough, but I pulled through and survived. Because that's who I am, I'm Beca effin' Mitchell. I don't go down without a fight, Chlo. That's why I'm fighting for us, to give us a shot at being together…that's why I want to help you get better. And, who knows, we might even get married one day if things work out. I know you'll never love me how I love you, it's totally understandable…but I know you feel a little love, that's a half-decent start. Especially with those blushes!"

"Thank you, Beca," Chloe nuzzled Beca's jawline, the tip of her nose dragged across the smooth, pale skin's surface, "Thank you…for everything you're doing. It all helps. But…but I…" I don't love you like you love me. I just don't. I can't. I can't even be in an actual relationship, it's too much commitment. And marriage? Pssh, I won't marry anyone.

"But what, baby?" What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Becs," Chloe quickly kissed Beca's lips, "Don't worry, I appreciate all you're doing for me, it's one the kindest, most sincerest things anyone's ever done for me. You…will understand if I don't reciprocate what you've done, won't you?" Beca nodded, tucking loose strands of hair being Chloe's ear, "I appreciate that, too. Hmm…would you wish for me to open up to you?" She queried. A test, a game, whatever she'll call it; I think she needs to see what I do. It's the only way. I know I've scared her enough over these past few weeks, and it's been awful to see her so petrified. But she has to know.

"Sure, Red."

"Wait out here, Beca," Chloe and Beca, unbeknownst to the brunette, were stood outside of Jesse's room, "I'll call you in. Don't go anywhere, okay?"

"Okay." Beca sat down on a bench adjacent to the rusting, metal door. She gave a small wave and a soft, gentle smile to Chloe. Chloe nodded and spun around, entering the room within seconds. The agent was left to her own devices, familiarizing herself to new, but not so new, surroundings. She'd recognized this hallway, it being the place of which she'd stayed for the majority of her first week in Chloe's stately home.

Before Chloe had grown to trust her. Before they'd kissed. Before Beca had admitted her love for the ever-changing, undependable, unsettled young woman.

Before she'd, literally, fallen for her enemy.

You don't scare me, Doctor," Jesse bit back harshly, finalising his first, short but snappy sentence in a mocking, sardonic way. Chloe narrowed her eyes, a low growl escaping her mouth; but the agent hadn't , "So whatever you're here for, forget it. You don't, not anymore. I'm sick and tired of living in fear from you, I'm sick and tired of giving up and cowering away, letting you win each time…I'm sick and tired of everybody giving up, resorting to a life of being controlled by their terror and anxiety towards you," He shot a brief, menacing glance at Aubrey, of whom stared back guiltily, "It's not right. Nobody should be scared shitless of someone like this. You're just fucking insecure, completely cuckoo, and a Goddamn psychopath," Chloe clenched her teeth together, the veins in her neck protruding out from her skin, "What, you can't admit the truth? The 'great, whimsical' Doctor doesn't think she's a psychopath? Look, you don't fucking scare me anymore, because I know you're just a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being who takes pleasure in hurting others until you get what you want. Am I right…or am I right?"

"Jesse." Aubrey cringed through gritted teeth; he'd been doing brilliantly, ever since she'd opened up to him about her past. The sudden urge to stand up for himself - yet again - had arisen out of nowhere. Jesse was thoroughly aware of the consequences in disobeying Chloe, but hadn't seemed to take it into consideration in the slightest.

Instead of kicking him in the skin or striking him across the face liked she'd normally do, Chloe laughed. She laughed coldly, sadistically and ruthlessly, "Oh, yes, yes. You're right, Agent Swanson. You're right, I am a psychopath, aren't I? I've been willing to admit it for more than ten years…to people that I count as 'companions'. They're more understanding then, let's say, 'enemies'. Companions get me, they'll accept it to a certain extent. My parents eventually did, as had The Nurse," Jesse scoffed in Chloe's face, fully knowing this was a lie. The redhead chose to ignore the agent's remark and continued, "But 'enemies', well…they won't understand in the slightest, will they? They're, literally, the enemy. So…they'd need more of a physical demonstration in an attempt to understand Psychopathic Personality Disorder, wouldn't they? It's simpler and far more efficient than an ineffective, mediocre explanation. Am I right, Swanson…or am I right?" When Jesse hadn't replied, utterly speechless by Chloe's statement, she'd simply shaken her head and chuckled darkly, "Stupid, stupid man…thinking you're more powerful than me, ruler of all humanity. I could kill you, here and now…but what would be the fun in that?" She beamed wide, gleaming, pearly white teeth on full show.

"I don't know what the fuck you're on about!" Jesse snapped, glaring into the redhead's charismatic, twinkling eyes, "I've had enough of your fucking 'mind games', I've had enough of you imposing fear on me! I've just had enough of it all, you twisted bitch!"

"See?" Chloe's smirk hadn't faltered, only growing larger following the agent's rant, "You're the enemy, you don't understand me or how my unique mind works. Explanations aren't the tactic to abide by, are they? No, they're not, I'm afraid. They're quite useless in situations such as these. That's why I have to show you!" She dug her sharp, clear nails into Jesse's shoulder blade, earning a groan of agony from the badly bruised, beaten man, "Oh, Agent Swanson…I do believe you're enjoying this, aren't you?"

Jesse wouldn't allow the sting of pain from Chloe's minor attack to overcome him, "No I'm not, bitch! You're evil, you're just evil!"

"I know, it's great, isn't it?" Chloe giggled maliciously.

"God, you're even crazier than I thought!" Jesse significantly rose his voice, wanting to mark his mark upon the conflict; he wouldn't give in, he was determined not to, "There's nothing in that brain of yours; no sympathy, no empathy, no feeling of remorse or regret…and no love. It must be a deep, dark, empty space."

No love, he's right about that one. No love…apart from Beca! Well, she intrigues me, I'm unsure if it's even love now. She's a nice girl, I like to kiss her. And her cuddles are nice. Hmm…maybe introducing Beca to this disobedient fool will enable me to 'open up' with her. It'll benefit our relationship - if one even develops - in the long run. It's important that I show her my intentions for the world, to see if she'll still be as dedicated to help me as she's been these past couple of days. It's an interesting method of testing Beca, either to see if she's remained slightly scared of me or if she freaks out. Hmm…well, it'll be unlikely she knows the imbecile, they'd arrived here together but I doubt there was any 'direct, close relationships' that'd developed. I'm aware they're associated with each other in a professional way, being that they've been working under that awful, dreadful CIA. But the chances of them being friends are slim…well, if they are friends, I might just be that tad possessive over the munchkin. I want her all to myself. She only deserves associating with the best, and I'm the best, not this piece of utter shit before me. I may have to kill him when the time comes…oh well, it'll be fun watching him cry in suffer as I stab him to death, Beca and Aubrey witnessing my very move. Ahh, it's just another average Monday in quiet, little Ohio.

"Oh, Agent Swanson," Chloe snickered, "I do believe a punishment is in order, don't you?" Jesse shrugged, hardly caring about his fate anymore; he'd completely given up retaliating and resisting, "Why don't I…bring somebody in to show you the game we're going to play, huh? They'll enjoy it, I'm certain. Oh, my munchkin! You may come in!"

Beca shyly opened the door, peeping her head inside. She certainly hadn't expected to see Jesse Swanson, her fellow colleague, handcuffed to a doctor's chair severely beaten and bruised. What had happened to him? Who had done this to him? Was it 'The Nurse', Chloe's whimpering and cowering, weak, weasel of a sidekick? Beca was shocked beyond belief, a million questions entering her mind all at once. It was too difficult to accurately process each one, Beca only able to - in a fit of confusion and surprise - exclaim, "J-Jesse!?"

"Be…Beca…I thought I'd never see you again…"