Needless to say, things go very wrong very quickly.
Fortunately, they go wrong in a mundane, assassin-free sort of way.
Tony is an all or nothing sort of guy. As soon as he gets back to Malibu, he throws himself into research-mode, finding out everything he can about his father's legacy. He's pretty careful about it, but those close to him aren't oblivious to his sudden change in focus.
Stane comments on Tony's lack of productivity within 48 hours. The jerk makes disparaging comments about his work ethic and how Howard would be disappointed. If I didn't already know the man viewed Tony as his "golden goose" I'd certainly have figured it out by now. The only time Stane does anything for Tony, let alone talk to him, is if he wants something in return. And the minute he feels like he's not getting all he can... Well, let's just say I'm on the look out for any shady demonstrations in the middle east.
Colonel Rhodes broaches the subject on their weekly phone call. "Hey man, you sound distracted. Everything alright?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah. I guess I am a bit distracted." Tony's voice sounds in the workshop a split second before it's processed by his cell, an annoying echo I have to deal with every time I shamelessly eavesdrop on his calls. "Sorry, Rhodey. I've just been a bit stressed lately. Obie's been pushing for more designs and I'm struggling to keep up."
If I had eyebrows, they'd be halfway up my forehead. Struggling, ha! Tony hasn't even tried. He's just been sending old designs he wasn't a hundred percent happy with whenever the demands get too annoying. He's certainly got enough on the back burner to keep SI busy, even if it isn't his best work. Tony's "bad" designs are still years ahead of the competition.
Colonel Rhodes doesn't know this, so he takes the excuse at face value. "That's rough, man."
Tony wedges the phone beneath his ear so he can use both hands to fiddle with the car engine on the table in front of him. If he weren't a genius, I'd be worried by the fact that he's talking on the phone, upgrading an engine, and reading the reports I'd compiled on SHIELD's most indiscrete missions. As it is, I'm sure his Audi will run better than ever by the time he's done.
Miss Potts, the first to suspect something and yet the last to broach the subject, isn't so easily waylaid. Aside from myself, she spends the most time around Tony. She knows him. It's almost painful to watch her eyes narrow as Tony tries to explain why he's taking two weeks vacation.
"...and I've been really stressed lately-"
"Stressed," she repeats, incredulously. "You're stressed?"
He nods, seemingly oblivious to her growing ire. "I'm struggling to come up with new designs. Gotta get my creative juices flowing again. You know how it is."
"Tony," she says slowly, anger dissipating in the wake of the most ridiculous lie I've ever heard. Good grief. Now the idiot's got her worried that something is seriously wrong. "Not once in the time I've known you have you ever lacked for ideas. Just last week you were telling me all about the new rocket launcher you wanted to build!"
"Well, that was last week," he says lamely.
She lets it go, but I don't for one moment believe she's actually going to forget about his strange behavior. I recognize the determined look on her face. She's going to convince Tony she believes him and then file away every weird thing he does until she's got enough evidence to provesomething's wrong. It's the same look my mother used to get when my father had money troubles he wouldn't own up to.
The door shuts behind her with a forboding shnick. "That went well."
Oh Tony, you gullible fool. "If you say so, sir." A barely discernible pause, then- "Are you sure you don't want to tell her what you've been doing?" I'm all for keeping this a secret from Stane, but Miss Potts is the closest thing Tony has to a sense of moderation.
He waves a hand impatiently. "She'd only worry and tell me to focus on my designs."
Why did I think this was a good idea again? "What about Colonel Rhodes? Surely he would be helpful in this endeavor, if one takes into account his military experience."
"Nah, Rhodey's got an unhealthy relationship with rules and orders. He'd be no good with this sort of thing."
"An unhealthy relationship...?"
"Yeah," Tony nods sagely. "He follows them." I have to shut off my visual display for a moment, overwhelmed by a mixture of amusement and exasperation. When I switch it back on Tony is already in the hall outside his workshop. "Start making a list for me, Aves." He doesn't bother to wait for my affirmation. "I want the five governments most implicated in the incidents that we're sure are SHIELD-related. I also want..."